Yesterday we (Peter & Paul) launched two websites, Noiascape & Factory. Both a labour of absolute love. We are extremely proud of these and even more proud that our clients share our love for ProcessWire. Thanks for all your great work Ryan!
An architectural company based in London, Teatum & Teatum, came to us asking for a very different website promoting their unnamed development practice. Teatum & Teatum's creativity influences their buildings, we wanted to capture that in the name, brand & website we created.
The name we came up with was Noia/Scape. Noia means new thinking, new approach and new direction. Scape means space, landscape, communities and places.
A multi-award winning sound design and audio facility in London, worked with us to come up with a creative idea to celebrate their 20th Anniversary. The original idea to reskin their website, turned into a rebuild using ProcessWire due to the massive improvement that ProcessWire could bring. Both to the front-end and the back-end. Factory are extremely happy with ProcessWire and are really glad they made the switch. It's always exciting when clients share our passion for ProcessWire.
The main piece of work was to create art from sound and use this for a timeline of Factory's history.
Thanks Ryan & Community for all your great work and allowing front-end developers such as myself feel limitless when creating websites.