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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/2016 in all areas
Just to clarify, I'm not working on the core image field, I only work on the CroppableImage Modules, to make them work with the new core Imagefield in PW3. It will inject a small section with buttons into the head of the edit area, like here, (predefined Crops) The buttons will open a modal editor window. The editor window should get some new styling. Thats it. And this only is possible because of the sponsoring through DREIKON, who are so kind to donate 500+ Euro for my work on this, what is much appreciated. Otherwise I wouldn't be able to invest the needed time for it, atm. Current state is: injection works, modal open and close works, rearanging / styling of the editor window needs to be done, testing needs to be done.6 points
@hellomoto on dev branch you need to add the namespace. On top of your file, write: <?php namespace ProcessWire; [...] and you will call DirectoryIterator like this : $it = new \DirectoryIterator(...);5 points
The ID field of the pages, templates, and fields database tables has AUTO_INCREMENT applied to them, so I unless you manually adjusted that, I think there should be no chance of reuse. I don't think PW has any specific checks, but the database itself should make sure there is no reuse unless you mess with things.4 points
4 points
3 points
In this post we take a look at the latest core updates and go into detail about how we might handle the release of ProcessWire 3.0 and 2.8. https://processwire.com/blog/posts/pw-3.0.32/2 points
Thanks, I haven't notice this because I have the ToolTips submodule always ON and that sets overflow: visible on the element. This will be fixed in the next release, which will be released a bit later because I have modified how HTML classes are added to the page. Now this happens entirely in the backend and not with JavaScript, which has several clear benefits, eg. much less DOM modification and because classes are present immediately, there's no need for the loader. I kinda liked the loader though but without it the admin feels faster. I have to check all settings again to see if everything is in place. I'm also experimenting with a feature that allows selecting pages and add them to the sidebar/top nav. So far so good, I took the simplest route that requires a bit of JavaScript but I think it's OK in an admin. Otherwise I would have to add/remove pages on module install/uninstall but I wouldn't really like that way.2 points
The error is saying that the function is available, but what it is being called on is not - ie $homepage So you can either define $homepage like: $homepage = $pages->get("/"); or you can do: $hreflang = $pages->get("/")->getLanguageValue($language, 'name'); if you don't need $homepage anywhere else.2 points
Both functions can be used to alter the markup. Only difference is that format() does not receive $page and $field.2 points
ok, I took the plunge an created a pull request: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/pull/1979 (I think it is a good omen that its ID is one of my fav songs of the Smashing Pumpkins :-))2 points
Beautiful site, great work Tom! Would you mind adding this one to our sites directory? https://processwire.com/about/sites/submit/2 points
@Juergen, you should remove the closing PHP tag at the end of the file. For PHP-only files it's normally considered best practice to omit the closing tag, because you can get errors and odd behaviour if any character or whitespace is accidentally added after the closing tag. Not sure if that could cause the problem you're having (your module works normally for me).2 points
Recently we have had the absolute pleasure of working the professional grade monitor providers, EIZO. EIZO provide colour accurate monitors, so we took heavy influence from colour in our design process. For the website, as always ProcessWire has been a perfect fit. The modules I have used are as follows: ProCache ProFields Hanna Code MarkupSEO ColorPicker MapMarker MobileDetect Any feedback would be much appreciated — http://eizocolour.com/1 point
Only template files and modules are compiled. Files bootstrapping processwire won't trigger any compilation.1 point
Hello tpr, here is another z-index problem by showing the source code via CK-Editor. You gave the divs "breadcrumbs" and "headlines" a z-index of 100011. Now there is a problem if you use the "show source code" function of the CKEditor. This window will be overlapped from the 2 divs in the static bar, because the table which holds the source code has no z-index value (only position static). The following line of CSS should solve this problem (not tested yet): table.cke_dialog_contents {z-index: 100012;} Best regards1 point
Thank you all for your contribution!! Finally I ended up with this piece of code, which works as expected: <?php /** * Processwire module for adding a special class for lists added via CKEditor. * by Juergen Kern * * ProcessWire 2.x * Copyright (C) 2011 by Ryan Cramer * Licensed under GNU/GPL v2, see LICENSE.TXT * * http://www.processwire.com * http://www.ryancramer.com * */ class TextformatterForLists extends Textformatter implements Module { public static function getModuleInfo() { return array( 'title' => "Textformatter for lists", 'version' => "100", 'summary' => "This little Textformatter adds a class to the ol and ul tags", 'author' => "Juergen Kern", 'requires' => array( "PHP>=5.4.0", "ProcessWire>=2.5.28" ), 'icon' => 'list' ); } public function format(&$str) { $str = str_replace('<ul>', '<ul class="textlist fa-ul">', $str); $str = str_replace('<ol>', '<ol class="rounded-list">', $str); } } It seems that the class name causes the problem, but I swear I have not the same class anywhere on the page. Maybe the CK in the classname was responsible for the behaviour. Anyway now it works.1 point
Another idea: is there a class with the same name (TextformatterListCK) lying around somewhere in an include path?1 point
1 point
Thanks @ Robin for the hint, I know this and i have tried it without the closing tag yesterday, but there was no influence. Currently I am not at home so I cannot test all the recommendations.1 point
1 point
The index/htaccess version state the version of processwire that did introduce the latest change to the file. They are probably not compared to the actual pw version you update to but just if the version changed between htaccess_old and htaccess_new. The numbers in the files are simply manually adjusted by Ryan.1 point
Not just page IDs but template IDs, field IDs, etc. If I delete a page (template, field, etc) is the ID of that page released back for re-use or can I be sure that the ID will never be used for a new page in the future?1 point
The module does not use a difftool but only compares by version/indexVersion in the first few lines of htaccess / index.php1 point
A wild and unlikely guess, but any chance it has something to do with the case of your class name and your php version? What if you try: TextformatterListCk Note the lowercase "k"1 point
I'm grateful for the "what 2.8 is for" section in the post. With a limited understanding of namespaces and currently no need to use them in my projects I've been a bit confused about which version (2.8 or 3.0) I should use for new projects. I really just want to use whatever the majority is using as it makes the sharing of code in the forum easier. Now I have some clarity that 3.0 is the way to go for new projects.1 point
1 point
The 'icon' value needs to be a single image url. A repeater returns a PageArray, so you need to get a single page from it and then a single url from that page. Assuming that the formatted value of the marker_icon field is set to "single item" you would do something like this: 'icon' => $page->map_repeater->first()->marker_icon->url Also, the $options array is something that applies to the map as a whole. It allows you to set a single custom icon to be used across the whole map. I don't think the module provides support for setting different icons to different individual markers.1 point
1 point
I'm thinking about to give this feature a GUI somehow in adminonsteroids. Any (simple) idea is welcomed.1 point
1 point
Tracy Debugger has a console panel, where you can run one-time code to be executed.1 point
Thumb's up! I'm not a GitHub guru, but it sounds like a clever idea. To tell the truth, I'm a 3.x only guy, but following your blogposts, I can see that you really take it seriously, and thank you for this! I've seen awful major version changes of other CMS'es/frameworks already, so I'm sure anything you will finally come up with will be far better than those.1 point
Working on this module is starting to become a full time job! Unfortunately I don't think it's a simple as that for some modules - for example you can't simply disable a fieldtype without wreaking havoc. I still think this panel is useful - I am just hoping Ryan can sort out that issue which I think is related to just those modules using a separate config file (like ProcesswireUpgradeCheck). This has just been implemented in the latest version. This is Just a first attempt - any variable that is only used once is highlighted with the orange warning color. Other significant changes in the latest version. Fixed a problem with the Validator plugin that was introduced 4 days ago by a new requirement (the user_agent needs to be supplied in the post request) from validator.nu (https://github.com/validator/validator/commit/a6afb4f34402bce421df5102de313ec76295a55f#diff-5f739a043bdc345584b06cb39a7679aaR259) Make it easy to pass maxDepth and maxLength options to bd() calls. This can be very handy when you have a deep array or very long string that you need to see more of without changing the defaults of maxDepth:3 and MaxLength:150 which can cause problems with PW objects if you go too high. bd($myArr, 'My Array', array('maxDepth' => 7, 'maxLength' => 0)); Note that setting to '0' means no limit. I also I just wanted to note how useful the "Preserve Dumps" checkbox in the Dumps Recorder panel is - lots of times when doing module development in particular I found that bd() calls weren't showing up - I think it often has to do with the redirects or the call being made before the panel is ready or something. Now with this feature, even if it doesn't show initially, just reload the page and it will be there!1 point
you might try using Tracy debugger, this way you can bd($str) inside the function when viewing the frontend and see what's going on there.1 point
Bumped to 1.5.41 with a workaround that only allows the use of /? at the end of a source string. As JL2 is in development, trailing slashes will be dealt with differently (provided I can fix the FastRoute implementation this is now fixed, and I'm not sure how I fixed it).1 point
Yeah, it can be a real PITA. I am not too worried at the moment as the functionality requires PW's advanced mode and I am hoping Ryan might have some solution to that issue I posted. This panel is not adding new functionality - it's really just making it easier to disable lots of modules at once / in the once place. If Ryan has no solution, then I might consider removing modules from the list that have know issues (like the ProcessWireUpgradeCheck one). Agreed - I'll start thinking about this.1 point
Don't we have a Moderator around? @horst is speaking alien language which is seriously off-topic1 point
SITE OF THE WEEK! Beautifully crafted. Splendid work. And your using MapMarker. Good to see other people are putting it to good use.1 point
My pleasure. I also had a few headaches with devns in my latest project but finally all seem to work fine.1 point
I think too, that actually a general maintenance module would be great. There are some maintenance tips and pieces spread over this forum. About cleaning unneeded assets dirs, and so on, cleaning up databases, there even is some extendable monitoring + maintenance module already there - without much functionality yet, but anyway. (For WordPress there is a modle that can force rebuilding image variations/thumbs. I found that useful in some situations. I am missing this sort of technology here, too.) some examples: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4437-delete-orphaned-filesimages-from-siteassetsfiles/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/9383-search-and-replace/?hl=search http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-diagnostics/ (can cleanup databases)1 point
Roll back to php 5.5 and it works like a charm. With PHP 5.6 I added this line to php.ini always_populate_raw_post_data = -1 and now the ajax upload works.1 point