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Bootstrap-4 Minimal site profile for ProcessWire This profile is based on the "minimal site profile (intermediate edition)" and bundled with Boostrap v4.4.1 Features Bootstrap SASS Font-Awesome SASS Render / helper functions for : Simple ul navigation Bootstrap Multi-level navbar Bootstrap Carousel Bootstrap Cards Bootstrap Jumbotron Boostrap Accordion Assets minification, files bundle Dependencies jQuery Popper.js Bootstrap FontAwesome Prequisites You'll want to install the following on your system before proceeding: Yarn / NPM How To Install Download the zip file at Github or clone directly the repo with git clone and skip the step 2. Extract the folder site-pwbs4-master into a fresh ProcessWire installation root folder. During the installation of ProcessWire, choose the profile "ProcessWire Bootstrap 4 profile". After installation You can find the development file (CSS/SCSS/JS) in site/assets/dev/src The profile can be used as is only with $config->debug set to false. To use it in debug mode, you are required to install the dependencies with the package manager. Open a terminal in site/assets/dev and execute the following command-line: yarn Available commands : Rebuild, minify and bundle assets for release : yarn build References Bootstrap v4 documentation ProcessWire documentation ProcessWire Forum: bootstrap tag ProcessWire Forum: bootstrap related posts Credits The ProcessWire staff Inspiration from @gebeer and his Bootstrap 3 profile post Members who contributed in various post about Bootstrap navigation and code (see code-source for refs). Screenshots
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Anyone else looking for a solution for bootstrap navigation? I have found this wiki but it´s not working: Here is my modified solution, I hope there are no bug´s. The Navbar <nav class="navbar navbar-default"> <div class="container-fluid"> <div class="navbar-header"> <button type="button" class="navbar-toggle collapsed" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#bs-example-navbar-collapse-1" aria-expanded="false"> <span class="sr-only">Navigation ein-/ausblenden</span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> <span class="icon-bar"></span> </button> <a class="navbar-brand" href="#"><img src="#" alt="Logo"></a> </div> <div lass="collapse navbar-collapse" id="bs-example-navbar-collapse-1"> <?php include(""); ?> </div><!--/.nav-collapse --> </div> </nav><!-- /navbar --> The Menu content of ('') <?php /* Navigation for ProcessWire using the Bootstrap 3.5 markup This menu was written by Soma based on work by NetCarver and a bit thrown in by Joss | modified by David Schmidt */ function renderChildrenOf($pa, $output = '', $level = 0) { $output = ''; $level++; foreach($pa as $child) { $atoggle = ''; $class = ''; if ($child->numChildren && count($child->parents) == 1) { $class .= 'dropdown'; $atoggle .= ' class="dropdown-toggle" data-toggle="dropdown" role="button" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false" '; } else if($child->numChildren && $child->id != 1){ $class .= 'dropdown-menu'; } // Makes the current page and it's top level parent add an active class $class .= ($child === wire("page") || $child === wire("page")->rootParent) ? " active" : ''; $class = strlen($class) ? " class='".trim($class)."'" : ''; if ($child->numChildren && count($child->parents) >= 1) { $output .= "<li$class><a href='$child->url'$atoggle>$child->title<span class='caret'></span></a>"; } else{$output .= "<li$class><a href='$child->url'$atoggle>$child->title</a>";} // If this child is itself a parent and not the root page, then render it's children in their own menu too... if($child->numChildren && $child->id != 1) { $output .= renderChildrenOf($child->children, $output, $level); } $output .= '</li>'; } $outerclass = ($level == 1) ? "nav navbar-nav" : 'dropdown-menu'; return "<ul class='$outerclass'>$output</ul>"; } // bundle up the first level pages and prepend the root home page $homepage = $pages->get(1); $pa = $homepage->children; $pa = $pa->prepend($homepage); // Set the ball rolling... echo renderChildrenOf($pa); something great with it. Regards David
I'm having a weird situation where I'm trying to get the URL for an image attached to a page, but I'm getting back the wrong paths. The URL is My file structure is like this: /admin/ <-- ProcessWire is in here -- /site/ -- /wire/ /5gum/ <-- my site templates are in here -- index.php (calls header.php below) /assets/ -- /includes/ ---- header.php I'm bootstrapping PW into header.php of a file under /5gum/. I'm trying to do something like this: $brand_slug = basename ($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); // this would get me "5gum" $brand = wire('pages')->get("name=".$brand_slug); // this gives me a specific page echo $brand->meta_image->url; // this should output the path to an image attached to the page If meta_image is a field that accepts a maximum of 1 image, shouldn't this return the full URL to the image? Instead, it returns: /5gum/site/assets/files/1027/ What doesn't make sense to me is that the root of the site isn't /5gum/, it should be /admin/ right, according to PW? Do I need to set the root somehow?
Hey, I am very new to processwire and bootstrap. I have a field (text area) and there I want to be able to insert an image which is responsive. I tryed it with Source but in the end the page doesn't seem to like it when I insert in Source the following code <img src="<?php echo $homepage->content_img->url; ?>" class="img-fluid" alt="Responsive image"> What can I do to make it possible to insert reponsive images in a text area? Thank you in advance. Marcel
I have one central website, with membership registration and content etc., and then several related websites with their own URL/domains, each on Processwire, all on the same server. I would like to access the database of the central website from the sister websites. How would I do that? You can't bootstrap one PW installation into another. You can include template parts from one in the other by just using the server path, but whatever you try to get/post just comes/goes to the database of the site you are on. Could you switch databases by including the config.php from another PW installation somewhere? What is the correct, secure way to do this?
How to access protected template fields when bootstraping
androbey posted a topic in API & Templates
Hello again! Unfortunately I came across another problem. I have a "regular" ProcessWire setup and want to create a separate php script. That script should be executed by a cron job and is bootstrapped with my PW setup. Main goal is to send mails which are stored in a email field. My problem: I want to access a specific field from a template where only specific users have access to. Right now, the cron job is executed as "guest", of course. How can I bypass this restriction, so that I have access to that specific field (it's only one email field)? Does it make sense to set current user via api? Hope you can help me out there. Cheers, Andreas -
I am using ProcessWire as the back-end to manage contents on multiple sites (I call them "sub-domains"). I use ProcessWire as an editing system and database only. The ProcessWire templating system is not in use. I want to use ProcessWire's API and in particular the Include & Bootstrap method to output contents -- pretty much in the same way you do, if contents is stored in a MySQL database and output in PHP files that use PDO to load data. The issue is that I cannot get ProcessWire to fully work on each of the "sub-domains". says: > You can do anything with ProcessWire's API that you can do from a template, > so all of this still applies, as does everything in the developer API. How can I get access to variables such as $input when using Include & Bootstrap? I tried these: $wire->pages->get("/foo/bar/"); echo "Segment1: " . $wire->input->urlSegment1; # Returns null $wire->pages->get("/foo/bar/"); echo "Segment1: " . $wire->input()->urlSegment1; # Internal Server Error $p = $wire->pages->get("/foo/bar/"); echo "Segment1: " . $p->input->urlSegment1; # Returns null $p = $wire->pages->get("/foo/bar/"); echo "Segment1: " . $p->input()->urlSegment1; # Returns null @ryan Can the API Variables documentation be updated with a section / an example that explain how to use "Include & Bootstrap" for each variable (since this is a really strong feature in ProcessWire)? $page $pages - Example: $homepage = $wire->pages->get("/"); $input $sanitizer $session $fields $user $log $templates $config
Hello all! I think this may require writing a function, which I'm not too good at... I have a primary navigation and secondary navigation, each with multiple nav-items. When a user visits a child or grand-child of a nav-item on the primary navigation, the parent nav-item retains its "active" class - no problem. The issue: When a user visits the child or grand-child of a nav-item on the secondary navigation, the nav-item on the secondary navigation not retain its "active" class. It only has an active-class when the user is on the landing page of the nav-item. Bootstrap automatically gives the "dropdown sublevel-menu" (secondary nav) an active class when the user is on the landing page of the nav-item, but if the user visits children of the nav-item, the active-class disappears. The primary nav-items retain the "dropdown active" even when their children are active. I'd appreciate any help with this head-banger! Thanks
hi all, new PW site launch: some of the modules that were helpful or essential for this: cropimage formbuilder fredi importcsv minify piwik analytics procache batcher redirects version control template decorator modules manager page link abstractor sitemap xml admin custom pages markup simple navigation (for the sitemap) forum topics related to this site dev: Legacy Site URL redirects: Clean up spelling: hashes in URLs on change selected product FormBuilder Custom Menus other notes: The skyscraper profile provided the example for how to get started with the advanced product search, a.k.a. the speaker finder. The standard search has been extended to show results in different categories. there is some use of Soma's word limiter for the news teaser text, and for making meta descriptions out of body fields, from this topic: the design is built on twitter bootstrap framework Fredi proved to be totally essential for the client, in being able to rapidly edit things without having to find things in the admin. This site is going to replace an existing site on a different domain ( At some point we weren't sure if/how we would be able to handle the shopping cart element, and then found foxycart, which proved to be the best choice, very flexible, and easy to implement for this type of site. FC is hands down the simplest and easiest way (imho) we could achieve things like the legacy product pages, where there are various parts and upgrades displayed on 1 page. this version is sort of a "v1", and will be expanded/improved a lot for a v2, which would happen in about 4 months.. BTW - these speakers are really good; i now own 3 pairs ... they look great and do sound totally amazing...! -marc
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Hello all, Just starting out with ProcessWire and am wondering the best method to get set up to use bootstrap with it. I did already install ProcessWIre and everything is working but was not sure if there was a simple method to include bootstrap. Thank You.
Hi Guys I am trying to save Pages with the API from the root Folder in a file named refreshIndex.php. The code looks like this: $root = "/path/to/root"; include($root . "index.php"); //$doctors = wire('pages')->find("template=doctors"); $jobs = wire('pages')->find("template=jobs"); //$news = wire('pages')->find("template=news"); //$specialities = wire('pages')->find("template=specialities-clinics"); //$events = wire('pages')->find("template=signup-form-formbuilder"); //$dbpages = wire('pages')->find("template=doctors|specialities-clinics|news|signup-form-formbuilder|jobs"); //$allpages = wire('pages')->get(27200)->find(""); foreach ($jobs as $stpage) { $stpage->save(); } Now at the moment I am trying to save Job Pages. They are 2 job pages right now. It saves 1 of them and at the 2 one I get an Error like this: Error: Uncaught WirePermissionException: Page '/de/jobs/test-job_ge/' is not currently viewable. in /pathtoroot/wire/modules/PageRender.module:319 They are both using the same template with the same permissions respectively they are visible (guest user is viewable). And also the languages of the page are all active inside page settings. Somehow my Hook is responsible for this. The hook is the reason for my Script above. I am trying to update the index field for my site search. The hooks works fine when I am saving the pages from the backend interface, but I can't save all pages from the backend since they are over 1500 pages I need to save. $this->addHookBefore('Pages::saveReady', $this, 'hookIndexingBefore'); protected function hookIndexingBefore( HookEvent $event ) { $options = array(); $page = $event->arguments("page"); // abort when true if(!$page->template->hasField("index")) return; if($page->isNew() || $page->isTrash()) return; // save user lang $language = $this->wire("user")->language; // clear index field at the begin $page->index = ''; if($page->is("template=specialities-clinics")){ $options['sender'] = $page->choose_sender_2016->id; } $options['pagename'] = $page->name; foreach($this->wire("languages") as $lang) { $this->wire("user")->language = $lang; // change user lang wire('pages')->setOutputFormatting(true); $content = $page->render($options); wire('pages')->setOutputFormatting(false); if($content){ $startStr = "<!--### start-indexing-area ###-->"; $endStr = "<!--### end-indexing-area ###-->"; preg_match_all('/'.$startStr.'(.*)'.$endStr.'/siU', $content, $matches); $newContent = preg_replace("/<div class='breadcrumb.*'>.*<\/div>/siU", '', $matches[1][0]); $newContent = str_replace('<', ' <', $newContent); $newContent = strip_tags($newContent); $newContent = preg_replace("/\s\s+/", " ", $newContent); } $page->index .= $newContent; } $this->wire("user")->language = $language; // restore user language }
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How do you access ProcessWire API from an external file? I wrote a class and I need to use the API from php file is in templates/includes/file.php <?php namespace ProcessWire; include_once('../../../index.php'); class myClass { private function ($query){ return $sanitizer->selectorValue($query); } } I get this error: Call to a member function selectorValue() on a non-object
My question is simple. How to access WireMail with bootstraping ProcessWire?
Official Announcement: Hacker News Discussion:
Hello, I have two Processwire installations which should share an entire part (a collection of plants). Now I tried to include the installation with all the content (plants) (site1) into the other installation (site2). This gives me the error: Compile Error: Cannot redeclare class ProcessWire\ProcessWire (line 696 of /var/www/virtual/site2/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/var/www/virtual/site1/wire/core/ProcessWire.php) Is there a trick, a hint what I have to do? Must I do something with the namespaces? Is there something to do in the config.php? In site1 I use PW 3.0.11 and in site2 I use PW 3.0.12.
Hi, We're looking for a PW freelancer (preferably based around Gloucestershire/South West - but will consider further afield) to build the front-end for a PW site we're currently building. The site has been designed (files available) and prototyped. Currently we are building the backend (members) area which pulls in a JSON feed and stores it in PW. This information is then shown to the Members. A restricted view of the data is shown to the public. Timescales for this project are to go live on W/C 18th April. Please post here with contact details and website URLs and I will contact you. Many thanks Pete Jones Head of Digital
I am trying to figure out how to add a class to an image. The image would be uploaded into the image field on a page and then placed into the "body text" of the page (ckeditor). I dont' see any place to add class tags to an image. Am I missing it somewhere? Module not installed correctly?
Hi, i work on a new start with my webpage on Processwire and have build a new Design with Bootstrap. Now i wonted to look it on my Phone and i saw that it looks like on Desktop. I can not find the problem! On my dummypage all works fine on Desktop and Phone. On processwire the Design works fine on Desktop, it scale perfekt but on my phone it doesn't work! Is there any what i must do in Processwire to scale on phones? What am I doing wrong?
Hello, I'm a true beginner at processwire and this is my first post! So first of all I would like to address my cordial greeting to all of you What i want to know is how to handle a bootstrap list with field types in processwire. I could use a simple text input field with commas and cut them for iterating but this is not a good solution. And the other problem is that i also want to implement the bootstrap-tooltip (see attached image file) What is the best solution for this problem? Thank you very much in advance for your answer. regards, Gerald
Hello, This is my first real project for a client, made with PW. I have a (little) issue in the site. In the screenshot below you can see in the footer menu, a little square (right). The menu is a inline UL and generated with this code: <ul class="list-inline text-center extra"> <?php $extra = $pages->get('/extra/'); $children = $extra->children(); foreach($children as $child) { echo "<li><a href='{$child->url}'>{$child->title}</a></li>"; }; ?> </ul> I tested adding links manually, and then the square is removed. <ul class="list-inline text-center extra"> <li><a href="#">menu 1</a> <li><a href="#">menu 2</a> </ul> How can I remove this square, when the menu is generated by PW? For the moment the site is in development, but you can see the square on your mobile phone on: Regards, Christophe
Hello, I have a new project in which people from site A should have the possibility to post a "news" which should automatically appear in site B. I think it's not possible to merge two PW installations by bootstraping site B to site A. Don't ask why both pages are not in the same installation ;-) My idea is to use a hook and post the data via ajax to a script which bootstraps site B. Then I post the data into that installation. To be capable to update the news simultanious in both installations I would use an unique field in both installations which will be the "id". Has anyone some better ideas or hints?
A new website powered by Proceswire and Bootstrap. The following modules were used : AIOM MarkupSEO MarkupSitemapXML ModulesManager Other components : Slick (the last carousel you'll ever need) The website url : Thanks for your attention.
new site just launched... major modules that were essential: admin template columns AIOM+ colorpicker (for custom page background colors) Font Awesome Page Label Form Builder ProCache jQuery DataTables Modules Manager Changelog Get Video Thumbs Field Change Notifier Hanna Code Redirects Template Notes Version Control Some custom modules for auto page titles, and custom page for managing works Front end Bootstrap Masonry/Isotope Flexslider dataTables Magnific Popup Soundmanager2 Fresco lighbox html5 video (using jackbox) extensively used Hanna codes to output lists of links, PDFs in various places; hanna code is also outputting the music players, scrolling flexslider galleries etc; the compositions list is using dataTables, and shows extra info in a magnific lightbox, which loads from ajax... once again, a site that really could not have been realized without PW!
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Well I got this form done a while ago and am trying to debug why all the sudden it's not submitting any values for name,email,tel, and comments. I used soma's code to do this and its great but I thought someone might see the answer hidden in here. Thanks in advance for helping me out <div class="modal fade" id="contactModal" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="myModalLabel" aria-hidden="true"> <div class="modal-dialog"> <div class="modal-content"> <div class="modal-header"> <!--p id="id2" name = "id2" style="display:none;"></p>--> <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button> <h4>Inquiry</h4></br> </div> <div class="modal-body"> <?php $sent = false; $contactEmail = $page->parent->Employee_Email; if ($page->parent->path == "/exhibitions/contemporary/"){ $contactEmail = $pages->get(1248)->Employee_Email; } if ($page->parent->path == "/exhibitions/antique/"){ $contactEmail = $pages->get(1249)->Employee_Email; } if ($page->parent->path == "/exhibitions/modern/"){ $contactEmail = $pages->get(1250)->Employee_Email; } // sanitize form values or create empty $form = array( 'fullname' => $sanitizer->text($input->post->fullname), 'email' => $sanitizer->email($input->post->email), 'tel' => $sanitizer->text($input->post->tel), 'url' => $page->httpUrl, 'comments' => $sanitizer->text($input->post->comments), ); // check if the form was submitted if($input->post->submit) { $artid = $input->post->artinfo; $artwork = $pages->get($artid); $artinfo = "Artist: " . $sanitizer->text($artwork->parent->artist_firstname); $artinfo .= " " . $sanitizer->text($artwork->parent->artist_lastname) . "\n"; $artinfo .= "Title: " . $sanitizer->text($artwork->title); //foreach($form as $key => $value) { // if ($key != 'tel'){ // if( strlen(trim($value)) == 0 ) { // $error = true; // break; // } // } //} // if no errors, email the form results if($input->post->url == "" && !$error) { $msg = "Full name: $form[fullname] \n" . "Email: $form[email] \n" . "Phone: $form[tel] \n" . "URL: $form[url] \n\n" . "-------------------\n\n" . "$artinfo" . "\n\n-------------------\n\n" . "Message: $form[comments]"; mail($contactEmail,"Website Inquiry", $msg, "From:"); $session->redirect("./", false); $mailed = true; } } if(!$sent) { // sanitize values for placement in markup foreach($form as $key => $value) { $form[$key] = htmlentities($value, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"); } // append form to body copy echo <<< _OUT <form id="contact" action="./" method="post"> <p> <label for="fullname">Your Name</label><span class="error">( required )</span> <input id="contact_fullname" class="form-control required" type="text" name="fullname" value="$form[fullname]" /> </p> <p class = "antispam"> <input class="nc" type="text" name="url" value = ""> </p> <p> <label for="email">Your Email</label><span class="error">( required )</span> <input id="contact_email" class="form-control required" type="email" name="email" value="$form[email]" /> </p> <p> <label for="tel">Your Phone Number (Optional)</label><br /> <input class="form-control nc" type="tel" name="tel" value="$form[tel]" placeholder="Enter phone number only if you wish to be called about this inquiry" /> </p> <p> <label for="comments">Comments</label><span class="error">( required )</span> <textarea id="contact_comments" class="form-control required" rows="10" name="comments">$form[comments]</textarea> </p> <!-- field to hold the art information--> <p class = "emailartinfo"> <input type="text" class="form-control nc" name="artinfo" id="sendartinfo" value=""> </input> </p> <p></p> _OUT; } ?> </div> <div class="modal-footer"> <input id="submitQuestion" class="btn btn-default" type="submit" name="submit" value="submit" /> <a href="#" class="btn btn-default" data-dismiss="modal">Cancel</a> </div> </form> </div> </div> </div>
How can I make this work. downloaded it from module tab in PW and in new tab I searched for PROCESSWIREBOOTSTRAP3and download and installed but still not working, What I see is the default site.
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