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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2019 in all areas

  1. Good day everybody! When I think about TracyDebugger, I always think about the invaluable functionality of this must-have module. But yesterday I had a new impression about TracyDebugger - its super appealing design (in places). I was installing Tracy on a new site and was astonished by the new look of a "Donate" button in the module config. It is super simple and probably even a standard PayPal button, but it's placement and a color contrast just struck me. I could not resist, clicked the button and made a $10000 donation. This is by far less than the value this module gives me, so wanted to give something back (and the magic button did its job, of course). But must be something with PayPal in Russia that it only let $5 of my donation pass though ?. So I suggest everybody go look at this button in the TracyConfig to learn some useful marketing tricks. And if you happen to be somewhere outside Russia please click on it and try to make a more than $5 donation to check, if the same limits apply in your country. So we can report to PayPal or something)))
    4 points
  2. @Steve_Stifler WOW! No wonder you want to move it from WordPress. Have you checked out the code? ? Yep, got the idea after the first page, ie: Clicking on a building is cute but terrible for accessibility and really not intuitive Yawned waiting for all the javascript files to load It's not responsive - just doesn't work on mobile size devices What looked like links - Less time, Less money, etc weren't On the plus side, love the home page image and 'get' what you're aiming for. All WP is doing is injecting javascript & code to render stuff on the home page. Your challenge is to figure out what script is doing what, then include the minimum to achieve same in the ProcessWire template. Happy to help you with that - DM me if you're interested in collaborating on this project. As for my profile pic, thank you for the compliment. No photoshopping either. It's amazing what a truckload of spack filler, good lighting and an amazing photographer can do ?
    4 points
  3. I can tell you how to transfer me the $9995 you could not get rid of, just PM me ?
    3 points
  4. I think this one of the most massive discussion about the project architecture I have ever read, featuring so many respected forum members, should not be left unanswered by the project lead. So feel like we need to bring it back up and ask @ryan to participate.
    3 points
  5. We're still working on it :-). I'll write a progress report (post) next week.
    2 points
  6. If the pages are not viewable they won't appear in the menu/won't be returned as menu items. Make sure the templates they use have a template file and there aren't any other restrictions.
    2 points
  7. @bernhard, thanks for the pull request. I've merged parts of that along with a few more of my own changes. But probably not necessary to do much more with this particular repo though because it really only exists to serve as a quick demo for people like yourself who might like to take the idea further. I'm not feeling possessive of this idea/code at all so anyone is very welcome to take it and use it for their own purposes in any way they like - further developments don't need to happen via my repo. To go further into something that would be more widely useful to the community, shared in the modules directory, etc, would require a new module that doesn't bundle any particular Process module like my demo does. I'm imagining something that would work with any custom Process module. And maybe focuses on the iframe approach because that seems the most promising (I was also playing around last night with the same JS library you mentioned). I might tinker around with something later but anyone is welcome to have at it and beat me to it. ? To respond to some of your points... Great, we don't want that exposed. I wish there was a better way than string replacement on the whole HTML output but there isn't any way I can see to set that part of the JS config object directly and I fear setting $config->urls->admin before the page render could have other unwanted consequences. The redirect isn't really about the ?modal=1 (although that is unwanted) - it's the Post/Redirect/Get pattern. If you look at the core Process modules you'll see that they all redirect after form POST submissions. In any case the specific code within the demo Process module is not something that anyone needs to use, it's just so the demo module renders something visible. What a person puts in their execute methods will depend on what they want their module to do. Incidentally, setting $this->wire('input')->get->modal = 0 unfortunately doesn't solve the problem for redirects as these still have the modal parameter forced onto them. I think the simplest solution for that is just to make sure any redirect URLs include "//" (e.g. use http URLs). I think it is too late within any Process module to throw a 404 exception. The best I could come up with is to check that any URL segment is valid and if not redirect to the 404 page. Maybe someone will discover a better way. Thanks to this post I think I have a solution for this, added in the recent commit. ProCache can run on any page where the user isn't logged in, which for guests will be all pages besides the ones executing a front-end Process module.
    2 points
  8. A module helping you to manage SEO related tasks like a boss! Automatically generates and maintains a XML sitemap from your pages. Includes a Fieldtype and Inputfield to manage sitemap settings and meta data for pages (Title, Description, Canonical URL, Opengraph, Twitter, Structured Data etc.) Multi language support for the sitemap and meta data. Configure default values for meta data on template level and let pages inherit or overwrite them individually. Map existing fields to meta data, reducing the need to duplicate content. Live preview for content editors how the entered meta data appears on Google. Live preview for content editors how the entered Opengraph data looks like when sharing a page with Facebook. Check out the README on GitHub for more details, including usage instructions. The module is currently released as beta and needs testing! Please report any issues on GitHub or in this forum thread, if you find time to give it a try ? Examples Here is an example of rendered meta data you will get from a single SeoMaestro field: <title>Sed dictum eros quis massa semper rutrum. | acme.com</title> <meta name="description" content="Si lobortis singularis genitus ibidem saluto. Dolore ad nunc, mos accumsan paratus duis suscipit luptatum facilisis macto uxor iaceo quadrum. Demoveo, appellatio elit neque ad commodo ea. Wisi, iaceo, tincidunt at commoveo rusticus et, ludus."> <meta name="keywords" content="Foo,Bar"> <link rel="canonical" href="https://acme.com/en/about/"> <meta property="og:title" content="Sed dictum eros quis massa semper rutrum."> <meta property="og:description" content="Si lobortis singularis genitus ibidem saluto. Dolore ad nunc, mos accumsan paratus duis suscipit luptatum facilisis macto uxor iaceo quadrum. Demoveo, appellatio elit neque ad commodo ea. Wisi, iaceo, tincidunt at commoveo rusticus et, ludus."> <meta property="og:image" content="https://acme.com/site/assets/files/1001/og-image.jpg"> <meta property="og:image:type" content="image/jpg"> <meta property="og:image:width" content="1600"> <meta property="og:image:height" content="1200"> <meta property="og:image:alt" content="Lorem Ipsum"> <meta property="og:type" content="website"> <meta property="og:url" content="https://acme.com/en/about/"> <meta property="og:locale" content="en_EN"> <meta name="twitter:card" content="summary"> <meta name="twitter:creator" content="@schtifu"> <meta name="twitter:site" content="@schtifu"> <script type="application/ld+json"> { "@context": "https://schema.org", "@type": "BreadcrumbList", "itemListElement": [ { "@type": "ListItem", "position": 1, "name": "About", "item": "https://acme.com/en/about/" } ] } </script> <meta name="generator" content="ProcessWire"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://acme.com/en/about/" hreflang="en"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://acme.com/en/about/" hreflang="x-default"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://acme.com/de/ueber/" hreflang="de"> <link rel="alternate" href="https://acme.com/fi/tietoja/" hreflang="fi"> And some screenshots of the UI:
    1 point
  9. Creating a support topic for this action now that the new actions-as-modules feature has been added to Admin Actions. Unordered List to Pages An action for the Admin Actions module for ProcessWire CMS/CMF. Creates a structure of new pages from an unordered list entered into a CKEditor field. The nesting of further unordered lists within the list will determine the nesting of the created pages. Created pages get a default template that you select, and you can override this default template per list item by specifying a template name between [[ ]] delimiters. This action can be useful to quickly create a page structure; especially so if you are rebuilding an existing non-ProcessWire site that has a Sitemap page that you can copy and paste from. Usage Install the Unordered List to Pages module. Visit the Admin Actions config screen and enable the "Unordered List to Pages" action for the roles who are allowed to use it. Navigate to Admin Actions > Unordered List to Pages and fill out the config fields: Source Enter/paste an unordered list in the Source field. There is a "cheatsheet" field above that explains the syntax you can use to set some template options for each list item. If you want to override the default template for an item you can specify a template name after the page title between double square brackets. If the template doesn't already exist it will be created. Example: Page title [[staff_members]] You can also specify one or more allowed child templates for a template like so: [[staff_members > manager tech_support]]This would create the page using the staff_members template, and set the allowed child templates of staff_members to manager and tech_support. Alternatively you can specify one or more allowed parent templates for a template like so: [[manager < staff_members]] This would create the page using the manager template, and set the allowed parent templates of manager to staff_members. Parent page Select a parent page that the new pages will be created under. Default template Select the default template to use for the new pages. Screenshots Action config: Result: https://github.com/Toutouwai/AdminActionsUnorderedListToPages https://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-actions-unordered-list-to-pages/
    1 point
  10. Hello for all, ConfigurationForm fieldtype module is one my experiment from 2016. Main target to build this module was to store multiple setup and configuration values in just 1 field and avoid to use 1 db table to store just single "number of items on page", or another db table to store "layout type" etc. Thanks to JSON formatted storage this module can help you to reduce number of PW native fields in project, save DB space, and reduce number of queries at front-end. Install and setup: Download (at the bottom ), unzip and install like any other PW module (site/modules/...). Create some filed using this type of field (ConfigurationForm Fieldtype) Go to field setup Input tab and drag some subfields to container area (demo). Set "Name" and other params for subfields Save and place field to templates ("Action tab") How to use it: In my case, I use it to store setup and configurations values, but also for contact details, small content blocks... (eg. "widgets"). Basic usage example: ConfigForm fieldtype "setup" has subfields: "limit", type select, option values: 5, 10, 15, 20 "sort", type select, option values: "-date", "date", "-sort", "sort" // get page children (items) $limit = isset($page->setup->limit) ? $page->setup->limit : 10; $sort = isset($page->setup->sort) ? $page->setup->sort : '-sort'; $items = $page->children("limit=$limit, sort=$sort"); Screenshots: Notes: Provide option to search inside subfields Provide multilanguage inputs for text and textarea field types Provide option for different field layout per-template basis Do not place/use field type "Button" or "File input" because it won't works. Please read README file for more details and examples Module use JSON format to store values. Text and textarea field types are multilanguage compatible, but please note that main target for this module was to store setup values and small content blocks and save DB space. Search part inside JSON is still a relatively new in MySQL (>=5.77) and that's on you how and for what to use this module. Thanks: Initial point for this fieldtype was jQuery plugin FormBuiled and thanks to Kevin Chappel for this plugin. In field type "link" I use javascript part from @marcostoll module and thanks to him for that part. Download: FieldtypeConfigForm.zip Edit: 14. August 2018. please delete/uninstall previously downloaded zip Regards.
    1 point
  11. This module enables you to send push notifications and receive information about sent notifications on your HTTPS ProcessWire website. It enables you to: Create a field of type FieldtypePushAlert that you can add to a page template. This is a multi-input field widget that enables you to send notifications from your page in the admin Page Edit and monitor statistics - Attempted, Delivered, Clicked, etc Send notifications from a page template directly using the API, eg to PW users who have a specific role and have subscribed to notifications Capture subscriptions on your website front end All kudos to the great support team at PushAlert and to all the ProcessWire developers who've helped me with this project. Download from the Modules directory at: https://modules.processwire.com/modules/push-alert/ or from GitHub at: https://github.com/clipmagic/PushAlert Full instructions for use are in the module README.md file. Enjoy!
    1 point
  12. Update: Menu Builder Version 0.2.5. Just a quick maintenance update. Changelog Fixed a minor bug where we had to check if a variable was an array first before "counting" it. Removed a leftover debugging statement from the code (an echo of all things! Not even a bd()!!) ?.
    1 point
  13. @Gadgetto I have a module but didn't add it to module directory https://github.com/trk/FieldtypeToggle Module using : https://github.com/victornpb/vt-toggle Module only works with checkbox, will add support for radio, checkbox group and radio group. You can try it or you can continue with your solution.
    1 point
  14. Just a idea: build a textformatter module, attach it to all desired fields, plaintext and ckeditor fields. In the textformatter method, check what type the calling field is of, (HTML or plaintext). If plaintext, use the php function strip_tags() on your replacement content, otherwise leave as is.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. It was more your nice work - so thanks for your help! ? This is one of the best, cleanest and CSS only drop in replacements for HTML checkboxes I ever saw! Especially that it doesn't need extra HTML elements is great!
    1 point
  18. Sorry, I realized after sending that your pen had already done exactly that. My apologies and nice work!
    1 point
  19. No worries mate. Yep, the label I added was just an addition for resizing the label and to ensure alignment, as I wasn't sure what other CSS was acting on it. You are spot on with needing to over-ride the .uk-checkbox:checked but it should be nice and easy with specificity because the attribute selector [type="checkbox"] should trump the class selector. Just add background-image:none and it should clear up the problem; input[type="checkbox"]:checked { border-color: #3eb998; background-color: #3eb998; background-image:none; }
    1 point
  20. That's fine. The links from the reception onwards don't work as I started to take them down and...well you know...didn't get back to it. investorhq.com.au You won't find any menu items, just click where you want to go and it will take you there. I'm sure you'll cotton on after the first page. Like your photo Psy! JA.
    1 point
  21. @dragan spoke with Alex @ PushAlert and the short answer is it has to be in the root. Long answer is that there is alternate, unpublished code that allows integration in sub-directories. Alex will send me the code to review. Will keep you posted Update Using PushAlert from PW site installed in a subdirectory is not difficult. It will require an additional field on the module config page and is on the roadmap for the next release.
    1 point
  22. @Ivan Gretsky, this issue should be fixed in v0.1.4.
    1 point
  23. Good day, @Robin S! Starting a new site. Creating structure with this module is really a breeze! Thanks! I have spotted a minor inconvenience when preparing a list in a test editor and pasting it into the Source inputfield. The text editor (or is the inputfield itself?) is adding <p> tags around the <li> contents. And this leads to creating 0 pages. Would be awesome to clear all markup but the ul>li before processing.
    1 point
  24. Hello everybody! Are there any News for Padloper 2 now? Thank you!
    1 point
  25. ......and within a 2hr window I get a response.....So I'm gathering you've had a thing or two to do with finance type systems Bernhard. I currently have a WP site which my pretty pictures are hosted on (investorhq.com.au) but find it VERY inflexible for placement of anything you want to put on the screen, always having to work within theme that for some reason I can't work out (and even including the "Blank" themes) want to include a sidebar, and some text which I can't get rid of.....anyway, I haven't delved into how to create a front end yet for PW but am I going to experience the same here? I intended to not use tables for reporting and make it more pretty pictures and other distractions.
    1 point
  26. I think there is still a big issue for the Functions API and variable API. As my understanding we are pushing the Functions API, however, the blog posts are still using the variable API in it's examples. I'm getting really mixed messages, are we pushing the functions API or not? I can see this starting to get really confusing for new people coming in to ProcessWire. I can see them building websites with a mix of Functions API and variable API with little understanding of the difference. For example, they may believe that to get page data you do <?= page('title') ?> but to sanatize the data you use <?= $sanitizer->text( page('title') ) ?> Honestly, I think we should just push one or the other. Sometimes using one and sometimes using the other is causing a lot of confusion. We run the risk of moving into WordPress territory where there are multiple ways of achieving the same thing. We will have people asking the questions, which one or which way is best. I just believe a decision needs to be made and run with it. At the moment, I have no idea which approach to use for my next project. I was edging towards the Functions API but I just want to use what is seen as the standard.
    1 point
  27. I couldn't agree more - this was also my reaction with this latest version. I was thinking of mentioning this idea myself, but I love the fact that so far we've never really had any breaking changes in the evolution of PW. But unfortunately I agree that in v4 it's time to strip out lots of the experimental ideas that just haven't taken off. Think back to: $pages("template=basic-page") Has anyone here ever used that "variable as a method" approach for finding pages? I'd much rather spell it out with a get() or find() method. I know early on I was given some grief over all the shortcut methods in Tracy, but I think that's a different situation - those are temporary bits of code that don't stick around. For production stuff I like self documenting code over shortcuts that save a few keystrokes. I have no idea how it would be determined would would stay and what should be trimmed, but I think it's needed.
    1 point
  28. Here are more details and some news about this module. What's new (14. August 2018.): - fix small bug - search by subfields - different layouts per-template basis Examples: 1) 1 single field for configuration and setup instead 7 PW native fields On "Home" administration page want to have global config options (stylesheet, development or production mode), and SEO settings fields. On category pages need to have options to change number of children in list, provide option to select different layouts, and SEO settings fields. Conclusion, need to have 7 fields: stylesheet (select), development (select or check), SEO fields (eg. title, description and robots), limit, layout. Create field "setup" with all needed subfields: But also want to have different field layout inside Home and category pages. For that we use "Compact view" inside template setup. Result, same field but with different inputs and layouts. On site are dozen of categories and want to find where are used grid and where list layout. Or, website is in still development mode and want to find NOINDEX categories, etc... 2) Multiple different textareas on "basic-page" and "basic-page-2" templates using 1 single field Task: - textarea1, textarea2 and textarea3 on basic-page template - textarea1, textarea4, textarea5 on basic-page-2 template - all that with 1 PW field Create field "content" with 5 textarea field types (textarea1...textarea5) Set Visibility condition like this: basic-page=textarea1, textarea2, textarea3 basic-page-2=textarea1, textarea4, textarea5 Inside Action tab add field to templates basic-page and basic-page-2. Later in page administration are only desired textarea inputs. Search: find all pages where textarea1 contain word "Toronto" $items = $pages->find('content.textarea1*=Toronto'); Or in admin backend using lister: In front side: $selector = 'content.textarea1*=Toronto'; $items = $pages->find($selector); if($items->count){ echo "<h2>Find items: {$items->count}</h2>"; echo "Selector:<pre>$selector</pre>"; foreach($items as $item){ echo $item->title .', template: '. $item->template->name; echo '<br />'; } } Note: this example is only for demostrations and I didn't test this in case of few thousands pages.
    1 point
  29. Update: version 0.1.5 Changelog Added new method getMenuItems() to MarkupMenuBuilder that greatly simplifies creation of custom complex menus. Read more about it in previous (long) post.
    1 point
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