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Module: FieldtypeTime & InputfieldTime


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Am I right that this field cannot be used in a FormBuilder form? I'm trying to make a form with a start and stop button to calculate time students spend on one of our lasercutting machines. 

[edit] In the meantime I found it. Now I just wanted to know if I can have the time 'auto fill in' in a field 'laser_start' as soon as a new form is created, like I can with a Datetime field. And also have a button or picker to enter the time in a field 'laser_stop' when I edit the page created by Formbuilder.

Another issue: the Time Format always jumps to 'Minutes (00-59) & seconds (00-59).' when I choose 'Hours (0-24), Minutes (00-59) & seconds (00-59)' upon save in the Details tab.

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  • 1 month later...
  On 12/30/2018 at 12:38 PM, BFD Calendar said:

Another issue: the Time Format always jumps to 'Minutes (00-59) & seconds (00-59).' when I choose 'Hours (0-24), Minutes (00-59) & seconds (00-59)' upon save in the Details tab.


I'm also having this issue, which isn't letting me use the date() formatting due to this. ? Also when it does jump to that, the time selector GUI doesn't work. 

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@Tom. For what it's worth, this is how I solved my problem, maybe it helps you to find your solution.

	$laserdate = date('d F Y', strtotime($feature->lendout_time));
	$lasertimestart = date('H:i:s', strtotime($feature->lendout_time));
	$lasertimestop = date('H:i:s', strtotime($feature->return_time));
	$start_time = new DateTime($feature->lendout_time);
	$since_start = $start_time->diff(new DateTime($feature->return_time));
	$minutes = $since_start->h * 60;
	$minutes += $since_start->i;
	$lasertime = gmdate("H:i:s", strtotime($feature->return_time) - strtotime($feature->lendout_time));
	if($feature->return_time) {
	echo "<li><span class='verdana'>{$laserdate} ->  {$studentspage->title} | {$feature->machine} => <b>{$lasertimestart} -> {$lasertimestop}</b> = {$since_start->h}:{$since_start->i}:{$since_start->s} or <font color='green'><b>{$minutes} minutes - done</b></font></span>.</li>"; 
	} else {
	echo "<li><a href='{$feature->url}'><span class='verdana'>{$laserdate} ->  {$studentspage->title} | {$feature->machine} => <b>{$lasertimestart} -> <font color='red'>busy</b></font></span>.</a></li>"; 

You can see it working here below the Google calendar: https://mekano.info/en/calendar/

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  • 6 months later...


Thanks for the post.

If you only need to output in 12 hour format, you can probably do it like this within your template files (untested)...

# Pull the values from our page's time field...
$timeparts = FieldtypeTime::getTimeParts($page->timefield);  # Adjust name of field as needed.

# Adjust the sign
$sign = (empty($timeparts['sign']) ? '+' : '-';

# Create a time, based on the start of today, with the offset hours, mins and seconds from the timeparts.
# See: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php
$time = strtotime("today $sign {$timeparts['hours']} hours {$timeparts['mins']} mins {$timeparts['secs']} secs");

# Format it for output as needed, in this case as 12hours with lowercase am/pm marker.
# See: https://www.php.net/manual/en/function.date.php
echo date("ga", $time);


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  • 5 months later...

Hi @netcarver thx for the great module!

Would you mind renaming the title of the module to "Time" only without the Fieldtype? It would make selecting it easier (I'm using the keyboard most of the time and it would be nice (and consistent) to type "time" instead of "fieldtype time").



Another little glitch:


The field is set to this format:


After selecting a time, the format is correct (eg 18:30), but initially it displays seconds (which is not wanted).

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

@netcarver Field is showing "PLACEHOLDER" when empty, is that intentional or is there a way to configure the placeholder value?

Also a default value option would be very, very neat. I'm running this on an event planner that has events almost always starting around the same time of day. Would that be hard to implement?

Running version 0.2.2, field is inside a repeater in this case.

Thanks a bunch!


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 9 months later...
  • 2 years later...

it's been two years since the last post and I wanted to politely ask if you could take another look at this module to make it PW 3.x ready?
Would be cool to have the installation without all these hints regarding incompatibility ?
Many thanks in advance

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Please would you try out the new, ng branch, and let me know how it goes.

  Reveal hidden contents

The ng branch on github.
Direct download link for the ng branch zip.

Not for production sites at the moment.

Thank you.

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  • 2 years later...


many thanks for the update and the great additions. Even if my feedback comes a little late... I've since had it in “productive” use on a few sites and so far everything looks good.

So from my side a CLEAR Go for a new release!

Many thanks and best regards cu

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