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  1. After doing a Google search for the issue I saw several previous posts mentioning this same issue but cannot figure out how to fix it and shouldn't have to spend a half hour trying to. ProcessWire frequently logs out of the admin area after less than five minutes. It shouldn't time-out ever, and if someone wanted that option for security reasons they should be able to enable it through the settings in their admin panel. In addition to it not being the default setting, users also shouldn't need to edit your config files manually to change these kinds of settings. Please fix the major issue in a future release. It's absured imho that developers don't realize the inconvenience it places on other people if they have to login every time they switch back to that page. It has also logged me out without warning without any visual que that it did so. If someone was working on paragraphs of content they could easily lose their work do to this bug as well... Please don't refer me to a forum with a dozen possible solutions to the issue and fix it yourselves. I'm sick of looking at them. It's your job to troubleshoot your software, not your users!
  2. Hello, I found the following bug: If you have two or more different text fields on a page, which use the same CKEditor-custom-js-style-set and one of these text-fields is located in a repeater-field, the style-set doesn’t work anymore. Has anybody discovered this problem before?
  3. I'm trying to build a search selector that includes a checkbox multiple option field (clinicdetails_specialisms). The whole selector works fine if I don't include the checkbox field. With it included I get errors like "Error: Exception: SQLSTATE[HY093]: Invalid parameter number: mixed named and positional parameters (in wire/core/PageFinder.php line 627)". This is the selector as it currently stands. subscription_status=active,(template=user,clinicdetails_description|clinicdetails_short_description|clinicdetails_clinic_name|clinicdetails_first_name|clinicdetails_last_name*=$query),(clinicdetails_specialisms.title=$query) I've also tried setting the specialisms field in one string rather than groups and have also tried with/without the '.title' property. Oddly the selector works if specialisms is the only field being searched. It seems to fail when mixed with other selectors. Can anyone advise what stupid mistake I'm making!
  4. Hi ? Anyone else having this problem? Requirements: - Repeater (matrix & normal) with mutlilanguage fields (text, textarea…) - Backend language set to something other than default (ie. German) Reproduce: - Add a new repeater Item (ajax, I found no way to possible to disable it with matrix) (Notice how the default language tab is active instead of the backend language…) - Write something into the (default language) field - Try to save, if field is required, this will not work. If not required, then when reloading, the content will be inside the backend language field, instead of the default language field who was (presumably) active Analysis: When loading a new repeater element with ajax, the default langue tab is active, but the backend language inputfield is visible (with no visual indication). When writing into the field, it will populate the backend language. When manually clicking on the default language tab (which is already active), the field will switch to the actual default language field (which is [now] empty) (that can now be populated…) Also Notice, the labels of the elements to be added are in default language as well instead of the translated label (images instead of Bilder)… ProcessWire 3.0.148, Profields 0.0.5… Is it my system configuration, or does anyone else have the same issue? This is a screen recording of the problem: Issue: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1179 Screen Recording 2020-02-25 at 14.18.31.mov
  5. Hello, and welcome to what I though was either my client being silly and changing things, or some evil doer. Turns out its reproducible and therefore something in Proceswire (I checked my templates and modules but couldnt find anything that would be doing this...). So what is it doing? Check out the video for evidence. A repeater field is interacting with a page template and another repeater field somehow to swap the fields in the template and repeater over... I have a template called team, and a repeater field called team_repeater with label Team. Some how and for some reason, when I change my fields on repeater called main_menu_links my team template gets those fields and when I try and revert the team template fields to the fields it should have, they get given to the repeater main_menu_links. Also this to say HELP!!!!! video: https://www.dropbox.com/s/exkdhc6n7x0xpsa/strange-repeater-PW-mega-bug.mov?dl=0
  6. Fieldtype Integer, dont save option max, min with value 0 (zero). Positive values ​​(> 0) and negative (<0), perfectly preserved. Without 0, built-in filter is not working properly.
  7. I'm using some Custom fields for images: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.142/#custom-fields-for-files-images When I save the page, and return the fields are blank. When I re-add the text to the fields and save again then the fields save as expected. I know this is stated as being quite experimental but it's super useful feature I'd love to get working correctly. I have fields that are CKEditor fields but have overidden this on the image specific template. I've also tried it with regular text fields and I get the same bug. (currently using Processwire 3.0.155) **UPDATE** I've found this issue is specific to editing on pages using the PageTable fieldtype. The fields are not saving when I save the page in the PageTable.
  8. So im doing a website. and i put on multi language on the website and uploaded some new images when i decide to make a new page... This i can't do anymore... It sais : Add New The process returned no content. Unknown template. Well the website is showing fine, but i can't make new pages ? Do any have any idea what to do?
  9. I added some custom styles to the CKeditor menu bar using the example mystyles.js and the PW tutorial. This worked fine for fields when editing on the frontend. But none of our custom styles showed in the backend editor dropdown unless we edited the core copy of mystyles.js in wire/modules. Is this correct behaviour, a bug or a mistake on my part? Tried clearing cache, logging in/out etc but the backend ignores our custom styles in the site/modules path.
  10. I don't know why multiple instances (repeater_repeat_columns1, repeater_repeat_columns2, ...) of my repeater field are displayed inside Template field (see image). Is there a way to clean/reset it ?
  11. Short description of the issue Since PW 3.0.88: When I try to retrive a croped file using the api filesManager() and it's basename, I get the original version instead of the croped variation. Expected behaviour Looking up a variation using the path and filesManager should return the variation file. $page->filesManager->getFile("/path/to/filebasename.400x400.jpg"); // $file->basename > filebasename.400x400.jpg Actual behavior The variation is returned. $page->filesManager->getFile("/path/to/filebasename.400x400.jpg"); // $file->basename > filebasename.jpg » Is this a bug or do I miss something here? Code: dump($page->filesManager->path.$input->get->filename('f')); $file = $page->filesManager->getFile($page->filesManager->path.$input->get->filename('f')); dump($file); dump($page->filesManager->path.$file->basename); Output: "/home/ubuntu/workspace/www/site/assets/files/-1579/colin-rex-434063.400x400.jpg" (79) ProcessWire\Pageimage #796f pageimages protected => ProcessWire\Pageimages #d195 original protected => ProcessWire\Pageimage #796f { RECURSION } variations private => null imageInfo private => array (2) width => 0 height => 0 error protected => "" pagefiles protected => ProcessWire\Pageimages #d195 data protected => array (6) basename => "colin-rex-434063.jpg" (20) description => "" tags => "" formatted => true modified => 1516025386 created => 1516025386 useFuel protected => true _instanceNum private => 870 localHooks protected => array () trackChanges private => 2 changes private => array (1) formatted => array (1) 0 => null _notices protected => array (3) errors => null warnings => null messages => null _wire protected => ProcessWire\ProcessWire #28d0 in .../www/site/templates/app/utils/download.php:29 "/home/ubuntu/workspace/www/site/assets/files/-1579/colin-rex-434063.jpg" (71)
  12. Greetings from germany, i develop a shop for a customer and wanted to give them the opportunity to find products without any images so they could easily fill this empty sites. The problem is, that this images are placed inside a repeater. So the structure for the repeater field is: title bild (where 1 image can be placed) bildrecht (another repeater for placing the copyright text) But here comes my problem. I designed a selector that should show me all sites where the repeater count is 0. Like : template=sorte|artikel,bilderrepeater.count=0 But it also shows me results, where the repeater count is still 1 or even greater. If i save one of these bad results, the selector works fine. Is there a way around it ? I use pw 3.0.76.
  13. One of my clients found a bug when viewing the PW admin on chrome using windows - the admin tab nav doesn't appear, they could only see the tool icon either though they were a superadmin user. When viewed on Edge the tabs where present. The site is running on PW 3.0.62 with the default admin. I was screen sharing with my client when we found the bug, I don't actually have anyway to test this and see what's wrong myself as I dont run windows and dont currently have a cross broswer testing suite. Could someone please look into it briefly?
  14. In PW 3.0.80 I've experienced a bug when using multiple Page Ref fields. The Select button keeps fading in and out again. I've made a video to illustrate the problem. Any ideas how to solve this? video showing the error: PageRefError.mov greetings, d.
  15. Hi everyone! And thanks again for a perfect product. It appears there's a small bug in the implementation of fieldset. If we rename a field of type FieldsetTabOpen, the auto-created field of type FieldsetTabClose won't auto-rename. E.g. if we create a fieldset called "noises", two fields will be created -- "noise" (type: FieldsetTabOpen) and "noise_END" (type: FieldsetTabClose). And when we later rename the field "noise" to "acoustics", the field "noise_END" still keeps its name. The auto-generated field description will also remain unchanged. This is only a minor bug, but removing it could make the Processwire even better. Thanks in advance!
  16. What I did edit the default 'body' field (textarea, ckeditor) field > body > input: "enable ACF" checked "yes" by default field > body > input: "extra allowed content" ... The instructions indicate "Example: img[alt,!src,width,height]" in order to enable a tag with attributes you want to allow through the filtering. a[class] I wrote the above expecting that now i would be able to class my a tags in the editor, maybe make one a "button" style or whatever. However, this doesn't actually work as it seems Extra Allowed Content doesn't actually do what it indicates. I've tried a dozen different variations and after googling here and seeing some responses in other threads, I think this should be addressed. The box is a nice way to enable a few attributes the user might want to allow for clients or themselves, I don't see why one would require making a module or going above and beyond the tools and text areas already provided in order to simply allow a few attributes. I could turn ACF Off entirely, but that doesn't really address the problem: I want to filter the input for clients but still configure some tweaks that I deem would enhance and not break the site. Simply: it's there, it's nice to have, should work right, but it doesn't seem to. Help?
  17. Hi everyone! this is my first topic and I need to say thanks to @ryan and all the other contributors for this incredible framework that changed my life as a web dev! But now I go to the point. I developed a project with pw 2.7 and it worked like a charm. Today i'm trying to update the project to pw3 on a local environment, to test that everything will continue working after the upgrade, and that's not the case. The major bug I'm encountering is that repeater field doesn't work properly. Existing Repeater field This is what I see when I try to edit a page that already has a repeater field (Brand concepts) with some elements: If I click on one of the "... blocks" nothing appens. New repeater field If I create a new repeater field and assing it to a template, when I open a page with that template I see the new repeater field, but the "Add new" link, to add a new element, doesn't work. I click it and nothing appens. I never had this kind of strange behaviours in PW, and this is one of the reasons why I consider it the best cms/framework I've ever used. I hope you can help me. Thank you!
  18. This is in response to the following posts: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5083-possible-bug-page-fieldtype-with-custom-selector-to-find-selectable-pages-returns-error-while-saving-page/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/5683-inputfield-page-with-selector-rolesrole-page-1022-is-not-valid-for-field/ I am currently working on a site where I am using a Page field to assign multiple "products" to an individual "part". The "products" Page field stopped working recently and instead produces a "Page {ID} is not valid for {FIELD}" error. (Unfortunately, I'm not sure when it stopped working, but a design partner reported it to me today.) I created a second Page field that used the exact same settings. The second Page field worked with no problems. When I exported both fields to compare them, I noticed that the original Page field had a parent_id of 1052 assigned to it. When I manually changed that parent_id to 0 to match the working Page field via phpMyAdmin, the original Page field started working correctly again. Below are two exported fields. The first ("products") is the Page field that was giving me errors. The second ("products_test") is the test field I created that worked with no problems. I looked in my database and did not find any record of 1052, so I can only assume that it must have been a page that was deleted at some point. If it was deleted, then perhaps that id value wasn't removed from the Page field at that time? { "products": { "id": 147, "type": "FieldtypePage", "flags": 0, "name": "products", "label": "Products", "derefAsPage": 0, "parent_id": 1052, "labelFieldName": "title", "inputfield": "InputfieldAsmSelect", "findPagesCode": "return $pages->find(\"template=product,sort=title\");", "allowUnpub": "", "collapsed": 0, "showIf": "", "columnWidth": 100, "required": "", "requiredIf": "", "template_id": "", "findPagesSelector": "", "defaultValue": "", "addable": "" }, "products_test": { "id": 172, "type": "FieldtypePage", "flags": 0, "name": "products_test", "label": "Products (TEST)", "derefAsPage": 0, "parent_id": 0, "findPagesCode": "return $pages->find(\"template=product,sort=title\");", "labelFieldName": "title", "inputfield": "InputfieldAsmSelect", "allowUnpub": "", "collapsed": 0, "showIf": "", "columnWidth": 100, "required": "", "requiredIf": "", "template_id": "", "findPagesSelector": "", "defaultValue": "", "addable": "" } }
  19. Hey all. I just came across a potential error in the FieldtypePassword. I have a password field added to some templates to protect the pages. However, whenever I want to save a page, I get the error of "required fiield missing"...that the password field is required and missing. But, the field is not set to required. Can anybody confirm that and/or has a solution? Best, Lukas
  20. Hi, i don't understand why this problem only appears when im trying to edit the root page (home). All subpages are working. I made a video of the problem: Video My boss made an update yesterday from php version 5.3.29 to 5.6.17-1~he.2 (At the moment i am not able to downgrade the version) Maybe this is the reason? My Processwire Version: 2.7.2 MySQL-Version (PHPMYADMIN) MySQL-Version (phpinfo();)
  21. I just noticed when I try to do this in the ready.php that it can not retrieve the page. This works perfectly in the init. But since I need my languages I'm forced placing it in the ready. I'm just trying to get the child from a page. $pages->get("name=settings")->child(); Var_dumping that gives me a Nullpage. (and yes the name is correct since it does work in init.php but doesn't in ready.php) So I have no idea what I'm doing wrong, I was guessing maybe it's a bug?
  22. I'm using PW 3.0.30 and there appears to be a bug. If the parent template for some children pages has the 'Sort settings for children' configured to a custom date field (or perhaps any field) I can still manually move/drag and drop the children articles on the Tree. I'm pretty sure this isn't correct and also that this isn't how it worked before v3? Thanks!
  23. I have been plagued by this issue since day one. I cannot access or use any image I have uploaded. I can see them in the directory on the server and when I click on an image I can see a preview in the editor but as the video Video in my dropbox shows it doesn't provide me with a way to utilize those images. I can't see anything obvious. I did upgrade to 3.0.34 and have left the site pretty bare bones until this issue is resolved. Thanks in advance! processwire-images-bug.mp4
  24. I have the actual version of pw, I had my pw installation at my localhost and copied 2 days ago everything to my production server, everything ok... but today I noticed that all *view page* links in the admin are showing to my localhost...
  25. Folks, I may have discovered a) a bug or b) that I can't write code for shit. I have this hook setup: $pages->addHookAfter('Pages::saveReady', function($event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); $repeater = $page->collections_detail_images; foreach ($repeater as $row) { $row->of(false); $row->collections_detail_image_page_title = $page->title; $row->collections_detail_image_page_type = $page->collections_detail_category->name; $row->collections_detail_image_page_pattern = $page->collections_detail_pattern->name; $row->collections_detail_image_page_designer = $page->collections_detail_designer->name; $row->setAndSave(); } }); For each repeater row on a page I am editing, upon save, it fills in the desired fields with content required. This all works well, however, the issue/bug is this... Each repeater row also has an image field (limited to 1), which I have been dragging and dropping an image to, for each row in the repeater, then saving. I tend to add 5-10+ rows (each with an image) at once then save. This is where the issue occurs. Even though it looks like the image is there and saved... it's not appearing on the front-end. If I do one row at a time and save, it works fine, it's only if I do 2 or more in one 'save session'. This only happens with drag and drop too. If I remove my hook, shown above, I don't seem to get any issue. Any thoughts?
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