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Everything posted by flydev

  1. Thanks for getting into this - I will test with that password and will let you know whats going on.
  2. Hi @antpre by looking at the exception, you are using the wrong credentials to access the database. But at the same time, the connection seem successful. Could you check the credentials in the config.php ? If you feel confident, I can take a look at it more closely, you can send me the FTP access and the url through private message here in the forum.
  3. Not yet, when the website used to promote the module will be ready, the release date will posted here. Same here, and what I can say/confirm, is that once you get your hand into the editor, you will want to use it ? Thanks you for your interest. PS: If you think onto something that should be indispensable and that need to be implemented, please do not hesitate to ask/discuss the feature here.
  4. @fruid I am not used to install PW on a subfolder, but I think that adjusting the htaccess should be enough. How does look your htaccess section 8A ? Section 8A : # Examples of RewriteBase (root and subdirectories): # RewriteBase / # RewriteBase /pw/ # RewriteBase /~user/
  5. FIY, this file should have been renamed at the installation process. Without any server logs, hard to tell what have passed. Welcome here mate ! Cool first project ! ??
  6. Forgot to put a note on what is currently supported : Features Auto-save Medias upload support HannaCode support Blocks Implemented Heading Image Paragraph Embed Quote Code Link Table (beta) Block Delimiter Raw HTML Note (custom block markup)
  7. Thanks @teppo for your insight, as always highly appreciated. I got what you mean. I think that there is a part of question of taste but also depending on the task on which the user is involved/focused. In first instance, while discussing with the colleague, I started to insist that he could use the CKEditor to write his articles; The point is here, he is specialised in content creation. I also suggested MS Word as tool - but no, the UI is not soft as Gutenberg. Then I abdicated and told him to write his articles on Gutenberg and a local install of Wordpress, after all, I will not touch at it, and I can import the content of a Wordpress page to ProcessWire. I don't know if you guys are used to write content, but this guy showed me also the editor that was crafted for the big site Medium. It's something similar, polished, the editor contain an inline toolbar and some blocks. I understood then that it's like an "new" category of users, they are used to write content in a modern environment. I was not even aware of those type of editor / blocks approach ? . So yes, I can understand that it can be "intimidating". Yes! First mission that was to bring back this guy to use ProcessWire is almost done ?? @Pixrael Yes it could. The module you would like to see was already mentioned and I remember that Theo, Elabx and Joshua worked on something. It was not grapejs but the idea remain the same. If you really want to give a try and invest some time the community will help you ! @bernhard wrote nice tutorials on modules creation you could begin with, then start a new thread here in the modules/dev forum. There are some hard works in perspective and I think that a module like that should be taken by a group with dev and designers ?
  8. If I got what you mean (compatible Fieldtype ?) it's already the case, you can drop a textarea then choose EditorJS, CkEditor or the vanilla textarea as field. Sure ! On my side, it's the possibility to fetch those JSON data directly into the third party apps (mobile, desktop, etc). Glad to hear that someone tried to implement this editor solution. Could you elaborate on why it wasn't a great success ? As a non-editor who I am, I really like what I feel writing thing on this fieldtype. About RepeaterMatrix, I think (and we already saw some posts here in the forum) that it could be used to make a page builder, but thats not intended by this module.
  9. Sorry @rick not yet, there is a chance that the module will be released as ProModule with refund policy to be able to try the module.
  10. Hello, I would like to present you a new module which aim to facilitate the productivity of your editors/publishers when working on ProcessWire. The idea begun when my co-worker told me that when typing in ProcessWire CkEditor field he was feeling "loosing motivation" when writing big wall of text and/or inspiration. So he opened his web-browser and show me a site looking to Wordpress - feel free to put your preferred emoji here - then he opened Gutenberg... typed some text and moving some "blocks". I understood immediately why he got this feeling with CkEditor. If you or your client feel like this guy, then you will love this module ! What is currently supported ? Features Auto-save Medias upload support HannaCode support Blocks Implemented Heading Image Paragraph Embed Quote Code Link Table (beta) Block Delimiter Raw HTML Note (custom block markup) Feature Request Frontend Edition And there you go for the preview - sorry I am to lazy and bad at typing text so I had a copy/pasta moment : Module featured in the ProcessWire Weekly #317 - Thanks @teppo
  11. You already know that you might have to backup and upgrade your site to the new master. Since this version (3.0.62) there have been a number of various fix including repeater.
  12. Hi, Which is the class derived from ? Can you paste all the module code ?
  13. How is created the CSV file ? I mean on which computer ? You can ran into memory issue because of line ending badly detected when for example a CSV file is created on MacOS, see : Other thing, try importing the data with TracyDebugger disabled. Other thing, instead of using getRecords() : $reader = \League\Csv\Reader::createFromPath('./file.csv', 'r'); $stmt = (new \League\Csv\Statement())->offset(2); foreach ($stmt->process($reader) as $record) { print_r($record); } or instead loading the whole file : $reader = \League\Csv\Reader::createFromPath('./file.csv', 'r'); foreach ($reader as $record) { print_r($record); }
  14. Sorry for the delay, did you sorted out your issue ? Indeed, yes, the folder is correct. Refreshing the modules should work as expected.
  15. You might copied the wrong folder. See my ./site/modules folder : (again, what @adrian said in his last comment, sorry for insisting too ?)
  16. Yes maybe the cache. Try to clear the compiled files and your browser cache then refresh the module. What I did is, downloading your module from Github, installed it, dumped the var with TracyDebugger - which you should install in a hurry - and tada, it seem it worked ??
  17. Yes, exactly what you did, copying the module from Wire to Site/modules then refresh and select the new module when asked. After a refresh : After a click on "InputfieldCommentsAdmin" link : Same thing for "FieldtypeComments" and the CSS should now load correctly. -------- Anyway, I suggest you to avoid this technique and to copy the CSS from the module and to paste it on your own principal main CSS file and tweak the CSS comments there. Once that done, you won't have to worry about keeping the module up-to-date.
  18. I tested it, and it look like its working, see my capture : - columns echo'd on frontend - ok - debug dumps - ok
  19. Not really a direct answer to your issue, but using HannaCode could be a solution. Another approach, I don't know how your custom module works, but you could achieve it by extending your module or coding a little custom TextFormatter.
  20. Or you could also inherit the variable in your closure (anonymous function) from the parent scope (see the use() keyword) : wire()->addHookBefore('LoginRegister::createdUser', function($event) use($myRole) { ...
  21. You might can explain what you are trying to achieve ? Maybe it's copying/editing the module is not required ?
  22. I have the same question than @psy but about RockFinder 1 ? I think I have already my answer.. Anyway, thanks version 3 @bernhard ??
  23. What @Ivan Gretsky said in his second paragraph. You will want to build your backend (ProcessWire) with a RestAPI, catching/storing media from Internet on the server and delivering content/data/media to your mobile apps (hybrid, native, whatever). The apps will fetch the data from there periodically and save theses data on the local Internal/External storage of the user device. I personally use heavily SQLite as storage with my mobile apps. For the Youtube video, you can build something customized. You will not get stats about the viewers on Youtube but the end-user will have access to the media once synchronized. The idea is the following. When you upload a video on Youtube, you then fetch the video from the backend and save it on the server. Then when the app will synchronize the data, it will get and store the media on the device which will be played offline inside your app with the media player of the framework used. If the idea of catching, converting and storing the media directly from Youtube is against any Terms of Services, you could build and upload manually a compressed version of the media on the server. The goal is to have the media on the server whatever the method used... And anyway, the user will have to manage to get an access Internet from time to time to be able to download/update the app from the store or to synch the data from the backend. Also, shipping the media directly in the app (when downloaded from the app store) is a bad idea. You will ran into the issue where your binaries are limited in SIZE. Example, https://help.apple.com/app-store-connect/#/dev611e0a21f About the app development, I think you should start with an hybrid one, it will be a good first experience and will be "quite easy" to build as the learning curve will be low and, you have already the competence required for it (HTML5, JAVASCRIPT, CSS). You will have to "just" learn how to put it in a native container.
  24. Salut Jeannette, I can help you to keep your shop up-to-date and improve it. I own a license of PadLoper and wrote somes custom payment processing methods and others improvements. I live in France, near Bayonne - meeting ourselves could be easy. I will send you my phone number / mail address by private message, and if you feel then we can call us tomorrow. You too ! ??
  25. @jacmaes you can simply add a new condition if the the GET var level is a string ? let's try : if($input->get->level && is_array($input->get->level)) { // level as array given $level = array(); foreach($input->get->level as $id) $level[] = (int) $id; // sanitize to INTs $level = implode('|', $level); // convert to 123|456|789 string, ready for selector } elseif($input->get->level && is_string($input->get->level) && $input->get->level !== '') { // level as string given // can be optimized (sanitizer) $level = array(); foreach(explode('|', $input->get->level) as $id) $level[] = (int) $id; // sanitize to INTs $level = implode('|', $level); // convert to 123|456|789 string, ready for selector } else { $level = ''; }
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