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Everything posted by adrian

  1. I don't think it needs to be automatic, but perhaps the instructions could be expanded. Currently all they say is: "Create your processes then enter a path to the json or php definition of the fields in the path field." and that didn't initially make sense to me. I think spell it out: 1. Create a page under Admin (at the top level or under Setup if you prefer) 2. Save the page and then choose the ProcessSettingsFactory process from the dropdown. 3. Enter the path to youre settings file. Not sure using a placeholder is good the way you did - I actually thought it was already filled out with: settings/site-settings.php I also think you should say included "samples", not examples, because of the folder they are stored in. Hope that helps.
  2. Hey @Macrura, I was surprised that the Process module didn't automatically create its own page, so I was a little lost for a minute or two, but otherwise looks great and looking forward to using it - thanks for the hard work!
  3. For me it's a mix. I really like a GUI for visually reviewing the code changes in all files before committing. But for checking out and pulling updates from other (not my) repos, I use the command line.
  4. Yeah, the "user-admin-all" is very strangely named I think: https://processwire.com/api/user-access/permissions/#user-admin-permissions The description says that it reduces the user's rights to guest users only and then you build up from there with the user-admin-[role] option. All that said, I still think we need a way to let a user with some user-admin permission create another user also with this ability. Otherwise you can't let a client handle the creation of new users in their organization who can also do user management.
  5. I just came across this also. I think that even though this is clearly intentional: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/bafe3d4a1289f6d225c657c4206c27c7a27a5b14/wire/modules/Process/ProcessUser/ProcessUser.module#L211 it is problematic if you want to give a user the ability to create other users with the ability to also create users. I think this should be a Github issue - anyone else have any thoughts? If you need a quick fix, you could comment out the line shown above.
  6. Not sure it's actually an optimization - more of a reduction and maybe a simplification depending on how you look at things. It also might handle template names without any additional logic which can also be nice.
  7. Just a quick note on the $page->template to $itemtemplate conversion. You could replace all that logic with: $itemtemplate = rtrim(str_replace(array('event_', 'special', 'business'), array('single-', 'special-', 'business-'), $page->template), 's'); It's really up to you whether this seems nicer or more complicated
  8. Cordova/Phonegap are for building hybrid apps, but there are several "native" cordova plugins for things like access to the camera and various sensors, and in that case, also for displaying notifications. Here's the list of cordova plugins you can use: https://cordova.apache.org/plugins/
  9. As @Zeka said - it expects a minimum of two arguments, but just to clarify, this is not a PHP 7 issue.
  10. Not sure if this does what you want: https://ionicframework.com/docs/native/push/
  11. Just curious - I would have thought that Tracy would report the exception most likely on the bluescreen page and if not, I think the PW logs icon would turn red because it should be logged there. Did neither of those happen? Exception: Can’t save page 1: /: Call $page->of(false); before getting/setting values that will be modified and saved.
  12. It depends on the version of PW. Take a look at my logic here: https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/blob/805e09c8641a438deeb1b7a7983bc59a148e43a1/panels/DebugModePanel.php#L221-L224
  13. Looking at the line where that addBodyClass error is coming from: $this->wire('adminTheme')->addBodyClass('LanguageTabsJqueryUI'); we can see it's related to the theme issues you are having. At this point I would copy across all the files from the wire folder again with a fresh set from Github. If that doesn't work on it's own, I'd be calling: http://mysite.com/processwire/module/?reset=1 If that doesn't work, empt the assets/cache folder. Then try the cache db table.
  14. You just need to make use of the maxDepth and maxLength options when making the d() call. You can read the docs here: https://adrianbj.github.io/TracyDebugger Also note that the Debug Mode panel > Selector Queries section now shows the SQL query for all selectors used to generate the current page.
  15. Because turning it on might display the real reason for the internal server error
  16. Outputformatting is off when you bootstrap, so the maxFiles setting is not respected. You can either turn it on ->of(true) or you can get the ->first() image.
  17. Yes (https://github.com/renganatha10/whatspp-PWA) Yes (https://www.progressivewebapproom.com/) I don't know what a premium app is I think this is a good read: https://blog.ionicframework.com/what-is-a-progressive-web-app/ You could even build these things in "hybrid" apps - Cordova plugins give access to camera, mic, etc and there are lots of JS game building libraries out there. I think browsers and JS are getting so powerful now that you can build anything without going "native".
  18. Thanks for checking - it's definitely an issue here.
  19. I haven't used their new PWA toolkit, but I have used PW as a backend for an Ionic app before. Might be worth taking a look: https://blog.ionicframework.com/announcing-the-ionic-pwa-toolkit-beta/
  20. Sounds awesome - thanks for the heads up. I wonder how hard it will be to implement and whether it really needs to be implemented in the Tracy core or not?
  21. When you say "encapsulation headaches" are you talking mostly about css inheritance? Sorry, I haven't had a good read of that link yet
  22. The issue you are seeing is actually the missing pipe (|) between the name and the format. Try this: /*Hungary*/ hungaryAreaCodeOnly | {([phoneAreaCode])}-{[phoneNumber,0,3]}-{[phoneNumber,3,4]}
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