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Everything posted by adrian

  1. It should already do that. Here's an example showing a selector query in the Console Panel and the selector and resulting query in the Selector Queries section of the Debug panel that is on the AJAX bar. Does this work for you?
  2. To avoid anything from your template file that might be contributing, can you try this in the Tracy Console panel: d(users('roles!=foo, roles!=bar')->each("name"));
  3. @FlorianA - the roles!=foo works for me What version of PW are you running? I wonder if something was fixed in dev (assuming you are running master).
  4. Working for me - what's your code? I know you say it's not working even for one role, but remember if for negative selection you want AND and not OR for multiple roles.
  5. Thanks for those details @Gideon So - here's some more 1) What Linux distro? Just wondering if there is any Debian session stuff going on 2) After restarting apache, does CPU stay low consistently, or does it start to climb again? 3) Can you narrow it down to a specific panel? Firstly check the Panel Selector to see if any are listed as high MB. But then, please try turning off all extra panels and enable one by one to see if there is one that is the trigger. Thanks for helping out.
  6. Not sure, but let's go through a few things: 1) Is this a new thing on a version of Tracy that was fine before, or is it a new version of Tracy? 2) Same server / php version as before the issue? 3) What is the OS of the server? 4) Is it an issue on all pages of your site? 5) Does it make any difference to click the PW Info Panel > Clear Session & Cookies? 6) Does restarting apache help? 7) Does the debug bar actually load still? Does it take a long time to load? 8) Are there any huge files in site/assets/logs ? Let me know all that stuff and we'll go from there.
  7. Nice to hear - I'll match that pledge
  8. Your wish is my command I have just extended the Mail Interceptor panel to support an optional "Test Email Address". If it's left empty, it works as before, just capturing all the email output in the panel. If you enter a test email, it will still capture the mails, but also send to that test address. I think this is a nice combo.
  9. Hi everyone, I know we'd all like to see ProcessWire grow in popularity (maybe not hugely, but just enough that more people know about it which can help to convince clients to go with it). It strikes me as strange that the ProcessWire Github repo still has less than 300 stars - I'd like to see us well over a thousand which should be an easy task for the forum members to achieve. I see so many other projects with lots of stars but for some reason it doesn't seem like it is something we tend to do around here, despite being a very active, friendly, and supportive environment. I also think that starring your favorite modules doesn't hurt either - I think that will also help to increase the visibility from PW and also help out module authors a little as well. If you can show your Github project has a decent number of stars it shows that you are building things that people want which can help you land a job and helps you to convince the client that you and ProcessWire are a good mix. Anyway, if you have a minute to do some starring of PW and your favorite modules, hopefully it will benefit us all a little. Thanks!
  10. @tpr - that's what I call service Thank you!
  11. https://modules.processwire.com/modules/mail-debugger/
  12. @tpr - have you considered adding this functionality to AOS? Or maybe a @Robin S "limit" special module
  13. I do have the timezone set (we are talking about in the PW config.php?). Anything else I can do to debug?
  14. This seems to have fixed the time update issue - thanks! Just the results table issue to go
  15. It looks like the timestamp is not being updated, because that timestamp is showing 5am in the POST data after saving.
  16. Looks like there is no timeStart in the POST data: {"startDate":1518699600,"endDate":1518854340,"allDay":false,"timeEnd":"03:00 pm","dates":["W7/14/Wed/Feb/2018","W7/15/Thu/Feb/2018"],"excluded":[],"active":false,"showResults":true,"rrule":"WKST=MO;FREQ=DAILY;DTSTART=20180215T050000Z;INTERVAL=1;UNTIL=20180216T235900Z"}
  17. Hmmm. That is very strange that you can’t save. Do you have any js errors? Looks like it's ok now - I changed the date to something else, then saved and now it's working. Not sure if it was some change tracking issue or what. I did try several times before, but seems ok now - I'll keep an eye on it and let you know. Let me know if you have troubles reproducing the results table issue. Also, would you consider changing the behavior of the code icon - I see that it's a tooltip for the RRule, but it might be nice if there was no target, because I thought it was clickable and the # target directs me to the top of the page and makes me think the link is broken. I actually think it might be nice if clicking it showed the RRule below, like the results table shows. This question is not really specific to this module, but I am wondering if there is a standard way to handle multiday events that have different start/end times on different days, like a concert or conference. I am guessing these just need to be single separate events, otherwise it's not really a recurring event?
  18. Thanks for the getting to these issues @joshuag 1) It looks like the UiKit theme issues are fixed 2) I can't seem to save a non all day event. I uncheck "all day" and enter a start and end time, but when I save the page, the "all day" is checked and the end time isn't saved. 3) The results seem to be off by a day - note 15/16 vs 14/15 in the results.
  19. Thanks for the follow up. Not sure why I am seeing what I am in Tracy. I committed a fix to avoid the error, but it still seems weird - no time to dig deeper right now though. Cheers!
  20. @Krlos - did you ever resolve this? I am seeing a similar issue in Tracy - seems it's not possible to do: $modules->get('ProcessPageEditImageSelect');
  21. New version: 1) Adds a new option to "Allow Letters in Input" which is to support companies who like to publicize their phone number using letters, like: 1800-CALLNOW - the default is for this to be off so validation still checks that all are digits, but with this on, you can also enter letters. 2) Has some tweaks to prevent a component suffix from displaying if there is no value for the next component.
  22. Thanks for the feedback @gmclelland - I don't have the need (and therefore the time) to look into the multilanguage side of things right now, but if others want to contribute, I am happy to maintain this fork going forward. Perhaps if we could get @wumbo to chime in to confirm he's no longer to going to support this, I could point the entry in the modules directory to my fork? PS - I just emailed him via the address listed on his Github profile and it bounced and it's the same address he has used in his PW modules directory account. I don't have access to check the email for his forum account, but I am guessing these notifications are probably bouncing too. I don't really feel right switching things out without his permission, but also not sure how to move forward - anyone have any thoughts on this? I think maybe PW needs a policy on this, because it's bound to happen again with other modules. PPS - I found another email address for him, so hopefully I will hear something soon.
  23. One more small, but pretty important tweak - it now properly removes the tabs at the top in the UiKit theme. Important so that users aren't confused by the useless "Attributes" tab option. I think I am pretty happy with it now that it is storing page IDs for local links, but I am curious if anyone else is still using this module? Is there something else out there that I might have missed that provides a nice interface for choose links to local pages and also has the option to paste in an external link?
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