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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Related thread: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4553-how-do-i-get-a-list-of-online-users/
  2. Also wondering if it would be worth cleaning up the html a bit before it gets into the feed. All those tables and spans look kinda messy
  3. The link you provided: http://www.birthfactdeathcalendar.net/bfd_processwire/rss/ doesn't seem to work, but this does: http://www.birthfactdeathcalendar.net/rss/ Probably a stupid suggestion, but are you submitting the correct one to MailChimp? I just ran a validator on your feed and it seems to be fine, so no major problems there: http://validator.w3.org/feed/check.cgi?url=www.birthfactdeathcalendar.net%2Frss%2F although maybe you could clean up the max-width issue and see if it helps. Regardless you should fix the relative urls to absolute, eg: <a href='/events/12-january-1893/'> to <a href='http://www.birthfact...2-january-1893/'> I know that FeedBurner is probably going to be another Google casualty soon, but try running your feed through it and giving MailChimp the FeedBurner link to make sure there is no issue with MailChimp accessing the feed or the format of the feed on your server. I know this has helped me in the past. Not a permanent solution, but a good debugging step.
  4. BFD Calendar - I usually just make use of the page path history and the page link abstractor modules, but if you want ID based page links, you might find this module useful: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-redirect-ids/ Ryan has also mentioned that he was working on something called Link Monitor - although he may not be persuing anymore. Something to read anyway if you haven't seen it: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/236-module-page-link-abstractor/?p=34398
  5. Maybe I am not fully following, but it sounds like you are assigning people to specialties. I would instead assign specialties and levels (two separate page fields) to each person. It would be trivial to generate the specialty pages with the appropriate levels this way. If this sounds like it would work for you, let me know if you need anymore details. Hope that helps.
  6. Sorry, I am talking about the config.php in your PW folder. There is a debug setting there that you can set to true.
  7. Not really sure, but does turning on debug in your config settings give you any php errors that might help?
  8. Have a read of the "Do I have to keep track of the page number?" section on this page: http://processwire.com/api/modules/markup-pager-nav/ If you decide to keep track of the page number yourself, you can change the starting position, but if you always set: start=0 then it will start at the first page each time it is called.
  9. Or you could try this module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-page-field-select-creator/ You can easily paste in a CSV list using "Option 2. MULTIPLE FIELDS". Not sure if it does exactly what you need, but worth a look. Otherwise, Martijn's approach can be customized to whatever your needs are,
  10. Have you seen this post: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/417-extending-image-field/ It describes how you can extend it yourself to handle the extra fields.
  11. Just pushed a minor fix to prevent 403 forbidden errors when hitting the github page lists repository when starting the import process. Apparently they were forcing a user-agent header for several months now, but didn't seem to affect this module till recently. Anyway, should be fixed now. Sometime early in the new year I will sort out all the php notices/warnings in this module and add some more features for finer detailed selection of what you want to export/import.
  12. Hey Martijn, Thanks for taking the time to help sort this out. I applied your fix and it works for page editing, but there were still notices if editing anything under the Admin page. I have to admit I haven't spent the time to fully understand the module and your fix, but I have added the following to line 97 and it seems to take care of the other notices: if(in_array($data_key, array('required', 'textformatters', 'size', 'maxlength', 'description', 'collapsed', 'required', 'moduleTypes'))) { $array = $data_value; $data_value = ''; if(is_array($array)) foreach ($array as $id) $data_value .= $this->pages->get((int)$id)->name . ', '; $data_value = rtrim($data_value, ', '); } $settings_str .= "<span>$data_key:</span> $data_value<br/>"; Not sure if there are any side effects.
  13. http://php.net/rmdir should take care of that. And while you are on that page, read through all the "Filesystem Functions" in the left sidebar. Also, if you haven't seen it before, PYDIO is the best php/ajax driven file manager out there and it's free and open source: http://pyd.io/
  14. There is this module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/frontend-user-profile/ There are also these posts: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1716-integrating-a-member-visitor-login-form/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/107-custom-login/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2937-creating-a-front-end-admin/
  15. Doesn't solve all your problems, but this helps a little: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-page-delete/ Somewhat related: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-page-publish/
  16. Just a quick one - I know this could be done with a module, but I think a core setting that either ignores the field visibility setting completely for superusers, or allows selection of an alternate visibility option would be great. Thanks.
  17. Manaus - my mistake, it should be last(). Please let us know what happens when you try: $users->get($page->createdUser->name)->image->last()->getThumb('micro');
  18. Soma, Yep, just getting the array to string notices. I am on php 5.5.4 although I expect 5.4.x would also give these errors. Sorry in a rush at the airport, so can't debug right now.
  19. The same error also occurs when editing any admin pages, eg: Pages > Home > Admin > Pages > Search Awesome enhancements though Soma!
  20. RE: 3 - You need to install the core module - "Page Clone". Simply go to Admin > Modules > Process > Page Clone > install
  21. You guys are on fire - nice work Professors Soma and Pete
  22. Hi Peter, Are you suggesting you'd like two copies of the file then - one with the original name and one with the new custom name? My initial thought on this is that it will be problematic when you go to delete an image, as one version would be left behind. Of course it would be possible to extend the file fieldtype to store the original filename as well and either do a redirect, or keep record of the second version of the file. If two physical files were stored, it could be linked when deleting so both are deleted. I think at the moment these options are beyond the scope of this module. I think it is doable, but I think there might be some further thinking required to make sure there aren't any other complicating issues. Can you please further explain your usage scenario for wanting to keep the original filename? Maybe that will better help me to figure out the best the approach.
  23. In a bit of a rush, so not sure if this is definitely right, but saw your question and thought this might help: https://github.com/adrianbj/ProcessPageFieldSelectCreator/blob/master/ProcessPageFieldSelectCreator.module#L377 It seems like you are missing some config options in your page field, possibly the parent_id and/or template_id - these are what you would set on the Input tab when creating a page field through the admin. Hope that helps.
  24. Thanks for the bug report. I was really only testing on the latest dev version of PW. I have just pushed a new version to github that seems to work fine with 2.3. Please test and let me know how you go with it. I really should do some more tweaks on the css for this module, but am waiting till PW 2.4 and the new default admin theme are released as stable.
  25. Not exactly what you are looking for, but you could use this module: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-page-field-select-creator/ to create the page field and populate the categories. Might be of some help. You can paste comma separated values when entering the select options (Option 2).
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