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Everything posted by elabx

  1. You can use AdminOnSteroids to enable this on the text fields you need them, it's super handy, no need to install justify plugin or configure each field!
  2. And some background on why you built this would be really interesting too! Looks great!
  3. @LuisM wow great breakdown! thanks for all this info!
  4. Maybe using a PageTable field to edit child pages right there on the field?
  5. I've used this library with success to import products or update them regularly like on a cron job: https://github.com/donutdan4114/shopify Takes care of rate throttling too which is nice!
  6. https://maquiladorademuebles.com/ Here I did a very rough integration of the Shopify Js SDK with ProcessWire, so that I could add more specific things to each product, when I talked to the client it was more important to have the potential to have more flexibility when uploading the product's content so we went this way of using Shopify inside PW. My first mistake was rolling my own Js integration when I could have just used the Buy Button SDK (instead I used the Js SDK with Vue). Second mistake. One thing I didn't anticipate that turned into a mess: discounts. I had to setup fields in Pw where I had to set the discounts (after setting them up on shopify), so a lot of double data entry on some cases. I've done also things the other way around, setting up ProcessWire as an application that launches within Shopify, so that I could use PW pages as extra content management for Shopify product pages. (very complex product descriptions) unfortunately the project I did this for never launched. Agree with @Pixrael the Shopify API is really easy to work with.
  7. It's not built out of the box, but you could easily build a Process module, and render the forms you need using the formbuilder API you'd normally use on the frontend.
  8. Been using Sizzy for a while and things I really like are: Screenshots, I work remote so it's a time saver to show clients a preview You can actually inspect every one of the screens and debug! Things I don't like: A lot of RAM needed.
  9. By any chance, does your POST endpoint end in "/"? If not, try that. It has happened to me on the frontend that POST doesn't work without the ending slash.
  10. elabx


    I feel I'm going to go crazy in containment in my no balcony flat. On the other hand, I feel profoundly thankful for my working conditions because I have a lot of friends loosing their jobs or freelance income since last week and s**t hasn't even hit the whole fan here in México. Stay safe everyone! Best of luck!
  11. If using flexbox you could use the order property to change the order of the columns, I normally add a class to a parent div that wraps both columns. foreach($page->repeater as $i => $item){ //Going to offset the count starting from 1 instead of 0 so I can use modulo operator $i = $i + 1; $class = ""; // If the count is even, such as 2,4,6, etc. if($i%2 == 0){ $class = "invert-order"; } echo "<div class='row {$class}'>"; //output the columns here echo "..."; echo "</div>"; } You should end up with something like this: https://codepen.io/elabx/pen/RwPMaym
  12. Don't know if overkill but you could also a hook on getSelectable()
  13. I like UIKit because it just has all the js thingies bloat that 90% of clients/agencies always want on their sites: slider, slideshow, cover images with <img>, vieport height utilities, etc. What I don't like in the most recent version is that I can't apparently leave out the Js of components I am not using. I've also become very keen on using it with the Less PHP compiler to quickly make edits to the core components (and actually cherry pick the css I want to include, unlike the js) I've recently used bootstrap on some projects and REALLY like their utilities for padding margins and them being also responsive which is where they have a big upper hand to UIkit I feel.
  14. Because I just didn't know you could to that ? Just went through the docs and seems pretty straightforward to do it. Thanks!
  15. Hi! I have a site that uses a lot of disk space but not so much resources in terms of ram and CPU, I've been wondering if it's possible to change the path where the files are saved? So for example, I'd be able to use Digital Ocean's block storage service which enables more space in another volume.
  16. Hi @Jens Martsch - dotnetic Almost a year later and still in the same situation, @joshuag jumped ship on this project and I'm full of client work ?. I know it looks awesome but I it's still far from being good enough for release ? I seriously get the impostor syndrom when I see all the awesome users we all know, releasing amazing modules every now and then with such amazing quality, how do you guys do it?! Need to level up ?
  17. Hi everyone! I need to output different links for A/B testing of two booking engines on a website so I'd like to accomplish is to show each on 50% of the visits, is this reasoning correct? (Those will be measured by a third party js) has anyone does this? Is there a preferred PHP library I should use to accomplish this?
  18. FormBuilder includes an interface to setup forms, view form entries and define several actions to handle forms such as emails, save to pages and convenient hooks for any other kind of action you might want to perform. FormBuilder most likely builds upon the InputfieldForm API to do its validation/processing (though this is just an assumption on my part)
  19. So I'm the looser coding my hook on every site ?
  20. Hi @saschapi! I'm not aware of a module that enables this along with lazyCron but you could try placing something like this under site/ready.php $wire->addHook('LazyCron::everyDay', function($e){ $posts = $this->pages->find('status=unpublished, template=post'); foreach($posts as $post){ if($post->schedule_publish_date <= time()){ $post->of(false); $post->status([]); $post->save(); } } }); The page template you want to publish, would have a schedule_publish_date field, where you can set a publish date and time.
  21. We can't believe it either ?
  22. I'll join the "bliss train" have also updated sites running for years on old versions with no issues, I hope this thread gets mentioned in the ProcessWire weekly haha, people really need to know it's possible to live without waiting for your the site to break.
  23. I've seen there are some issues with MySQL 8, be aware of that: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/973
  24. This had happened to me once when I had set pw's .htaccess to automatically redirect to "www", then I had to update the origin domain name on AWS to "www.domain.com".
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