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  1. Hey @adrian I'm using ProcessPageList() to render a pagelist in my custom process module. I wondered why I only get bd() calls in the debug bar for ajax requests when collapsing a tree item, but not for the very first one. This is my code: <div id='pageviews'></div> <script> $('#pageviews').ProcessPageList({ rootPageID: 1, showRootPage: true, ajaxParams: {'rockcounter': true}, }); </script> I then tried wrapping that code in setTimeout() with a delay of 1000ms and then I got the bd() calls also for the very first request. Is there any recommended way of dealing with this? I tried to wait for dom ready, but that seems to be too early and tracy didn't catch the first request. On my laptop it works with a delay of 100ms, but in other setups it might be different, so I'm wondering if there is a solid way of waiting for tracy to capture the ajax call?
  2. What is your intention with this module? I think it would make more sense to add the tweaks directly to RockAdminTweaks, no? https://github.com/netcarver/RockAdminTweaksPool/blob/697240eb651dd873585b7f2630a81f2d905192ca/assets/RockAdminTweaks/AdminOnSteroids/BypassTrash.php#L28 --> this is not needed any more, because tweaks are only loaded in the backend, so it will always be template == 'admin' Regarding styles and scripts: I've added a "loadJS()" method on the Tweak base class. This will automatically load the corresponding js file from the tweak. See docs here: https://github.com/baumrock/RockAdminTweaks/tree/main/docs/assets Personally I'd prefer to have all the JS in dedicated JS files. It's a lot easier to write, a lot easier to read (no escaping, working color highlighting etc) and it's also easier to develop and debug (as you can set breakpoints, for example). I think the same concept makes sense for CSS files as well, what do you think? I'm just not sure from a performance perspective. Does it matter if we load multiple scripts with just a few lines of code? Would it be better to inline them into the HTML? But I don't like this ugly script and style injections via str_replace... So I've just added loadCSS() method as well! Regarding the AdminOnSteroids folder: I think it's nice to mention tpr's module, but I'd like to group tweaks based on what they do or where they add magic. For example I've added a "PageList" folder for tweaks that relate to the pagelist/pagetree and a "Forms" folder that relates to all kinds of forms or inputfields (page edit etc). If you have suggestions for other folders please let me know. The folder "AdminOnSteroids" makes no sense in my opinion.
  3. With the Less Module you can place a admin.less inside your templates folder. .PageList .PageListItem { &[class*="PageListTemplate_component"], &[class*="PageListTemplate_section"] { background: #f3f3f3; border-bottom: 1px solid #e0e0e0; &.PageListItemOpen { background: #e0e0e0; border-bottom: 1px solid #c9c9c9; } > a { padding-left: 10px; &:before { content: "\f061" !important; margin-right: 10px; } } } } so all Component Template begins with „component…“ (section is only a older version)
  4. Thanks a lot! Do you know if someone has ever thought about to insert those kind of features into the core? *edit* If sombody may need the same behaviour of Pagelist cloning (with unpublished status), I made a little hack to the @bernhard code: ... if($action === 'clone') { // get original page status $status = $page->status(); // set unpublished $page->setStatus(2049); $page->save(); // clone $copy = $this->wire->pages->clone($page); // get original name and store in an array $nameArr = explode('-',$page->name); // save cloned name (microtime style + 1) $copy->setAndSave('name', $nameArr[0] . '-' . ($nameArr[1] + 1)); // add ' (copy ... + incremented timestamp)' to title $copy->setAndSave('title', $page->title . ' (copy ' . ($nameArr[1] + 1) . ')'); // set unpublished status $copy->setStatus(2049); $copy->save(); // restore original status to original page $page->setStatus($status); $page->save(); $this->wire->session->redirect($copy->editUrl); } ... N.B. I used this trick (unpublishing the original page) due a personal hook that checks pages with same title (and warn if found one or more dupicates). Without the unpublished status for the original page, it seems that at first saving the title is the same also for cloned item... The same results is obtained with the @Robin S hook, but flagging "Keep page unpublished" in the cloning mask.
  5. Make sure: in myTemplate settings>URLs you Allow URL Segments then // decomposed example $title = $input->urlSegment1; // single $ref = $pages->get("template=myTemplate, title=$title"); // get retrieve a single result $pageList = $pages->find("template=myTemplate, prfield=$ref"); // or if many is needed $refs = $pages->find("template=myTemplate, title=$title|Foo|Bar"); // find retrieve a page array $pageList = $pages->find("template=myTemplate, prfield=$refs");
  6. I'd need some advice how to search for specific pages that have use a certain value in a page reference field. The task is quite simple: find all pages with a certain template that also use a page reference field with a specific title. $pageList = $pages->find("template=myTemplate, {PRField->title}={$input->urlSegment1}"); I also tried to split it but to no avail: $pageList = $pages->find("template=myTemplate, {PRField->title}={$input->urlSegment1}"); $finalpageList = $pages->find("{$pageList->PRField->title}={$input->urlSegment1}"); I'm absolutely positive that I'm missing a crucial point here.
  7. Hi to all, I would need to create a pagelist with the children of one parent page, but exclude some of the children. I found ProcessPageList find but have no clue how it works (it either lists all the children of home or only shows the page itself). Could anyone help me with an example? Thanks in advance, Bernhard
  8. The PageList panel uses ProcessWire's internal ProcessPageList component. As far as I know, it works by displaying the actual children of a parent page and doesn't support rendering arbitrary pages that aren't siblings.
  9. First, thanks for the lovely module! Is there any possibility to select the pages for the PageList with a selector instead of their parent? I would need for example to show only newsletters that have not been sent now ("checkbox_sent=0").
  10. Another way you could do it... In my example the parent template is "countries" and the child template is "country", and there are 195 child country pages. Using the PageEditPerUser module the user is only allowed to edit country pages "Zambia" and "Zimbabwe": Page List before: The problem being that lots of uneditable pages are included, with the two editable pages being at the end of the 4th pagination. I'm not using Admin Restrict Branch here so (presumably) that's why all the non-editable pages are listed, but that doesn't matter for the purposes of this example. A solution is to add the following hook to /site/ready.php: // Only for a particular role if($user->hasRole('editor')) { $wire->addHookBefore('ProcessPageList::find', function(HookEvent $event) { $selector = $event->arguments(0); /* @var Page $page */ $page = $event->arguments(1); $user = $event->wire()->user; // If the parent template is "countries", restrict the children list to only the pages that the user may edit if($page->template == 'countries') { $selector .= ", id=$user->editable_pages"; $event->arguments(0, $selector); } }); } That fixes it so that only the editable child pages are shown, but the incorrect child count and unnecessary pagination controls are still visible: So the simplest thing is just to hide those things with some custom admin CSS only for the relevant role (if you're not sure how to do that something like this should work, with a check first for the user role). /* Adjust the parent template name to suit */ .PageListTemplate_countries > .PageListNumChildren { display:none; } .PageListTemplate_countries + .PageList > .uk-pagination { display:none; } .PageListTemplate_countries + .PageList > .PageListActions { display:none; } End result:
  11. I guess they are able to trash pages but just don't see the trash button on the page list? Modules > Core > ProcessPageList > Check the checkbox to allow non-superusers to use the trash button from the pagelist
  12. Hi, Have you had a look at one/some of these PageList modules ? There's also many discussions in the forum related to your query : You may also want to have a look into the ProcessWire hooks system. Hope this helps
  13. I want also change the label "view" in PageList: i have searched into the code and the data for showing the buttons is created in the ProcessPageList.js; the data used in this file is send from ProcessPageList.module in the public function renderReady not hookable.... It is possible in a way i not suppose, achieve my purpose? Thanks
  14. I recently installed the Processwire Dashboard module (https://daun.github.io/processwire-dashboard/#/). After I added the hook code in site/templates/admin.php, even though I can see the dashboard, the 'Pages' page shows this error - Fatal error: Cannot redeclare _checkForMaxInputVars() (previously declared in wire/core/admin.php:line 96).' When I try to add a panel to show the Pagelist or simply try to access the subpages of any parent page, I see this error too. This error disappears when I remove the hook code from sites/templates/admin.php file. The code that the Dashboard module suggests we add to this file is as follows: wire()->addHookAfter('Dashboard::getPanels', function ($event) { /* Get list of panels */ $panels = $event->return; /* Add panels */ $panels->add([ 'panel' => 'collection', 'title' => 'News items', 'data' => [ 'collection' => 'template=news-item, limit=10', 'sortable' => true, ], ]); }); /* Make sure to add the hook *before* the default admin process */ require $config->paths->adminTemplates . 'controller.php'; Any suggestions on how to solve this? Thanks.
  15. The admin page list seems to be hiding the content of page labels inside square brackets. For a page titled Some Title [old], it will display as Some Title, removing the content inside the brackets. Oddly enough, a page titled Some Title [old content] displays correctly as Some Title [old content]. My guess is that ProcessWire is trying to interpret the part in square brackets as dot-field notation and trying to access a field value. Since there's no field named 'old', it will drop the brackets and everything inside entirely. Is this documented behavior? Can this be turned off? (Tested on latest dev branch, 3.0.171 and 3.0.181)
  16. There's no simple way to do this because when a page is moved the page list is updated via AJAX, whereas the core message() / warning() / error() methods require a normal page load in order to appear. But I had fun exploring some workarounds. Maybe one of these will suit or maybe not. In these examples a message is shown whenever a page is moved but of course you would add your own logic show your message more selectively. Option 1: queue a warning() to appear at the next page load via $session->warning(), and use some JS to automatically reload ProcessPageList whenever a page is sorted or moved. In some custom admin JS (you can add this with a hook or by using AdminOnSteroids): // When a page is moved in ProcessPageList $(document).on('pageMoved', '.PageListItem', function() { // Reload location.reload(); }); In /site/ready.php // When a page is moved $wire->addHookAfter('Pages::moved', function(HookEvent $event) { $page = $event->arguments(0); // Show a warning $event->wire()->session->warning("Page '{$page->title}' was moved to parent '{$page->parent->title}'."); }); Result: Option 2: Make use of the fact that when an exception is thrown ProcessPageList will show this as an alert. The below assumes that you only want to show a warning when a page is moved to a new parent and not when it is sorted within its existing parent. If that distinction doesn't matter then you could simplify this by only hooking after ProcessPageSort::execute(). In /site/ready.php // Optional: use Vex for nicer alerts in ProcessPageList $wire->addHookBefore('ProcessPageList::execute', function(HookEvent $event) { $event->wire()->modules->get('JqueryUI')->use('vex'); }); // Before ProcessPageSort::execute $wire->addHookBefore('ProcessPageSort::execute', function(HookEvent $event) { $pps = $event->object; $move_id = (int) $event->wire()->input->post->id; $moved = $event->wire()->pages->get($move_id); // Store original parent ID on the ProcessPageSort object $pps->original_parent_id = $moved->parent->id; }); // After ProcessPageSort::execute $wire->addHookAfter('ProcessPageSort::execute', function(HookEvent $event) { $pps = $event->object; $input = $event->wire()->input; $pages = $event->wire()->pages; $parent_id = (int) $input->post->parent_id; $move_id = (int) $input->post->id; $parent = $pages->get($parent_id); $moved = $pages->get($move_id); // Check if the parent ID has changed from the original (i.e. the page has moved) if($parent->id !== $pps->original_parent_id) { // Show an alert by making use of how exceptions are handled in ProcessPageList throw new WireException("Page '{$moved->title}' was moved to parent '{$parent->title}'."); } }); Result: Option 3: do it all in JavaScript. Whether this is viable depends on what sort of logic you need. With a bit of extra faffing around (not shown here) you can get things like the page IDs and template names from the class names of the page list items which might help. Optionally add the Vex library as in option 2. And then in some custom admin JS: // When a page is moved in ProcessPageList $(document).on('pageMoved', '.PageListItem', function() { var moved_title = $(this).find('.label_title').text(); var $parent = $(this).parent('.PageList').prev('.PageListItem'); var parent_title = $parent.find('.label_title').text(); var $from = $('#PageListMoveFrom').prev('.PageListItem'); if($from.length) { // Page was moved to a different parent var from_title = $from.find('.label_title').text(); ProcessWire.alert('Page "' + moved_title + '" was moved to parent "' + parent_title + '" from parent "' + from_title + '"'); } else { // Page was sorted within its existing parent ProcessWire.alert('Page "' + moved_title + '" was sorted within parent "' + parent_title + '"'); } }); Result:
  17. Did a little tinkering since I'm going to need another API endpoint for a new project soon and came up with this PoC: https://github.com/BitPoet/WireApi-PoC It's very crude and all as its just meant as a playground for ideas for now (wouldn't dare to clutter up the Wire namespace), and it does still use pages behind the scene (though not the implicit 404 redirect). Perhaps hiding the endpoints from the tree for everybody but superusers might be an option, but I haven't fully thought that out. Here are a few very simple examples of an API template (in fact, very close to what I thought up above): <?php namespace ProcessWire; $api->routeGET('/api/hello/{name}/', null, 'helloWorldApi', true); $api->routeGET('/api/pagelist/', 'apitemplates/pagelist') ->roles('superuser') ->setDebug(true) ; $api->route(['GET'], '/api/custom/{value}/', function($url, $values) { wire('api')->jsonResponse([ 'success' => true, 'youare' => wire('user')->name, 'data' => $values ]); })->check(function($url, $route, $check, $values) { return ctype_digit($values['value']); }); $api->handleRequest(['debug' => true]); // ________________Only function declarations below_____________________ function helloWorldApi($url, $values) { wire('api')->jsonResponse(['Hello', $values['name']]); } Oh, and it ships with a near-one-click endpoint installer ? Let me know what you think, and if you have any ideas about improvements or doing things differently, bring it on.
  18. Following the above discussion, I decided that it made more sense to display the title rather than the path (since it is only for display purposes). I also wanted a solution for attribute types pagelistselectmultiple, not just pagelistselect. In case it is useful to anyone else, my suggested js is: $(document).ready(function() { /* Author: Mark Evens, based on an original script by Robin Sallis */ /* This version displays the title text rather than the path name */ /* It also works for pagelistselectmultiple as well as pagelistselect */ /* Hide the text field */ /* id_title is the name of a text attribute in the hanna code*/ /* change id_title throughout the code below to match your attribute name */ $('#wrap_id_title').addClass('hide-field'); // Must use mousedown instead of click event due to frustrating event propagation issues across PW core // https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/1028 // .PageListActionSelect is the button 'Select' with appears when a page is clicked (no normally visible - loaded by js) $(document).on('mousedown', '.PageListActionSelect a', function (event) { var id_title; // Adapt unselect label to suit your language if ($(this).text() === 'Unselect') { id_title = ''; } else { id_title = ($(this).closest('.PageListItem').children('.PageListPage').text()); // replace .text() by .attr('title') for path name } $('#id_title').val(id_title); }); // For pagelistselectmultiple, get all the selected pages when the selection is updated // This returns the contents of the label displayed in the pagelist item. This can be set in your HannaCodeDialog::buildForm hook // The default is the page title. For the path name, set $f->labelFieldName = 'path'; in your hook $(document).on('change', '.InputfieldPageListSelectMultiple', function(event) { var id_title = []; $(this).find('.InputfieldContent ol li:not(.itemTemplate)').each(function(){ id_title.push($(this).children('span.itemLabel').text()) }) $('#id_title').val(id_title); }); }); To hide the id_title attribute in the dialog, you need to add the following css: #hanna-form .hide-field { display: none !important; }
  19. Hey @David Karich thx for this great module ? Could you please make the buildPageListHitCounter() method public, so that I can use it on my custom pagelist labels? Then I can build more complex labels like this one: // hit counter $hits = $this->wire->modules->get('PageHitCounter') ->buildPageListHitCounter((int) $page->get(PageHitCounter::PHCFIELDNAME)); $event->return = $hits.$badge($type($page)).$page->range->format().", ".$page->title; Thx
  20. Yes, I think you are probably right with both of your reasons. I did try to make pagelist work with pagination (it does, but couldn't get limit to be set dynamically, so it follows whatever is set on pagelist module which defaults to 50). It seems that I wont need pagination at all on dashboard (more proof for your point 1), but if the need arises I will definitely take a closer look into it.
  21. There's really two reasons this isn't implemented: 1 — I don't think it's all that necessary. For actual browsing of data that requires state and pagination, there's much better tools available: PageList and PageLister, among others. The pagination info, as implemented currently, is merely meant to communicate that there's more results than currently shown and avoid any confusion there. 2 — It's probably not that trivial to build. The native pagination breaks down once you do any sorting or render multiple paginated panels on a dashboard. To make it work well, it would have to be a custom-built solution that fetches results via AJAX and does the sorting server-side. I'm not currently doing any substantial work on the module, however I'm planning to implement some missing features when I find the time later this summer. In the meantime, I'll happily accept pull requests for a working pagination feature.
  22. Thanks @d'Hinnisdaël Gotta say I really like this module, solid work & documentation. One suggestion - not sure I understand the reason for current Collection pagination? It only shows the count of results, instead of showing actual pager. Changing this to actual pager is trivial, but probably something you would like to offer as an option? $pagination = sprintf( $this->_('Showing %d of %d'), $this->collection->count, $this->collection->getTotal() ); $footer .= "<div>{$pagination}</div>"; so instead of that just use: $footer .= "<div>{$this->collection->renderPager()}</div>"; And we have default PW pager working as expected. Of course this is not fully functional (and probably reason why left out from initial version?) is that it doesn't work with current table sorts which are only client sorts. Another route for case where you really need paging would be using pagelist, but there I think pager limit should be a setting too.
  23. @Macrura First of all I love SettingsFactory! I've seen notices before in SettingsFactory when I add new fields but not yet saved the value. In this complicated setup I have here this notice prevents the PageList from being loaded. SettingFactory->getSettings() triggers the notice on line 152. // Locally i have changed the if statemaent on line 151: } else { $newDataArray[$key] = $dataArray[$key]; } // To this: } else if (isset($dataArray[$key])) { $newDataArray[$key] = $dataArray[$key]; } Without looking much in to this, this fixes it for me.
  24. Hello Again. I Get a "Copy" option on any pages under the Root in pagelist. I am going to uninstall Tracy Debugger and install it again and see what happens. Cause some things have been acting strange like the image upload issue i postet about a short while ago then went away. I will think about the server access thing.
  25. Hi @Ivan Gretsky The code I gonna paste here is a copy/paste from other work so there might be glitches. And you should use your own fieldnames etc. What you can do is: Create a template and template file for RSS name it rss. Template not ending with slash. (Name a the page that uses this template should end with .rss In the template file something like: <?php namespace ProcessWire; use DomDocument; use DOMElement; use DateTime; header('Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8', true); date_default_timezone_set("Europe/Amsterdam"); setlocale(LC_MONETARY, 'nl_NL'); /** @var \DateTime */ $date = new DateTime('today midnight'); $items = $pages->find("YOUR SEARCH SELECTOR DON'T FORGET TO SET LIMIT"); /** * Start XML Object * * @var DOMDocument */ $dom = new DOMDocument("1.0", "UTF-8"); $root = $dom->appendChild($dom->createElement("rss")); $root->setAttribute("version","2.0"); $root->setAttribute("xmlns:dc","http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/"); $root->setAttribute("xmlns:content","http://purl.org/rss/1.0/modules/content/"); $root->setAttribute("xmlns:atom","http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom"); $link = $dom->createElement("atom:link"); $link->setAttribute("href", $page->httpUrl()); $link->setAttribute("rel","self"); $link->setAttribute("type","application/rss+xml"); $channel = $root->appendChild($dom->createElement("channel")); $channel->appendChild($link); $channel->appendChild($dom->createElement("title", $page->title)); $channel->appendChild($dom->createElement("description", $page->description)); $channel->appendChild($dom->createElement("link", $page->httpUrl)); $channel->appendChild($dom->createElement("language", "nl")); $channel->appendChild($dom->createElement("lastBuildDate", $date->format(DateTime::RFC2822))); $channel->appendChild($dom->createElement("generator", "DomDocument, ProcessWire")); foreach ($items as $item) { $dateInt = (int) $item->getUnformatted("date_start"); if (!$dateInt) $dateInt = (int) $item->modified; /** @var DateTime $date */ $date = new DateTime(date("Y-m-d", $dateInt)); /** @var DOMElement $parent */ $itemParent = $dom->createElement("item"); // Plain tags $elements = array( $dom->createElement("title", $item->title), $dom->createElement("description", htmlspecialchars($item->description)), $dom->createElement("link", $item->httpUrl()), ); // For closure $image = $images->first(); $image = $image->size(600, round(600 * 9 / 16)); $mime = $image->ext === 'jpg' ? "image/jpeg" : "image/png"; $enclosure = $dom->createElement("enclosure"); $enclosure->setAttribute('url', $image->httpUrl()); $enclosure->setAttribute('type', $mime); $enclosure->setAttribute('length', $image->filesize); $elements[] = $enclosure; foreach ($elements as $element) $itemParent->appendChild($element); $channel->appendChild($itemParent); } echo $dom->saveXML(); When you want to place the RSS in the root you could hide it for non superusers: /** * Hide RSS page * * Hide RSS page int pagelist for NON superusers * */ $wire->addHookBefore("ProcessPageList::find", function (HookEvent $event) { /** @var User $user */ $user = $this->wire("user"); if ($user->isSuperuser()) return; /** @var Page $page */ $page = $event->arguments(1); /** @var string $baseSelector */ $baseSelector = $event->arguments(0); $selector = $baseSelector . ", template!=rss"; $event->arguments(0, $selector); }); Hope this could be a good starting point for you.
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