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The CDS Group is an established service partner of leading manufacturers and trading partners in the IT and high-tech sector. We relaunched their service website using the latest ProcessWire. Building this website was fun, especially because of the latest additions to ProcessWire, like the recently introduced markup regions and AdminThemeUIkit. It is really easy to brand the new admin theme with a few lines of code, in my case 7 (see a glimpse in the screenshot below). Besides that, this website makes heavy use of the Repeater Matrix, to be as flexibel as possible. The front-end was build with Bootstrap 3 and the icons used are an custom icon font generated with the IcoMoon App. For a better usability, every textarea can be edited in the front-end. www.cds-service.com Modules used: AdminThemeUIkit Front-End Page Editor Repeater Matrix ProCache Markup Sitemap XML Email Obfuscation (EMO) Database Backups Jumplinks Tracy Debugger Regards, Andreas9 points
Hey guys, I've recently started a blog on web development and ProcessWire, and I'm slowly building content to make it a habit and not let it become a failed experiment. I also believe that a good way to keep producing new content is to build an audience that cares about what you write and what you offer. So, I've started writing a series on module development, from basic to complex, where I explore core modules and unearth the valuable documentation inside PW core and put them into practice. I'll be stripping core modules to their essentials like blueprints that people can build upon, and construct various modules that replicate popular ones on other platforms, or ones that bring some of their eye-caching features. I haven't implemented a commenting system on my blog, because I want to share and collect feedback and recommendations here, in this forum. Is there an etiquette on promoting my own content? Is it welcome, or how much is OK, or how much is too much? Thanks in advance, Abdus.3 points
Just a repeat of part of a message above so hopefully more of you will see it: I am going to be mostly offline for the next 2 months, starting right now It's going to be strange being away from PW and the forums for so long. Hopefully if anyone has any issues with this (or any of my other modules), some of you who are more experienced might be able to help, or at least let those users know that I am away and will take care of things when I return. Cheers all!3 points
Try turning off output formatting before setting values of fields, and also don't forget to save. $page->of(false); // turn of output formatting $page->a_field_of_fieldtype_page->add($anotherPageOrID); $page->save(); Or if your pagefield is set to a single value: $page->of(false); // turn of output formatting $page->a_field_of_fieldtype_page = $anotherPageOrID; $page->save();2 points
You could potentially also use just CSS for this: :nth-child(3n+0) This would select all elements where an index is a multiple of 3.2 points
https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.60-core-updates-and-more/ "With the API reference now up-to-date, we'll soon be looking at the cheatsheet and hopefully updating that to pull data from the API Explorer module as well."2 points
Hey @joer80, I've been developing a module that mirrors every (or ones you specify) upload to S3 bucket. I've started with S3 and Cloudfront support and I'm planning to support other CDNs in the future. Backblaze seems like a great provider to include as well. Once it is finished, it will be a near complete CDN solution. Right now basic uploads are working fine, but it's not ready for production yet. However, I hope to complete and release it in a few weeks. Is there any feature that you think would be nice? Some features I'm planning to include before releasing: Full Amazon S3 support Origin pull support Process module/page for managing buckets and objects, such as clearing buckets, force uploading files & directories, maintenance mode etc. Configuration page Caching uploaded file paths in DB to keep track of uploaded files and fallback to local to local urls to prevent 404 errors. Textformatter module for rewriting local urls to CDN urls. Optional custom domain support etc. Form integration with AJAX for quick upload/upload all/force upload/delete/delete all etc buttons for file/image fields while editing a page/image. Hooks for custom file uploads Extendable/hookable API for new services Future considerations Other providers. Backblaze, MaxCDN etc. Wireshell integration, (not sure how extensible WS is, but it'd be nice to have) CSS rewrites? (for imports, images etc)2 points
I've assumed that I can use Amazon in place of a traditional VPS, such as Servint (who I like), for a significant saving. Maybe I'm wrong in that assumption..? To test that assumption and learn I've been working with Amazon EC2 to see if I can teach myself how to host multiple sites. So far so good.1 point
Very nice work, Andreas! And the admin looks great too! One suggestion: consider enabling http/2 on the web server as you are already using SSL. It will help a lot on reducing the assets download time.1 point
1 point
If the class does use `$this->wire()` somewhere it's most-likely dependent on some state of the actual processwire instance, so the class does need to be wired after construction. I mean the config, installed modules, available pages and so on are all potentially different in different processwire instances if running in multi-instance mode.1 point
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If you go the "a image is a page" route you could take a look at this older basic image manager that works with template image and possible custom fields for them. There is a professional Media Manager for central orgranised media, too: And at least a modul called MediaLibrary the also works with a template for images and files so this could used and expanded, too: So as always many options to choose from1 point
The thumbnails are not generated server side on the initial upload, but directly in the browser from the local filesystem. So that's not really a success indicator of any sorts. Try inspecting the ajax requests for the file uploads with the browser dev tools.1 point
Hello all. Yesterday working on my Cooking Recipes profile I stumbled across an interesting issue - how to show pages published/created on a specific time interval without the use of any plugins but just the default API of PW. Thanks to @abdus the sollution was implemented and was working perfectly fine (here) Everything was good until I started working on my main page and discovered that our web designer made the recipes appear in threee columns and to differentiate the columns he used 3 different classes (first, second, last). So it was supposed to look like this: <li><class="cs-recipes first"></li> | <li><class="cs-recipes second"></li> | <li><class="cs-recipes last"></li> At first I thought it would be easy to just create another loop and insert it within the first one, but that got me unprepared as instead of 5 posts (as the limit was), I was showing 15. So moving here and there, trying and trying for quite some time to find a solution, I got stuck and asked for some help. Mr @abdus saved the day again offering something simple and most important - fully working. As far as it was a PM, I decided that it would be a shame if I don't share it with anybody else who might sooner or later search for similar functionality, so here is the complete sollution that works perfectly fine and applies the first, second, last as it should without creating unnecessary loops etc.: Hope it helps and don't thank me, I am just the messenger1 point
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Myself I am a big fan of Textile (coming from Textpattern years ago), but since Markdown has 'won' the battle I'm using this a lot too. Even some clients made the jump from WYSIWYG Good luck with your blog and looking forward to your tutorials.1 point
I'd recommend heroku only if you're using EC2 with multiple instances and not as plain replacement for a single VPS elsewhere (which really has no great benefit to be run on amazon or not). If that's the case one does need to implement some kind of shared filesystem solution, anyways. Same with session storage.1 point
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@szabesz, sreeb is concatenating not interpolating so either single or double quotes will work. @sreeb, you are using single quotes around the background URL path inside the single quotes of the style attribute: echo "<a href='".$block->url."' style='background: url('".$block->front_block_img->url."') no-repeat bottom center; background-size: cover;'>"; That effectively ends the style attribute prematurely. Either use escaped quotes around the background URL path... echo "<a href='".$block->url."' style='background: url(\"".$block->front_block_img->url."\") no-repeat bottom center; background-size: cover;'>"; ...or just leave out the quotes around the background URL - you only need those if there is a space in the path and that will never happen for a PW Pageimage as files are renamed on upload. echo "<a href='".$block->url."' style='background: url(".$block->front_block_img->url.") no-repeat bottom center; background-size: cover;'>";1 point
Yeah, WYSIWYG is very restrictive when you know what you're doing. Github Flavored Markdown + custom markup is a godsent for writings with lots of moving parts.1 point
I can't speak 'officially' toward ProcessWire rules regarding promoting personal sites. However, I do think that your ideas, examples, prototypes if you will, are very welcome by me and other newbies. I found your ajax order tutorial very beneficial and I would welcome many others you may offer. I even have a few suggestions for topics if you are interested. I don't see anything wrong with putting a brief description (or outline) of each of your articles in the tutorial forum and include a link to the full article on your site. On a side note, having cross referenced links is good seo for you and ProcessWire both.1 point
@LostKobrakai I was intrigued by your comment: and have been tinkering with PW + git + heroku without having fully RTFM on heroku... I was weirded-out by my PW install almost working but eventually realized it was due to Heroku’s ephemeral filesystem": Actually, to give myself a bit of credit, I think heroku ought really to have written the above more 'honestly'; something like: > AWS S3, or similar storage services, are important when architecting applications that need any files to persist or for scale and are a perfect complement to Heroku’s ephemeral filesystem. Anyway, it looks, ATM, like I need to follow this Amazon-shaped rabbit hole... Off to do that plus asked their support people if it looks like I am doing the right thing there. I wonder, if this proves a little complex, might it be as easy/hard to simply emulate a minimal set of the steps PW's own sites have followed and forget heroku and just go Amazon for all aspects of trying to replace a traditional hosting env' (which is what I am researching)?1 point
Thanks @Robin S - should be fixed in the latest version. Although, I am wondering if perhaps I should be disabling much of Tracy in CLI mode anyway. Maybe just disable the debug bar, but allow for error logging still? Any thoughts?1 point
Not 100% sure on this, but I think it will be because of the multi-instance support introduced in PW3. The example you gave from CommentFilterAkismet.module... $inputfields = $this->wire(new InputfieldWrapper()); ...if you check the PW2.x version of this file, before multi-instance support was added, it is simply... $inputfields = new InputfieldWrapper();1 point
Is this on a shared host? If so maybe mod_security got installed without warning and is giving a false alarm.1 point
I've created a quick module implementation of @Can's work. https://github.com/benbyford/PostProcessUrl Hard Truncates any page name / url to a max length if exceeded.1 point
Okay, after some remote debugging collaboration with @Timea over Teamviewer, it turns out there was a typo where he/she created/renamed the comments field to Comments and tried to render it using $page->comments where he/she should've used $page->Comments instead. After renaming the field back to lowercase comments, error was fixed1 point
You get "1" because you try to "echo" your include file. The include() method, after successfully including the desired file, returns a TRUE value which, when echo'ed out, is 1.1 point
It works with that directive added. Thanks flydev! So the formula to install Processwire on Ubuntu on Amazon EC2: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -y sudo apt-get install apache2 sudo apt-get install lamp-server^ sudo apt-get install php7.0-zip sudo a2enmod rewrite sudo apt-get install phpmyadmin sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpmyadmin /var/www/html/ sudo adduser ubuntu www-data sudo chown ubuntu:www-data -R /var/www sudo chmod 2775 -R /var/www sudo find /var/www -type d -exec chmod 2775 {} + sudo find /var/www -type f -exec chmod 0664 {} + sudo service apache2 restart Then add this directive to your VirtualHost in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf : <Directory /var/www/> Options Indexes FollowSymLinks AllowOverride All Require all granted </Directory> And then it should all work. ...still have to see it working with my custom exported profile, but that is my problem. (Edit: that was caused by syntax errors in my custom templates, unsupported use of short_tags.)1 point