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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/12/2018 in all areas

  1. Ok, I got some updates on this module. I wanted to implement support of multiple forms on one page because I need to add a newsletter subscription form on one page using my module and right now this is not possible. Unfortunately this task is not trivial and I hope to get some help by you guys ? maybe @tpr @Robin S or @gebeer have already done something similar? Please see the explanation of the issue in the Nette Forum: https://forum.nette.org/en/30969-multiple-forms-on-one-page-standalone-version Edit: seems to be solved - got a reply instantly in the nett forum ? BTW: I decided to remove the branding from the module ?
    3 points
  2. Checkout _main.php Uikit 3 Regular site profile uses markup regions
    2 points
  3. For those who want to know more or want dig deeper into this JSON-LD/Rich data/schema.org topic - there is a really good write-up about all this with examples and recommendations as well: https://www.link-assistant.com/news/structured-data-for-seo.html
    2 points
  4. This is how it works in Bitrix, popular Russian proprietary CMS:
    2 points
  5. If it says that it called width() on null, then ImagePicker's getImage() returned null. You should always check the return value for null. I do not know why it can't find the image in your case for other languages. I can't reproduce this problem. I suggested here that you could try to see what is going on in getAImage($imgpath) using var_dump or Tracy Debugger. Did you do this?
    2 points
  6. OMG @jmartsch and @bernhard, success!! ? I tried the new version on my production website and it's working!
    2 points
  7. Thanks for your help @jmartsch ! I renamed all references to FieldtypeRockGrid, so it should work now without renaming the folder. Thanks for that hint! Maybe someone wants to create a PR for the problem of installations inside a subfolder - I don't have any need for that and therefore will not implement it. At least not soon. I created a screencast of a demo installation via PW Kickstart, the Kickstartfile is here: https://gitlab.com/snippets/1732038 ; Of course you can also install everything manually.
    2 points
  8. DEPRECATED If you are interested in the new version (commercial module launching in 2023) write me a PM --- Some of you might have followed the development of this module here: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/15524-previewdiscussion-rockdatatables/ . It is the successor of "RockDataTables" and requires RockFinder to get the data for the grid easily and efficiently. It uses the open source part of agGrid for grid rendering. WHY? ProcessWire is awesome for creating all kinds of custom backend applications, but where it is not so awesome in my opinion is when it comes to listing this data. Of course we have the built in page lister and we have ListerPro, but none of that solutions is capable of properly displaying large amounts of data, for example lists of revenues, aggregations, quick and easy sorts by the user, instant filter and those kind of features. RockGrid to the rescue ? Features/Highlights: 100k+ rows Instant (client side) filter, search, sort (different sort based on data type, eg "lower/greater than" for numbers, "contains" for strings) extendable via plugins (available plugins at the moment: fullscreen, csv export, reload, batch-processing of data, column sum/statistics, row selection) all the agGrid features (cell renderers, cell styling, pagination, column grouping etc) vanilla javascript, backend and frontend support (though not all plugins are working on the frontend yet and I don't plan to support it as long as I don't need it myself) Limitations: While there is an option to retrieve data via AJAX the actual processing of the grid (displaying, filtering, sorting) is done on the client side, meaning that you can get into troubles when handling really large datasets of several thousands of rows. agGrid should be one of the most performant grid options in the world (see the official example page with a 100k row example) and does a lot to prevent problems (such as virtual row rendering), but you should always have this limitation in mind as this is a major difference to the available lister options that do not have this limitation. Currently it only supports AdminThemeUikit and I don't plan to support any other admin theme. Download: https://gitlab.com/baumrock/FieldtypeRockGrid Installation: https://gitlab.com/baumrock/RockGrid/wikis/Installation Quikckstart: https://gitlab.com/baumrock/RockGrid/wikis/quickstart Further instructions: https://gitlab.com/baumrock/RockGrid/wikis/quickstart#further-instructions German Translation File: site--modules--fieldtyperockgrid--fieldtyperockgrid-module-php.json Changelog: https://gitlab.com/baumrock/FieldtypeRockGrid/raw/master/changelog.md Module status: alpha, License: MIT Note that every installation and uninstallation sends an anonymous google analytics event to my google analytics account. If you don't want that feel free to remove the appropriate lines of code before installation/uninstallation. Contribute: You can contribute to the development of this and other modules or just say thank you by testing, reporting issues and making PRs at gitlab liking this post buying me a drink: paypal.me/baumrock/5 liking my facebook page: facebook.com/baumrock hiring me for pw work: baumrock.com Support: Please note that this module might not be as easy and plug&play as many other modules. It needs a good understanding of agGrid (and JavaScript in general) and it likely needs some looks into the code to get all the options. Please understand that I can not provide free support for every request here in the forum. I try to answer all questions that might also help others or that might improve the module but for individual requests I offer paid support (please contact me via PM). Use Cases / Examples: Colored grid cells, Icons, Links etc. The Grid also has a "batcher" feature built in that helps communicating with the server via AJAX and managing resource intensive tasks in batches: Filters, PW panel links and instant reload on panel close: You can combine the grid with a chart library like I did with the (outdated) RockDataTables module:
    1 point
  9. Hi there, after centuries of having done some webdesign as a leisure activity I am working on a project for a non-profit organisation - in my main profession I work as a LINUX administrator - I also have some experience in "content filling" with TYPO3 in a larger corporation, but sorry, no experience with PHP -so I was following the recommendations of germany's leading IT-magazine - ct' - which leaded to testing of kirby and processwire. Kirby seems to be on the step to the next major release, so that might be not a good moment. I also tested some "one click" hoster solutions, didn't like all of them. I think that PW is really a fantastic system, thank you so much Ryan and all the contributors! Setting up processwire was basically no problem, that was quite easy. I liked Ryans tutorials , but to reach land, I was still looking ... But when it is getting serious, at first I felt a bit stranded. I tried setting up the precompiled bootstrap4 template, which is still only the alpha -version, and the out-of-the-box-appearance I didn't like. Finally, I found the Uikit-based Regular site profile which includes a really nice blog and in-editing possibilities. Now after playing around half a day I think I found my way to a solution - - - my problem actually only is, where can I edit the header and the footer? Again, thank you so much...
    1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. Are you sure that all Padloper's modules come from the PW3 Github branch and are namespaced as you say ?? You should double check your modules's files and templates using those modules.. It has nothing to do with ProcessWire's core. The robustness of ProcessWire can be broken by third-party module! or I want to say, the developer itself! thats all ✌️ Edit: Also, AIOM+ look not officially supported for PW3, and it look like issues can happen depending the PHP version you are using. Consider using @ryan new version of ProCache. More infos there:
    1 point
  12. I havent tested this, but I did find this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/14039638/apply-background-color-in-ckeditor-textarea
    1 point
  13. Do you mean this? (ProcessPageEditImageSelect)
    1 point
  14. Maybe you should post this in the Duplicator module thread....
    1 point
  15. Have you installed both modules? It looks like it's not as automatic as it could be.
    1 point
  16. Just added the beforementioned ProcessNetteTester module download links to the first post. Read the readme on GitHub on how to set it up.
    1 point
  17. Well I'm a starter only but it's fun, and knowing you can any time run tests to ensure everything is OK is invaluable.
    1 point
  18. This is really nice @tpr! I am currently reading up on these test suites like Codeception and Tester or plain testing like phpunit. This comes in very handy.
    1 point
  19. I'm close to release the initial version of the module, only a few issues are left behind. I rewrite the UI so it uses ajax all the time. It was an overkill to start all test on page load, plus it was done in one PHP thread which involved a few issues (timeout, included files were inherited by next tests, etc). With ajax it's not only user-friendlier but more reliable too, and it's possible to catch PHP errors too (beforehands the syntax error was outputted on the whole page). I also managed to format the Assert error message so now it's much easier to grasp the message. I really like how it looks and works now. Even so it seems simple the JS part was tricky sometimes ?
    1 point
  20. I'm working on a module that makes easier to run tests, from within the admin. It's a process module and you can add pages anywhere in the admin and set each page a tests directory. So you can add new tester pages, or specify a path to an existing tests directory, see my TemplateLatteReplace module's tests in action on the screencap. Furthermore you can narrow the list of tests within a directory with URL parameters, to include only a few tests or exclude some. This may come handy if you don't want to run all the tests within a directory. Another handy feature is that you can re-run tests via ajax, that makes it easy to check whether your fixes are working (whether in "real" code or in test code).
    1 point
  21. 'recipes' => [ // sample callback as recipe function() { $this->msg('Installing AOS...'); $aos = $this->installModule('AdminOnSteroids', 'https://github.com/rolandtoth/AdminOnSteroids/archive/master.zip'); $this->wire->modules->saveConfig($aos, [ 'enabled' => 1, 'enabledSubmodules' => ['FieldAndTemplateEditLinks'], ]); $tracy = $this->installModule('TracyDebugger', 'https://github.com/adrianbj/TracyDebugger/archive/master.zip'); $this->wire->modules->saveConfig($tracy, [ 'superuserForceDevelopment' => 1, 'editor' => 'vscode://file/%file:%line', ]); }, ], Current version of the kickstartfile: Installs AOS, enables it, enables editlinks. Installs TracyDebugger and sets editor protocoll handler for vscode. 1-click installation of ProcessWire with custom module setup and (in contrary to using site profiles) UP-TO-DATE modules and pw-version! Since january I have not run the default pw installer once...
    1 point
  22. After reading this, I looked into your github page and found out that you also converted the strongly typed template. One month ago, I picked up three themes from HTML5up as starting points for low budget or honorary projects: The "Editorial", the "Strongly Typed" and the "Phantom" = 66% accordance
    1 point
  23. I would like to see a field that acts just like Page Table field but with Repeater UI. Right now the downside of using repeater is that they are not normal pages. There are limitations when referencing them. Their page name is not editable too. Also, They are off from the URL structure. I start to avoid using repeater if possible after I face these downside in my last project. However, the Page Table field UI is not quite user friendly.
    1 point
  24. It's not only the same error in the log, but you're also doing the same thing wrong. You can't use $pages in functions because of variable scope. ProcessWire makes these object automatically available for the scope of the templatefiles, but inside a function is a new scope, so you need to either redefine the variable itself or use a function to get the object. // Template scope $id = 15; // simple variable, defined by you $pages = $pages; // the pages object, defined automatically by processwire function something(){ // this is now a new variable scope // neither $pages nor $id are available here. // the api variables are not a special global variable $pages = wire('pages'); $pages->find(""); // OR just wire('pages')->find(""); } It's the same reason, why you can't use $pages in modules. $page/$pages and the other variables are just convenient to use in templates. Everywhere else you need to call them differently.
    1 point
  25. Quick 'n' dirty guide if you want a single page tree with the same content in different languages. The URLs will then look like example.com/en/my-article or example.com/de/mein-artikel 1:) Download and install ProcessWire 2:) Install the modules you find under the "Language" Tab. 3:) Go To Setup->Languages and add new languages. Please note, that the default one is also the default language of your site* 4:) For every field type text or textArea change the Type to TextAreaLanguage or TextLanguage. (e.G. body with TextArea becomes body with textAreaLanguage). You fields should now have multiple tabs for each language, if you edit a page. 5:) Go to the root page (/) and look under "Settings" Setup an URL for every language, e.g. en,de,ru,... . Looks like this: http://take.ms/34Tq5 6:) Create pages and fill in the content. You can build a front end language switch as described in Ryans API Language page. ProcessWire will take care of changing URLS (e.g. /en/example to /de/beispiel) and you can access the current language via $user->language; *It's possible later to define another language as the default language.
    1 point
  26. Hhm, what's exactly the problem? Have you tried the suggestions? What is the exact URL of your targetpage? --- Do you know the exact URL? [ ] YES [ ] NO If you have answered the above question with yes, your solution is as follows: - please type the known URL followed by a # and the anchorname exactly into the href of your link
    1 point
  27. I'm using MAMP here, and I don't use vhosts... I just use subdirectories. So when I want to install a new PW, I do this: 1. Make a new database using MAMP's PhpMyAdmin. 2. Open a terminal window and go to htdocs dir: cd /Applications/MAMP/htdocs 3. Make a directory for your new site: mkdir new-site 4. git clone the latest PW into there: git clone git://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire.git new-site 5. Load http://localhost:8888/new-site/ in your browser to complete the installation.
    1 point
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