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These are nice: http://fixmy.pw/blog/why-we-love-processwire-cms-so-much-especially-after-working-with-crappy-joomla-wordpress-and-drupal-cmss/ http://fixmy.pw/blog/9-reasons-to-wave-wordpress-goodbye-and-shift-to-processwire/ I love the URL8 points
This module lets you restrict users to a certain branch of the page tree - it can limit editing permissions, as well as the page list view to this branch. http://modules.processwire.com/modules/admin-restrict-branch/ https://github.com/adrianbj/AdminRestrictBranch Restricted View Non-restricted View Note that this module does not add permissions (unlike how PageEditPerUser and PageEditPerRole work), so the user must have template level permissions to edit the pages in the restricted branch. What this does allow though is giving all users/roles editing access for the home template and allowing that to inherit all the way through the page tree and let this module restrict to specific branches. As you can see from the screenshots you can specify how to determine the branch to restrict the user to - either via a matched role name, or via a dedicated page select field on the user's profile. The match role name works like this - if you have a series of branches called: Branch One, Branch Two, etc, users with a role named: branch-one will only have access to Branch One. You can also decide whether to restrict page tree viewing as well and editing privileges (default) or just editing privileges. The Branch Exclusions option is important for things like external PageTable parent branches etc. Main module config settings User specific branch setting on user profile page This module came out of my personal needs as well as this discussion: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11428-project-design-main-shop-hundreds-of-affiliates/ As always, feedback is very welcome.4 points
I like it so far, well i´ve been working here since 6 years Ok guys, if anyone would like to manage the suite on GitHub I will gift the source to the community.4 points
Hi guys. We just launched our most recent work https://www.the-weekender.com/ This is a really nice and carefully crafted magazine! Worth buying, especially for German speakers -- The site is responsive as always, and prepared for two languages, although only German is available at the launching. And most importantly, this is our first Padloper powered web shop. Thanks Antii! Besides Padloper, we used Soma's color picker for the coloured backgrounds and the Multiplier Profield for all the listings. If you notice anything wrong in any browser, please tell. Suggestions are welcomed, as usual3 points
I think this example by Ryan looks quite similar to what you're describing. Check it out.2 points
2 points
Sorry about that - I actually already added those screenshots (between you reading and then posting). It actually works the other way - it limits the users to see just the restricted branch. Take a look at the new screenshots and let me know if it makes sense. If you want something like you described, my unpublished AdminPageHider works for that except for child page counting issues.1 point
I just turned this into a configurable module: https://github.com/adrianbj/AdminRestrictBranch Support Thread: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11499-admin-restrict-branch/ @tpr - I'd love your feedback in particular on this, but hopefully others will find it useful too.1 point
Then maybe something like this to show such a user selection and instead of saving it to a custom field overwrite the created user: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11069-sorting-images-in-backend/?p=103687 Alterntively you could also use a real field and use a hook to Pages::saveReady to update the created field.1 point
1 point
hi tpr, thank you, but it seems like pageNameTranslate($val) is the same as pageName($val,Sanitizer::translate) ? public function pageName($value, $beautify = false, $maxLength = 128) { return strtolower($this->name($value, $beautify, $maxLength, '-')); } public function pageNameTranslate($value, $maxLength = 128) { return $this->pageName($value, self::translate, $maxLength); } What helps in my case is to add "« -" in the InputfieldPagename translation settings. cheers, Tom1 point
If the script says the service is down, this only mean that it couldn't connect to the target server. So, when on the website server the outgoing request is blocked (firewall), this would also result in the same error message. If you have email / smtp accounts on other servers, e.g. gmail, hotmail or what ever, I suggest try to connect to them via the test script and see if it is possible. And good luck!1 point
Great thanks... Now I know where to look. Thank You again for this module! Can't imagine how much time You put into this.1 point
Sorry, I have not tested this module in any recent version, but I recommend using the dev version in the thumbnails branch, some minor issues might be fixed there: https://github.com/phlppschrr/ImageFocusArea/tree/thumbnails I have not looked into these new ajax features. Does anybody know of any thread here how to support ajax editing and loading for your own fields? Please continue to report any issues and improvement ideas here (or even better at github). PS: Sorry, for being a bad module maintainer. I still have some plans with this module, but not enough time - too much customer work and a newborn baby at home.1 point
what I love these days is photoswipe 4! But it's not a single image viewer, it's a slideshow player. But the best I know of. It comes standalone (for performance!), has inbuilt support for mobiles, including sending smaller images to those devices, full support for mouse, keyboard and touchscreens, etc. As I said, I love it. I use it on my site.1 point
Thanks for your comments! That's actually supposed to be a nice detail , hope it doesn't come across as a mistake a lot... Really? That would be an nice work1 point
Perhaps try ports 2525 or 587 in case they work? It's worth the effort, this module + Mandrill is a superb combination. Good luck.1 point
Actually I was the first to like and retweet his tweet five days ago. So all candies belong to me1 point
In ProcessWire we have Hanna Code and it uses almost the same syntax as in MODX except those are snippets and chunks in one. Hanna code runs from disk, while MODX snippets are eval()'t. (is that a good word ? ) You could also create a page with a footer template and just render that page in your template with $yourpage->render(). After a while you will discover more options to do things, just give your self the time .1 point
@webrocker Both changes are committed. Make string translatable: $form->fhSubmitBtn->value = __('Send email validation code'); https://bitbucket.org/pwFoo/frontenduser/src/1bb7c66f83c583b7913c21516bf7c6675a8ca147/FrontendUser/FrontendUserRegisterEmailValidation.module?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default#FrontendUserRegisterEmailValidation.module-160 prepend / append page template fix 'prependFile' => null, 'appendFile' => null, https://bitbucket.org/pwFoo/frontenduser/src/1bb7c66f83c583b7913c21516bf7c6675a8ca147/FrontendUser/FrontendUserRegisterEmailValidation.module?at=master&fileviewer=file-view-default#FrontendUserRegisterEmailValidation.module-104 No time to do some tests. So please verify and report back problems.1 point
Sublime Text 3 finally got me to convert from Textmate. Soma pointed me in the direction of the monitor file option for Sublime SFTP which is great! As mentioned above, it allows you to monitor a compiled .css file and upload it whenever there are changes - even from and external source like CodeKit. My only complaint is that the monitoring stops when the file is closed or you quit Sublime Text, but as Soma mentioned ctrl+cmd+u+m on a file you need to monitor and that's it. I use the following packages/plugins - docBlocker // comments - SFTP // file uploads - SassBeautify // indented .scss files - Sass // syntax highlighting // No need for Codekit. Compile your .css on save with - SublimeSaveOnBuild & Sass Build System - Synced Sidebar // not sure why this isn't native functionality Aside: I tried PHPStorm as well, but there is just way too much visual clutter for me. It's super powerful and I know people love it, but I felt like I was using Dreamweaver 2.1 point
WeBuilder's functionality does look mighty impressive. It's just. It's just. It looks kinda ugly.1 point
You could achieve pretty interesting results by taking this idea a bit further: Define areas on front-end where new elements (widgets, nodes, blocks, whatever) can be dropped and create new page fields for each of them, set up a collection of pre-defined blocks (templates, including proper template files for this purpose) you want users to be able to drop in, create a clean way to add new pages / edit existing ones via front-end (edit/add button, something like Fredi), store newly created pages somewhere and attach them to page field on current page automatically. Preferably you would also let the client re-arrange these blocks by dragging on the front-end side, to make it all function properly. Perhaps even drag blocks from one area / column (page field) to another? That's all very much doable, though I would imagine that it could take quite some time to work all the details out (such as where to store those pages to keep things smooth and stuff like that.) I'm definitely not advocating anything like this, based on similar reasons others have stated above (such as the fact that pages created this way usually end up unbelievably messy in the long run and no longer serve any real purpose, other than perhaps making some content editor very proud of herself) -- just saying that ProcessWire can be used for it if it's what makes you happy. If you're into it, why don't you give it a try yourself? See where it takes you and ask if you need any advice Been there, seen both of those happen more than I'd like to remember. For a very long time I believed this to be "the best way" (partly because it worked for us and made our clients very happy), but after listening and seeing all those problems it caused for our clients at the same time, I've come to one conclusion: this model is in reality one of the worst enemies of properly structured, usable and logical web content. It requires serious mental fortitude to keep things in order when you've got all the tools you could ever ask for right within your grasp. This is true especially in the long run.. and especially when there are multitude of editors to deal with. Ever been asked to re-organize a ten year old site for a client, one that's seen hordes of editors, various shifts in content strategy etc.? Not a trivial task and each and every page having a very different structure doesn't really help. It's rare for there to be someone who could keep it all under control either -- that kind of thing is too often limited to huge organizations only and even then resources tend to be scarce. From my point of view the most obvious (even if still only partial) solution for this is a clearly defined structure that editors must stick with, even if it doesn't please them at all times -- which is exactly what ProcessWire provides tools for. Clients may not "get it" at first, but that's why we as designers, developers and professionals should explain and teach them why this is a good thing. I rest my case.1 point
Although I know and sort of understand the wish of clients to be able to do so, from a designer's/developer's point of view, these “free form” content types are not necessarily a good choice. (Disclaimer: This might be a very subjective point of view, and yes, I admit to being kind of a control freak.) I don't know what kinds of clients you guys have, but a lot of my projects are websites for people who don't really know much about building web sites. Those clients can actually benefit from a “rigid” approach because it does not only limit their possibilities, it also limits their margin for error, bad layout choices and basically anything which makes designers pull out their hair, as arrogant as that may sound. Then again, as long as this is implemented as a module or an option, keeping the flexibility we all love about PW, this probably is a “why not?” feature. (Just my 2 cents.)1 point