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Croppable Image 3 for PW 3.0.20+ Module Version 1.2.0 Sponsored by http://dreikon.de/, many thanks Timo & Niko! You can get it in the modules directory! Please refer to the readme on github for instructions. - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - NEWS - 2020/03/19 - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - There is a new Version in the pipe, that supports WebP too: - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - NEWS - 2020/03/19 - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - + - ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Updating from prior versions: Updating from Croppable Image 3 with versions prior to 1.1.7, please do this as a one time step: In the PW Admin, go to side -> modules -> new, use "install via ClassName" and use CroppableImage3 for the Module Class Name. This will update your existing CroppableImage3 module sub directory, even if it is called a new install. After that, the module will be recogniced by the PW updater module, what makes it a lot easier on further updates. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- For updating from the legacy Thumbnail / CropImage to CroppableImage3 read on here. -------------------------------------------------------------------------10 points
v0.0.6 released - adds an upgrade process to migrate existing data when upgrading from v0.0.4 or earlier.5 points
4 points
Thank you Ryan, and thank you for providing such awesome software open source. It makes many projects like this and more possible.3 points
As a hint... Masonry calculates the height for the div#portfolio wrong with height:40px;(inspect it in Chrome) and that's probably because the height of the images are not given or not known at the time of rendering. IIRC there is a workaround somewhere in the masonry docs to counteract that. The moment masonry rearranges the elements it calculates and refreshes all the dimensions, and all looks fine. Edit: http://masonry.desandro.com/layout.html#imagesloaded3 points
v0.0.5 released - a major reworking of the module. TemplatesChildPages now saves template restrictions in a custom database table. The module no longer has a dependency on the Template ASM Select module. The module no longer adds a global field to templates. Much credit is owed to the Template Access by Parents module by @BitPoet , which provided the basis for the SQL additions.3 points
@szabesz - Hmm, interesting idea. So it would be a case of allowing certain roles to modify permanent redirects. The only real reason this has come up is due to the relevant standards, which are not often adhered to. However, considering browsers don't adhere to half of the status code standards (I'm sure there are good reasons for it), perhaps I should just leave the restrictions off altogether - at the end of the day, if you want a 301, you're doing it for a reason, and you more than likely won't make too many changes to it... @ceberlin - The only real difference between 302 and 307, the way I see it, is how HTTP methods can change when redirecting. For example, with 307, and as I understand it, changing from GET to POST requires user intervention. For the purposes of this module and its general use, I think we can stick to 302 (unless I'm missing something). Regarding validation, my intention is to keep it simple and only check for either 200, 301, 302 or just 200 (strict mode). If the former is enabled and a 301/302 is returned, Jumplinks won't check to see if that redirects to another redirect, and so on.2 points
i have no problems on one 2.8.28 installation. i always use shortcut methods like this (you have to check the "enable shortcut methods" checkbox for this // test tracy dump anywhere in your files bd('tracy dump working'); im not sure about this backslash... i get the same error on pw3 when using TD::... everything works when using shortcuts2 points
The same behavior described by @Klenkes happen to isotope too and for sure this is your issue. As exemple, isotope in his version 3 is not bundled with imagesLoaded; so we have to link imagesLoaded and initialize it as parent of isotope elements. eg: var $parent = $('#grid-parent'); var $grid = $('#grid'); $parent.imagesLoaded( function() { $grid.isotope(); });2 points
Thanks, got it fixed. There's also a cke background overlay that was partially hidden.2 points
Thank you all for your contribution!! Finally I ended up with this piece of code, which works as expected: <?php /** * Processwire module for adding a special class for lists added via CKEditor. * by Juergen Kern * * ProcessWire 2.x * Copyright (C) 2011 by Ryan Cramer * Licensed under GNU/GPL v2, see LICENSE.TXT * * http://www.processwire.com * http://www.ryancramer.com * */ class TextformatterForLists extends Textformatter implements Module { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => "Textformatter for lists", 'version' => "100", 'summary' => "This little Textformatter adds a class to the ol and ul tags", 'author' => "Juergen Kern", 'requires' => array( "PHP>=5.4.0", "ProcessWire>=2.5.28" ), 'icon' => 'list' ); } public function format(&$str) { $str = str_replace('<ul>', '<ul class="textlist fa-ul">', $str); $str = str_replace('<ol>', '<ol class="rounded-list">', $str); } } It seems that the class name causes the problem, but I swear I have not the same class anywhere on the page. Maybe the CK in the classname was responsible for the behaviour. Anyway now it works.2 points
Just to clarify, I'm not working on the core image field, I only work on the CroppableImage Modules, to make them work with the new core Imagefield in PW3. It will inject a small section with buttons into the head of the edit area, like here, (predefined Crops) The buttons will open a modal editor window. The editor window should get some new styling. Thats it. And this only is possible because of the sponsoring through DREIKON, who are so kind to donate 500+ Euro for my work on this, what is much appreciated. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to invest the needed time for it, atm. Current state is: injection works, modal open and close works, rearanging / styling of the editor window needs to be done, testing needs to be done.2 points
This looks great @horst - just one initial request - can we lose the "Wow that looks great" button label and make it simply "Continue" or "Accept" or something similar. And maybe the "Not happy, crop again" link should be a button with "Redo Crop" ? PS I know these labels are a legacy of the original thumbnails module, but they do sound a little weird to me.1 point
Can you give a bit more information please: 1. What version of PW is installed? 2. Which option did you use to enable front-end editing: Option A, B, C or D? 3. If using B,C or D please provide the template code you have used to try and enable front-end editing. 4. Any javascript errors in the browser console?1 point
@bernhard - Shortcuts are on (by default anyway). I use the backslash as I'm using a namespaced environment with Jumplinks. As I need to call TD's methods inside a trait, I need to refer to the root namespace.1 point
1 point
Not sure a restriction has the intended effect. There are 2 cases where I regularly delete links when they are still valid: when I detect a double entry (or they are part of a rule already) when I see that I can replace a bunch of manually set links with a rule What about 307 redirects? I like the idea of a destination validation. If an infinite loop (or a redirect to another redirect within the same module) is detected it would be great to have some tool to monitor and eventually fix the problem.1 point
Busy working on module configuration, and some questions have popped up regarding the way in which we should work with permanent and temporary redirects. I'd like to change the process to this: When creating a new jumplink, we set the 'from' and 'to' fields as normal. Then, a 'redirect type' field can be used to choose between permanent and temporary redirects. If permanent is selected, timed filtering will not be available for the jumplink, and it will redirect with HTTP status code 301. I also think that the jumplink should be completely locked if this option is selected - to the extent that the jumplink may only be deleted (which should only be done when the module has picked up that it is stale, having had no hits in the last 60 days). Not 100% sure about this, but I do like the idea. (Note: a warning would be displayed before saving if this option is selected.) If temporary is selected, then timed filtering will be made available, and it will redirect with HTTP status code 302, even if a start/end time is not specified. This will be the default option. I'll also be implementing destination validation, which will be turned off by default. When enabled, this feature will first check to see that the resource we're redirecting to returns either of the following status codes: 200, 301, 302. We could then also turn on strict validation to ensure that the only return code allowed is 200 - this prevents the possibility of infinite redirects my simply not allowing them at all. I could go ahead and use curl to check for infinite loops, but I think that brings about some unnecessary overhead... With the current 1.5.x branch, the module automatically uses 301 if timed activation (now known as timed filtering) is not enabled. Thoughts, please.1 point
If the error occurs in Admin, it has nothing to do with your templates. It also shouldn't have anything to do with FileCompiler: you're running 3.x, so core files don't need to be compiled. Did you upgrade via git pull or something like that, or replace the wire directory manually, or how did you perform this upgrade? There's a slight chance that something is missing from the /wire/ dir, so one option is to remove and add it again (note that if this is a live site, the pubic site won't work at all while the wire directory is missing). Another thing would be checking that file permissions are fine, and make sure that the module you're trying to open works as expected. By "the module link is not working" you meant that you're trying to open the page related to some specific Process module, right?1 point
That's the same result I got originally with Firefox. When I refreshed, it then displayed correctly.1 point
1 point
Okay szabesz it's not that strange though. I provided screenshots of right and wrong way if you're uncertain.1 point
Looks normal on Safari and Chrome on a Mac (10.11.6). There seems to be a slight problem with the display on Firefox with the copyright showing under some content. Can you please provide at least a screenshot of what you think is wrong, so we have an idea of what problem you are seeing? Any other information that you can provide would be helpful for someone to help you.1 point
Only template files and modules are compiled. Files bootstrapping processwire won't trigger any compilation.1 point
Hello tpr, here is another z-index problem by showing the source code via CK-Editor. You gave the divs "breadcrumbs" and "headlines" a z-index of 100011. Now there is a problem if you use the "show source code" function of the CKEditor. This window will be overlapped from the 2 divs in the static bar, because the table which holds the source code has no z-index value (only position static). The following line of CSS should solve this problem (not tested yet): table.cke_dialog_contents {z-index: 100012;} Best regards1 point
Thanks, I haven't notice this because I have the ToolTips submodule always ON and that sets overflow: visible on the element. This will be fixed in the next release, which will be released a bit later because I have modified how HTML classes are added to the page. Now this happens entirely in the backend and not with JavaScript, which has several clear benefits, eg. much less DOM modification and because classes are present immediately, there's no need for the loader. I kinda liked the loader though but without it the admin feels faster. I have to check all settings again to see if everything is in place. I'm also experimenting with a feature that allows selecting pages and add them to the sidebar/top nav. So far so good, I took the simplest route that requires a bit of JavaScript but I think it's OK in an admin. Otherwise I would have to add/remove pages on module install/uninstall but I wouldn't really like that way.1 point
Beautiful site, great work Tom! Would you mind adding this one to our sites directory? https://processwire.com/about/sites/submit/1 point
I have a moderate work load of sites that I develope. Some times I get more than I can handle. Some times I have more than my current skill level can handle. I'd like to expand my sole trading business to work with some more designers developers. Nothing too heavy, but I'd like to have on board some people that would like to take on jobs and be featured on my website as a developer. In return, each of the people should be able to feature each of the developers on their own website as their virtual company. The idea being that the local contact can arrange face to face meetings, specs etc and any of the remote workers can take on parts or all of the projects. I'd be very interested to know if anyone would be interested in this concept, what they typically expect as payment and any other thoughts. Feel free to reply to this topic for public forum chat or pm. David1 point