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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/23/2013 in all areas
Hello folks! I've been playing with ProcessWire a lot recently, and have just launched site number 3 - Bishop Auckland Table Tennis Club. Some of my family members are associated with or are members of the club, so this was a bit of a favour for them. I haven't used many "additional" modules - just CropImage and MapMarker.5 points
http://familleverville.org A new website made with PW. ProCache has been installed and it works like a charm. The site was previously built in Flash, so I kept the overall structure. This photo album stops at 2007, because the previous site was a built specially for the 50th wedding anniversary of my parents. It will be completed soon. Nothing fancy. Three level of pages, three templates. One extra field. Five sections which can be translated as: Ancestors, Jacques and Irène, The years, Anniversaries, Photo Index. Every photo has been tagged so they can populate the Photo Index section. My mother has her own website (http://irenegiguere.com), made also with PW. She is 75 and has adopted quite easily the CMS. She is eager to begin working the new site, along my sisters who are thrilled to help. Congratulations, Ryan, you've conceived a really great tool!4 points
4 points
One way to achieve this is to create an image field 'slideimages' in the root-page (or in a hidden settings-page). You can upload your slider-images there in one place and your colleague can rearrange them as needed. In your template file you access the images like $pages->get("/")->slideimages (or the appropriate path for your settings-page) and then foreach over the images to output the slider-code.3 points
it is working using ob_end_clean() that erase the output buffer and turn off output buffering ob_end_clean(); $mpdf = new mPDF(); $mpdf->WriteHTML('<p>Your first taste of creating PDF from HTML</p>'); $mpdf->Output(); exit;2 points
Field dependencies are coming in ProcessWire 2.4, and I just wanted to give you guys a little preview of it. The development of this new feature is being sponsored by Avoine, the company where Antti works (he also specified how it should work). Field dependencies are basically just a way of saying that one field depends on another. It dictates which fields should be shown in a given context. In our case, it also gets into whether a field is required or not. This short video demonstrates how it works: (switch to the 720p and full screen version, as YouTube's default settings for this video make it impossible to see): // Edit @Adamkiss: Here's link for those on mobile: youtu.be/hqLs9YNYKMM The implementation here is done both client-side and server side. Javascript handles the showing/hiding of fields and the required vs. not required state changes. On the server side, it doesn't process any fields that aren't shown, and honors the required rules. A separate processing occurs both client side and server side, ensuring that the user can't make their own rules by manipulating the markup or post data. These field dependencies can be used with any Inputfield forms. That means you'll be able to use it not just in ProcessWire, but in FormBuilder, and via the API too. It's very simple to use from the API. All you have to do is specify a ProcessWire selector to either "showIf" or "requiredIf" to the Inputfield, and ProcessWire takes care of the rest: // show this field only if field 'subscribe' is checked $inputfield->showIf = "subscribe=1"; // show this field only if 'price > 0' and at least one category selected $inputfield->showIf = "price>0, categories.count>0"; // make this field required only if 'email' is populated $inputfield->required = true; $inputfield->requiredIf = "email!=''"; This feature will be in the 2.4 core (rather than as a separate module), so it will also be ready and available for things like module and field configuration screens.1 point
Hi, this my first site I built with ProcessWire. It's not hyper complex and it has its flaws I know =) http://www.kuban.de I should mention that PW is not running on the server but rather a static HTML output I generated from my local install. I am still managing any changes through PW and then generate the output again. I used Sitesucker for that (it's a Mac tool similar to httrack). This method is discussed here. Modules used: FieldtypeCropImage MarkupCustomPageList ModulesManager ProcessBatcher ProcessPageDelete1 point
1 point
What I ment, There's no CMS better/easier in assets management then ProcessWire. You can make it your self very hard to build sliders without taking the PW way. ps, you don't need a dropdown. $imagePages = $pages->find("template=basic-page, slideimages.count>3, limit=3"); <- assumed that your image field is called slideimages foreach($imagePages as $p) { echo "<ul>"; foreach($p->slideimages as $image) { echo "<li><img src='{$image->url}'></li>"; } echo "</ul>"; }1 point
I like it. Fully responsive too, kudos. Nice + consistent use of green / black color scheme.1 point
It was missing a couple of flags. I've fixed it. Thanks for pointing that out.1 point
1 point
I love the favicon Edit: although I would love it even more if the sky would be transparent.1 point
1 point
Hey Martijn Just wanna say that your delegate site profile has been incredibly helpful. Had a chance to take a better look at it just now and there are some excellent concepts there! Thank you so much for this site profile. As I understand so little about ProcessWire, I was looking for a way to establish a sort of bi-directional relationship between an idividual page and a collection of individual sidebars. It's both interesting and great that we are looking at this issue in very similar ways. I did have a slightly different take on how i wanted do a few things.... but I just didnt know where to start due to lack of knowledge of the ProcessWire system. Thanks to your very clever use of php page select code and utilization of the template naming options, I can now see how to create these "bi-directional" relationships. So, thanks again mate! Still a few other basic things that Im working on to get my first site working properly. So hopefully I can start the sidebar system in a couple of weeks. Might have a few questions for you then if Im stuck... hee hee Cheers!1 point
I came across this Wordpress Plugin which has a similar feature to what I was referring. The ability to search/filter without leaving the tree looks useful. Check out the video to see it in action: http://eskapism.se/wordpress/cms-tree-page-view/ What do you think?1 point
Nice site, although I don't think the bold font for the menu and headlines are too good of a fit. But I know it's not an easy task to do design work for "oriental" themes. The Shangri La hotel chain has some nice CI. Oh I remember having to deal with those prayer times back in 2009 when doing something for the Medina Mosque. It's very weird, and I learned that even Moslems can get confused by it =) and there are dozens of slightly different algorithms out there. I heard about one instance where printed calendars had to be redone because of some calculation differences.1 point
That page is the result of last years contest. Ok, that it's not the people's choice... but it's still the result of the exact same contest that we are talking about in this post1 point
CMSCritic just launched another part of the site which is a directory of CMS products (powered by ProcessWire of course). Hope you guys enjoy: http://www.cmscritic.com/dir/ While you are there, maybe click the "like" button for ProcessWire if you are so inclined.1 point
Did the admin use bold, all-caps text in the body field of the home page? If so, show the "site-wide alert" field. ...nah1 point
Wow, I actually said stuff while I watched this video but it came out like "aaaaaah" and "ohhhhhh" rather than "I've felt the need for this on several occasions! Bravo Ryan!" Thanks for sharing it with us.1 point
It seems like very few of us are going to get some sleep tonight (after watching this)...that feeling you get after watching Avatar... the surreal bit (not the sorrow!)1 point
1 point
OK, what programme did you use to make that spoof video?! After effects or something? My goodness! Avoine/Antti, thank you very much!!! As for you Mr Cramer, I don't know what to tell you. Seriously, mate, I can't pick an adjective apt enough. Let's just say that you Sir are one of the best things that has happened to the open source community. Hats off! cheers /k1 point
1 point
This is epic. Thanks for building it Ryan. Couldn't be happier with how it turned to be!1 point
I don't own many commercial licenses, just these: My wife bought me Adobe CS5 as a wedding present years ago. I wish she had consulted me, haha, I only use Fireworks for graphic design. I've never even once launched DreamWeaver ColorSchemer Studio 2 http://www.colorschemer.com/studio_info.php A few other freebies include: Clipboard Help+Spell is a clipboard history utility http://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Mouser/clipboardhelpandspell/index.html Screenshot Captor is a screenshot utility http://www.donationcoder.com/Software/Mouser/screenshotcaptor/index.html WinSplit Revolution is a small utility which allows you to easily organize your open windows by tiling, resizing and positioning them to make the best use of your desktop real estate http://winsplit-revolution.com/ Desktop to Android to Desktop clipboard manager https://www.clippersync.com/1 point
Snippets: simple tool for collecting and managing code snippets. Available for Mac and Win.1 point
1 point
Aah, so you want to use them for templates in the admin? How about: $opener = new Field(); $opener->type = new FieldtypeFieldsetOpen(); $opener->name = "myfieldset"; $opener->label = "Open fieldset"; $opener->save(); $closer = new Field(); $closer->type = new FieldtypeFieldsetClose(); $closer->name = "myfieldset" . FieldtypeFieldsetOpen::fieldsetCloseIdentifier; $closer->label = "Close an open fieldset"; $closer->save(); $tpl = $templates->get("custom"); $tpl->fieldgroup->add($opener); $tpl->fieldgroup->add($fields->get("body")); $tpl->fieldgroup->add($fields->get("counter")); $tpl->fieldgroup->add($closer); $tpl->fieldgroup->save();1 point
You mean like this? I just enabled it in this forum for a test, as well as Getting Started, General Support and Modules & Plugins. I can see it needs some styling though so it stands out a bit more.1 point
I second Soma's argument, it really is a problem if your URLs are dying fast, and already constructing it with a massive amount of URL direction is also not a really good idea. The approach with a page field should be working out nicely in your use case. You might write a smallish module that hooks into Pages::___save() and checks whether a saved page is newly created and a child of your archive page and if yes adds it to the pages field on your front page automatically to keep it comfortable for the editors. That being said, I also think, it would be great to have the possibility to add new pages with manual sorting on top in the backend. Can't imagine a simple and scalable way to do this without any slowish kind of indirection, though.1 point
No problem - thanks you for finding this one! I've never used html2pdf before, but it looks like it's an addition on top of tcpdf - the framework that this module is using. Don't know the differences exactly. This module just integrates TCPDF into ProcessWire, making it easier for you to setup everything. However, it could be the case that html2pdf has better html support built in for rendering the pdfs than tcpdf. The module handles creating / caching pdf's for you and you can output the content with Pw templates. This means, you have the full Pw API available if needed. If anyone can confirm that other libraries, e.g. html2pdf or mPDF have actually better html support than TCPDF, I'll switch the framework behind the module.1 point
Love your idea, Soma. I created a php file in the root of my site called tinymce.php which I can edit and then simply load in the browser www.mysite.com/tinymce.php to send all of the changes to all my tinyMCE fields. Here's my code for anyone who might be confused by this: <?php include('./index.php'); $fields = wire("fields")->find("name=body|sidebar|introduction|affiliates"); foreach($fields as $field) { $field->theme_advanced_buttons1 = "formatselect,|,styleselect,styleprops,|,fontsizeselect,forecolor,|,bold,italic,underline,strikethrough,|,hr,|,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,|,bullist,numlist,|,indent,outdent,nonbreaking"; $field->theme_advanced_buttons2 = "undo,redo,|,tablecontrols,|,pastetext,|,link,unlink,anchor,|,image,|,replace,|,removeformat,|,code,|,fullscreen"; $field->theme_advanced_buttons3 = ""; $field->theme_advanced_blockformats = "p,h2,h3,h4"; $field->plugins = "inlinepopups,safari,media,paste,fullscreen,table,nonbreaking,searchreplace,style"; $field->valid_elements = "*[*]"; $field->content_css = "/site/templates/styles/content.css"; $field->custom = "theme_advanced_styles:Test Style=test paste_text_sticky:true"; $field->thirdparty = ""; $field->save(); } The name=body|sidebar|introduction|affiliates line selects all of my tinymce fields by name (Soma's example assumed that your tinymce fields all had tinymce_ prefixes on them, which mine do not, so I am just listing all of them out instead). It then loops through each matching field and updates each setting. Pretty cool!1 point
Hi teppo, Thanks. This is very interesting, I didn't know mPDF before. Looks very promising if the html support is better plus the whole library is very lightweight compared toTCPDF. TCPDF and also mPDF are both extensions of FPDF. Some years ago, I used FPDF but the problem there is the missung UTF-8 and HTML support. As most of the libraries seem to depend on FPDF, this now has the advantage that one could easily exchange the library behind the module without changing much code. Looking forward to your feedback!1 point
Another option, if what you want to do is simply a static copy of your whole site, is to use something like HTTrack: It's available as a Windows and Linux version + command line tool and (based on my experience so far) most of the time does good job. Windows version can sometimes require a bit of playing around with settings, but other than that it's simple, powerful, very configurable and completely automatic1 point
I started building our first shop week ago and I was pretty happy how well this functioned. Probably will add few commits while developing this further. It is pretty basic shop and I am not sure if that will require much feature wise. But at least after that we will have first live shop using 100% pw as a commerce solution. But what I think that will come in "near" future are things like: Taxes Reporting (monthly sales etc) Different shipping methods Cleaner code with hookable methods Product variations (I will probably wait for repeater to go stable) Better documentation1 point
Created first real payment method: https://github.com/apeisa/PaymentSuomenVerkkomaksut (It is most popular payment processor here in Finland). It was quick one, since they have good docs, REST api and even nice PHP Class.1 point