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  1. Hi Everyone! I'd like to set a different label on my Title (PageTitle) field in one particular template. Is there a way to do so? Thanks.
  2. Hi fellas! And thanks for Processwire! I have an idea which, I suppose, might appear interesting to the PW community. I'd call it "template fields". Come on, we have it already! Any template may have fields, it's Processwire basics. Yes. And no! The fields attached to any template are used...
  3. To explain my problem, I will show my usecase scenario first. I have the following page types: There is a page type 'Person', with parent type 'People' There is a page type 'Project' with parent type 'Projects' 'People' and 'Projects' are just containers/parent pages to 'Per...
  4. Hi I am looking for an image field that can be added and keep adding so that you can control the fields from back end and therefore have the same template but the output of field will be diffrent. What i am trying to do is a portfolio for a photographer and i want to give him 2 to 3 presets...
  5. Hi all, I have what on the face of it what seems like a simple addition I want to add to a template, but im a bit stumped in how to achieve it. Basically I have a global page reference field that allows a user to order the output of a given template file. So this global field sits on...
  6. Hi, I need to populate a multi selection field with all the children of a template. How would you proceed? Thank you
  7. I have a manufacturers page select field and a dependent models one with pages of template `model` which are allowed children of pages with template `manufacturer`. So I have this as the findPagesCode for the models page options field: return $page->manufacturer->children(); However this requ...
  8. Hi all, I could have sworn I used to be able to use the site generic 'title' field as a sub field of a repeater field. However I've tried to do this on two 3.0.165 sites recently and, while it will add the title field in the repeater field setup, it wont save the repeater title sub field's cont...
  9. Coming from Perch (CMS) to Processwire, the one major downside I've found is that every place I want to insert content into my pages requires a single field (be that an image, integer, string, etc.). This can be a real pain to setup and manage if you have a lot of pages, many of them with dozens of...
  10. I was previously using individual fields to capture and output multiple cards onto my web page but after recently learning about repeaters would prefer to use this field type, as it will be a lot more user friendly for end users to create new cards. I tried to modify my code to grab the fields from...
  11. Currently I'm facing the problem that I need to select pages by a specific relation between two field values. Is it somehow possible to do something like $result = $pages->find('template=something, field1>field2'); as it would be possible to do within an SQL query? If this isn't possible, yet...
  12. Never really got my head around field groups and it shows, In my module uninstall I think I figured out how to delete a page, then a template and it's fieldgroup so that nothing gets upset. But for fields that belong to templates that need to stoick around I'm still abit stuck to how you would remov...
  13. This works for me to support page references in Ryan's ImportPagesCSV.module, in function importPageValue: elseif($field->type instanceof FieldtypePage) { $value = trim($value); if(wire("pages")->find("$name=$value")) $page->set($name, $value); } I need to also be a...
  14. Hello, and welcome to what I though was either my client being silly and changing things, or some evil doer. Turns out its reproducible and therefore something in Proceswire (I checked my templates and modules but couldnt find anything that would be doing this...). So what is it doing? Check out the...
  15. Hi all, Hope that there is a quick tip that someone already know... Is it possible to search in multilanguage fields only in the current language values without to search in the default language as fallback? See the quote below. In other words.. I would like to search only in the current langua...
  16. Hey all, hope you're feeling well these days! Short question: Under "Setup > Templates" it's possible to sort the templates by last modified. Is this possible for fields view to? Long explanation: Currently I am in the process of programming a reusable template and often have to copy sev...
  17. Hi forum, I have this list of fields with labels and I want to skip the displaying of labels for fields left empty (e.g. if field "logo" is not filled with an image, but it could also be text fields). Using count() and "continue" will always output either nothing or all labels. Is there a...
  18. Hello, and one more beginner question: I am using the multi-language site profile and having troubles targeting the region I want to populate in my templates due to delayed output. The list is now appearing on top of the nav bar ? and the values of the fields on one line down the title. I want...
  19. So I was tinkering around with the "select fields" field type and added it to a repeater. My thoughts were I could have a user select a field (textarea, text, etc etc) that I defined and give it a name (another field in the repeater) and create their own form on the page. To be honest, I am now a li...
  20. I have trouble exporting fields via the buildin export. For example when i export a single field i get: { "bestellung_status_name": { "id": 194, "type": "FieldtypeText", "flags": 0, "name": "bestellung_status_name", "label": "Status Intern",...
  21. This will be more of a quick tip, and maybe obvious to many of you, but it's a technique I found very useful when building display options. By display options I mean fields that control how parts of the page are displayed on the frontend, for example background colors, sizing, spacing and alignment...
  22. Hey all, I want to customize the mywebsite/processwire/profile page. It's almost all good but I want to get rid of the sections 'Admin Theme' and 'Language' so that the user can just set a new password. (see image) Do I have to modify the admin template or how can I do that? Because when I...
  23. I have a module that I am using to create an image field like so: $mf[] = [[ 'tags' => $tag, 'name' => $pre.'logo', 'type' => wire('modules')->get('FieldtypeImage'), ],[ 'label' => 'Logo', 'columnWidth' => 50, 'inputfieldClass' => 'InputfieldImage', ]]; Yet upon...
  24. Hi guys, I'm new here. I created custom field impressum_text in Processwire and now I need display this field in my theme. How can I please display this custom field in my theme (in file _main.php)? Can you help me, please? Thank you!
  25. Hi, I have the need to set a field to unique as described here (point 2.) It is a integer input within a repeater. I have set that field to match a minimum and maximum value and also input is required! When trying to save the page with an already used value the page doesn't save that field and d...
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