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Everything posted by flydev

  1. Concretely, what is the downside to have a lot of fields ? In a setup I have 12 templates and 56 fields (not optimized) and reading the link given by @bernhard I fear your answer now ?
  2. Hi, replace the $notificationMsg->send(...) call by $notificationMsg->mail(...) if you use WireMailSmtp module. or read how to send an email there: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/dev/wire/core/WireMail.php#L13-L46
  3. Just a suggestion, as @wbmnfktr said, you should limit the size for the video on client editing. Then give them a note that they have to use **a video converter from a web service** prior to upload the video to the backend. With https://clipchamp.com/en/products/utilities your video can be reduced from 72MB to 15MB with a really decent quality. Settings are : Preset: Web Resolution: 720p Format: mp4 Quality: Medium You should give a try ✌️ ps: I am not affiliated with them but there are a free plan. Mods, feel free to remove the link..
  4. Which page as example won't get the image on the production site ? Checking kal**s**l.com on a incognito mode I can't see one issue ?
  5. And what tell the server logs ? does it show something ? (apache/nginx/php logs) On the browser dev console, can you see which server response you are getting ? 200, 404, 500 ? Edit/PS: I suggest you to install TracyDebugger asap
  6. @cjx2240 download and install the plugin in the site/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/plugins directory in the field settings, on the Input tab, section plugins, check pastefromword in the CKEditor settings > CKEditor Toolbar, add PasteFromWord save your field
  7. Make that optional in module config, I personally prefer to click ?
  8. Nice work @Robin S thanks you. Just saying, it works on my side with AdminThemeBoss ?
  9. I think I am not wrong saying that actually its not the same request. On the first time you are calling find() on a PageArray and in the second time, find() on a Page object. $allPlayers is now a PageArray and contain only pages with the ~history~ template. When you call find() on a PageArray, you are searching for pages matching your selector that are actually in the PageArray (their children are not in this array!) and that why you get a result of 0 page found. Try to call $allPlayers->children("template=event") on the PageArray to get an imploded IDs string of all the children of the pages that are in the PageArray. Here you are calling find() on a Page object. When you call find() on a Page object, you are searching Pages anywhere below this page object (children, grandchildren, etc.) that are matching the selector.
  10. Are you sure that all Padloper's modules come from the PW3 Github branch and are namespaced as you say ?? You should double check your modules's files and templates using those modules.. It has nothing to do with ProcessWire's core. The robustness of ProcessWire can be broken by third-party module! or I want to say, the developer itself! thats all ✌️ Edit: Also, AIOM+ look not officially supported for PW3, and it look like issues can happen depending the PHP version you are using. Consider using @ryan new version of ProCache. More infos there:
  11. Ok then go to Software/Services section of the cPanel home screen, click Select PHP Version and select the version you want (you should use the last stable release). For the extension (you need to enable pdo_mysql extension here), it should be located in PHP Settings or something like that. Please refer to your host's online documentation.
  12. Hi, looking at the phpinfo, there is not a PDO extension loaded. Ensure that the required extension are loaded - locate and check the php.ini for the following extension and uncomment it if needed : ;extension=pdo_mysql.so Updating this file or enabling an extension can be done in different way, please give us more info about the host (server managed by a Panel ? lamp on vps/ssh, etc). Also, as the hosting provider updated their configuration, you could check if everything required by ProcessWire is installed/loaded by running the first step of this file : Download https://github.com/flydev-fr/Duplicator/blob/master/Deploy/installer.php Upload the file on the root directory Navigate to http://yourwebsite.foo/installer.php Click on "Get Started" and check the "Step #1 - Compatibility Check" result
  13. Nice job @Noel Boss ! Already adopted, modified & installed ! I just tweaked it to get a Google look (controls), removed the transparency on dropdown and reversed the fonts and notes.
  14. @Mirza Did you setup the PHP-FPM status page to grab more informations ? It can return a lot of info using the full report
  15. @alexmercenary did you saw this module made by @daniels and this thread ?
  16. Can be, wrong hostname, wrong MySQL port number, wrong username, wrong password. Double check your DATABASE connection details and double check your config.php file.
  17. bump, tried a better explanation, I hope its more clear now..
  18. ok then check if your new template is in the allowed page (template) in the sections field options (go to Setup > Fields > sections then Input tab)
  19. @neophron You have to create a new page Test with the sectionTest template under the root page Sublime PW.
  20. I could be wrong but.. you are trying to modify a protected property directly and that the reason. As you know, you can't modify directly a protected property outside his class. and you have to use a setter to modify this variable. Try #2 : Generally speaking, the properties on an object will be set to protected and so attempting to access a property in this way will cause an error. So what actually happen here. The property $page->prop doesn't really exist and a magic __set() is written, and also a magic __get() function is written which will return a value when you read from this property. PHP will automatically call it for you when you try to access a property that is not one of the object’s public properties. If you try to set a property that is not accessible, the __set() magic method will be triggered. Its important to stipulate here that the return of this __get() magic function is a VALUE and not a reference (&__get()). If it was a reference that have been be returned by the function, you could modify the returned property. Assigning a variable directly to it can work if there is a corresponding magic __set(), but here you cannot modify it, since its actually a function which return value (and not a reference!) : the key is here So, basically, we can say that you are trying to do the following : $page->__get('prop')[] = ['d'], which doesn't mean anything, and PHP will trigger a notice of type : Indirect modification of overloaded property
  21. Yes yes, everything is working fine @adrian check my edited post.
  22. Not working. Nothing ? Ok, its working now. I needed to clear again the session/cookie after saving the module.
  23. Upgraded to PW 3.0.106 and the notice is gone. Anyway, my IP isn't recognized as EU user. I tested also with a VPN installed on a city - 10km far from me - the cookie bar do not appear (I still not tried to debug it!) It is working for you for the EU users ? Edit: When I go to https://extreme-ip-lookup.com/json/ everything look good.
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