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Everything posted by wbmnfktr

  1. Ok, that's perfect this way. Especially in existing projects in which everything is already defined and in place.
  2. In version 2.9.1 I have to manually enable this feature and others. Will this be enabled by default now?
  3. Yeah... that's what I meant. It works, but it's not nice at all. Well I was just kidding with that thought but... the benefit of a ColorPickerCombo would be that client's can't display yellow text on blue backgrounds just because they have seen it in PowerPoint. Instead they could only choose from white/blue, white/orange, red/black or any other combo from the presets. You could even use that for simple gradients of some kind. But don't take that too serious.
  4. So... the main difference to already existing color pickers here is the ability to give a preset of available colors? That's nice. Feels more natural to select a visible color than just something with the label "blue" from a dropdown. Next version is RockColorPickerCombo in which we can define foreground and background color combos? ?
  5. Seeing your previous post and looking at the issue I currently face, there still seems to be something different in version 1.1.4 compared to 1.1.2. It almost seems like my problem is the exact opposite of yours. Is there something I'm missing here? A new setting that's not within the module settings maybe. Almost identical template code but with version 1.1.4 formatted text misses quite some spaces. Even some totally valid MJML like <mj-body background-color="#efefef"> causes an issue which forced me to rewrite some wrapping to get the desired look back. And of course: Happy New Year!
  6. Won't say anything about how I do or would handle this particular topic but... -- I AM NOT A LAWYER -- In regards to ... 3.2.3 (a) (i): this seems to be the only part that would apply to the module's purpose by quite a far stretch. 3.2.3 (b): I found this: https://cloud.google.com/maps-platform/terms/maps-service-terms which would allow caching some data for about 30 days, BUT it brings me to another questions: Do the Google Maps terms apply for reviews? 3.2.3 (c): this has almost nothing to do with reviews or this module. So... which API are you using? Is it the classic Google Maps API or some sub-API or maybe even Google Business (Review) API? Which API keys would I need to use your module?
  7. Latest favourite sets. (maybe the Klangkuenstler set was posted already)
  8. Which part was new? Date handling? That will forever be a mystery.
  9. The one that comes to mind is Mapbox. I don't know if here Maps are still a thing or even available for websites. Maybe there will be something in 2023 by Meta, Microsoft, AWS and TomTom. The one that comes with the module. It works perfectly fine without issues for me. Ok, sometimes there aren't any results for addresses but thats an OSM issue and their lack of data. It's weird that your experience is so much worse than mine. I'd look for alternatives in your case as well. That's not fun when there are so many issues. Probably. Geocoding addresses is needed by quite a lot. There should be a solution somewhere. Google Maps API with its free credits each month should do the trick just fine. Or are there hundreds of thousands requests each month you have to handle?
  10. Well... it depends. You get a credit of about $200 each month to work with some APIs. When you reach those limits you should have enough business to pay that small fee. ? Fun aside... grabbing all the review data via API and storing it as pages would make the most sense here. Check the Google My Business API. That seems to be an easy way to get all reviews. https://developers.google.com/my-business/content/review-data#list_all_reviews If I remember correctly there was yet another API that allowed getting reviews. But can't find it right now. Those WordPress plugins... I always wanted but never took the time to download and explore them. It's plain old PHP so it should be kind of easy to take them apart. I personally grab the reviews (or some of them) manually and update them once in a while. This way I (or the client) have full control on what's listed on the site. Adding a link to the real review and the full business entry on Maps. That works pretty well.
  11. The only thing you really need here is the inputfield that handles all the address to lat/long work and that works perfectly fine. You shouldn't hide it in a tab or collapse its fieldset per default, as that backfires a bit and the map doesn't initialize somehow. On the frontend it's easy to build the necessary parts by hand which you probably do anyway - or at least I do/did in the past. To handle all the necessary files and make it work with cookie banners. As an alternative for the backend there is still the Google Maps version available to get the lat/long data.
  12. Either I'm missing an important detail or ... // define yesterday $theDayBeforeYesterday = strtotime("-2 day"); // get our pages $reallyOldEvents = $pages->find("template=template, date<=$theDayBeforeYesterday"); foreach($reallyOldEvents as $oldEvent){ // let's do something with it // maybe we put them into an archive // and delete all of them in 2 years // rather than now. } Does this find your events prior to yesterday?
  13. Your frontend doesn't have any styles in regards to present code snippets therefore it's a bit pale. Neither ProcessWire, nor TinyMCE take care of your frontend styling. You could use hightlight.js or other helpers like that. Another option could be looking into the backend code and figure out from where the styles come and use that in the frontend as well.
  14. This should do the trick to get all events from yesterday and the next 6 days. // define yesterday $yesterday = strtotime("-1 day"); // make $yesterday match the saved date format // in this case: dd.mm.yyyy $yesterdayForSelector = date('d.m.Y', $yesterday); // get our pages $events = $pages->find("template=template, limit=7, date>=$yesterdayForSelector");
  15. Your grid area solution looks nice and clean! While for the moment I use the plugin Grid Areas for TailwindCSS I might switch to your solution. There seems way less overhead with it.
  16. Just a guess right now but you might be using an old version that's only working with ProcessWire 2.x. Here is another one Skyscraper profile for ProcessWire 3.x.
  17. I'm not sure at all but maybe... at least it's way better than the usual "Deutschlands schönste Bahnstrecken" night program I can remember. ?
  18. This reminds me of something... but I don't know what.
  19. For YouTube videos... just use: https://orestbida.com/demo-projects/iframemanager/demo1/ or any other minimal YouTube solution with a placeholder as cover. If you hit a performance issue just with video thumbnails... mobile detection isn't your solution. In this case you probably have way bigger problems. Let's start with the basics: How many videos are on that (single) site/page? How large (in kb) is the poster/cover in average for a video? Where does that poster/cover come from? Are images lazy loaded if possible? How do you know there is a performance issue? Do you pay more than $0,99/month/year for hosting? Tell us more. I ran quite busy sites on cheap shared hostings solutions (H*stgator, Dr*amh*st, H*stnun,... and similar) without almost any issues.
  20. With dedicated sub-domains this isn't really an issue but it brings other challenges as Google expects a super highly optimized version then. So... choose your challenge. ? It's also not that big of a problem on trusted high-traffic sites as reducing HTML/source load is a very good reason in those cases. Google respects that. Here comes the big BUT... most sites can't offer a super optimized sub-domain version, neither are high-traffic, nor are they that trusted by Google. So if you aren't maintaining a 20-25+ year old financial, automotive, insurance, Fortune 500, or media/news outlet site... I highly support the following statement: (all of the above excludes member areas and sites Google/Bing/... can't officially crawl or see.)
  21. I personally prefer to show a page/redirect to a page after a successful form submission. The reason for that is quite easy... a few examples: Contact form: I can inform people about how fast they can expect an answer and/or already offer a selection of FAQs - especially when the contact form was used from an info page. Forms on lead pages (newsletters or downloads): I can offer more "options" such as products, services or explain how to make sure they will receive e-mail updates (like "add our e-mail address to your contacts and check for spam"). The last part can be used for newsletter sign-ups as well. In case you offer a newsletter archive, tell and show your visitors about it. Forms on pre-sale pages: In real estate after someone submits a request for a house, flat, office or whatever you can offer already details and downloads they will need in order to rent or buy something and even answer questions. Or even tell them who their contact person will be. You car dealer for example: contact form submission with topic "parts" or "inspection" you could tell them "Mr/Mrs Doe, our expert for parts/inspection will contact you and answer your question. In case you might need it, here are the contact details..." You can even personalize those pages based on the form details, like name, topic, and whatever else. This way a form submission is not a dead end and I can keep the visitor/user a bit longer on the page(s). I really enjoy it (UX) when a contact form isn't a show-stopper but keeps it somehow going. Sure this might not work with every form or super simple contact forms. You might need more data to decide wether to show a page or just a short confirmation. Are there good reasons against it? Probably. Are there good reason for it? Absolutely.
  22. The only similarity I can see so far is... modules. In my case a fresh install says there are modules missing which never existed - as it was fresh install.
  23. Mutagen isn't enabled. I didn't re-use the projects. I created new ones instead and even tried it on my regular hosting server. Still... 2 modules are "missing".
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