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Everything posted by adrian

  1. Can you do me a favor and try changing Line 15 of the .js file from 200 to 500 to see if that helps. The change from 100 to 200 seems to have made it work all the time at my end, but maybe there are other issues. EDIT: are you getting any related console errors?
  2. Have you guys see this module from horst that makes this possible for pages: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/page-tree-add-new-childs-reverse/ I haven't thought through how difficult it would be to make this work for repeaters, but might be worth a look.
  3. One more small update pushed to github to hopefully fix the ASM initialization issue. maba - would you please mind checking to see if the new rules now consistently work as ASM fields please? Thanks
  4. Thank you very much for the troubleshooting. I was testing with 2.3.5 and it was working fine. I see that with 2.3.7 the button now has that new id, whereas with 2.3.5, it was the containing <li> that had that id, but the button itself had #Inputfield_submit. So I just pushed another update that lists both ids, comma separated so it should support old and new versions of PW. Thanks again for your help with this and please let me know if you find any other problems!
  5. I am really sorry you are having trouble with this. I can save multiple rules here no problem. I just pushed a small update to make the format field "required", but obviously that isn't your issue. I am curious if you are having the same problem saving when using other/older themes, and also what browser/OS you are on. Do you get any logged errors, or does the rule just not appear when the page reloads?
  6. Based on your screenshot, I see that you haven't entered anything in the "Filename Format" field. Since the rule can't do anything without this field, this is a required field - the only one of fields which is, and the rule won't save unless it is filled out. Can you please try again with that field filled out. Thanks
  7. Thanks for the extra details. I know about the layout on the new theme - to be honest I haven't looked at this thoroughly yet as I wanted to make sure Ryan had finalized exactly what classes will be used in the layout of these things. I will definitely keep it on my list of things to tweak though. As for the ASM issue. It currently seems random - sometimes it works as expected and other times it doesn't work properly. Regardless, you can use the field like a normal multiselect field and it will work fine and be converted to an ASM on save. I will look into this when I have some more time and see if I can solve it more reliably. The key thing is that it shouldn't affect the ability of the module to work until I get it sorted.
  8. Hi motionmindz and welcome! PW gives you ultimate flexibility to handle SEO however you would like, but it does do a lot of great things to help you along, including excellent clean and SEO friendly URLs to all pages. It also has the ability to handle custom URL segments, rather than using GET variables: http://wiki.processwire.com/index.php/URL_Segments You should definitely make use of the sitemap module to generate a sitemap that can be submitted to search engines through tools like Google's webmaster tools: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/markup-sitemap-xml/ Remember that one of the key components of SEO is good content and proper use of html tags, which is, and should be, up to you and your content creators. Hope that helps, but let us know if you have any more specific questions.
  9. Hi motionmindz and welcome to PW. Are you referring what tina is doing starting at around 1:46 in the video? If so, she is simply using a repeater field (http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/repeaters/) to store the type, ID, and title. The code she has used in the template to display the video is probably something as simple as: foreach($page->media_items as $media_item){ echo '<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/'.$media_item->media_id.'" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>'; } Some other tools you might find useful for media types are: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/textformatter-video-embed/ http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-get-video-thumbs/ http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4580-video-fieldtype/ http://modules.processwire.com/modules/textformatter-soundcloud-embed/ http://modules.processwire.com/modules/audio-mp3/ http://modules.processwire.com/modules/local-audio-files/ Hope that helps.
  10. Hi Melissa, I am guessing it's probably an issue with the the Maximum Files Allowed setting on the details tab of your left_images field settings. You should either set this to "1" or use the following to get the first of the images in that field: $image_left = $about->left_images->first(); If you haven't already, have a read of these: http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/images/ http://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/repeaters/ EDIT: I saw you lurking over here: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/2188-solved-repeaters-with-images/ but thought I'd add that link here as well anyway, in case others come across this post first and would like more info.
  11. No problem at all - happy to help. I just pushed another small update that adds a canonical link to the page if you are using the new "Load" option. This is to help identify the ID based URL as a duplicate of the proper PW url so Google etc won't penalize you for duplicate content.
  12. Seems to be working perfectly now - thanks. Awesome new functionality!
  13. I have just pushed a new version of the module that supports "Load" rather than "Redirect" so the url that is entered which includes the 4 digit page ID will stay in the browser address bar. Not sure if this will suit your needs or not, but it was an easy addition so I thought I'd add it anyways.
  14. I don't really have an answer for you, but I think it would be worth your time to read through this thread: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4189-flexibility-in-page-design/ Lots of good ideas and even an alpha version of a module that soma is working on that might be helpful for your needs.
  15. Oh right - sorry I misunderstood what you meant.
  16. Hey Nico, I think the issue you are having is because we are now over 200 modules in the directory, so you need to increase that setting in the module manager config. PS - here's the start to a conversation about the issue: http://processwire.com/talk/topic/1550-modules-manager/?p=45226
  17. Ok, so the issue with the homepage is that it is created by a built in user called "admin" which doesn't actually exist in the users list so I am pretty sure you don't have a img_user image for that user. Did you create another user called admin yourself? Try running this: $createduser = wire("page")->createdUser; echo 'Created User: ' . $createduser->id . '<br />'; echo 'Current User: ' . wire('user')->id . '<br />'; I think you should see "2" for the Created User when on the homepage and a higher number somewhere in the thousands for the Current User.
  18. From your code and the output, I can't tell which echo statements are working and which ones aren't. Try something like this and let us know the output / error for each one. $createduser = wire("page")->createdUser; echo 'Created User: ' . $createduser->name . '<br />'; echo 'Created User Thumb: ' . $createduser->img_user->getThumb('thumbnail') . '<br />'; echo 'Current User: ' . wire('user')->name . '<br />'; echo 'Current User Thumb: ' . wire('user')->img_user->getThumb('thumbnail');
  19. Hi maba, Thanks for the positive feedback and picking up on those errors. Only catch is that line 249 doesn't refer to ruleData, so I am wondering if you are running the latest version (0.0.8). Can you please check again with the latest version and let me know what, if any messages you get. I don't get any notices show up at all. Did you mean to attach a screenshot regarding the fix for the new admin theme? Thanks, Adrian
  20. A little more testing - if I move the mouse very slowly onto the "compare with current" it works with some PW admin themes but not all and it is pretty difficult to get right. I actually tried on Win7/Chrome and am actually having more troubles - haven't managed to get it to work at all. I have tested different versions of PW without any real pattern. Maybe don't worry until someone else confirms it!
  21. I am not really sure exactly why you are getting that error, although my hunch is that you have the opposite problem that apeisa identified earlier with the $createduser->img_lg field. It sounds like that one was set to single image, but the img_user is set to multiple, so you need to either use first() or eq(0) or change it to be single image. Does that work? I assume img_user is set to type CropImage?
  22. Hey teppo, OSX and Chrome with CKEditor, TinyMCE, or plain textarea. I tried on body and summary fields and both have the same issue. I'll try to investigate further when I have a little more time - sorry I don't have anything more useful right now!
  23. Hey Teppo - this looks to be great - thanks! Only catch is that I can't seem to ever click on the "compare with current". I have tried the default and the new dev admin theme but no matter how careful I am, it disappears before I can click on it.
  24. Does the problem still exist if you are not using that code to add the additional image fields?
  25. LeiHa, $createduser = wire("user"); will get you the currently logged in user, or "guest", rather than the user that created the current page. Is that really what you are looking for? Have a read of this: http://processwire.com/api/variables/user/
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