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My personal opinion is: this is uggly code, hard to read, hard to maintain. I would do it more like this: switch($switchColor) { case "Style3": $cssLink = AIOM::CSS(array('styles/style1.css', 'styles/slider.css', 'styles/style2.css', 'styles/style3.css')); break; case "Style4": $cssLink = AIOM::CSS(array('styles/style1.css', 'styles/slider.css', 'styles/style2.css', 'styles/style4.css')); break; default: $cssLink = AIOM::CSS(array('styles/style1.css', 'styles/slider.css', 'styles/style2.css', 'styles/normal.css')); } echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='{$cssLink}' />"; To be honest, it could be made a bit more readable: $myStyles = array('styles/style1.css', 'styles/slider.css', 'styles/style2.css'); if('Style3' == $switchColor) { $myStyles[] = 'styles/style3.css'; } else if('Style4' == $switchColor) { $myStyles[] = 'styles/style4.css'; } else { $myStyles[] = 'styles/normal.css'; } $cssLink = AIOM::CSS($myStyles); echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='{$cssLink}' />"; // ---------------------------------------------------- // or just ? echo "<link rel='stylesheet' href='" . AIOM::CSS($myStyles) . "' />"; // or ? echo '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . AIOM::CSS($myStyles) . '" />';4 points
This topic will serve as the thread for the Selectize.js family of modules, which utilize this popular jQuery plugin for enhanced tagging of images, fields, templates and page selection in Processwire admin. http://selectize.github.io/selectize.js/ The modules will ultimately include: JquerySelectize Base module that provides the library for use by other modules Github: https://github.com/outflux3/JquerySelectize Modules: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/jquery-selectize/ ----- SelectizeTemplateFieldTags Uses the library to init the tags field on fields and templates, and makes the icon searchable by name. Github: https://github.com/outflux3/SelectizeTemplateFieldTags Modules: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/selectize-template-field-tags/ Screens: Tagging a template: *******sorry but the forum upgrade destroyed these images -- you need to click on them to see them now ******** Search icons by name and see the icon: ----- SelectizeImageTags Uses the library for image tags field. Github: https://github.com/outflux3/SelectizeImageTags Modules: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/selectize-image-tags/ Screen:2 points
Updated the module to version 1.1.0 which adds the following features: Multiple data can be passed to the template engine via setArray() (alias: setMultiple()) The module now provides a second API variable $factory returning the singleton instance of the TemplateEngineFactory, which can be used to load partial views and chunks Chunks: Reusable code snippets that consist of a PHP file containing the logic and a template (view) to render the output (see https://github.com/wanze/TemplateEngineFactory#chunks) Thanks @justb3a for the contributions! Twig and Smarty modules were updated as well, shipping with the newest version of Twig/Smarty. I tested the module on the latest ProcessWire 2.7 and 3.x and everything worked fine. Let me know if you find any issues! Cheers2 points
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2 points
It should be <img src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates; ?>images/b1.jpeg"> Also check if the image is really jpeg and not jpg. But normally you should create an Image field, add to your template, and echo from there. <img src="<?php echo $page->image_field; ?>"/> You may need to append ->first() and resize methods, search for "processwire images" on google.2 points
Hi, I just uploaded the first version of the SchedulePages module to Github: https://github.com/f...r/SchedulePages This plugin module allows you to schedule (un)publication of pages. I hope you guys will like it. //Jasper Usage: ====== Place the SchedulePages.module file into the site/modules folder and install the plugin from the admin area. Install/activate the LazyCron module (if you haven't already). This module is part of the Processwire core, but it isn't activated by default. Add the following date fields to your template: publish_from publish_until Note: the fields are already created during the installation of the module That't all. LazyCron will run take care of (un)publishing your pages that have a the publish dates set. It will run on every hour. Please note: LazyCron hooks are only executed during pageviews that are delivered by ProcessWire. They are not executed when using ProcessWire's API from other scripts. Edit: Changed the name of the module and function as Ryan suggested below. Edit 2: Updated instructions. Required fields are now automatically created and from now it runs every hour. Edit 3: Added module dependency. The updated module is on Github1 point
You shall not objectify people, but you could objectify Textfields!!! Github: https://github.com/owzim/pw-fieldtype-yaml Module page: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/fieldtype-yaml/ Summary Field that stores YAML data and formats it as an object, when requested. Setup After installation create a new field, let's say called "people" and assign it to a template, or just edit an existing text-based field and choose Yaml for the type, save! In the Details-Tab you have an additional option, the Texformatter option is removed, because it does not make sense in this case. Parse as Default is WireArray/WireData, the data can also be parsed as Object or Associative Array. Associative Array is the fastest and the default output by the used Spyc parser, WireArray/WireData might be the slowest, but it's also the most feature rich. You can access properties like you are used to with pages or fields, like $page->person->get('title|name') or $page->people->find('age>30'). Usage Now, in your just created field you can put in some YAML like this: - name: Jane Doe occupation: Product Manager age: 33 hobbies: - running - movies - name: John Doe occupation: Service Worker age: 28 hobbies: - cycling - fishing In your template, or wherever you are accessing the page, you would use it like any other ProcesssWire data (if you set the parse option to either WireData or Object): $out = ''; foreach ($page->people as $person) { $out .= "Name: {$person->name} <br>"; $out .= "Occupation: {$person->occupation} <br>"; $out .= "Age: {$person->age} <br>"; $out .= "Hobbies: <br>"; foreach ($person->hobbies as $hobby) { $out .= "- {$hobby} <br>"; } $out .= "--- <br>"; } echo $out; More info about YAML: Complete idiot's introduction to YAML Specification Wikipedia Acknowledgements I've used a namespaced version of the Autoloader class from Template Data Providers The YAML parser is a namespaced version of Spyc Edit: updated the repo link1 point
Since some others and me have been run into problems with FieldtypeFloat. I want to start a discussion with the purpose to get a consistent FieldtypeFloat and/or to create a new Fieldtype maybe called FieldtypeDecimal to store exact values maybe for currencies. First I will assume some known problems. precision Values of Type Float are stored in most of the Mysql Installations with a precision of 6 by default. PW FieldtypeFloat uses Type float() in the Mysql Database This could cause some problems. For easy understanding look at this table. +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | input | float() | decimal(10,2) | +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 1234.56 | 1234.56 | 1234.56 | +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 123456.78 | 123457 | 123456.78 | +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 12345678 | 12345600 | 12345678.00 | +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 1.23456789 | 1.23457 | 1.23 | +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ | 12345678912345| 12345600000000 | ERROR SQLSTATE[22003]: Numeric value out of range| +---------------+----------------+--------------------------------------------------+ As an example in Apeisas Shoppingcart Module exists a field sc_price of type float(). This field allows a maximum value of 9999.99 Euro Dollar or whatever. Don't use it to sell cars like Ferrari. Try to store the input values of the preceding table in a PW Field of Type Float in your surrounding and look what you get after saving. Threads treating the same problem https://processwire.com/talk/topic/3888-float-field-rounding-problem/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/86-float-field-rounding rounding Mysql will round anyway the float value to precision. So it is not necessary to round the value in php before storing. To store exact Values it is better to use Type decimal(M,D) where M is the lenght and D the number of digits. Thread treating the same problem https://processwire.com/talk/topic/86-float-field-rounding format We had already some discussion about local settings, storing and output of PHP-Values of Type (float). And Ryan did some Adjustments with number_format. But I don't trust completely, thats why I am using Textfields to store numbers. Would be nice to have a consistent Fieldtype working in different local-settings. Thread treating the same problem https://processwire.com/talk/topic/4123-decimal-point-changed-to-in-base-of-setlocale/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/86-float-field-rounding What is a float (floating point value), what is decimal? A float is an approximate value and exactly like this it is stored in Mysql. For more understanding two examples. 1. example CREATE TABLE `test` ( `test_float` float(10,2) NOT NULL, `test_decimal` decimal(10,2) NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO `test` (`test_float`, `test_decimal`) VALUES (5.43, 5.43); SELECT (test_float * 1.0000000) AS f, (test_decimal * 1.0000000) AS d FROM test; This will result the following: f = 5.4299998 and d = 5.430000000 source: http://netzgewe.be/2012/03/mysql-und-waehrungsbetraege-float-vs-decimal/ (german) 2. example mysql> create table numbers (a decimal(10,2), b float); mysql> insert into numbers values (100, 100); mysql> select @a := (a/3), @b := (b/3), @a * 3, @b * 3 from numbers \G *************************** 1. row *************************** @a := (a/3): 33.333333333 @b := (b/3): 33.333333333333 @a + @a + @a: 99.999999999000000000000000000000 @b + @b + @b: 100 source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5150274/difference-between-float-and-decimal-data-type INFO & LEARNING http://stackoverflow.com/questions/5150274/difference-between-float-and-decimal-data-type http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4520620/float-precision-problem-in-mysql http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/problems-with-float.html http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/storage-requirements.html INTENTION The intention of this thread is to discuss good solutions for a consistent working FieldtypeFloat which makes clear to Everybody what it is via description. Furthermore to build a new Fieldtype with setting options of total lenght and decimal places. NOTES Please use this thread rather for development than as a help forum. BTW I am not an expert in Mysql PHP or whatever. Maybe there are some guys in the forum which could put the real good stuff here. Thanks a lot and lets go.1 point
TemplateEnginePug (formally TemplateEngineJade) This module adds Pug templates to the TemplateEngineFactory. It uses https://github.com/pug-php/pug to render templates. doctype html html(lang='en') head meta(http-equiv='content-type', content='text/html; charset=utf-8') title= $page->title link(rel='stylesheet', type='text/css', href=$config->urls->templates . 'styles/main.css') body include header.pug h1= $page->title if $page->editable() p: a(href=$page->editURL) Edit Project on GitHub: github.com/dreerr/TemplateEnginePug Project in modules directory: modules.processwire.com/modules/template-engine-pug/ For common problems/features/questions about the Factory, use the TemplateEngineFactory thread.1 point
When editing a template, you can add fields to it using the Fields dropdown. However, it can be tedious to perfectly scroll to the needed fields everytime you add one, especially if your site has a lot of fields. Is it currently possible, or would it be possible, to enable auto-complete on the fields dropdown?1 point
One issue I ran into today was a clash of Ace editors (using latest Tracy) i have ace editors on my InputfieldSelectize module, as well as any field that uses that AceExtended inputfield; seems that i need to disable the tracy console panel to prevent it from affecting the Ace instance. These 2 files are not loading: /site/modules/TracyDebugger/ace-editor/theme-monokai.js /site/modules/TracyDebugger/ace-editor/worker-javascript.js And getting this error: NetworkError: Failed to load worker script at "/site/modules/TracyDebugger/ace-editor/worker-javascript.js"1 point
Repeaters are located in /admin so access protected too. So I guess for a not logged in user you wouldn't be able to $pages->find(selector) the repeater pages. I think then you'd need a "check_access=0" or a "include=all". Since they're in /admin you could also consider implicit "has_parent=RepeaterParentID" or "has_parent=2" ($config->adminRootPageID) instead of exluding trash somehow.1 point
include=hidden, status!=unpublished, Keep in mind that include=all will include a lot more than just unpublished pages.1 point
1 point
Some posts earlier i wrote i will give an detailed example of how you could use the Formhelper Module from pwFoo to create a register form an build the logic yourself if you need more complex setups. This is a stripped example from my register.php (please ignore the spelling while i've translated the most parts just quick and dirty for this post...) Best Regards mr-fan1 point
Thanks - I have relinked them all. Looks like the id of each post has changed since the forum upgrade too. Seems like the upgrade process rewrote all the internal links, but I think any external links to posts will now be broken1 point
There are no copies of the editor. /wire/modules/ is the core of CKE and /site/modules/ is the place for stuff specific to your site, like custom Javascript, CSS and plugins. See config TAB of your fields. The folder called ckeditor-4.5.3 is the core of CKE with all its own functionalities. I wouldn't touch it or you will have a problem when upgrading PW. Files like InputfieldCKEditor.module are the integration of the editor into PW .1 point
I'll also start tracking my vital signs, soon. But after a lot of "research" I'm going to to buy a Garmin Vivosmart HR (longer lifetime, more accuracy...) instead. I'm also slightly overweight atm but cycle about 100-150km(63~93miles) per week (for the last 5 months). Currently I use Strava to track my rides. As I'm always cycling with my mobile phone as a tracker there was no need for a gps enabled device (otherwise I would most likely have chosen the vivioactive hr). You should really check out garmin products instead of fitbit from what I've heard and read.1 point
A bit more info about the used font, your OS and browser would helpful. Have you tried this http://lee.greens.io/blog/2014/01/13/windows-chrome/ or https://gist.github.com/dalethedeveloper/1846552? By the way, this forum is mostly related to ProcessWire. I would redirect you to stackoverflow.com, where millions of people try to solve problems like this one.1 point
I think you want <img src="<?php echo $config->urls->templates ?>images/b1.jpeg"> or with short syntax <img src="<?= $config->urls->templates ?>images/b1.jpeg"> And to be honest, I usually hard code the paths to my template images. <img src="/site/templates/images/b1.jpeg">1 point
That would be a nice feature. I'm a strong believer in the benefits of minimising mouse usage. In the meantime... I'm not sure if this is a Windows or a Firefox thing, but if I click the select box and then start typing the highlight moves accordingly. So it's almost like an autocomplete. One catch is that you can't see the highlight on disabled items (i.e. those fields that are already added to the template) but you can type a letter or two and then use the arrow keys to complete the selection.1 point
I would go for: require_once($config->paths->root . 'stat/config/tracking_code.php');1 point
mod_security blocks processing based on regex rules: exactly what rules are implemented is up to the host or the person configuring the module. Perhaps your page contains a string that matches some overly-broad regex rule. The intention behind mod_security is good but my experience has been that running the module results in many false-positives and the resulting problems are difficult to debug. On many hosts you can't even tell when mod_security has been triggered. My shared hosting enables it by default on every new account but I always disable it to avoid headaches.1 point
For security reasons you can't directly access php files under site/templates. You will either need to put it in the root of your site, or create a page in the admin page tree and assign it a template that is linked to the required php file.1 point
You need to install the new ProcessTracyConsole helper module. This is installed automatically for new installs of Tracy, but for those upgrading, you need to manually install it. Because you can't directly call a PHP file from the modules directory in PW, it was either this or moving the file to the root of the site and I thought this was cleaner and potential less hassle for the user. Hi @bernhard - glad you're finding the Console panel so useful! Firstly, a friendly reminder about PW's each(): d($pages->find('id>1')->each("title")); Depending on your needs, that will give you much nicer output if you are testing a selector. Also useful is ->getArray() and ->getIterator() Back to topic now - thanks for pointing out the issue when converting the console into a new window - that is weird - hopefully I can fix it. Just a note that once the new window is open, it seems to manage the code fine after that. What I would really like is for Tracy panels to be drag resizable - maybe that's something I should request or build and PR them, but for now, I have made the console panel almost full width. This will be committed shortly, I just want to take a look at that weird code issue when opening in new window as well. Multiple consoles sounds pretty cool too, but probably not possible without core hacks, but maybe I can come up with something that achieves your needs in a different way. I am giving thought to the idea of a snippets manager so you can save and load snippets - this should certainly help in your case although may not be quite as convenient. Now that the console panel is full width, I think the snippets library can be in a sidebar on the right which should make it easy to switch between snippets. Thanks again for the feedback.1 point
Wheee, what a lot of replies I'm going to ignore the silliness in the original title and some of the heated replies and just get straight down to answering some things as quickly as possible. Some changes are do-able, others you guys will have to adapt to unfortunately. Whilst forum software can be customised to an extent, my 10+ years managing these beasts has shown time and again that the more you change the more you suffer through even minor upgrades so we'll be changing some things where simple software settings allow and keeping any potentially upgrade-breaking changes to a minimum. TL;DR not everyone is going to get what they wanted, but that's always the case unless you're working for a single client... and sometimes even then it's not guaranteed. Which headlines do you refer to? I just compared to the previous version and there's very little difference - same with the black bars, most of them were there before but all the elements were smaller along with the font size so perhaps they were just less noticeable? The like buttons were also there before, they're just a stronger blue. Q&A forums - the staff are having a discussion about which should remain this way (probably Pro modules where each topic is usually a question) and which shouldn't (probably the main Modules forum where each module has only one topic. I personally think that will resolve the Q&A debate for the most part, and people will use the right forums for the right things (the descriptions for most of them under Community Support say something along the lines of "for asking questions or getting support" so you'd expect 99% of topics to be questions in those places). I think the Q&A forums will probably work well there even though they're a shock to the system as the community can decide to upvote answers in those topics and it will eventually lead to finding the best answers floating towards the top right below the question itself - if this works as it should it makes finding the answers to things much easier and that's got to be a plus for the community, I suggest we just have to give it time and make a few tweaks to which forums should be Q&A forums in the meantime. More on this after we've had our internal discussion. Well... let's have that internal discussion first and then we can let everyone know what the plans are Really not sure what these headlines are that you're referring to? Nothing is particularly dimmed on my screen - can you please post a screenshot so I can be sure there's not some quirky browser/OS-specific CSS issues going on? The announcement was in the News & Announcements > Site Announcements forum, also linked to in the latest blog post. It was about as visible as we could make it As Soma said further down, the forum upgrades are something we're going to have to suffer every few years and there will be some features we'll miss and others we'll love - until someone recreates all of this in ProcessWire we have to keep moving with the times or face getting hacked which would be far worse than the disorientation we're suffering at the moment whilst we iron things out. It liked that pic - it said so in step #423 of the upgrade routine Can you let me know what version of Firefox and Windows you're using? You'll need to be on a recent Firefox version at least. I'm going to ignore the rest of your post and focus on the important things that are coming out of this discussion. I think it's one of those things - the old version had a dedicated mobile skin but a limited feature-set, the new version is responsive but has every feature more or less. I think those who only browse but don't reply on their mobile will be disappointed by it being slower, but those who regularly reply on mobile will hopefully appreciate the more fully-functional aspect. There are some caching options we'll look into to try and speed things up - one area where this software falls down a bit is no easy CDN integration otherwise we could get some of the CSS and JS assets loading a lot quicker for everyone - hopefully there will be a solution for that further down the line. See my earlier comment - can you let me know your OS and browser version please? I added in the panel that shows who's browsing a topic last night. It just wasn't there by default as it's arguable as to whether it adds anything (and it does make the page load marginally slower doing the extra queries, but we're talking fractions of a second - same with all the blocks at the bottom and side of the main forum view actually). This forum has actually had a huge number of features stripped out compared to the last version, behind the scenes at least - complete rewrite (yay, more bugs :D) to support namespaces, PHP7 and get away from legacy junk code that was going to break soon in a future PHP version. They've made an effort in the code to keep it all nicely up to date and more easily updateable (less fragmented in terms of functions in obscure locations etc) so hopefully all future upgrades will run a bit smoother from a purely technical point of view and actually managing it is a lot nicer and easier, though that doesn't directly help you guys browse around day-to-day of course. The main things that have changed on the frontend are the activity streams which promote status updates alongside forum posts. Member status updates were actually in the last version as well, just so hidden in a person's profile they made no sense being there. We do have the ability to change the default activity streams to ONLY include topics, but I'm actually hoping that status updates might make things a bit more social - you can either post a status update in the software or link your Twitter accounts and it's then a doddle to share information that doesn't warrant a topic of its own but might be interesting to other members - same as the previous forums, just with a lot more visibility. You can also turn it off manually in the streams so it's only topics that show up in the feeds. The layout in that section is of course completely different - no denying that. I don't think commercial discussion forums are in a massive battle with social media platforms so much, more with each other. Whilst they might lose the smaller customers to Facebook groups, I've seen the larger customers - the ones who pay the big money to have everything done and customised for them - stick with them through thick and thin because they, like us, value holding onto our data and keeping it with the rest of the information. We've stuck with IPB because it's a) the one I know and b) still has a decent set of features whereas some others are now over-bloated or too lightweight for us in my opinion. Since I'm the one who has to run it I'm sticking with what I know for now. That may change in future, but we'll always want a hosted forum where we can control the content rather than relying on a slow third party service or shipping everything over to Facebook so we'll always be somewhat at the mercy of "what the devs have done this time" when a new version is released. Pretty sure I'm just agreeing with you at this point ceberlin, but thought I'd comment on what I'm thinking anyway On to CSS - it is possible to change a lot but there is likely to be a new site theme coming along in the next few months so I don't want to spend masses of time changing too much and have to do it all again later - we will focus on usability. Most things are pretty much where they were before though, so some of the things you list there are a bit confusing to me to be honest. If you can give me small screenshots highlighting the things you think are not as they were before or need to be improved that would be a great help to me. I think that's actually an error from import what you've shown above. In some forums we had pre-set prefixes as well as tags and it seems to have kept the prefixes but also applied the prefix title as a tag. No doubt I can work out an SQL query to rectify this at some point so there's no repetition and that should fix most of it. Again, the Q&A issues are likely mostly applicable to the modules forum - everywhere else they're applied they could be an improvement if we give them a chance. Q&A functionality is per-forum and can't be applied only to certain topics unfortunately or else that would solve the problem entirely - as such where you're seeing them that's where the forum is set to be a Q&A forum. That was an accident - it turned out someone yesterday was able to start a new topic in there (definitely not a good idea for everyone to be able to do that there! :D) and I over-did the permissions. You should be able to reply now. You can create custom filters on the activity stream, so if you change Unread Content to work exactly how you want you should then only have to move your mouse over the main Activity menu item and then click Unread Content and that would then function more like before, aside from the layout of course. It really isn't that much different. There was a big black bar across the top and all the forum titles were on a dark background. I feel like I'm going a bit crazy here so here's some screenshots for comparison: OLD: NEW: The elements are all a bit bigger so it's going to be a bit darker overall, but otherwise not much different. I also made the sidebar match a bit more rather than spend too much time customising something that's of less importance I think. I think that's just in Q&A forums, right? That sounds like a browser-specific bug - can you let me know OS, browser and version? Thanks! I do remember all this from the first time around, yes, similar discussions took place then. And yes, the exclamation marks, but that's in the past now. @horst technically everyone's right here. In the "View New Topics" link at the top-right of the old forums (now Activity Streams) the titles went to the first UNREAD post. When browsing topics in a forum normally and not using View New Topics they went to the first post AND had the little dot @adrian was getting annoyed with yesterday to go to the first unread post (I've changed this to an eye with a line through it since I think it's more appropriate and noticeable) so in fact the functionality is now exactly as it was. I've just confirmed this is the case by looking at the old forums which are hidden away for reference. Funny how the mind plays tricks on you isn't it? I think the biggest issue was the new streams not going to the latest unread post by default but we should now be mostly back to the original functionality. To be fair, I would have closed the topics if I thought there was a chance editing old posts would screw things up, but the rebuild would have only changed the parts it needed to. That finished within 2.5 hours instead of 6 due to... well... this server being really fast I think, and leaving the forums open made more sense since I had a list of what needed doing and had timed it in the run-up to actually doing it, getting the bit where I had to delete and re-import the fixed posts table down to 5 minutes or less (guessing nobody spotted those few minutes where every bit of post content disappeared ;)). But yeah, there was an initial feeling we should play it much safer and turn it all off, but there was more benefit in leaving it on in the end despite a little slowness for a few hours. This is as fast as it gets now by the way until myself and Ryan get some time to look into caching options, of which there are very few (I miss all the benefits of ProCache :D). Not sure why this would happen - it really shouldn't have. I'll see if anyone else on the main software support forum is reporting similar issues. The emails do definitely need some tweaking. Avatars are certainly a little superfluous in a notification email, I agree! Well that took a long time, but keep the comments coming. I certainly can't guarantee we'll do everything that's requested but the least I can do is listen and read the replies.1 point
Cool - thanks Craig, I'll likely set one up soon then I'm actually impressed with myself how I'm managing to keep calories on target most of the time (was hopeless prior to this) and am finding seeing my pace per km increase on the same run every few days is a real incentive to keep going. I have only been exercising properly for a couple of weeks, but have lost half a stone already just by dropping the amount I'm eating to more sensible levels (no crash/fad diets here, just better portion sizes and measuring things properly) and the exercise of course can easily cancel out the calorific intake of one of your meals a day. If I was to try and get to more competitive levels or do longer distances I'd have to look more closely at the diet aspect but... well... I'm finding that whilst it can be a chore if you don't log the food as you eat it and spend 10 mins at the end of the day doing it, the stats are quite fascinating over time. I've also hooked up my Fitbit account to Strava as a lot of friends are on Strava but not Fitbit and the runs get ported across automatically. It's basically a social network for runners/cyclists/hikers but I've not looked into it much at all to be honest beyond linking them together.1 point
Am I the only one who got turned into a spice girl by the upgrade? Somehow it didn’t migrate my latest pic but the one I had up until a couple of weeks ago?1 point
Thought I would release a pretty simple module I made that integrates the awesome OneLogin PHP SAML toolkit into ProcessWire so you can use SSO with your ProcessWire website. Mainly developed for my own purposes as I have used SAML plugins with WordPress for many years and now that ProcessWire is my go to CMS I sort of missed the convenience of having SSO between sites and services. This is my first attempt at a ProcessWire module, it's probably not the best in terms of code, but it has been pretty stable in my tests. Here's a little demonstration of the module in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YWcsV6RTh90 GitHub repo and Installation Instructions https://github.com/adamxp12/ProcessWire-SAMLAuth Any feedback would be appreciated. Even though this is quite a niche module.1 point
I agree, I think export/import methods like this on Fields and templates would be nice. There's a lot of considerations though, especially on import. Like whether individual fields already exist or not, whether those field definitions reference external things (like page IDs). That's not to say it isn't doable, but just that there is potential for it to get quite a bit more complex than it first appears. But I would like to implement some API level expor/import functions for this soon, to at least get things moving forward. I've already been working on similar export/import functions for Page objects (which you see in the latest dev branch, though they aren't yet active).1 point