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I guys, fresh new website to showcase https://iloetscher.com/ iLötscher is a Swiss company based in Zürich that provides informatics services for Apple devices and networks. We are still working on the English version and the private area. ProcessWire wise, the website is quite simple and the only non-core modules used are the Pro-fields Table and Hanna Code — both, together with Repeaters, to support the creation of the price tables: SSL is provided by the free Let's Encrypt, that I heard from in this forum (Thanks guys!). The hosting didn't support it (and I didn't have Shell access) but they were happy to install the Let's Encrypt extension for Plesk. Just wanted to let you know that it is worth insisting a bit, in case you encounter the same problem. For the time slot reservations we are using Calendly. It works quite well, and the options for embedding the system on the wesite are very flexible also. The site is responsive, of course. Feedback is more than welcome, thanks!10 points
Hello everyone! I've just made my first Processwire module and would like to share it with community. As I did not find any module that displays shots from Dribbble I decided to make my own. I will add default css styles in coming days. I hope someone will find this useful. Feel free to leave any ideas you have how the module can be improved. Thanks!5 points
v119 comes with a new "Apply to all" button to update all dropdowns with the selected option on the "Add field to templates" page (see the screen capture below), requested by @gmclelland. I've also updated the "Remove all" button on the field deletion confirmation page. Now it reads "Check all" and the default submit button can be used for deletion instead. The same "Check all" button is added to the other field deletion confirmation page (accessed from the Field edit page, Actions tab). All these are under the "Misc" submodule. Please re-check the checkbox "Add helper buttons to batch field add/remove confirmation pages" because it was renamed.5 points
In respect of the demo itself, that's an interesting point you raise (since keywords do not necessarily have to be next to each other). In respect of your own use, you can change the search (selector) operator at this line in search.php. Here's a list of all the available operators. Not all of them will be relevant in this case. As per your suggestion, you want ~= Contains all the words.2 points
Hi @pwired, thanks for your opinions! The blue is the corporate color so we use it as much as we can throughout the website and we think titles and icons are perfect for that. Yes, I think that's the case. The color is exactly the same, but we don't want the blue elements to be visually as strong as the logo, even if having the same color. I don't have anything against css frameworks but our design process doesn't really allow for it. Erika has all the freedom to design the pages as she feels it works well and I do the effort to code exactly what she designed without imposing any previous limitations. That makes it very difficult to have a go-to framework, and even if I know that I could find a framework to fit each individual case the search would take me longer than doing the css by hand. Thanks! We consider this process to be our strong point, so we should be good at doing it2 points
Service types will be almost the same under each company. So to keep it DRY I would not place this in a tree structure. Plus you need the ability to make api calls for filter functionality - Page Field will probably be better for it. Tree structure seems to be easier for admin management (unless you plan to use Lister Pro module). So I can propose doing it in a mix: put plans under company, make a service type Page Field for plan.2 points
It would be nice to see some screenshots, if at all possible2 points
Does this do what you need? http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-select-ext-option/2 points
Just came here to say that this module works brilliantly! I have made an "email sender field" that uses the page's data to manage surveys for a certain product and right now I'm doing a "defaults selection for repeater field" for a repeatear field with page fields in it that will describe features of a product. It's really nice to just hack your way so fast with this! I use it with wireRenderFile() which rules because it lets me handle the markup nicely in a separate file in my preferred text editor. EDIT: Added "mail settings" screenshot. Jus realized my description text is all messed up engrish2 points
2 points
@tpr - it's implemented, although a little differently because I didn't want "default" taking up so much space in the input. I went with a warning icon and outside of the input so I could add a title tag to it. I am checking if the "FieldtypePageTitleLanguage" module is installed before checking if there is a title in the user's language. Maybe one of the ML gurus can tell me if there is a better approach: $this->modules->isInstalled("FieldtypePageTitleLanguage") && !$cp->title->getLanguageValue($this->user->language) Let me know if this suits your needs.2 points
ProcessWire Concatenate Fieldtype Fieldtype that concatenates the values from one or more other fields at runtime. The value can contain additional formatting and/or words as needed, which you define in your Concat field settings. Example Problem: Your system has a first_name and last_name field, and you want to have a separate full_name field composed of first_name and last_name, without redundancy. Solution: You would create a new Concat field, click the details tab, and enter "first_name last_name" (the fields you want to concatenate) in the settings. Other Potential Uses Having a field that combines the value of two or more others, without the redundancy of separately stored data. Defining a custom “label field” for select boxes, like those used with the Page field. Defining a custom label for your Page List that includes your own formatting. Defining an alternate variation of a text field that uses a different text formatter. Considerations The value for this fieldtype is generated at runtime and thus no data is stored in the database. This is good because there is no duplication. However, it also means that you cannot directly query a Concat field from $pages->find(), for example. If you happen to change the name of a field being used in a Concat field, you will have to update the name in your Concat field settings as well. By design, Concat fields do not inherit the text formatters of the fields they concatenate. You define these separately with the Concat field. Because this is a runtime-generated field, there is no Inputfield associated with it. How to Install Install the module by placing FieldtypeConcat.module in /site/modules/. Check for new modules on the Modules screen in the ProcessWire admin. Click Install for the Concat Fieldtype. How to Create a Concat Field Under Setup and Fields create a new field using type Concat. After entering the new field name and label, click Save. Click the Details tab and enter one or more field names. Separate them with whatever spacing and punctuation is appropriate. Optionally choose one or more Text Formatters. If you are not sure which, “HTML Entity Encoder” is a good default to use. Save. Add your new field to one or more Templates. How to access the value of a Concat field This is no different than accessing the value of any other field. If your Concat field has the name “full_name” then you would output its value like this: echo $page->full_name; Download PW Modules Site: http://modules.proce...eldtype-concat/ GitHub: https://github.com/r...FieldtypeConcat1 point
If you have a SSL certificate for your domain (https) the wire cookie is set with the secure flag by default. Have a look in wire/config.php /** * Use secure cookies when on HTTPS? * * When enabled, separate sessions will be maintained for * HTTP vs. HTTPS. This ensures the session is secure on HTTPS. * The tradeoff is that switching between HTTP and HTTPS means * that you may be logged in on one and not the other. * * 0 or false: secure cookies off * 1 or true: secure cookies on (default) * * @var int * */ $config->sessionCookieSecure = 1; In the .htaccess file you can force using https: # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 9. If you only want to allow HTTPS, uncomment the RewriteCond and RewriteRule lines below. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off # RewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301] # If the flag is enabled, the browser (should) send the cookie only via https.1 point
I don't see why not - I never really thought about it before, that's all. Trouble is that I now have too many modules and not enough time I wasn't really sure how much use this module was getting. Is anybody else using this regularly?1 point
Thanks! I dig into Hanna code modul to see, how difficult would be to implement this storage ...1 point
The %= operator matches part words (which can be desirable) but all the characters in the search string must be in the given order in the searched fields. When I want to match part words I will usually explode() on the space character and then match against each word as a separate clause in the selector. $selector = ''; $search_terms = $sanitizer->selectorValue($input->get->search); if($search_terms) { $search_terms = preg_replace("/\s+/", " ", $search_terms); // replace multiple spaces with single space $terms = explode(" ", $search_terms); foreach($terms as $term) { $selector .= "title|body%=$term, "; } $matches = $pages->find($selector); }1 point
Two options: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1716-integrating-a-member-visitor-login-form/?page=4#comment-89599 https://processwire.com/talk/topic/1716-integrating-a-member-visitor-login-form/?page=4#comment-89616 You should read about the pros and cons of each.1 point
1 point
What you want is domdocument: Google this: php domdocument get first image1 point
Hi Adrian, Yup, that now works perfectly, thanks for such a speedy response! As it happens I'm also using Horst's WIreMailSMTP Geoff.1 point
Otherwise the .htaccess (or php not sure) will do a redirect, which essentially strips all the headers sent with the request.1 point
I'm not sure if it works correctly, but by a quick glance in the code FieldtypeSelectExtOptions should let you choose InputfieldChosenSelect if installed.1 point
Hi @adrian False Alarm.. I tested it again and it looks like it's working . Since the template/pages were protected, I had to loggedin in the right "domain root/alias".1 point
The new v025 has a new feature "Use latte extension" that allows replacing PHP templates with Latte files, resulting in a cleaner structure. Note that /site/templates/admin.php needs to be renamed to admin.latte when using this. On existing installations it is recommended to clear the cache too.1 point
Thanks, working fine here. As for the snippet I think it's OK too. I usually check for multilanguage with something like this though I'm not sure it's a better approach. if ($this->languages && $this->pages->find('template=language, check_access=0')->count() > 0)1 point
Already have it. I use it with ASM select. But I like the tagging interface of inputfieldchosenselect!1 point
It's totally fine, but you can also use count() on all WireArray objects and get the same result. https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-array/count/ $child->children->count; // or $child->children->count();1 point
I don't know, you will have to ask the developer of this site profile @ryan. Probably it will be ok, because after all the site profile is available on a public GitHub repository and the visuals are mostly realized with the framework UIkit. But it will be best, if you ask him or at least give credit to his work if you plan to reuse it.1 point
1 point
As it says: "use pageName instead" /** * Format required by ProcessWire user names * * #pw-internal * * @deprecated, use pageName instead. * @param string $value * @return string * */ public function username($value) { return $this->pageName($value); }1 point
Welcome @DarsVaeda, you could try to solve this layout with the recently introduced repeater depth. For example depth 0 are your rows and depth 1 are your cards. In combination with the commercial RepeaterMatrix this could be an pleasing solution for editors. Regards, Andreas1 point
1 point
Thanks adrian, not only for this new module but also for your abundant supporting posts and contributions in this forum.1 point