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Tracy Debugger


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  On 2/23/2016 at 10:47 AM, adrian said:

So the line added to the end of my compiled template files currently looks like:

if(class_exists('TracyDebugger')) {
    TracyDebugger::$templateVars = TracyDebugger::templateVars(get_defined_vars(), \ProcessWire\wire('page'));

Does that match what you are currently seeing?

What if you manually add \ProcessWire\ in front of each TracyDebugerr, like this - just do it for one of the compiled template files and load a page with that template - this is just a test for me at the moment to help debug.

if(class_exists('\ProcessWire\TracyDebugger')) {
    \ProcessWire\TracyDebugger::$templateVars = \ProcessWire\TracyDebugger::templateVars(get_defined_vars(), \ProcessWire\wire('page'));

I feel like I am going off on a tangent here, but what happens if you also add false to that check, eg:

if(class_exists('\ProcessWire\TracyDebugger', false)) {
    \ProcessWire\TracyDebugger::$templateVars = \ProcessWire\TracyDebugger::templateVars(get_defined_vars(), \ProcessWire\wire('page'));

I changed the module line 223 to this:

$event->return = preg_replace('/(\?>)?$/s', '$1', $event->return) . "\n?>\n<?php\nif(class_exists('\ProcessWire\TracyDebugger')) {\n\t\ProcessWire\TracyDebugger::".'$templateVars'." = \ProcessWire\TracyDebugger::templateVars(get_defined_vars(), wire('page'));\n}";
And now I don't get the error any more. BUT the variables panel only shows "array()" no real variables from my template.
I try to make a clean install in the evening. 
Edited by lpa
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And now I don't get the error any more. BUT the variables panel only shows "array()" no real variables from my template.

Ok great - I actually made that change to the module already - I figured that it made sense regardless of whether it worked for you or not - still not sure why it was working as is for me - I am still getting the hang of this namespace stuff :)

Is it possible that your template doesn't have any defined variables? That wouldn't be uncommon in a simple template where you are just outputting PW fields. Try defining a test variable somewhere in the template file, eg.

$test = "this is my test variable";

and let me know if it starts showing up after that.

Btw - thanks for continuing to help debug this - really appreciated :)

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  On 2/23/2016 at 12:04 PM, adrian said:

Is it possible that your template doesn't have any defined variables? That wouldn't be uncommon in a simple template where you are just outputting PW fields. Try defining a test variable somewhere in the template file, eg.

$test = "this is my test variable";

and let me know if it starts showing up after that.

Yes, I have one variable $help defined like this from the Compiled template file:

$help = 'kjlkj';

if(class_exists('\ProcessWire\TracyDebugger')) {
        \ProcessWire\TracyDebugger::$templateVars = \ProcessWire\TracyDebugger::templateVars(get_defined_vars(), \ProcessWire\wire('page'));
And the $Variables panel shows only: array()
Nice to be of some help!
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@lpa - the latest version looks for the TracyDebugger class in the global namespace. This now works for me whether or not I specify the PW namespace at the top of my templates, which is what I think you might have been doing. I don't get any errors and the Variables panel is populated correctly. Hopefully it will finally work for you also :)

I have also added a new TracyLogs panel - works like the PW Logs one - very handy I think!

I also changed the config settings to put all the show panel options into one multiple checkbox field, so everyone who is upgrading will find they have to visit the settings to set the status of the panels again.

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Thanks! No issues here :)

The PW info shows the page title/name/path, parent, etc, but they show only the default language values, even viewing another language. Have you thought about displaying language values instead? I'm not sure if this would be much beneficial, just asking.

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  On 2/23/2016 at 6:15 PM, tpr said:

Thanks! No issues here :)

The PW info shows the page title/name/path, parent, etc, but they show only the default language values, even viewing another language. Have you thought about displaying language values instead? I'm not sure if this would be much beneficial, just asking.

Thanks for the report that it's working!

I am not a ML user, so I don't think I would be the best person to figure out whether this would be useful, or what the right approach would be. Would it be useful at all to have a dedicated panel for each installed language that could show all sorts of language specific content, or would that just be going overboard ? If you guys brainstorm, I would be happy to implement, or accept a PR :)

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A new panel would be too much (there's already quite a few of them :)). What I could imagine is a toggle setting in the module to show the default language values or the current language values. Alternatively, adding a button next to the default language values which would show the other language values on click (maybe in a lightbox?). Anyway, I still have to use it for a while to decide its usefulness.

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  On 2/23/2016 at 5:20 PM, adrian said:

@lpa - the latest version looks for the TracyDebugger class in the global namespace. This now works for me whether or not I specify the PW namespace at the top of my templates, which is what I think you might have been doing. I don't get any errors and the Variables panel is populated correctly. Hopefully it will finally work for you also :)

Yes, it is working now! Thank you for this great module!

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That's awesome news @Ipa - I was starting to go a little crazy!

i just committed a new version which adds a "Allow Logging in Production Mode" setting. This restores the default behavior of the core Tracy debug tool. With this checked (the default), Tracy will still run in the background for all users (including guest access) - she will quietly capture and log any errors/warnings/notices/dumps etc to her log files, which of course you can be emailed about, or view via the Tracy Logs panel when you are logged in as a superuser.

Please all take a look at the new option and let me know if you come across any inconsistencies between config setup and actual access.

Thanks again everyone for your help with this!

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I just wanted to mention how great I think it is to use Horst's ALIF module (https://processwire.com/talk/topic/11666-alif-admin-links-in-frontend/) in conjunction with Tracy.

The user switcher alone makes it invaluable! You'll notice that I disabled the Debug Mode indicator in ALIF because I have one in Tracy.

I have also just added a new option to hide the panel labels which makes the debug bar much more compact and visually appealing:


Here's the version with the panel labels which is the default just so you initially know what's what!


Note that for positioning of ALIF, I am using Bottom, Right, and 23px for the value for Top | Bottom setting.

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Wednesday is my designated "Discovery Day" in my development lab, where I set aside time to properly look at third party modules.  I just installed your implementation of the Tracy Debugger.  Thank you for taking the time and effort to make this possible within ProcessWire.  This is a great asset.

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Thanks Charles,

I am glad you like it!

It's funny really - I initially didn't expect to spend much time on it - I thought I would just implement it as is, but then kept having more and more ideas - and getting suggestions from lots of you guys (especially @tpr) and it just snowballed :)

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For those icons cstevensjr marked "Fantastic!", I would change the hover state, for example scaling up the icons.

The current solution seems more like a bug.

#someID a {
    transition: transform 0.12s;

#someID a:hover svg {
    transform: scale(1.4);

I guess you got the idea.

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Thanks @tpr - great idea. 

That horrible hover background highlighting was a result of the built-in Tracy css. It was on my list of things to tweak, but never got it. 

The latest version has your code in place and also contains a new CPU usage item on the System Info panel. I have submitted a PR to the Tracy project to see if they will include that in their package. I don't really want to have to maintain this addition every time they release an update - hopefully they will include it.


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  On 2/24/2016 at 6:50 PM, BernhardB said:

What the CPU measure exactly? Peak? Current? Average?

What it measures is "user time used" (that is what PHP's "getrusage" function returns). We grab the amount of user time on page init() and the again when everything has finished loading and average the usage across this time period. So I guess the short answer is "Average".

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Latest version now includes a new Diagnostics /Debug panel.

The diagnostics are currently just filesystem stuff - the idea coming from the excellent ProcessDiagnostics module (http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-diagnostics/). I just wanted a way of making the filesystem stuff available on the frontend of live sites as a quick and easy way to check if there are any problems. Please help me to test the results this is returning and the logic regarding the Status and Notes - I expect this may not be perfect yet.

I also added Owner (User:Group) and Permission (chmod) info for the template file of the current page to the Template Info section of the ProcessWire panel.

I have moved the Debug section from the PW Info panel into the Debug panel because I thought the PW Info panel was getting too long.

I have renamed a few classes and file includes, so you will probably need to revisit your "Show Panel" settings because some by now be hidden for you initially). The panels are also now orderable.


PS Those results are not my real settings - just playing to get a variety of status and notes entries for you to look at :)

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Hi, I just installed the tracy module and have this error on the front:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function posix_getpwuid() in \site\modules\TracyDebugger\ProcesswireInfoPanel.inc on line 172

The tracy toolbar doesn't show up.

I am using PW 2.7.2 with php 5.4.12 and am on windows 7 with a wamp stack, apache 2.4.3 mysql 5.6.10

I looked with google and found that posix_getpwuid() is not available for windows.

Maybe someone can confirm this ?

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Seems getenv('USERNAME') could be an alternative to posix_getpwuid() but haven't found an alternative for posix_getgrgid

if function_exists('posix_getpwuid')......blah blah else
$owner = getenv(fileowner($templateFilePath));
Edited by kongondo
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Sorry about the Windows issues guys - I'll have a fix shortly.

Btw@flydev - by the look of the panels on your debugger bar, it looks like you haven't revisited the config settings - unless of course you intentionally turned off a couple of them.

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@adrian :  it was more about the column Owner, the rest is intentional yes.

If I am not dumb, on Windows, we could call stat(), but UID and GID under windows will always be 0, so I assume that the column showing the owner user/group will not work on Wamp.

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Hi everyone,

The latest version fixes the error on Windows, although I have had to remove the "Owner" details if that function isn't available. Thanks for the suggestion Kongondo, but I think it is more complicated than using "getenv". That allows you to get the current running user - what I need is the username of the ID returned by the "fileowner" function. It also seems that perhaps "fileowner" doesn't even work as expected on Windows: " - http://www.w3schools.com/php/func_filesystem_fileowner.asp


Note: This function doesn't produce meaningful results on Windows systems.

I don't have a Windows dev environment to test, so if there is someone out there who wants to test this and submit a working PR, I'll happily include it.

Please let me know if anyone has any problems with the latest version.

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