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  On 10/13/2016 at 6:34 PM, Rudy said:

I am using Reno theme with Lightwire CK Editor theme. The MMImage and MMLink icons did not appear (see screenshot)


AFAIK it's a CSS issue, the LightWire theme hides the original icons and replaces them with its own icons, but unfortunately it hasn't got icons for third party plugins. To display them, use !important for the icons, at least that's why I've done in AdminOnSteroids module.

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When I change the code from the WireUpload::validateFilename method like this, it doesn't add any underscores more:

//$value = $this->wire('sanitizer')->filename($value, Sanitizer::translate); 
$value = $this->wire('sanitizer')->filename($value); // removing Sanitizer::translate

But I don't know how big this affects other code areas of ProcessWire. Do you know an other way how i could turn off adding of underscores to the filename?

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Changing core files is never recommended. Have you tried to play around with the settings in the module InputfieldPageName as stated in the $sanitizer docs (please see below)? Does that help? That core module is found at /your-pw-admin/module/edit?name=InputfieldPageName


$beautify (optional) bool or int

Should be true when creating a file's name for the first time. Default is false. You may also specify Sanitizer::translate (or number 2) for the $beautify param, which will make it translate letters based on the InputfieldPageName custom config settings.



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Somehow the InputfieldPageName settings doesn't have any effect on the filename of images (i changed "ö=o" to "ö=owww" to test and it only affected the pagename when creating new pages). Perhaps I should start a new topic since this isn't a Media Manager issue furthermore it is a pw-general issue (I know it isn't really an issue since its just validating the filename, but it still adds underscores when using umlauts, which i think is a issue, since it is nowhere declared how i can change this behavior) . Sorry for hijacking this thread Mate. But still thanks for your help @kongondo. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi @kongondo

I have a couple of Questions:

1. Is it possible to save the filter interface configuration (like in ListerPro)?

2. Filtering tags by words (it should ignore the order) doesn't work as expected.

I have this image with the following tags: Eintritt Formular Event

Bildschirmfoto 2016-10-26 um 11.18.39 3.png

But when I try to filter with "Contains Words" it doesnt't work as expected, it doesn't find anything.


So I tried it also to search with the listerpro and there I get this error:


Do you have any ideas why this doesn't work?

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I tried the Lister Pro 1.0.8 with Media Manager 0.0.6 on localhost on a fresh install. It works well with the "contains words" option. Looks like it's a issue from some code snippets(hooks etc..) I wrote. I will search through the code to look if I find something which causes this problem.  Sorry for blowing up the thread @kongondo...

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Hi everyone,

Is the module compatible with PW 3.x ? I tried to update an installation yesterday but it all broke down :) The noticed the files in the module had been deleted! (one of the errors said it couldn't find a module file). Tried to reinstall de module, but had no effect. Sorry I didn't bring the complete error log, I did it in a production site so I had to restore quickly.

Thanks for the great support!

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1. Is it possible to save the filter interface configuration (like in ListerPro)?

No it's not. But the filter should remember the filters you set up last. The filter interface as it is is generated by a core module InputfieldSelector (even in ListerPro). Saving the configuration bit is something extra ListerPro does and Media Manager doesn't.

2. Filtering tags by words (it should ignore the order) doesn't work as expected.

I have experienced some weirdness myself but I probably have an older version of InputfieldSelector. The 'OR' filter has not been working for me, i.e. find image media or document media or video media tagged as 'travel'. It is something am looking into and thanks for raising this.


Is the module compatible with PW 3.x ?

Officially, not yet although some people have been using MM in PW 3 without any issues, certainly not files being deleted ???. I am currently working through a requests queue after which I will deal with compatibility issues


I was hoping to release the version 7 of MM by next week but there have been delays (external factors, etc) so there will be a bit of a delay am afraid, sorry. Just to remind you what I am working on:

  1. Multi-tagging (and bulk removal of tags as well
  2. Media replacement (part of a setting on what to do when MM detects a duplicate media is being uploaded )
  3. Sorting media by tags (and sort order)
  4. Uploading of media via the CKEditor plugins
  5. Bug where CKEditor plugin MMLink is conflicting with PWLink (e.g. takes over double click)
  6. List view of media (especially useful when dealing with documents with long file names)
  7. A couple of other enhancements (including CSS Fixes)


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  On 10/28/2016 at 4:52 PM, Rudy said:

Looking forward to version 7 @kongondo! Uploading from CKEditor would be sweet. 

Are you able to fix the CKEditor buttons issue when used with Reno/Lightwire theme as well? Looks like the css fix is pretty straight forward.




Yep, that too :)...edited post above, thanks..

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Great module from what I could see in the videos. Definitely something I want to use in my upcoming projects.

Only one question regarding the handling and output of images

Is there a way to make any kind of pre-defined crop-settings (like in the Croppable Image 3 module) or something like the focus area from the (unsurpassedly useful but unfortunately not PW 3 compatible) ImageFocusArea module available with Media Manager?

Why I ask

In my websites I use responsive images wherever possible, usually using the picture element because I often need its art direction feature.

So my workflow in PW 2.x was:

  1. Use the ImageFocusArea module’s input field to upload an image.
  2. Define the important region (= “focus”) of the image which must be fully visible in all cropped image variations.
  3. Have ProcessWire create all required sizes of all required image variations directly from the original image using the image sizing options (extended by the ImageFocusArea module) in the template files.

The two big pros of this workflow were that the user only had to define the important area of the image once – and was not bothered with any cropping settings (like finding a good-looking image section for an extremely wide horizontal format) – and that all required variations and sizes (I usually use about 10 different images per picture element) were created directly from the original image (which ensures best quality because no unnecessary compression steps were included).

In PW 3.x I had to change this due to the new image field which makes the ImageFocusArea module incompatible with PW 3:

  1. Use the Croppable Image 3 module’s input field to upload an image.
  2. Use the input field’s settings to define the biggest (in pixels) version of each required aspect ratio variation of the image.
  3. Let the user define the best looking image sections for the different crop variations (let’s say we need a 2:1 aspect ratio version and a 4:3 aspect ratio version of the image for one picture element).
  4. Have ProcessWire create the required downscaled versions of the “source images” (i. e. the variants created using the pre-defined crop settings of the Croppable Image input field) using the standard image sizing options in the template files.

While it works, the two big cons here are that the user has to define the different aspect ratio variations manually (assuming that the automatically created default cropping around the image’s center isn’t the best-looking option) and that the downscaled variations of each aspect ratio variations are created from an already processed image (so this includes at least one unnecessary compression step). And of course changing aspect ratio variations later (because of a website layout revision) can result in a lot of manual work to adapt cropped image variations.

What would really be a great extension for Media Manager in my opinion

It would be great if the ImageFocusArea module’s functionality would be available in Media Manager under PW 3. This would make using different image variations a no-brainer – without the website editor having to know anything about image variations, aspect ratios, sizes, cropping, etc.:

  1. The website editor uploads an image in Media Manager.
  2. The website editor defines the important area of the image which may never be cut away.
  3. The website editor selects the image on the respective page using Media Manager’s input field.
  4. That’s it. The template files take care of the rest. And even if the website layout completely changes the selected image needs not to be touched, since all required image variations are created from the original, centrally available image, making sure that the image’s main motive is always presented in the best possible way.

Of course, when inserted into a CKEditor field, the editor can apply an individual cropping if desired.

Unfortunately I’m not a backend developer at all. So I can’t make any code suggestions on how to make this work.

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No it's not. But the filter should remember the filters you set up last. The filter interface as it is is generated by a core module InputfieldSelector (even in ListerPro). Saving the configuration bit is something extra ListerPro does and Media Manager doesn't.


Would it be possible to integrate this config saving feature also in the Media Manager? It would be a very nice addition to it and it would very speed up the workflow of the users.

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@Rudy. Hmm, not sure that's it though. I have been having a pesky JS 'uncaught' error in MM that I haven't been able to catch myself! :) I don't know what it's about. What version of ProcessWire is that? No changed files? 

@Nukro. I'll have a think about that request.

@Michael van Laar. Thanks for your interest in MM. You got some cool ideas there ^-^. However, MM itself is not a media editor and there are no plans to make it one:). Unfortunately, I have never used Croppable Image 3 nor ImageFocusArea. I really have no idea how they work and/if how they could be integrated into MM. I'll try to put aside some time to look into this further, but I can't promise when, unfortunately. If such an extension ever came to light, at this point in time, it looks like it would have to be its own module, packaged and sold or distributed separately from MM.

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  On 10/31/2016 at 8:52 AM, kongondo said:

However, MM itself is not a media editor and there are no plans to make it one.


I know, images differ from the other media types a little bit.

As an alternative to the above described I could think of input field types which work like Croppable Image 3 or ImageFocusArea, but use a Media Manager image instead of a directly uploaded image. I know this is not something which can be done with Media Manager itself. It would rather be a concept of being able not just to extend the standard image field but to extend a king of “remote image” fieldtype the same way. But I think this would have to be in the core, so that every module which extends or uses the standard (direct upload) image field could use this “get an image from Media Manager and apply the module’s magic to it” image field.

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Downgraded my site to 2.8.35 and still experienced the issue. A note, the MediaManager field is called inside a repeater, if that makes any different.

Update: Tested MediaManager on its own (without repeater) and the modal window works fine.

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