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Like in recent weeks past, the primary focus this week in core development was working through the queue of older issue reports. Relative to 3.0.128, ProcessWire 3.0.129 contains 17 commits over 1 week, most of which are focused on resolving and closing out older issue reports. However, there have also been a few very useful additions too, and I’m going to cover them in a blog post next week. In terms of our issues repository, we are now down to 65 open issues and 777 closed (the closed number is a total over the life of this repo). If we subtract issues that are tagged as being fixed, not a bug or ready to close, we’re around 55 open issue reports (give or take a couple depending on when we check). Which is to say, there’s a lot of great progress here. And many of the remaining issues are minor things that might only affect one person, though still important nonetheless. Thanks to everyone that’s helping figure things out (such as Toutouwai, Matjazpotocnik, Netcarver and others), your help is greatly appreciated. Just now I also released a new version of ProMailer (v7) which accommodates many of the recent feature requests and fixes a few minor issues as well. There has been a lot of enthusiasm for ProMailer, pleasantly more than expected—thanks for your interest and support. Here’s the changelog for the latest version (v7) below. There is also more good stuff in the works for v8 as well. Changed subscribers list interface to use tabs. Added ability to remove all subscribers from a list. Added ability to remove filtered subscribers from a list (matching find query). Added ability to import subscribers from another list (creating a merged list). Added support for single, multi-select and checkbox custom fields. Added support for PW 3.0.129+ core WireMail blacklist (more details in next week’s blog post). Added several new options for custom fields (see new custom fields reference). Added documentation for conditional placeholders. Split the rather large ProcessProMailer.module into separate files/classes. Fix some display issues in AdminThemeDefault and AdminThemeReno. Various minor bug fixes and other minor tweaks, additions and improvements. Thanks for reading this quick update and hope that you have a great weekend.10 points
@wbmnfktr, @Valery, @pwired Thanks for suggestions. I managed to get the desired result with HTML Purifier. $dirty = pages(11896)->archive_wysiwyg; $purifier = $sanitizer->purifier(); $purifier->set('AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty', true); $purifier->set('AutoFormat.AutoParagraph', true); $purifier->set('AutoFormat.RemoveEmpty.RemoveNbsp', true); $purifier->set('CSS.AllowedProperties', array()); $purifier->set('HTML.ForbiddenAttributes', array('*@class', 'img@width', 'img@height')); $purifier->set('HTML.ForbiddenElements', array('span', 'strong')); $settings = $purifier->getConfig(); $def = $settings->getHTMLDefinition(); $def->info_tag_transform['h1'] = new HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Simple('p'); $def->info_tag_transform['h2'] = new HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Simple('p'); $def->info_tag_transform['h3'] = new HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Simple('p'); $def->info_tag_transform['h4'] = new HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Simple('p'); $def->info_tag_transform['h5'] = new HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Simple('p'); $def->info_tag_transform['h6'] = new HTMLPurifier_TagTransform_Simple('p'); $clean = $purifier->purify($dirty); // do something5 points
The final verdict is in! Thanks to everyone, I have moved the site to the new domain (actually it's duplicated but that's OK since I can erase the old one). When I started to act on the recommendations, I sort of accidentally discovered a 4th option (explained below) which worked. But I wish I'd done it the way suggested by @Robin S, @Autofahrn and @jens.martsch (updating $config->httpHosts in site/config.php). I'm sure that would have been even faster. So anyone else who comes across this thread looking to do the same sort of thing (moving site to new domain on same host), you might like to try that solution of $config->httpHosts in site/config . What I wound up doing However, I had not yet read those 2 latest responses at the time, so I was thinking about all the different methods and was looking to try the Duplicator module. Desiring to be a responsible site owner, I went to create a Softaculous backup of my site before trying the Duplicator module. This way I can restore my original site in 1 click if I do anything wrong. To my happy surprise, in the backup menu in Softaculous, one of the other options besides back up was "Clone site". Well, being curious, I thought "Let's try that, and if it doesn't work out, I can use one of the other methods people suggested". So, I tried Clone Site, and it worked perfectly! I just had to do point and click and tell it which of my domains to put the cloned copy of the site in, and boom, there it is at the new domain! After doing that, I then read the newest responses to my thread and realized that it would have been even faster to use the solution of Robin S, Autofarn and jens.martsch, but anyhow, the Softaculous method works too in case anyone has it available to them and was wondering about it. And after the site is in the new domain... A big thank-you to pwired for the advice given This turned out to be really helpful - I tried the search function in phpMyAdmin and found a few mentions of my old domain name still in there. It was clear from the results which pages I needed to edit in the processwire editor. So it may be a useful step for others too who are looking to do a similar type of domain move. Thank you again to everyone who responded in this thread. All of the suggestions were very useful. I really appreciate the sense of community here.5 points
You don't need to migrate to a new hosting server just because the domain name for a site changes. Point the domain to your host and update $config->httpHosts in /site/config.php. Depending on the type of hosting you might need to adjust a setting there too, e.g. update the primary domain if it's a cPanel host.5 points
Useful tools: Design email in browser for free: https://mosaico.io @elabx Preview your email in different clients before sending: https://emailpreviewservices.com/4 points
Every time I see a mention of phpMyAdmin, I have to suggest Adminer https://www.adminer.org/ It is a single page PHP file that totally replaces the need for phpMyAdmin. I have used it for years. The English only version is just 205kB. Just download, rename to index.php and upload to a new directory in your website www.yoursite.com/db and there ya go, instant access ?4 points
In recent posts, Kongondo has mentioned quite a bit about his use of Linux. I am certain there are other users of Linux here in the community forums of ProcessWire ??? I have been a loyal user of FOSS and GNU Linux for as long as I can remember. Every single Android device I have owned has been rooted. My Linksys router runs DD-WRT. Every computer I have had has had some distribution of Linux at one time or another. Back in the late 90's my ex-girlfriend gave me a big box set of Suse and another of RedHat. I have since then distro-hopped from those to Arch, Mandrake, Suse, everything *buntu and I settled on Crunchbang++ for a few years. I have yet to play with CentOS or Linux From Scratch (LFS) but that is on the horizon ? I have always preferred Debian and everything in its family tree, including Sparky. I just don't like XFCE nor LXDE. Openbox has always appealed to me, as well as i3wm. I finally got around, by special request by Kongondo, to share my LAMP set up. It's a file I have modded over the years but it remains pretty simple. I formatted it to MarkDown and threw it up on github for your viewing. I hope to help our growing community in something I kinda sorta know a bit about ? https://github.com/OrganizedFellow/LAMP4 points
What @Autofahrn said is correct in this case. No need to transfer anything. Just change the domain name and enter it in the config.3 points
3 points
So just edit site/config.php and add the new domain to the $config->httpHosts array. "migration" done.3 points
This profile can be used as a simple business card or it can be used as a starting profile. Live Example Can download from this link: https://github.com/rafaoski/site-minimal Basic Info Most of the profile settings and translates are in the _init.php file. Functions can be found in the _func.php file. The entire view is rendered in the _main.php file that uses markup regions. You can easily add hooks using the ready.php file. Options page added with the new “Unique” status, which you can use in this simple way like: pages('options')->site_name pages->get('options')->site_name Screenshots:2 points
Kind of related and at least interesting. https://medium.com/@umpox/be-careful-what-you-copy-invisibly-inserting-usernames-into-text-with-zero-width-characters-18b4e6f17b66 https://medium.com/@aidobreen/hidden-text-fingerprints-and-how-to-avoid-them-d0103edd2ce42 points
@Violet With "migrate to another domain name" you mean another server, right? If so, I also recommend copying the database via adminer or PHPMyAdmin. For copying the files, use rsync over SSH (because of direct connection between old and new server and use of compression). If you don't have access to SSH I recommend downloading all the files via FTP and upload them on the new server also via FTP.2 points
You didn't mention the size of your website while that plays an important role e.g. time outs in the mentioned plugins. Roughly speaking if your site folder is more than a Gb, you should go for manual. I also recommend scanning your database for mixed content pointing to your old domain name.2 points
This topic will serve as the thread for the Selectize.js family of modules, which utilize this popular jQuery plugin for enhanced tagging of images, fields, templates and page selection in Processwire admin. http://selectize.github.io/selectize.js/ The modules will ultimately include: JquerySelectize Base module that provides the library for use by other modules Github: https://github.com/outflux3/JquerySelectize Modules: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/jquery-selectize/ ----- SelectizeTemplateFieldTags Uses the library to init the tags field on fields and templates, and makes the icon searchable by name. Github: https://github.com/outflux3/SelectizeTemplateFieldTags Modules: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/selectize-template-field-tags/ Screens: Tagging a template: *******sorry but the forum upgrade destroyed these images -- you need to click on them to see them now ******** Search icons by name and see the icon: ----- SelectizeImageTags Uses the library for image tags field. Github: https://github.com/outflux3/SelectizeImageTags Modules: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/selectize-image-tags/ Screen:1 point
This is awesome Ryan, keep it up! I can imagine going through the issue reports is not as exciting as developing new features but it's definitely more important in terms of maintainability and long-term user happiness. Happy that these issues are being tackled. I wish you and everyone in the community a great weekend too.1 point
Thanks for sharing. It's nice to see you're using the newer API additions such as $page->if() and setting(). I get excited when I learn about these from the blog posts, but then I forget to use them in my new projects…1 point
Hi. I'm migrating WP site to PW. There are several thousand of posts with very "dirty" HTML. I'm looking for a good way how automatically remove all unwanted styles and replace all H1-H4 tags with P tag. Is there is something that can help in PW? Thanks in advance. ------------- It seems that HTML Purifier can do it with some additional configuration.1 point
A lot of "dirty" HTML is generated by those fancy visual editors for wp. Try to uninstall them or maybe there is a cleaner plugin for that purpose.1 point
Hey there! While not a part of PW, you might want to check out htmLawed, an advanced HTML filter/purifier.1 point
In my experience it depends on how you import the content. Via Copy&Paste... just paste as plain text or go the extra route and paste before in a text editor of your choice. While using database import or migrator module you might want to trust the textarea field settings. It takes care of a lot of extra markup already. You might have to iterate via API over all pages to make the clean up happen or push it manually from the settings. You won't get rid of wrong H-tags but most of the other clutter will go.1 point
This has been my manager of choice but sadly no longer. Since I put LineageOs on my Android phone (without the Google Play Store) it is impossible to activicate my registered copy of Enpass. I bet you did not know this ? I moved to Bitwarden as a result.1 point
@Robin S there are lots of modal libraries, but the only reliable that I've found for including admin pages (iframes, html content, videos etc) in a modal is http://fancyapps.com/fancybox/3/ (and maybe magnific popup). What I've not found is a library that makes it easy to create panels just like the pw admin does. Where one can simply add class="pw-panel" and it loads in an iframe, sliding in from left or right, being resizable, hideable, reloadable etc...1 point
If you load an admin page in a modal or panel from the front-end then there's not really any special PW magic there - it's just an iframe. So you don't have to use a JqueryUI modal or panel just because the PW admin does - you can use any JS modal library that supports iframes. There are a bazillion out there so there's bound to be something that doesn't cause this scrolling issue you're describing. BTW I can confirm the tree panel scrolling issue on iPad - please do report it.1 point
Clear vote for Duplicator from my side, since its a no-brainer. You still may copy a very large (GBytes) /site/files folder manually, if required. Btw: Allowed domains are configured in your site/config.php ($config->httpHosts). If you go with the manual approach, you'll have to adjust this manually as already stated, otherwise Duplicator does this for you.1 point
Could you maybe create a screencast of this issue and report it on github? ?1 point
Advocating for option 1, if you have phpMyAdmin on both servers you could rather do a simple SQL export/import, then you skip all of what you mention about exporting fields, templates, etc. (I guess create the database/db user first from whatever management panel you are using) Also, instead of installing through softaculous, you could just zip, upload an unzip the whole ProcessWire website inside the web root of the new server (public_html folder in some servers, for example). If you reconnect the db with the new database data in config.php, it should just work. And last but not least, change $config->httpHosts array in config.php to accept the new domain. Also I guess Duplicator should work, would try with it first if you don't feel very confident in the above steps.1 point
Can you first attempt a default new PW install before trying to import your current one? Linux Mint is Debian based. Check my signature. I have a detailed write-up on a LAMP install that will help you cover all the bases before you proceed. I've never used OSX so I wouldn't know about migrating this Dev site over.1 point
Interesting app to design emails: https://imperavi.com/revolvapp/1 point
You could also get such a list with a few lines in the Tracy Debugger console, e.g. $pgs = $pages->find("template=project|basic-page|offer-index, parent!=2, include=all, sort=parent, sort=title"); foreach($pgs as $p) { echo "{$p->url}<br>"; } of course, adjust the selector as needed. If you need the full URL, just replace $p->url with $p->httpUrl1 point
1 point
@Pete, @Erik, seems to work with a tiny modification in the foreach loop (loading an intermediate variable with $fM['type']): // Now use $data and $fieldsModel loop to create all checkboxes foreach ($fieldsModel as $f=>$fM){ $fmType = $fM['type']; $fields->add( self::$fmType($f, $fM['label'], $data[$f], $fM['desc']) ); }1 point
I have written tutorials here and various tutorials before, it's fun for me however I think starting small is a good idea. I will create a thread for this today or tomorrow where we can deliberate on table of contents and all.1 point
I don't know if this is in works, because I have much free time ( Change of Job) , I am thinking of picking this up, using something that generates from Markdown via Github, I have looked at Leanpub, @HMC is right, a table of content is necessary, I will create a thread for this, because I think it is long due for this. However I will prefer somewhere , where people can edit and push for changes, Git seems to fit for this purpose if anyone has any comments, please feel free to chime in.1 point
Relative to the last dev branch version (3.0.127) version 3.0.128 contains 40 commits, mostly specific to resolving older GitHub issue reports. If you are interested, here is the commit log: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/commits/dev — version 3.0.128 covers commits between March 2nd and today. We're down to about 77 remaining issue reports, mostly older stuff that didn't get covered in the past for one reason or another, but we're making good progress. Similar updates will be continuing next week, and I've also got several ProMailer updates coming out next week too. Hope you all have a great weekend!1 point
This plugin for KeePass makes it much more handy to use: https://sourceforge.net/projects/autotypesearch/1 point
Just on time for my learning curve about markup regions and so forth. Thanks for sharing your work ?1 point
@Schwab Right now I am using the PHP class Emogrifier to inline the styles. It works as easy as $emogrifier = new \Pelago\Emogrifier(); $html = '<html><h1>Hello world!</h1></html>'; $css = 'h1 {font-size: 32px;}'; $emogrifier->setHtml($html); $emogrifier->setCss($css); $mergedHtml = $emogrifier->emogrify(); Well, $html has to come from your page, and deliver correct HTML for every mail client. You have to generate that first. There are some preconfigured templates out there or you could use tools like MJML to create a template yourself.1 point
The "missing required value" string is translatable in the file /wire/core/InputfieldWrapper.php. For your language pack, you would add this file as a translation target.1 point