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Everything posted by flydev

  1. I just tested it and the process ended without error ??‍♂️ What's the version of your Duplicator ? Edit1: Ok got it. Will push a fix. Edit2: You can update the module to the version 1.3.15
  2. If I understand, this will help you : Check this function : https://processwire.com/api/ref/functions/wire-render-file/ A blog introduction: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-2.5.2/#new-wirerenderfile-and-wireincludefile-functions A example approach : https://marcus.io/blog/contextual-components-php Search Helper for forum posts: https://www.google.com/search?q=wirerenderfile+partial
  3. Yes I had in mind safe_mode_exec_dir but I forgot that it was removed.
  4. Just another thing, the next minor version will contain an encryption setting, trying to make Duplicator a bit GDPR compliant.
  5. Thanks you very much for this report @adrian Already on the todo list. I will check the PR after this message, but this can depend on the user end database schema used. We will have on the next version multitude options to customize the behavior of mysqldump. I was thinking too to give a textbox to enter some custom swicth for the command-line before proceeding. Thanks, I will make some checks available to the destination dir of the script. I am sure this is because you have safe_mode enabled, if you can confirm me that, it would be awesome. Yes it's for debugging purpose and to avoid the page reloading - just set the var $debug to false in ProcessDuplicator.js, Thanks again, going to check the PR.
  6. Hi, You can add a variable which store the number of menu shown in your foreach() loop then add the class uk-hidden to the rest of items: <?php $nMenu = 0; // number of menu shown foreach(...) { // [...] // check the var, if > 5 then add uk-hidden class to the elem $hidden = ($nMenu < 5) ? '' : ' uk-hidden'; echo "<li class='someClass{$hidden}'>My Menu </li>"; // [...] $nMenu++; // increment } // end foreach
  7. It's also working on windows by now, pushing the update to the dev branch ?? Test version: v1.4.15
  8. I made some progress and I could finally backup on an Unix machine the bigger setup I have (a backup imported as the method is not finished to be able to work on Windows) - for about 400MB files and a database of 1.6GB using the new implemented method which use the MySQL native tools. The method consist of writing a shell script on the fly which then is executed. If you wanna test it - still a work in progress - you can find the new method implemented on the dev branch on Github.
  9. thanks @dragan just pushed a fix - sorry for the mistake.
  10. Finally, I rebuilt the profile and updated it to the latest version of Bootstrap 4.4.1. I Also updated the bsRender* helpers functions, removed the Bower dependency and added the possibility (as example) to minify and bundle assets for releasing the website in production. With $config->debug set to true, you will want to work with asset files in site/assets/dev/src, and when ready, you will launch a terminal in this same directory and type yarn build to minify, concat and bundle assets, then set $config->debug to false to see the website with the assets minified.
  11. I checked it and I need to rebuild the profile - I will update Bootstrap to the latest version at the same time as this profile was shipped with the beta version. Stay tuned.
  12. We could build also the server part with Delphi, but using ProcessWire as a database interface, make the whole thing easier. It's incredible. If you couple it with a real server dedicated server, you have full speed. I have a setup where an embarked client communicate with a server-application made with Delphi through TCP/IP, relying the requests on localhost to ProcessWire : You mean a device like this ?
  13. Build a custom Process module then code what you need ? https://processwire.com/api/ref/wire-database-p-d-o/ Example in one setup I have, 3 custom tables in the database managed through a Process module which serve to find plates : In this example, I am just looking for data, but you can do what you want, show a MarkupAdminTable or even an HandsonTable to edit your data easily.
  14. @howdytom The profile didn't work - thanks you, I'll try to fix it in the couple of hours.
  15. @dragan @bernhard I feel dumb but I don't see anything in the discussion linked - so I don't understand what you was speaking about ?
  16. @howdytom Wow it's been a while a didn't tested it. Let me check.
  17. Ok for restoring, we might find a way to speed to the things, but about the backup, you kinda lost me here with your comment ?
  18. Good to know; To give you a simple answer: InnoDB was faster for writes and MyISAM for reads. Nowadays, InnoDB are the way to go, yo should be aware that MyISAM is deprecated and being ? removed in MySQL 8 I think, or maybe on a later release.
  19. Ok @adrian thanks , let us know then. It's planned yes, I was already coding something this night using natives tools. Stay tuned.
  20. I just pushed the new master version 1.3.13. You can upgrade the module through ProcessWireUpgrade.
  21. Hi everyone, While enjoying every day with ProcessWire - not building websites - but native apps and API. Just to say that I have a desire for a few months that is to teach you how to build an RestAPI and a cross-platform native application for iOS, MacOS, Android, Windows and maybe Linux in some weeks by coding in Delphi (Pascal) and using our awesome CMF ProcessWire as a backend. Why Delphi ? Embarcadero released a free edition of their IDE/Compiler (the FREE Delphi Community Edition) and everyone can enjoy building real native apps. It also give me now the opportunity to share this experience with you, as the license without the free edition was starting at ~1500$ for the Pro Edition. Also, Delphi is easy to learn, in particularly the FireMonkey frameworks which will be used to build those apps. At least I think ! When I personally begun to write code in Delphi, I had years of experience of the internal Windows API and C/C++ coding background. Still, it's just a desire, and i don't know if there are people interested by this - so let's vote !
  22. Hi @derelektrischemoench #1 - You might try to play with the htaccess on this line : # RewriteBase / Try to comment / uncomment this line on your distant server. #2 - Give a try to Duplicator, make a package on your local setup then upload it to your server and use his installer to check that everything required is ok, then continue the package installation Download link of the module (use the 1.3.12 or 1.3.13) : https://processwire.com/talk/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=18643
  23. Thanks @Autofahrn ???? @adrian About the issue "MySQL server gone away". Its quite hard to determine from where come this issue - and just saying - I still not found the way to track down this issue. FYI I also got this issue on a new MariaDB server on Windows (a boosted server where the PW setup contain more than 1.5 millions pages), and also sometime on my local MAMP setup. (The issue does not concern only Duplicator). I remember also two weeks ago, I got this issue on a shared server (another setup with about 260k pages). ATM the only two hints which come to my mind is that the issue mostly appear when using the API - which can lead us to another hint: a server memory issue Thing to test: Disabled TracyDebugger Other thing to check: I mostly work with InnoDB databases and I remember that adjusting some MariaDB parameters helped. Parameters to check : max_allowed_packet innodb_log_file_size innodb_buffer_pool_size innodb_log_buffer_size PS: To adjust the settings, check this reply : What say the MySQL devs : Let me know - thanks guys ??
  24. https://codepen.io/flydev/pen/LYEeEdR this with a bit of css/js solve your issue.
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