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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/18/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi all. First of all, I want to thank you all who blessed us with this great CMS. I have done 20+ sites with this and I'm very happy. I love the API. In case anyone is interested in using Discord to chat and talk about ProcessWire, I made server for us. Discord is a free voice and text chat app designed specifically for gaming, but it's very good for our kind of communities too. Chatting is similar to IRC, voice is similar to TeamSpeak or Mumble, and there will be coming new features like video chatting. Also chance to use notifications when someone talking in a specific channel, but the server's default is only notified when mentioned. There can be multiple channels in one server; general, help, devtalk, security, specific languages. All can be public or accessed by only for a certain role. And if you're not there, let's say for five days, you can still search or read things what people have talked since you were there last time (if mod did not purge that channel). Windows and Mac clients are very good ones, but Linux is still in beta. And of course, there is webchat too. More information about Discord can be found here: https://discordapp.com/ Of course, all the ProcessWire developers can get moderator access to the server. Forums are, of course, very good place to discuss things (and I have found many answers from here), but that is not real time and getting the answers you need can take a lot of time here. People want to get their answers faster, right now, so that’s why Discord can be a very good way to grow our community. Think about it. Invite link to server
    4 points
  2. Last week we looked at progress on a new admin theme framework for ProcessWire. This week we’ll do the same, as development continues to move forward and we have a lot more screenshots to share (though keep in mind this is largely un-themed/stock). https://processwire.com/blog/posts/continuing-work-on-new-admin-theme-framework/
    4 points
  3. In my opinion there are two sides to this problem: Many client's know WordPress and ask for it specifically, which in turn means that the companies building sites find it an easy product to sell. Even if the client doesn't know WordPress, they just need to be told that it's the most popular CMS out there. "You can't go wrong by choosing the most popular product in the market." Many web developers first dive into the CMS world via WordPress. Once they know it, it's tempting to use it for everything. Even if it's a struggle to create anything more complex with it, they a) don't know that there are better alternatives, and b) going with another system would require a whole lot of un- and re-learning. I try to advocate for ProcessWire every chance I get, mainly because I believe it's truly a great product, and fits many needs amazingly well. Obviously it's not for everyone, and in fact I have once or twice actually recommended going with WordPress instead. Funny you should mention this, as I was literally just today thinking about how the commercial modules fit the ProcessWire landscape, and once again came to the conclusion that it was a smart move from Ryan to make FormBuilder as cheap as it is. If you think it's "not very cheap", you probably don't really get how much it does for you Before Ryan released FormBuilder we were contemplating building our own form module, but just thinking about how many things such a module has to handle makes me shiver. It's a heck of a lot of work to build a module as flexible as FormBuilder, and making it easy enough for anyone with no technical expertise to build complex forms is not easy either. Agency license for FormBuilder is $289, and I can pretty much guarantee that building a module like that on your own will cost you at least ten times that amount. On the other hand we were considering buying another commercial module a while ago. The cost for a single license for that particular module turned out to be four digits, and eventually we decided not to buy it. I've been working on a module that matches our needs specifically, for a cost that is notably lower than we would've had to pay for the third party module. We're planning to release this particular module as open source when it's finished. It's true is that you generally can't add a completely new feature to a site, let alone build a new site from the scratch, without at least some basic dev skills. That's also not the market we're in. I think those who want to do that would be much better off with a DIY website builder platform such as Wix or Squarespace. This kind of thing is not really the forte of WordPress either – building a complex site from (sometimes) badly written, barely compatible plugins requires a whole lot of work, at least in my experience This depends on your definition of a "big company". Avoine is, in my opinion, the best example in this category – they've done some pretty amazing stuff with ProcessWire. Everyone in our line of work should know them, at least. I'm not an official spokesperson for my company so I prefer not to go into more detail, but at Fonecta we also use ProcessWire in some of our projects. You've probably heard of us before. If you're into command line tools, check out wireshell. Depending on your setup there are other solutions too, probably the easiest being the built-in multisite support, where multiple separate sites share the same core code.
    4 points
  4. Hi @MaryMatlow Can you please tell me the version of ProcessWire ? Yes, you have to copy and/or modify the function bsRenderCarousel(); For instance, you could use a repeater to pass datas to the function. Let's say we create a repeater with the three following fields: image_carousel, heading, heading_description and insert the repeater with the name 'carousel' in the home template. In _func.php, add this function : Then in the home template, make the array and call the new function with the new array as parameter : // render the carousel //$content .= bsRenderCarousel($page->images); foreach ($page->carousel as $key => $value) { $datas['images'][] = $value->carousel_image; $datas['headings'][] = $value->heading; $datas['description'][] = $value->heading_description; } $content .= bsRenderCarouselFromArray($datas); Result:
    4 points
  5. How to create a GoogleDrive service account step-by-step Edited the 2017-02-18 Go to https://console.developers.google.com Create a new project: Enable the API: Create credentials: Select "New service account" Click on Create and save the JSON key file Click on Manage service accounts : Copy the service account ID : Configure Duplicator by copy/pasting the service account's email and the content of the JSON key file :
    3 points
  6. Hello I made a simple app for reading the main RSS for ProcessWire news. Now you can access ProcessWire Blog, ProcessWire weekly and the Latest Forum Posts in a Single App in your iOS or Android smartphone. Open Source of Course. Made using the http://jasonette.com technology. You can compile your own app if you want. For A Quick Look 1.- Download the Jason App (iOS) https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/jason./id1095557868?mt=8 (Android) https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.jasonette.jason 2.- Use the Following Url https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NinjasCL/pw-app/master/app.json Source Here https://github.com/NinjasCL/pw-app
    2 points
  7. A difference perspective as someone who would love to be able to sell PW based websites to clients in the UK, where PW is an advantage not a reason to need their trust . 1) the PW website looks dated and does not highlight what makes PW better (or different) to the myriad of other similar placed CMSs. Drupal got this right in my opinion. They went for a well publicised redesign some years ago. It looked good and worked well (though i don't think the switch to twig templates in D8 is a good idea). 2) growth surely only matters in comparison to others in a similar space and the top 3. Those will less growth will disappear regardless. I think the success of PW will be a clear message showing why it's a better choice than WP, and why it's a more suitable choice than others. Right now there are far too many CMSs in a similar space (business / news / blog websites). What a developer wants does not count for that much as WP has proven. A search for a suitable CMS with any number of criteria for popular website types shows the issue. Each link almost a different list, the only consistent ones being the 3 (Joomla, Drupal, WP). And then there's the static site generators (which are now getting online content management options). So I would love to see PW have an amazing first impression and be presented in a way as something users might choose (which was the magic WP found) rather than only developers. For example, I think Concrete5 see the marketing importance of this and clearly make an effort to attract non-tech people as well. Another example is Grav. Straight away the message is 'no database' and 'faster websites'. Very clear. Here's an article that is about the best I've seen to encourage people towards PW: https://www.cmscritic.com/processwire-vs-wordpress. A lot more of that kind of thing is needed though. PW needs that kind of strong message clearly visible that gives it its space, which not only attracts developers but can be clearly seen by users or the developer's potential client. If it was my project (I know, if I care so much why don't I start one?), then I'd make the following priorities: Update website with a focus on users and potential clients (developers won't care so much) Encourage blog posting that gives fair comparisons, reviews and tutorials for PW Highlight a clear USP to PW that can be the main message on the website and the one for all of us too share Use that USP to define the roadmaps for future development (confidence is what space a project will be matters also) That's my 2 cents.
    2 points
  8. Experiment with pagelist counters (CSS only):
    2 points
  9. FYI: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/187
    2 points
  10. Do you need to search for both using the same query? The title|body search is coming from user input, the tag search is coming only from links that you are outputting in your tag cloud. So you can treat these as entirely separate selectors: $tag = $sanitizer->name($input->get->tag); $q = $sanitizer->selectorValue($input->get->q)); if($tag) { $matches = $pages->find("tags.name=$tag, limit=10"); // assuming your tags field is named "tags" // output your matches for pages with this tag } elseif($q) { $matches = $pages->find("title|body~=$q, limit=10"); // output your matches for the search query } You don't have to do these in the same template even - you could create a different template and page for listing tag matches if you prefer to separate them like that. In any case you would need to use separate markup for tag results than search results because some of your results output doesn't make sense for a tag search... // ... $found = "Found $count articles containing text <strong class='text-danger'>\"$q\"</strong>"; // ... $found = "I am missing a search term in the search box...";
    2 points
  11. Menu Builder As of 29 December 2017 ProcessWire versions earlier than 3.x are not supported Modules Directory Project Page Read Me (How to install, use, etc..) For highly customisable menus, please see this post. If you want a navigation that mirrors your ProcessWire page tree, the system allows you to easily create recursive menus using either vanilla PHP or Soma's great MarkupSimpleNavigation. In some cases, however, you may wish to create menus that: 1. Do not mirror you site's page tree (hirarchies and ancestry); and 2. You can add custom links (external to your site) to. That is primarily where Menu Builder comes in. It is also helpful if you: 3. Prefer creating menus via drag and drop 4. Have a need for menus (or other listings) that will be changing regularly or that you want to allow your admin users to edit. The issue of custom menus is not new here in the forums. The difference is that this module allows you to easily create such menus via drag and drop in the Admin. Actually, you can even use it to just create some list if you wanted to. In the backend, the module uses the jQueryUI plugin nestedSortable by Manuele J Sarfatti for the drag and drop and is inspired in part by the WP Custom Menu feature. Please read the Read Me completely before using this module. For Complex or highly-customised menus, it is recommended to use the getMenuItems() method as detailed in this post. Features Ability to create menus that do not mirror your ProcessWire Page Tree hierarchy/structure Menus can contain both ProcessWire pages and custom links Create menu hierarchies and nesting via drag and drop Easily add CSS IDs and Classes to each menu item on creating the menu items (both custom and from ProcessWire pages) or post creation. Optionally set custom links to open in a new tab Change menu item titles built from ProcessWire pages (without affecting the original page). E.g. if you have a page titled 'About Us' but you want the menu item title to be 'About' Readily view the structure and settings for each menu item Menus stored as pages (note: just the menu, not the items!) Menu items stored as JSON in a field in the menu pages (empty values not stored) Add menu items from ProcessWire pages using page fields (option to choose between PageAutocomplete and AsmSelect [default]) or a Selector (e.g. template=basic-page, limit=20, sort=title). For page fields, you can specify a selector to return only those specified pages for selection in the page field (i.e. asm and autocomplete) For superusers, optionally allow markup in your menu titles, e.g. <span>About</span> Menu settings for nestedSortable - e.g. maxLevels (limit nesting levels) Advanced features (e.g. add pages via selector, menu settings) currently permissible to superadmins only (may change to be permission-based) Delete single or all menu items without deleting the menu itself Lock down menus for editing Highly configurable MarkupMenuBuilder - e.g. can pass menu id, title, name or array to render(); Passing an array means you can conditionally manipulate it before rendering, e.g. make certain menu branches visible only to certain users [the code is up to you!] Optionally grab menu items only (as a Menu object WireArray or a normal array) and use your own code to create custom highly complex menus to meet any need. More... In the backend, ProcessMenuBuilder does the menu creation. For the frontend, menus are displayed using MarkupMenuBuilder. Credits In this module's infancy (way back!), I wanted to know more about ProcessWire modules as well as improve my PHP skills. As they say, what better way to learn than to actually create something? So, I developed this module (instead of writing PW tutorials as promised, tsk, tsk, naughty, naughty!) in my own summer of code . Props to Wanze, Soma, Pete, Antti and Ryan whose modules I studied (read copied ) to help in my module development and to Teppo for his wonderful write-up on the "Anatomy of fields in ProcessWire" that vastly improved my knowledge and understanding of how PW works. Diogo and marcus for idea about using pages (rather than a custom db table), onjegolders for his helpful UI comments, Martijn Geerts, OrganizedFellow, dazzyweb and Mike Anthony for 'pushing me' to complete this module and netcarver for help with the code. Screens
    1 point
  12. You might want to read this: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/introducing-iftrunner-and-the-story-behind-it/
    1 point
  13. I began my pilgrimage after co-worker of mine told me about this CMS. After that I installed default theme and began to try how this works. I used Wordpress years on my personal websites, and Drupal 7 for clients' sites. I knew some basics about PHP. 5-min tutorial video for dummies would have been nice. (: At the beginning I didn't know how to use this except what I found inside. My co-worker told me about Cheatsheet and then I began to make tests and everything I know about ProcessWire and PHP I learned from mistakes and succeed. ProcessWire's API is amazing, simple and powerful. The biggest problem here in Finland is that companies do not know ProcessWire. They only know Wordpress, Drupal and maybe some random third CMS. I used ProcessWire for my personal projects first, and then kind of forced it to some of my biggest client's projects. Normally we use Drupal, because there is a module almost every need and it's very popular among of bigger companies. And every module what we use is free. My "boss" don't like to pay when getting new modules. He thinks that when using Open Source CMS everything should be free. Forms are a good examples. Simple Contact Form is ok, but that is maybe too simple. I can code any kind of form he needs, but he thinks that clients should be able to create forms like they can when using Drupal and Webform. Even when most of clients need only one form. ProcessWire Form Builder seems ok, but that's not very cheap. Although he charges big sums from clients and that's ok, but he's not ok when module costs 50+ euros. And all the files are with pages, and those can't be accessed from other pages. That is a huge problem for those who want to upload images and use the same image for many pages. Of course, they can keep uploading same image to all pages, but that's not really good way to do things. I have access to the server so I can upload images where ever I want and use them with PHP, but clients do not have that possibility. Also, I fail to see the point of this because you can link images with pages, even if those were in the same folder. For me, that's no problem, but some of our clients have issues with that. But with ProcessWire I can make things so much easier and mostly faster than with Drupal. Every corner is optimised as well as I can, and ProcessWire does not load a lot scripts and styles inside head tag like most of others do (and if I disable that then something is broken). This CMS is like "a gift from god", but only true believers know about this - real gift specially after trying to find the right content from inside of Drupal's objects and arrays. But to be honest, ProcessWire is made more for us, developers, than for random marketing dude who wants to build a new website fast with some widgets like list of latest articles and slideshow. You need to know how to use ProcessWire and basics of PHP to make the most of this. I think that's why many don't know about this. But in my line of work, this has done a lot for us and made my job a lot easier when doing complex things. I have been supporting this CMS by using meta tag and telling about this CMS when posting to social media about our new creations (clients' sites). But I still have a small company and not have so many followers. Not that much I can do. Is there any big companies in Finland who uses ProcessWire? Company that everyone should know? I have only done small websites like events and small companies. And is there any big webstore made by ProcessWire which looks awesome? The problem is that we need big names and awesome websites if we want to conquer the World. Also, I would love to know is there an easier way to upgrade multiple sites than logging in and press upgrade. Can I get official upgrade package somewhere and then just copy everything from that folder to all websites' folders? I have a ready made bash script for Drupal brush so I could use the same code for copying files. Sorry about long post and some of it maybe little bit off topic.
    1 point
  14. I definitely like the per-field border-control. Can't say I'm a fan of the card view, but that's because material design (and derivatives thereof) has never been my thing. The colour-control on a per-field basis also looks quite nice. I wonder if you could also add the option to only set the border colour, so that the background remains white. Great to see a new admin 'framework' coming into the picture.
    1 point
  15. That's awesome. Thanks @adrian! $url = $page->url(true);
    1 point
  16. I know this is a little late and it shouldn't happen when using the built-in front-end editing, but when I use frontend forms that need some core js, like AsmSelect fields, since PW 3, I now need to do this to define "ProcessWire" in js. <script type="text/javascript"> <?php $jsConfig = $config->js(); ?> var ProcessWire = {config: <?php echo json_encode($jsConfig); ?>}; </script>
    1 point
  17. Great to see uikit framework with processwire admin panel. Great job @ryan ! I have a question for you. Do you think to write a (uikit) icon picker admin panel, like font-awesome icon picker ? if your answer is yes for this question, can you make it compatible to use this icon picker with page editor also ?
    1 point
  18. Hi @adrian, commenting out line 951 indeed (temporary) solves the problem. Thank you for your support so far!
    1 point
  19. Hi @ali.donde, I think there might be a little bug in the PW core regarding this. The code is supposed to check the existing value and not try to set it if it's already above the requested value. Unless you are running the iMagick image engine (additional module), then it should only be trying to set it to 30 seconds. If your server is already set to 50, then it should not try to change it. You can see that logic here: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/35df716082b779de0e53a3fcf7996403c49c9f8a/wire/core/ImageSizerEngine.php#L942-L948 I am going to ping in @horst here to see if I am missing something, but until he replies, you can probably get going by commenting out that line 951 that is producing the error. @horst - any thoughts on why this isn't working as expected. Have you ever come across a situation where ini_get('max_execution_time'); doesn't return the correct value? The other possibility might be from this line: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/35df716082b779de0e53a3fcf7996403c49c9f8a/wire/core/ImageSizer.php#L328 It's a different version of the setTimeLimit function that tries to set it via the setOptions method, but that method doesn't actually include a "timeLimit" option in its switch logic: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/35df716082b779de0e53a3fcf7996403c49c9f8a/wire/core/ImageSizerEngine.php#L1047-L1089
    1 point
  20. Yes, that's CSS issue. Try and see if it works . Are you using the demo template files that come with blog or did you create/or are using a blank blog-post.php? If the latter, then please have a look at the example demo file. It is a bit redundant to have the code you pasted (which is an example code I gave for some other context) within a blog-post page itself (i.e. redundant to use it in blog-post.php which is the template file for a single blog post).
    1 point
  21. need to setup tables via custom sql queries? PHP // init datatables module $dt2 = $modules->get('RockDataTables2'); // setup columns $sql = 'SELECT * FROM invoicetable'; $dt2->setupColsBySql($sql); // setup table $dt2->id = 'dt_finanzbuch'; $dt2->js('/site/modules/ProcessRockFinance/dt_finanzbuch.js'); $f = $modules->get('InputfieldMarkup'); $f->label = 'Tabelle'; $f->value = $dt2->render(); $form->add($f); // ################################## // ajax request -> return data // non-ajax -> render form + table // ################################## if($config->ajax) { echo $dt2->getJSON($dt2->getDataBySql($sql)); die(); } JS $(document).ready(function() { // setup variables var opt = ProcessWire.config.dt_finanzbuch; // options from backend var colDefs = []; // column definitions // custom column definitions here // load default column definitions colDefs = colDefs.concat(dtGetDefaultDefs(opt)); // initialise table $('#dt_finanzbuch').DataTable({ ajax: { url: './book/', type: 'post' }, columnDefs: colDefs, pageLength: 10, footerCallback: columnSums, }); }); Result As you can see the sum function is not ready. it shows euros for my usecase...
    1 point
  22. Hey Kongondo, I think 3rd-party admin themes will be even easier than before. What I meant was that since Reno is kind of a core theme, it doesn't make sense to develop it separately *if* — and it's still a giant *if*— the new default theme allows you to configure a setup that is basically the same as the current Reno theme. We are deeply invested in the Reno theme here, so either the new admin will be customizable to something very similar, or I'll keep developing Reno as separate theme. I have some things I'd like to implement that UIKit will make easier, and I'm excited to dive in once Ryan has a stable base theme to work from.
    1 point
  23. Website: https://gatorade.com.do/5v5/ Modules: Form Builder, Lister Pro, Profiler pro, Tracy debugger, Procache (still not installed) It's a simple landing designed to handle registrations to a Gatorade Tournament, but it's kind of cool to see a big brand like Gatorade running Processwire.
    1 point
  24. +1, Let's get organized! E.g.: https://www.dropbox.com/paper https://www.dropbox.com/help/topics/paper recent review: https://zapier.com/blog/best-collaborative-writing-apps/#paper
    1 point
  25. The sandbox api is limited to sandbox users everywhere, so even retrieving by tag does only show images of those. You cannot get any other users media.
    1 point
  26. So, what about a dropdown <select> ? It might be text, but it's not free input... do I need to sanitize? You should never trust form input. You can change values in a dropdown in the dom inspecter and submit those changes.
    1 point
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