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Everything posted by WillyC

  1. check oot minddk.play make module https://github.com/mindplay-dk/PageListPin also.can use bread crumbs trailers en admin
  2. /site/templates/home.php cha.nge $content = $page->body . renderPosts("limit={$page->quantity}"); to $content = $page->body . renderPosts("limit={$page->quantity}", true); see.more in /site/templates/blog.inc too
  3. site.beautuful ! .butt site.sell better if ladies.ware swimsute (bikinee) cd ..
  4. WillyC


    this.why i no use moo .tools or leche
  5. fiel /images fields? nm.i find anser
  6. i.did alrody.did use logo en my.car stephanos this yusage ok.or no?
  7. WillyC

    That Ryan Bloke.

    he re.u go reno bird
  8. du.u have setup menu en pages>admin>setup ? el admin es jost a webasite like.any hothers
  9. why.disablas checkbaxen user tamplate ? go.admin>modules>process>profile en.removar checkbaxen btw $user->checkbax_name es integar no.object
  10. try.replayce des: $u->setDestinationPath($l->files->path); weong des: $u->setDestinationPath($l->files->path()); Un path(); no path; -el methode no.variables cd ..
  11. soundas pdfcompsar have.meinor problemo yo.must edit /site/config.php, changes $config->debug=true; to $config->debug=false;
  12. i.am first you can puut this in your head.inc tamplate or some includeded file before.u are doing $page->url $pages->addHookAfter('Page::path', null, 'hookPagePath'); function hookPagePath(HookEvent $e) { $page = $e->object; if($page->template == 'article') $e->return = "/blog/$page->name/"; }
  13. זה לא ניתן לגשת לקבצים באתר /site/templates/ תבניות באופן ישיר. הנח את התסריט שלך במקום אחר. וכך יהיו
  14. deer.sinnut i saw u have no avioter i feel bad so.maded one.
  15. rather then namen "nofile_*" u.cann also do $this alsos $tamplons = ''; foreach($templates as $t) { if(!$t->filenameExists()) $tamplons .= $tamplons ? "|$t" : $t; } foreach($page->children("template!=$tamplons") as $babby) { // $babby.not tamplon } cd ..
  16. WillyC

    Icon Sets

    good.icoon s for space travals http://www.iconarchi...confactory.html icoons for animalls http://www.freedesig...al-silhouettes/
  17. [quotamos]BTW: There is the possibility that I use "secondlevel.com" and "www.secondlevel.com". => 2 Domains => failure. I'll pay attention.[\quotamos] donut do that. stay at.same host. fix yer htaccess so u donut forgot
  18. Raname yur /ProcessWire/ from bfor to /ProcessWire-tamp/. Prolably yer not case.sansitive.
  19. u can makke post-comment.php tamplate and than tell renderForm to have.action there (see options] with page id as get var or urlsegment. That tamplate load page id from that get var or urlsegment. that tamplate can call renderForm from page u loaded to process it. nice too.bcoz all yur other pages can use.cache if u like too
  20. Wire.array only take obje t of type Wire. 123 is number.not wire use.a reaglar php array insteade
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