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Everything posted by flydev

  1. @Robin S Thanks for trying it, glad you like it ! The Process module is not really required because Duplicator could be, if needed, only run from CRON task. The link to he process module should had been removed if the process module was not present, just checking my todo list, it was into. A known issue when restoring a package : So for restoring it, we need to manually move the site files out of the container dir. About AmazonS3, @Rudy asked the ability to upload package on sub-bucket (I forgot this one, sorry Rudy!) : https://github.com/flydev-fr/Duplicator/issues/1 I will try to code theses corrections soon so the V1 will work as expected, but I really want to begin to work on the Duplicator V2 implementing encryption and handling gigabits sized databases. Want To Buy time or vacation ?
  2. You should try to use the sanitizer in the way to remove entities and validate the selector : [...] $selector = "title%=" . $sanitizer->selectorValue($sanitizer->unentities($search_term)); $result = $pages->find($selector); [...] https://processwire.com/docs/selectors/#operators https://processwire.com/docs/selectors/#sanitizing
  3. @gmclelland thanks but I am talking about theses type of informations, or I am missing something ?
  4. Hey @adrian, it is possible to export a panel's infos or a global diagnostic to a text file in the goal to compare for example, two site-dumps with a diff tool or even a text editor ? I mean, at this moment I am comparing load as others speed load informations of a big site between the prod and dev server - switching my browser tabs to do comparisons - and so I was thinking that I would like to generate/export a TracyDebugger report with all the diagnostics to be able to easily compare them on my computer. If this feature is implemented, please tell where to find it, I can't see it ☺️
  5. shouldn't be ? : [...] $finder->sql = "SELECT ska_City AS city FROM ($sql) AS tmp GROUP BY city"; [...]
  6. Is the MySQL server the same version ? Second, are you SURE that the template id 49 is the same on both dev and prod site ? edit: nevermind, I didn't saw `template=panddetail` on first instance..
  7. For the wiki, there was two issues addressed about that. I will be able to give more infos in the next weeks. But yes, wiki are gone for free private repos on personal accounts. More precisions from the support about Accounts, Private repos and Organization as I tried to make an organization with free private repos but it not worked - of course ?
  8. I got the news yesterday, did you was aware that Github let you have unlimited private repositories for free since January, 7 ? ? Precisions from Github Support : Comparisons : Free functionality GitLab GitHub Private repositories Yes Yes Number of collaborators Unlimited 3 Wiki Yes No (public or paid only) Pages Yes No (public or paid only) Capacity 10GB 1GB Indicates who is paying No Yes Free CI 2,000 min. Maybe a free tier for Actions on Azure Entire DevOps lifecycle Yes No Location of the repo Anywhere Not in groups/orgs API concurrent rate limit 36000 5000
  9. Tested during two dev hours this morning, no problem so far ? Thanks you dude.
  10. @bernhard Could it be possible to update the module's lib dependencies to the latest version 6.2.2 ?
  11. @Chris Bennett @Noel Boss, I don't know how look your user edit page, but on mine, the checkboxes are not customized. It was also necessary to add the rule for : .InputfieldCheckboxesStacked { } Below the modified @3fingers version :
  12. flydev

    TDD in PW

    True, for example, I didn't written any test for our frontend, but the backend and the module managing the transactions with financial data is fully unit tested, and it's required (while writing that, I am thinking on what we discussed on Github about the example of the float type vs the integer one for managing financial data; Imagine the things without test... houston.. ?‍? ).
  13. @szabesz While searching, I stumbled on this extension, its was tempting. I think I will try it someday. Funny change log ?
  14. flydev

    TDD in PW

    I don't fully understand the question, so a simple answer, yes with PHPUnit. And people was already doing it 6 years ago : https://github.com/niklaka/ProcessWireTests
  15. true, I should must have specified that ? I just wanted to be sure he do not mix the 'assets' of the video and the the created one by PW by placing the 'assets' in the 'assets' folder hihi
  16. Hi @anderson I also started ProcessWire with this video. A must to do for a beginner. About the asset folder containing images, css and js, this folder come from the free theme that you have to downloaded there : https://templatemag.com/demo/Spot/ (this is the theme the author is using to build the final website). Once extracted, you can find the assets folder and it should be placed in the folder site/templates of your ProcessWire installation - along your templates - then you can continue to follow the tutorial. Do not mix this assets folder (which could be renamed of whatever you want, eg: mythemeassets) and the assets folder in site/assets which is a core "required" folder created by ProcessWire. Good luck, you are on the good road ! ? On the same road you can pick that :
  17. Great as always! I don't know how we could also maintain the _*.php files. I say that because for instance, I modified a little part of the markup to implement headroom.js. Also Ryan say that it's needed to modify the data attribute on the masthead (navbar) when we want a smaller navbar (height value). eg: https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/AdminThemeUikit/blob/master/uikit/custom/pw/pw-theme-reno.less#L124 A preview of the theme :
  18. We will know that on your next upload. On the next upload, try to remember the mode (FTP or SFTP (over ssh) ?) and compare permissions on localhost and on the hosting server to see if they are the same, if not, then I put a bet on suPHP or SSHd umask configuration.
  19. A screencast for the bug concerning the "Search" on the navbar already reported by @adrian Also, see the `overflow`.
  20. Finally tried Forklift and I like it, just brought a license - thanks for the suggestion @adrian I kept a copy of the russian software just in case ?
  21. Ok, to give you the idea, I suspect that you have an issue with suPHP in your setup overriding permission or with FastCGI (through the use of suEXEC). You should take a brief look at this direction and report things here. For example, if you confirm that suPHP is present, them check the value of umask in /etc/suphp.conf ps: check your PM
  22. Ok that's an idea, I will take a look. About the PR, I didn't had the time the other day, will try to re sent it today. Thanks again for this great module.
  23. Strange, it look like a sftp/ftp issue, how do you upload your files ? via FTP ? If yes yes, which server type ? Forgive, I misread the post.. What's the server type ? Dedicated ? shared host ? ProcessWire and PHP version ?
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