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Everything posted by wbmnfktr

  1. Friend or client... both don't wanna pay money for features like that. :D I'd go with a custom HannaCode here. There are patterns in the rumble embed which make it quite easy. Here is an example: !HannaCode:rumble: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!HannaCode Just import that into HannaCode and maybe add a safe default video ID. BTW... this is the video ID:
  2. You might have to dissect the rumble embed code to understands what's happening there in detail to make it work as either HannaCode or Repater/Matrix block. It's probably even better to fork the YouTube-embed textformatter and make it work with all textarea fields and maybe even the PrivacyWire module. Another option could be a snippet module or repeater-element/textarea in which you just place the embed code which then gets rendered as plain HTML/JS. Not that nice but possible. How urgent is that implementation?
  3. Yes and no. In my first test I added an image from the global image field (in the template, not in the RepeaterMatrix) to a textarea. I copied that textarea over to another page and the image was referenced. I deleted the origin (master-repeater) and the image was removed on the second page as well. Not broken due to the clean-up process in my textareas. In my second test I created a new repeater type with an image field. Added one to a page. Copied it over to another on and the image was moved over to an all new repeater-page (first repeater had ID 8083, second had ID 8084).
  4. In my setup it's a reference to the already existing file on another page (the origin).
  5. Hey @Wanze... just a short question or idea (if you will)... is there a function I can hook into whenever the sitemap is generated or updated in order to submit a PING to Google, Bing, or whatever? Looked into the module and couldn't find anything I could use. The closest was shouldGenerateSitemap() but placing a hook there isn't possible. My idea is, that whenever I use your module, I use it to find out if I need to ping Google whenever there was a sitemap.xml update. The ping-logic exists so far, but right now I use it most of the time just whenever a site was saved. Not perfect but it works. Could be a nice addition to the module itself. Either as hook or as feature.
  6. @Ross In case you love learning by doing and explanation: Web Dev Simplified https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFbNIlppjAuEX4znoulh0Cw Kevin Powell https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJZv4d5rbIKd4QHMPkcABCw You might have to dig a bit in regards of your skills but those channels are really awesome. The first one has some really good free courses and the other one has some good insights. There are several more you can enjoy for free like: https://www.youtube.com/c/DesignCourse https://www.youtube.com/c/JesseShowalter https://www.youtube.com/c/FluxWithRanSegall You might want to watch them just to see whats possible and how some people do things. I'm in this business for 20 years, yet I really enjoy each and every video on these channels.
  7. Just pushed PW 3.0.188 and the RepeaterMatrix v8 beta to a side-project as it's a nice testing ground for this and it works perfectly fine. No errors or problems so far. The new icon option makes it super clean - if you want. Yet and empty entry with just an icon came up each and every time I updated the RepeaterMatrix field, even when I just opened it.
  8. This could be seen as cloaking by Google so be very careful doing things like that. More details here: https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/guidelines/cloaking?hl=en&visit_id=637711928893360718-3584950016&rd=1 Feedback on this from Google in the past: Quite a nice read over on this blog about this topic: https://www.findabledigitalmarketing.com/blog/age-verification-gates-and-seo/
  9. In regards to the TextformatterEmoji ... is there something planned or already existing to allow content authors to input those shortcodes from within CKEditor? While I know a few of those shortcodes some or most of the clients I work with (probably) don't.
  10. Just created some new instances with the latest ProcessWire version and something felt a bit off. I got various notifications (as debug is turned on) but to be honest... I didn't expect to see those updater messages in a fresh and clean installation (blank profile, no backups involved). Nothing that critical but somehow this feels wrong at least for me. Update: In addition to this... if those messages were "green"-colored like success messages it would have been something completely different and positive.
  11. Updated a side project (https://www.restaurants-neumuenster.de/) today to the newest master and all related modules without any issues. Such a perfect setup overall! Feels not only faster but even Google says it is. Never saw those ratings on that site
  12. Could end in trouble within an upcoming project. So therefore... +1
  13. Three real-life projects running the dev-version from last week without issues. Maybe there is time on the weekend to update to the latest dev-branch.
  14. It's me again... this time with a weird finding. There are 2 snippets with schema.org markup and some {{page.variables}} within them. The first one (schema-restaurant) should be placed before </head> for pages with a specific template. The second one (schema-sitepage) should be placed at the same spot (before </head>) on all non-admin pages. Expectation: schema-restaurant would be rendered on all restaurant pages based on the template selector. schema-sitepage would be rendered on all pages across that website which are accessible in the frontend for users/guests. Reality: schema-restaurant gets rendered on all restaurant pages based on the template selector. schema-sitepage gets rendered only on restaurant pages based on the template selector from schema-restaurant. What I tried: I deleted all snippets, added them again one after another, changed the position of the snippets, tried different snippet names and yet the seconds snippet won't render on all non-admin pages. I have to disable the first one (schema-restaurant) in order to see my schema-sitepage snippet. UPDATE 2021/08/29: Fixed in latest version. Thanks, @teppo
  15. Ok, that's interesting. Just gave it a quick look and have to look closer into this the next days but... well that could be a dealbreaker. Haven't had enough time for that. I just use it with WiremailSmtp and it works pretty well so far.
  16. It's working perfectly fine now. Thanks, @teppo!
  17. Sorry for interrupting the usual programm and topic here but... @franciccio-ITALIANO maybe you want to look up a mentor/tutor here that helps you to maintain and build ProcessWire sites from either the ground up or even to maintain already built sites. I know you from your past questions, requests and and posts in several other topics. As much as I want to see someone helping you... the more I think you need someone that's guiding you from the basics of PHP to the basics and fundamentals of ProcessWire to the state you can work out ProcessWire sites from each and every state and upwards. So... my questions for our awesome community is... who can help and assist @franciccio-ITALIANO to get to a state where he is able to maintain a basic ProcessWire-website? Native italian speakers (is this even the correct way to write this?) go ahead... and let us know. If there is noone who can assist... let me know @franciccio-ITALIANO... I'll put time aside to guide and assist you in some kind but in english. ;)
  18. Hui... that was a show-stopper right here... while I was adding more scripts to the Snippets module on my personal site. Got this error message: Darn… Fatal Error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function has() on string in site/modules/Snippets/Snippets.module.php:85 #0 wire/core/Wire.php (420): Snippets->___isApplicable() #1 wire/core/WireHooks.php (951): Wire->_callMethod() #2 wire/core/Wire.php (485): WireHooks->runHooks() #3 site/modules/Snippets/Snippets.module.php(50): Wire->__call() #4 wire/core/Wire.php (417): Snippets->hookPageRender() #5 wire/core/WireHooks.php (1062): Wire->_callMethod() #6 wire/core/Wire.php (485): WireHooks->runHooks() #7 wire/modules/Process/ProcessPageView.module (225): Wire->__call() #8 /wire/modules/Process/Proc (line 85 of site/modules/Snippets/Snippets.module.php) This error message was shown because: you are logged in as a Superuser. Error has been logged. While adding a simple JSON-LD to the homepage (ID 1) from within the selection tool. Fixed it for the moment by deleting the module, its database table and cleaning everything up with the Missing module dialogue within ProcessWire. Reinstalled the module afterwards and tried another single page... no luck. Still the same error.
  19. That sounds perfectly fine to me. Thanks Teppo!
  20. I'd totally love that! HANNA is almost everywhere I go... so in my case that would be a perfect match. And therefore I'd support that thought. I'd be perfectly fine with those solutions as they are PW-native of some kind - at least in my setups. But sure... I'm open to other and even better options and solutions.
  21. I just want to confirm that this module is awesome! And it does exactly what I needed. I was able to move quite a few things from my templates into this module and even added this to a live-project today in order to be able to maintain JSON-LD/schema.org snippets much easier. To be fair... you need most of the data in your pages and have to have quite a good structure to use the selector option in the module settings and such but... it works perfectly fine. A quick outlook to those that want to play with this module: If you need a special order for your snippets to load, you can tweak and change this with the snippet names. AAA renders before DDD and don't use numbers as 110 comes before 90. A name change later on won't help. ;) So just in case you have different JS/CSS before </head> or something similar. @teppo is there something on the way or planned in regards of PHP code within those snippets (if/else, ...) or to support variables from within _init.php and such?
  22. Woah... that's a nice find here. I planned building exactly that tomorrow (but way more primitive than this) for a project.
  23. Just in case... add this: https://processwire-recipes.com/recipes/logging-outgoing-emails/ to your setup and you will see each and every mail in the logs. Should only be used in DEV environments... privacy and such... you know.
  24. Hey @MattCeb, welcome on board. As you describe it there shouldn't be any problem so far. There is one thing... the cache. So you might want to try to delete the cache within ProcessWire, your browser and even all your cookies. Another thing could be a missing opening/closing body or html tag. But in that case it wouldn't have worked any time so I think that shouldn't be the case. Another thing... the ProcessWire CookieManagementBanner is a super valid solution for everyone that wants full control about everything but there is another great module called PrivacyWire by @joshua which in some cases might be even better as you built-in support for much more.
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