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This post takes a comprehensive look at the new Verified URL Fieldtype added to the ProcessWire ProFields package. We also review updates for the latest version of ProcessWire, 3.0.112 on the dev branch: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.112-and-new-verified-url-fieldtype/7 points
Hi Bernhard, Q: .. and when the changelog.md has gone, (by accident of corse)? The modules are PHP, why not using a PHP file and including this? I think with a PHP file, people will be more careful then with a readme, or changelog file. public static function getModuleInfo() { include(__DIR__ . "/version.inc.php"); // the inc.php contains a var $moduleVersionNumRockGrid, which holds the current version return array( 'title' => 'RockGrid', 'author' => 'Bernhard Baumrock, baumrock.com', 'version' => $moduleVersionNumRockGrid, 'summary' => 'RockGrid Main Module', 'requires' => ['RockFinder'], 'installs' => ['InputfieldRockGrid'], 'icon' => 'table', 'autoload' => true, ); } This way, you can style your changelog file to match @netcarver desired formats for programatically read those in. ?4 points
I just pushed an update to my RockGrid module and came up with a new strategy for the module's version numbering: https://gitlab.com/baumrock/FieldtypeRockGrid/blob/master/FieldtypeRockGrid.module.php#L13-24 I placed a changelog file in the repo: https://gitlab.com/baumrock/FieldtypeRockGrid/raw/master/changelog.md And then the module reads the first line as the version number: 'version' => fgets(fopen(__DIR__ . '/changelog.md', 'r')), That way I just update the changelog with some comments, have everything in place and the module automatically updates the version number. This is also handy to share one version number for all child modules (eg Fieldtype + Inputfield). I'm not sure about that one, though. Do you think it is a good or a bad idea to have one common version number for both the fieldtype + inputfield or do you think it would be better to have that separate. The concept of having a readme and reading the version number from there would not be affected.3 points
https://www.i-programmer.info/news/86-browsers/12119-google-wants-to-kill-the-url-and-makes-a-start-with-chrome-69.html "... in the latest Chrome 69 the http:// and the https:// have been removed from the start of the URL as have other irrelevancies such as www., m. and other things that they haven't bothered to list. This is a mistake, as changing URLs is what scammers do and Google has now disconnected what you type in from what it shows. In addition, the scope for getting it wrong is quite high. ?What if a site shows different content on www.example.com and example.com? What if it has www in the middle of a longer URL? ...." Good article, I recommend reading it completely.3 points
2 points
Lots of updates for the weekend ? I merged all updates of the dev branch to master and bumped the version to 0.0.8 I added a changelog here: https://gitlab.com/baumrock/FieldtypeRockGrid/raw/master/changelog.md I added an example filter + floating filter that you can easily copy and customize Regarding the filter: To apply this filter to one of your columns you just need to do this (full example here: https://gitlab.com/baumrock/FieldtypeRockGrid#create-custom-filters): col = grid.getColDef('title'); col.filter = RockGrid.filters.example; col.floatingFilterComponent = RockGrid.filters.exampleFloating; Here is the example filter implementing a "smart search": https://gitlab.com/baumrock/FieldtypeRockGrid/blob/master/plugins/filters/example.js It looks like this: Code with removed comments to see that it only 100 lines of code for your very own filter without limits (custom GUI, custom filter logic etc):2 points
You can change the Logo in the AdminThemeUikit Configuration ? Just go to Modules -> Core -> AdminThemeUikit Or use the AdminOnSteroids Module "UiKitTweaks" ? And you find the footer inside of this file: \wire\modules\AdminTheme\AdminThemeUikit\_footer.php2 points
2 points
MarkInPageTree New module which does what it says in the title. It adds an icon to a page on the page tree if -> a specific field is true and / or is a specified template. For example I'm using it to add an icon to any page that has a checked (checkbox) exclusive field. This helps with admin clarity as you can see instantly which pages of the same template have differing content (i.e. are exclusive or not). https://github.com/benbyford/MarkInPageTree1 point
Visit Pigtail Pundits For a digital agency, finding the time to do your own website is always difficult. It gets marred by other priorities - new projects and ongoing projects. Unless of course, there’s some slack, and you’re alert to leverage it. We were lucky to steal some 30 odd days from other work. In the bargain we revamped our old website into something fresh, complete with updates on our newer solutions and Case Studies. The Thinking Behind the Design & Copy The whole subject of digital marketing is abstract and fuzzy to most clients. Jargon, complicates its understanding further. If we could use a familiar metaphor to describe the digital marketing solutions that we provide along with its benefits, we could perhaps inch closer to getting messages understood. Or so we thought. Equally, we could introduce some flavour into the language that metaphors do allow. Metaphors, by the way, are double-edged swords. It clarifies and also confuses. It tickles your imagination. It can also put people off. Extreme reactions, we felt, are far better than neutral ones. That was a risk that we decided to take knowing the consequences. The theme lends itself to some delightful metaphors which are not part of the usual digital marketing lexicon. The tone is aggressive. The metaphors help in blunting the sharpness. The metaphors color the language and visuals. The overall effect of this is unique. We also attempted to peel off some of the fuzziness that exists in digital marketing, especially in India, using copy. We tried to identify with the pains of the customer and then focus on our solutions as the best answers to the pains. We followed the StoryBrand framework by Donald Miller to craft the copy in the Solutions section. Visit Pigtail Pundits Under the Hood We have been votaries of ProcessWire since 2014 and have always used it on our own and client projects to great benefit. This occasion too was no different for our own website. Under the hood it uses Processwire CMS Bootstrap for theming Form Builder ProCache [gives us a page speed between 2 and 3 secs] Custom PHP for image alt tags SVG icons to reduce the weight and improve page speed. Visit Pigtail Pundits Bouquets and brickbats, welcome.1 point
Good point. Need to have a look at his module. Didn't try it so far ? I wanted to make it supersimple but a PHP file would also be fine of courses. Thanks for the input!1 point
Not helping here but just saying, I imported recently more than 800k pages, it took about 16 hours ✌️ I can't remember how much pages I deleted from the trash, but it took the night..1 point
@FrancisChung Maybe I did not express myself correctly but under Ubuntu, I was able to install AMPPS but it shows empty screen on the AMPPS Admin. I passed through the empty screen by adding some strings to /etc folder and have the ability to start/stop services and see the apache fired up promptly. The only issue left is that it still does not add the parked domains to /etc/hosts and I have to manually add it so I am in touch with the support to have this fixed somehow. If I achieve a fully working state, I will provide a little installation howto for anyone that is looking forward trying it. It is very good for local development (even though I am not comparing the performance as I am working on a computer with tons of ram and cpu power) and what is most important - works under Windows, Mac and Linux (for now hosts file needs to be edited manually even if the app is started as SU) It is not a big deal, but is a glitch that I would like to learn how to have fixed and do everything from the admin panel ?1 point
Just bd() what you need to see, eg. bd($section_title); bd($selector); bd($items); and examine what the cause could be. My guess is that there's something with the $section_title, or some news page are still inactive in some languages (de, fr).1 point
1 point
My example shows how you can do that with Hanna - you need to do something like define the value of a text variable within the hanna. They are self closing tags. There is no separate hanna close tag.1 point
Just use `<?php foreach(): ?>` and `<?php endforeach; ?>` - I very much doubt hosting companies will remove support for that. I wouldn't bother using a Template Language. It's just overhead that's not often worth it.1 point
Probably safer with paths() so you get the full disk path paths()->templates1 point
Adding to that, if you are using the Functions API, you could also use urls(). ? urls()->templates . "src/components/filename.php"; Or if you don't need to require you could try out wireIncludeFile. wireIncludeFile("./src/components/filename");1 point
Use absolute paths, for example, if your src directory is a sub of templates: $config->paths->templates . "src/components/filename.php";1 point
Sorry I took a while to respond... some appliances in the house broke that needed fixing and got a new Roland electronic drum kit, which I told the wife was more for my boys, but I have been hogging it... ? Site still isn't finished, but almost... I tried to put together a video which shows: Creating a new test page Using repeater matrix field to add different content to the main body of the test page Creating a new page widgets group and a slideshow widget Creating a new test template page using the UIKit framework as the container for the widget Targeting specific / all pages to show the container Adding some classes to the container So I hope this shines some light on how I use this... kinda the best of both worlds... I can add main page content via repeater fields, but if I need content anywhere else, I can build out the template and target where I want the widget to go for any pages outside the main page content, or use the same widget in different locations on selected pages. I think I will try using fieldsetgroup or fieldsetpage, (I think) to try to combine the repeater matrix fields used for the main content and the widgets, so I really only have to maintain one template section and a single bit of code, if it needs expanding or more features are requested by a client.1 point
Hey glad you figured out, just realised I'd misunderstood previous post.1 point
To easily add rel="next" and rel="prev" tags for pagination in head section insert the following hook to your site/ready.php: $wire->addHookAfter('Page::render', function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->object; if($page->template == 'admin') return; $tags = ''; $config = wire('config'); if($config->urls->httpNext) { $tags .= "<link rel='next' href='{$config->urls->httpNext}'>"; } if($config->urls->httpPrev) { $tags .= "<link rel='prev' href='{$config->urls->httpPrev}'>"; } $event->return = str_replace("</head>", $tags . "</head>", $event->return); });1 point
Wil test tomorrow, thanks for all your effort! Did the testings this morning... simply love it. Thanks for bringing in my ideas !1 point
<adrian>how about I allow the Select Options field to also handle multiple fields if entered? I might take a stab at that and see how it goes - stay tuned!</adrian> I didn't thought about that, but thats even better, thumbs up !1 point