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Everything posted by WillyC

  1. oop easier than no.oop. how abowt real objet likes coffey maker. $m=new coffeymaker(): $m->fillcoffey('frenchyroast'); $m->fillwater('750ml'); $coffey=$m->brew(); $me=new WillyC(); $me->drink($coffey); $t=new toilet(); $me->pee($t); and that.all there,^b^b^b oops $t->flush(); and thatall there is now.youknow oop(ee)
  2. when.i do ALt.Q NO CARRIER &€$'""/-¥• •^€~
  3. soumd problamatic to.me 888 what.wil be if put page.in trash,change.name n tamplate whilst.in trash then un-trash to new pare T? what.abt the recersive gramdchildrens?
  4. Cluck.on field name youwill in tamplate edit. change descraptions by tamplate.youcan. called "context"
  5. lookkk.in $config->advanced=true; u edit then.tamplate & options too lefsa title.optional
  6. hello., srch result.page u shuld use.right quote ex. “quote” no "quote" is typo.graphe lookit up
  7. heyu.make small changeto item like.add periodto sentance then.say misjgoth in.english and cluck save, fixed
  8. download .have file call readme.txt and instructional. onlyknow.some Php me, but no es necessato in processwire using, may be but .developing new help.it can. more+ u know as.webdev+ more u like pw. butif no into ne webdev, swap letters pw with wp.
  9. method u use with js is nice. but why u need reinsert image to change? cluck just on img then click img icon tinymce. description u edit. cluck insert. save. redo u do not need to
  10. a eseye, ou pa dwe. fè oswa pa fè sa. pa gen anyen lòt bagay. ka fòs a toujou la avè ou.
  11. wait.for net split i do,my bots take over.yr channl Yes.will
  12. soma yo can no| $wire->zam in modulos o classos. wire('zam') must it.be bill getAttr beauty i.use good,thanking
  13. $zip = $page->images->path . 'dosfile.zip'; $fileos = array(); foreach($page->images as $image) $fileos[] = $image->filename; $fileos = implode(' ', $fileos); exec("zip $dosfile $fileos"); echo "<p><a href='$dosfile'>clicka.mato dawnlode</a></p>";
  14. Site putt.together am i brougt inputfield lexicon or process with usrs many do. when alphabateze multi page informations wher.e dos selection vs multioption selectins value's with process wire? mixture.with tamplate and filters and fields, suggest grate would so? helpfal.kind vanced, much,thank too.
  15. Whyno for each? That what.it for. Already invented wheel is. $ids=array(); foreach($pageArray as $p) $ids[]=$p->id; Now bingo $ids have.what u need
  16. url.segment configerable san /site/config.php - /** * Maximum number of extra stacked URL segments allowed in a page's URL (including page numbers). * * i.e. /path/to/page/s1/s2/s3 where s1, s2 and s3 are URL segments that don't resolve to a page, but can be * checked in the API via $input->urlSegment1, $input->urlSegment2, $input->urlSegment3, etc. * To use this, your template settings (under the URL tab) must take advantage of it. Only change this * number if you need more (or fewer) URL segments for some reason. * */ $config->maxUrlSegments = 4;
  17. about.float clear, hit reload in browser.fast twice then eject dvd, blow on it, re -insert click -pages- work it will and well
  18. Su trabajo es excelente, gracias!
  19. assume that all colums are equal do you? screen shot show columns, lengths different
  20. fall back you must avoid sessions fathered by cookies they are session id in url come from dark side.safe is not
  21. public function ___login($event) { لهذا public function login($event) لا يوجد سبب ليكون آخر هوك هنا تغيير if (!$user instanceof NullPage) { // update login info $user->pass = $pass; $user->save(); لهذا if($user->id) { $user->pass = $pass; if($user->isChanged('pass')) $user->save(); تعديل هذا $guest = wire('users')->getGuestUser(); $user = new User(); $user->parent = $guest->parent; $user->name = $name; $user->pass = $pass; $user->addRole("guest"); $user->save(); $user = wire('session')->login($name, $pass); لهذا $user = wire('users')->add($name); $user->pass = $pass; $user->addRole('guest'); $user->save(); wire('users')->setCurrentUser($user); تعديل هذا throw new Exception("Could not connect to LDAP"); لهذا throw new WireException($this->_('Could not connect to LDAP')); يودا من حرب النجوم $field = Wire::getFuel('modules')->get('InputfieldText'); لهذا $field = wire('modules')->get('InputfieldText');
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