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  1. In order to submit articles to Google news, they require the article urls to be "unique" and contain "at least 3 digits". I have spent most of my morning searching through the forums and have not really found a solution. The best one I have ran across I think is the Process Permalink module. From my understanding of it, you can chose custom url's for pages using a specific template. I am assuming this is kinda what wordpress does with custom post types. However, I do not believe it is being maintained and was never submitted to the module Repository. It also does not work with the current version of ProcessWire and throws several errors. I would love to adopt the module, but am not confident in my skills to make it work yet . The Date Archiver is also a possible solution except in this particular case, archiving the articles is not necessary at this point and if a article is not archived, it does not contain the required digits as google request. Also if you only archive by year, then you may run across the issue of a duplicate title. This topic is basically requesting the same, but no solution was really offered other then adding dates to the tree structure which is what the Date Archiver does for you automatically which is awesome! Of course to me this is not a viable option at this point. Several other topics which basically all involve archiving which the date archiver does for you and using url segments. More archive based on url segments Ryan's example of archiving based off a date field in the template without a module. Maybe the ability to append the page id or created date to the url? Maybe I have thought upon this too long, but any suggestions are appreciated.
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