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  1. We recently rebuilt the Architekturführer Köln (architectural guide Cologne) as a mobile-first JavaScript web app, powered by VueJS in the frontend and ProcessWire in the backend. Concept, design and implementation by schwarzdesign! The Architekturführer Köln is a guidebook and now a web application about architectural highlights in Cologne, Germany. It contains detailled information about around 100 objects (architectural landmarks) in Cologne. The web app offers multiple ways to search through all available objects, including: An interactive live map A list of object near the user's location Filtering based on architect, district and category Favourites saved by the user The frontend is written entirely in JavaScript, with the data coming from a ProcessWire-powered API-first backend. Frontend The app is built with the Vue framework and compiled with Webpack 4. As a learning exercise and for greater customizability we opted to not use Vue CLI, and instead wrote our own Webpack config with individually defined dependencies. The site is a SPA (Single Page Application), which means all internal links are intercepted by the Vue app and the corresponding routes (pages) are generated by the framework directly in the browser, using data retrieved from the API. It's also a PWA (Progressive Web App), the main feature of which is that you can install it to your home screen on your phone and launch it from there like a regular app. It also includes a service worker which catches requests to the API and returns cached responses when the network is not available. The Architekturführer is supposed to be taken with you on a walk through the city, and will keep working even if you are completely offline. Notable mentions from the tech stack: Vue Vue Router for the SPA functionality VueX for state management and storage / caching of the data returned through the API Leaflet (with Mapbox tiles) for the interactive maps Webpack 4 for compilation of the app into a single distributable Babel for transpilation of ES6+ SASS & PostCSS with Autoprefixer as a convenience for SASS in SFCs Google Workbox to generate the service worker instead of writing lots of boilerplate code Bootstrap 4 is barely used here, but we still included it's reboot and grid system Backend The ProcessWire backend is API-only, there are no server-side rendered templates, which means the only PHP template is the one used for the API. For this API, we used a single content type (template) with a couple of pre-defined endpoints (url segments); most importantly we built entdpoints to get a list of all objects (either including the full data, or only the data necessary to show teaser tiles), as well as individual objects and taxonomies. The API template which acts as a controller contains all the necessary switches and selectors to serve the correct response in <100 lines of code. Since we wanted some flexibility regarding the format in which different fields were transmitted over the api, we wrote a function to extract arbitrary page fields from ProcessWire pages and return them as serializable standard objects. There's also a function that takes a Pageimage object, creates multiple variants in different sizes and returns an object containing their base path and an array of variants (identified by their basename and width). We use that one to generate responsive images in the frontend. Check out the code for both functions in this gist. We used native ProcessWire data wherever possible, so as to not duplicate that work in the frontend app. For example: Page names from the backend translate to URLs in the frontend in the form of route parameters for the Vue Router Page IDs from ProcessWire are included in the API responses, we use those to identify objects across the app, for example to store the user's favourites, and as render keys for object lists Taxonomies have their own API endpoints, and objects contain their taxonomies only as IDs (in the same way ProcessWire uses Page References) Finally, the raw JSON data is cached using the cache API and this handy trick by @LostKobrakai to store raw JSON strings over the cache API. Screenshots
  2. Hi all, Before I go potentially wasting time trying to achieve the impossible. Can anyone confirm if its possible to have a Page Reference field on a modules config page? I'm wanting to essentially just output a list of select able pages based on the a given selector (likely by template at this stage), wherein the select is the pages that the module should apply to etc. I was thinking a simple checkbox list would suffice is asmSelect isn't available. Essentially have it display the same way a Page Reference field would display on a template, where you can easily select a bunch of them. public function getInputfields() { $inputfields = parent::getInputfields(); $f = $this->modules->get('InputfieldPage'); $f->attr('name', 'testSelect'); $f->setAttribute('multiple', 'checkboxes'); $f->setAttribute('findPagesSelector', 'template=development'); $f->label = 'Test'; $inputfields->add($f); return $inputfields; } Figured something akin to the above would work but can't seem to get rid of this warning on the modules config screen though.
  3. I'm setting up some fields in a module and i need an options field, but i can't figure out how to set its options with the api. These options:
  4. I have been experimenting with the new $page->meta() method and find it useful. Once i figured out that the data i "save" with it is tied to the page where i called the method from. So this is not obvious at least not for me in the documentation: https://processwire.com/api/ref/page/meta/ So i just wanted to share that revelation with the community so you don´t get as confused as i was. Happy Coding Everyone.
  5. Hi all, I am going round and round in circles and would greatly appreciate if anyone can point me in the right direction. I am sure I am doing something dumb, or missing something I should know, but don't. Story of my life ? Playing round with a module and my basic problem is I want to upload an image and also use InputfieldMarkup and other Inputfields. Going back and forth between trying an api generated page defining Fieldgroup, Template, Fields, Page and the InputfieldWrapper method. InputfieldWrapper method works great for all the markup stuff, but I just can't wrap my head around what I need to do to save the image to the database. Can generate a Field for it (thanks to the api investigations) but not sure what I need to do to link the Inputfield to that. Tried a lot of stuff from various threads, of varying dates without luck. Undoubtedly not helped by me not knowing enough. Defining Fieldgroup etc through the api seems nice and clean and works great for the images but I can't wrap my head around how/if I can add/append/hook the InputfieldWrapper/InputfieldMarkup stuff I'd like to include on that template as well. Not even sure if it should be where it is on ___install with the Fieldtype stuff or later on . Not getting Tracy errors, just nothing seems to happen. If anyone has any ideas or can point me in the right direction, that would be great because at the moment I am stumbling round in the dark. public function ___install() { parent::___install(); $page = $this->pages->get('name='.self::PAGE_NAME); if (!$page->id) { // Create fieldgroup, template, fields and page // Create new fieldgroup $fmFieldgroup = new Fieldgroup(); $fmFieldgroup->name = MODULE_NAME.'-fieldgroup'; $fmFieldgroup->add($this->fields->get('title')); // needed title field $fmFieldgroup->save(); // Create new template using the fieldgroup $fmTemplate = new Template(); $fmTemplate->name = MODULE_NAME; $fmTemplate->fieldgroup = $fmFieldgroup; $fmTemplate->noSettings = 1; $fmTemplate->noChildren = 1; $fmTemplate->allowNewPages = 0; $fmTemplate->tabContent = MODULE_NAME; $fmTemplate->noChangeTemplate = 1; $fmTemplate->setIcon(ICON); $fmTemplate->save(); // Favicon source $fmField = new Field(); $fmField->type = $this->modules->get("FieldtypeImage"); $fmField->name = 'fmFavicon'; $fmField->label = 'Favicon'; $fmField->focusMode = 'off'; $fmField->gridMode = 'grid'; $fmField->extensions = 'svg png'; $fmField->columnWidth = 50; $fmField->collapsed = Inputfield::collapsedNever; $fmField->setIcon(ICON); $fmField->addTag(MODULE_NAME); $fmField->save(); $fmFieldgroup->add($fmField); // Favicon Silhouette source $fmField = new Field(); $fmField->type = $this->modules->get("FieldtypeImage"); $fmField->name = 'fmFaviconSilhouette'; $fmField->label = 'SVG Silhouette'; $fmField->notes = 'When creating a silhouette/mask svg version for Safari Pinned Tabs and Windows Tiles, we recommend setting your viewbox for 0 0 16 16, as this is what Apple requires. In many cases, the easiest way to do this in something like illustrator is a sacrificial rectangle with no fill, and no stroke at 16 x 16. This forces the desired viewbox and can then be discarded easily using something as simple as notepad. Easy is good, especially when you get the result you want without a lot of hassle.'; $fmField->focusMode = 'off'; $fmField->extensions = 'svg'; $fmField->columnWidth = 50; $fmField->collapsed = Inputfield::collapsedNever; $fmField->setIcon(ICON); $fmField->addTag(MODULE_NAME); $fmField->save(); $fmFieldgroup->add($fmField); // Create: Open Settings Tab $tabOpener = new Field(); $tabOpener->type = new FieldtypeFieldsetTabOpen(); $tabOpener->name = 'fmTab1'; $tabOpener->label = "Favicon Settings"; $tabOpener->collapsed = Inputfield::collapsedNever; $tabOpener->addTag(MODULE_NAME); $tabOpener->save(); // Create: Close Settings Tab $tabCloser = new Field(); $tabCloser->type = new FieldtypeFieldsetClose; $tabCloser->name = 'fmTab1' . FieldtypeFieldsetTabOpen::fieldsetCloseIdentifier; $tabCloser->label = "Close open tab"; $tabCloser->addTag(MODULE_NAME); $tabCloser->save(); // Create: Opens wrapper for Favicon Folder Name $filesOpener = new Field(); $filesOpener->type = new FieldtypeFieldsetOpen(); $filesOpener->name = 'fmOpenFolderName'; $filesOpener->label = 'Wrap Folder Name'; $filesOpener->class = 'inline'; $filesOpener->collapsed = Inputfield::collapsedNever; $filesOpener->addTag(MODULE_NAME); $filesOpener->save(); // Create: Close wrapper for Favicon Folder Name $filesCloser = new Field(); $filesCloser->type = new FieldtypeFieldsetClose(); $filesCloser->name = 'fmOpenFolderName' . FieldtypeFieldsetOpen::fieldsetCloseIdentifier; $filesCloser->label = "Close open fieldset"; $filesCloser->addTag(MODULE_NAME); $filesCloser->save(); // Create Favicon Folder Name $fmField = new Field(); $fmField->type = $this->modules->get("FieldtypeText"); $fmField->name = 'folderName'; $fmField->label = 'Favicon Folder:'; $fmField->description = $this->config->urls->files; $fmField->placeholder = 'Destination Folder for your generated favicons, webmanifest and browserconfig'; $fmField->columnWidth = 100; $fmField->collapsed = Inputfield::collapsedNever; $fmField->setIcon('folder'); $fmField->addTag(MODULE_NAME); $fmField->save(); $fmFieldgroup->add($tabOpener); $fmFieldgroup->add($filesOpener); $fmFieldgroup->add($fmField); $fmFieldgroup->add($filesCloser); $fmFieldgroup->add($tabCloser); $fmFieldgroup->save(); /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Experimental Markup Tests $wrapperFaviconMagic = new InputfieldWrapper(); $wrapperFaviconMagic->attr('id','faviconMagicWrapper'); $wrapperFaviconMagic->attr('title',$this->_('Favicon Magic')); // field show info what $field = $this->modules->get('InputfieldMarkup'); $field->name = 'use'; $field->label = __('How do I use it?'); $field->collapsed = Inputfield::collapsedNever; $field->icon('info'); $field->attr('value', 'Does this even begin to vaguely work?'); $field->columnWidth = 50; $wrapperFaviconMagic->add($field); $fmTemplate->fields->add($wrapperFaviconMagic); $fmTemplate->fields->save(); ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Create page $page = $this->wire( new Page() ); $page->template = MODULE_NAME; $page->parent = $this->wire('pages')->get('/'); $page->addStatus(Page::statusHidden); $page->title = 'Favicons'; $page->name = self::PAGE_NAME; $page->process = $this; $page->save(); } }
  6. Hi Guys, I have been debugging a site for the last 2 hours and cannot solve the issue. I have a site running on 3.0.148. I installed the Kongondo Blog module and was updating the templates to include the website style. Once everything was set and done, I checked the page tree to see an error appear. Template must be assigned a name before 'filename' can be accessed The same error appears in templates. Debugging Steps I checked the templates in the server to ensure I didnt accidentally delete the namespace. Deleted cache in browser and server under assets Still no go. Any help is appreciated. Thanks!
  7. Hello I'm having a strange issue with the $page->find(), for some reason I'm missing some of the pages from the results. I found then that I was missing all the pages with the same "PAGE NAME". Is it a bug or am I missing something? PS If I change the "PAGE NAME" of one of the missing ones then I'm retrieving the page without any problem. Thank you
  8. This short script loops through some images from an XML feed and pushes new ones to an image field. It all works perfectly, except for some reason the last image (only) in the loop each time doesn't receive the image description... can everyone spot why? TIA! ? foreach ($propertyImages as $img) { $fileName = trim($img[0]); if ( !empty($fileName) ) { $imgPath = '../property_data/'.$fileName; if(file_exists($imgPath) && !in_array(strtolower($fileName),$currentImages)) { $p->property_images->add($imgPath); $p->save(); $newImg = $p->property_images->last(); $newImg->description = $img[1]; $p->save(); } } }
  9. It's shorthand for creating new fields, templates, fieldgroups, and pages via the API. See bb for example usage.
  10. Hello everyone! I am working with Processwire since some time. But some topics are quite hard for me. I have a Portfolio (Gallery) Page. I am build a template with Portfolio Index and pages with portfolio entries. Structure: Portfolio Index -- Portfolio Entry -- Portfolio Entry and so on. Portfolio Entry has an Image field with max 12 images and are accessible Templates. Now I want to display the single Portfolio Entry on the Portfolio Index and Paginate them. In the index page all images of a single Entry page should be displayed (I should not be organized as albums, where a random image of the portfolio entry should be displayed). I have no clue to achieve this. May someone could give me an advice. Thank you in advance!
  11. Follw up with my previous post https://processwire.com/talk/topic/12782-regarding-multiple-templates-or-parents-for-users/ For default installation, api to create a new user is something like that $u = new User(); $u->of(false); $u->name = "adrian"; $u->email = "adrian@example.com"; $u->pass = "123456"; $u->addRole("registered"); $u->save(); $u->of(true); With multiple template or parent , how to setup a user object to use which template and parent, before executing save() method ?
  12. I have a page with a table. Each table row has a page-reference field and a checkbox. The Page sends emails to all users (page-refrence->email-field) and change the value of the checkbox in a row to 1. It works with this: <?php // event ID fron url query $eventID = $input->get('eventID','int'); // get event-page $event = $pages->get($eventID); // config $fromEmail = $event->event_mail_from; $fromName = $event->event_mail_from_name; $emailSubject = $event->event_subject; // email html body ob_start(); include('./_inc/emailbody.inc'); $emailBody = ob_get_clean(); // make event-page editable $event->of(false); // loop through table and send out emails foreach($event->event_clients_list as $event_table_row) { // get client page $clientPage = $event_table_row->client_name; // get client email $clientEmail = $clientPage->email; // if client isn't invited yet (checkbox not checked) if($event_table_row->client_invited == '') { // send email $m = new WireMail(); $m->to($clientEmail); $m->from($fromEmail, $fromName); $m->subject($emailSubject); $m->bodyHTML($emailBody); $m->send(); // mark client as invited $event_table_row->client_invited = 1; $event->save('event_clients_list'); } } ?> But i have to use a variable in my emailbody.inc which i'm able to get in the table-loop. So i do the including of the body inside my loop. But this doesn't work anymore. Page sends out the emails but is unable to change the value of the checkbox. I get no errors! I'm using ProTable <?php // event ID fron url query $eventID = $input->get('eventID','int'); // get event-page $event = $pages->get($eventID); // config $fromEmail = $event->event_mail_from; $fromName = $event->event_mail_from_name; $emailSubject = $event->event_subject; // loop through table and send out emails foreach($event->event_clients_list as $event_table_row) { // get client page $clientPage = $event_table_row->client_name; // get client email $clientEmail = $clientPage->email; // email html body ob_start(); include('./_inc/emailbody.inc'); $emailBody = ob_get_clean(); // make event-page editable $event->of(false); // if client isn't invited yet (checkbox not checked) if($event_table_row->client_invited == '') { // send email $m = new WireMail(); $m->to($clientEmail); $m->from($fromEmail, $fromName); $m->subject($emailSubject); $m->bodyHTML($emailBody); $m->send(); // mark client as invited $event_table_row->client_invited = 1; $event->save('event_clients_list'); } } ?>
  13. In general, is there an easy way to know which method should be used to access the API? For example, when _ini.php is used in the theme, it would seem you have to use wire()->addHookBefore(...). But on other sites where they used ready.php, I've seen it go straight to just doing $this->addHookAfter() even though there is no class or namespace set up in the ready.php file. So how do I know when I can do $this, or $wire, or wire() to access things? And any other variables I'm not aware of. Thanks!
  14. How to enable urlSegments runtime instead of persistent in template settings? And where to be loaded before the current page returns a 404 error? https://processwire.com/docs/front-end/how-to-use-url-segments/#how-do-you-enable-url-segments
  15. Hi, based on the work of @microcipcip and @gebeer (see their posts here and here), I put together a Processwire + React boilerplate (profile). Github repo: https://github.com/lapico/process-react Cheers, K
  16. Going through my long quest to get better with ajax and utilizing the api, I have hit yet another roadblock. I currently have a form with an image field (thanks to flydev for getting that sorted), "title" text input, and a select field set to multiple. In my ajax call, I added in: tags = $("#select-tags").val(); form_data.append('tags', tags); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: form_data, contentType: false, processData: false, url: '/ajax/upload-preview/', success: function(data) { console.log("Woo"); }, error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { alert(xhr.responseText); } }); And in the ajax template: $tags = $sanitizer->text($_POST['tags']); $image = $sanitizer->text($_POST['image']); $p = new Page(); $p->template = "preview"; $p->parent = $pages->get("/previews/"); $p->name = $title; $p->title = $title; $p->tags = $tags; $p->save(); If I select a "tag" from the select input and submit, it does indeed add it to the Page Reference field in the backend. However, this does not work with an array being passed to it of multiple options. So it does appear that my ajax call is trying to submit multiple options, but I am really just unsure how to get these two added in. I saw in other forums posts of add($page) and even add(array()). Do I need to handle this js array differently or do I need to foreach through the $tags to add it like: foreach($tags as $tag) { $p->tags->add($tag); $p->save(); } I tried this approach, but apparently I am still missing something. Edit: I was doing some tweaking, and I know I can split the js array out like: for (i = 0, len = tags.length; i < len; i++) { console.log(tags[i]); } However, I am not sure then how to handle the POST in php if I were to split it out.
  17. I have been messing around with creating pages from ajax requests, and it has gone swimmingly thus far. However, I am really struggling with creating a page and saving an image via ajax. The form: <form action="./" role="form" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data"> <div> <input type="text" id="preview" name="preview" placeholder="Image Title"> </div> <div> <input type="file" id="preview-name" name="preview-name"> </div> <div> <select id="select-tags" name="select-tags"> <?php $tags = $pages->find("template=tag"); ?> <option value="">Select Your Tags</option> <?php foreach ($tags as $tag) : ?> <option value="<?= $tag->name; ?>"><?= $tag->name; ?></option> <?php endforeach; ?> </select> </div> <div> <button type="button" id="submit-preview" name="submit" class="">Upload Images</button> </div> </form> The ajax in my home template: $('#submit-preview').click(function(e) { e.preventDefault(); title = $("#preview").val(); image = $("input[name=preview-name]"); console.log(title); console.log(image); data = { title: title, image: image //not sure if this is actually needed }; $.ajax({ type: 'POST', data: data, url: '/development/upload-preview/', success: function(data) { console.log("Woo"); }, error: function(xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { alert(xhr.responseText); } }); }); And finally in my ajax template: $imagePath = $config->paths->assets . "files/pdfs/"; //was from an older iteration $title = $sanitizer->text($_POST['title']); $image = $sanitizer->text($_POST['image']); $p = new Page(); $p->template = "preview"; $p->parent = $pages->get("/previews/"); $p->name = $title; $p->title = $title; $p->save(); $p->setOutputFormatting(false); $u = new WireUpload('preview_image'); $u->setMaxFiles(1); $u->setOverwrite(false); $u->setDestinationPath($p->preview_image->path()); $u->setValidExtensions(array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'pdf')); foreach($u->execute() as $filename) { $p->preview_image->add($filename); } $p->save(); I can complete the file upload but just using a simple post to the same page and it it works well, but I was really trying to work out the ajax on this so I could utilize some modals for success on creation (and to keep my templates a little cleaner). When I do run the code I have, a new/blank folder is created under assets, and a new page is created with the correct title entered. However, no image is being processed. I do get a 200 status in my console. I have searched google for help, but everything seems to be slightly off from my needs. If anyone could help point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it.
  18. This might be a completely dumb question, but I cant seem to wrap my head around it. I have a page reference field that allows users to select "Tags". In the front end I would like to use the titles as class names for a single item. ie: <?php $previews = $pages->find("template=preview"); ?> <?php foreach($previews as $preview): ?> <div class="tagOne TagTwo tagThree"> <!-- use another foreach to output--> <img src="<?=$preview->preview_image->url; ?>" /> </div> <?php endforeach; ?> I am little stumped as I know I need a foreach loop to produce each tag title, but how do I insert them all into one corresponding div class with spaces? Whelp, that was the easiest thing, but my brain just didnt "get it". Just put the foreach in the "class" inside of the overall foreach. Ugh ?
  19. Hello forum! I've yet again stumbled on a head-scratching situation. We have enabled the option on our articles template and events template that it skips the title adding part and goes straight to the form. This is what our customer wants. So when you add a new article or event it automatically names it temporary to "article-0000000" and same with event. Now the problem is that obviously after saving the form we want to change to page url or "name" to the title, like it's normally. Now here's the code for the hook: wire()->addHookBefore("Pages::saved(template=tapahtuma|artikkeli)", function($hook) { $page = $hook->arguments(0); $newUrl = wire()->sanitizer->pageName($page->title); // give it a name used in the url for the page wire()->log->message($page->name); $page->setAndSave('name', $newUrl); }); I get the correct page and the name and path changes when I log them, but when I try to save it. It just loads and then I get: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) This happens in sanitizer.php and then another error: Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 134217728 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 262144 bytes) in Unknown on line 0 What is happening? Am I not suppose to use sanitizer in this way? When we made a temporary page object in out other hook, the sanitizer worked perfectly. Thanks for the help!
  20. So I reread my first draft, and it made absolutely no sense (I deleted it to hopefully better explain myself). I am trying to make a system (that to me is a bit complicated) utilizing jquery and processwire together. My whole goal is to put a url like https://domain.com/launch?first_name=jim&occupation=builder in a script tag on another site(just a localhost .php page) to then pull out the data for that person and append to divs etc. Basically, the initial script tag would point to "launch" which has a content-type of "application/javascript". Using jquery, I would pull out the persons name and occupation and then make a specific ajax get request to "domain.com/api" (in json format) for a look up of the person. Essentially then I could pull that particular person's information from the json data, and do with it how I please in the "launch" page. In processwire, I have a page structure like: People -Jim Bob (template: person ) --Occupations (template: basic-page) ---Builder (template: occupation) ---Greeter (template: occupation) It is really just a bunch of people with their occupations and a few fields to the occupation template. With the "api" (template: api) url, I was hoping to return all the data (of people) in json format like: Example Format: { "id": 1, "title": "Jim Bob", "occupations": { "builder": { "id": 44, "title": "Builder", "years_worked": 1, "etc": "ect", }, "Greeter": { "id": 44, "title": "Greeter", "years_worked": 1, "etc": "ect", }, } } Where I get lost is really outputting the page names and nesting in the occupations into json. I have used Pages2JSON before, but I was a bit lost on how to implement what i was thinking. I have access to all the local host files, but I was hoping to kind of build out a "system" where I could place the script tag/parameters in any project, and be able to interact with the data without doing an ajax call on the actual site. In a way, this would keep processwire handling all the data and requests, and my other "projects" just with a simple script tag. This might all be way too much/over complicated, but I couldn't quite wrap my head around how to achieve it.
  21. Hello forum! I started to write my first hook for Processwire but I'm pretty confused how you should write these. My idea is to hook after publishing in init.php (called before templates) for a certain template. Here's the code: Trying to reset the checkbox (ajasta) and then saving it so it shows unchecked in the admin page when publishing "article" page. But the code isn't doing anything. Not even dumping anything What seems to be the problem? And have you made a similar hook for this usage or am I doing it totally wrong? ? Thanks for the support in advance!
  22. Hi Folks, This PW site https://ancientlakesmagnesium.com.au/ currently runs Snipcart. Products are built in PW pages but the cart and checkout is managed by Snipcart. Snipcart adds new products to its inventory when first added to the cart, thus a copy of the product catalog is on the Snipcart account. My Client manages all the sales/transactions on Snipcart. The problem is Snipcart is limited, my client wishes to connect to smile.io which is much cheaper to do with a pre-built Shopify app and to have PayPal Subscriptions. Snipcart is showing to be limited in several things now that their business has grown. My question is, has anyone had success plugging in products from PW pages into Shopify via the Shopify API? I spoke to Shopify support and they pointed me to the one post in this forum, but it doesn't give any detailed instructions and it quite old now. My other option is to build a Shopify system as a sub domain and somehow build an app that mirrors the menu structure on the PW site so that the user doesn't have to maintain 2 menus. If anyone has any suggestions that would be most appreciated. cheers, Ivo
  23. Hello Gentlemen and Ladies. I have not posted for a while but now i need your help figuring out some things. The Documentation has come a long way and i love it. Though on the page: https://processwire.com/api/ref/pageimages/ I am trying to figure out if when i want to add an image to an existing image field with multiple images alldready in it and using the method $page->images->add() <?PHP /* get the images object array for the Page */ $myPageImg = $page->images; /* define the image to add */ $newImg = 'http://www.somesite.com/image.jpg'; /* Thanks Autofahrn, forgot about the output formating */ $page->of(false); /* create a new Pageimage object with the given URL and add to the Pageimages array */ $myPageImg->add($newImg); /* save the page */ $page->save(); ?> I am pretty sure i missed a few steps in the code above? Is that string suppose to be an URL like "http://www.somesite.com/image.jpg" and the method will automaticly download the image and create an Pageimage Object and add it to Pageimages array or does it have to exist on the host first and i supply a file path to that image? I guess im confused about that, hope you guys could clarify that for me. And if it needs to be allready downloaded to my host before adding the image, what would be the best API methods for that task? Just point me in the right direction and i will figure it out. Sorry for the bad explaination but i could not figure out a better way of asking. Thanks in advance. /EyeDentify
  24. What's the easiest way to retrieve a PageArray -- with an offset and a limit, for use in paginated search results -- that is sorted by title using PHP's SORT_NATURAL instead of alphabetically? I was hoping there was a config setting or API method that would handle it for me, but if there is, I haven't stumbled across it yet.
  25. So I was tinkering around with the "select fields" field type and added it to a repeater. My thoughts were I could have a user select a field (textarea, text, etc etc) that I defined and give it a name (another field in the repeater) and create their own form on the page. To be honest, I am now a little lost with rendering the form and mailing the results as potentially the form will be unique and custom every time. The only way I know to handle the output is by going about it this way: $forms = $page->form_select_fields; foreach($forms as $form) { if($form->name === "form_input") { //output input with custom name } elseif($form->name === "form_textarea") { //output input with custom name } } Is there a better way to go about rendering the elements from the repeater? As far as the custom sending goes, I am really at a loss since it would be pretty dynamic. Has anyone used this type of approach, and if so, how did you handle this without going insane?
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