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Everything posted by WillyC

  1. pw.aleady have proved.libraries for all this
  2. $select1 = 'template=bluskchug, ...whtevr u want'; $select2 = 'template=chishpahjung, ...whaevr u.like'; $select3 = 'sort=...you say, limit=10'; $select3 .= ", id="; // leav.thi s $findre = new PageFinder(); $res1 = $findre->find(new Selectors($select1)); $res2 = $findre->find(new Selectors($select2)); foreach(array_merge($res1, $res2) as $hi) $select3 .= "$hi[id]|" $res3 = $findre->find(new Selectors(rtrim($select3, '|')); $ids = array(); foreach($res3 as $hi) $ids[] = $hi['id']; $yopages = $pages->getById($ids); or.u jus.use sql.queery
  3. submit content.i do for processwire douche.site but now.wher gone?
  4. WillyC


    how.we can submite artikel for.news lettre ?
  5. only.use post u shold for action.that changess.db for.this work it can.how it is.evenif not good mabe $m->trackChange('imageverify'); $m->save(); ?
  6. $num = 10; // u.tell it how.manys file ob_start(); $path = rtrim(wire('config')->paths->files, '/'); passthru("find $path -type f -exec stat -f '%m %N %m' {} \; | sort -n | tail -$num | cut -f2- -d' '"); $data = explode("\n", trim(ob_get_contents())); ob_end_clean(); foreach($data as $line) { list($file, $ts) = explode(' ', $line); echo date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $ts) . " - $file<br />"; }
  7. u must.added me.my name willyc jа.говорим немачки.добар willyc@prodigy.net http://williamc.com lisense id 39149538518 no.diseeses and pets.i no own
  8. u.can added me willyc willyc@prodigy.net
  9. page-sort perm.say sort children not sort siblingers creat new role.u will give just page-sort perm put role .on parent tamplate (.teams? give.editors users new role in addishon to editor role now work ?
  10. amazeng web.desinen it butt.ful
  11. u.can chak box tab.settings...hiddens
  12. [quotamos]Error Maximum function nesting level of '100' reached, aborting! (line 95 of D:\wamp\www\pwabc\processwire\wire\core\Data.php) [/quotamos] u. turnn off xdebug or. you like turn up xdebug nest leval
  13. you know.it is Lazy? it need.page viewed.to run u.can make not lazy .see sechion on buttock of page here http://processwire.com/api/modules/lazy-cron/
  14. alway.s have call.to action my designe teacher say
  15. why.not just make custom tamplate for 404 page?
  16. why u.use add.whens you no take result u.try this? $u = wire('users')->add('testuser1'); $u->pass = 'test123'; $u->addRole('superuser'); $u->save(); or.this $u = new User(); $u->name = 'testuser1'; $u->pass = 'test123'; $u->save();
  17. the.nature the real secret of category is the.world made of category. the world made.of page catpage in.catpage if you.know catpage.that world is made of you.make of it whatever you wish.
  18. [quotamos]ere be field with fieldtype "stats" that doesn't have inputfield? Or is inputifield always required? Of course it could be just dummy&hidden. Just thinking if Adam would implement "Stats" fieldtype for his trac[/quotamos] u.see conscat fieldtype no inputfeld http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-concat/
  19. you.can move admins themed to /site/templates-admin/ no mas.worry on upgraded
  20. [quotamos]What would be the use of entering your own "options" if this works only for a page selector?[/quotamos] not-relationals times like forms bilder or api or mabe a trap
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