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Everything posted by rick

  1. In addition to a server's basic specs, another consideration is bandwidth/memory surges. Does your hosting company limit you to only x-GB per month (without burst) or do they offer bursting coverage as well? That price seems a little high to me regardless, ie, You can co-lo for that price. Also, (and I know you are aware of this) the way the code (and queries) is written can play a big part in memory usage. On a related note, I have a co-lo machine that is a dinosaur compared to today's systems -- It has 256M or ram, single processor, and runs all the pre-processwire applications I have written (hundreds of user connections) without a single hiccup. The code written utilizing ProcessWire can be done inefficiently, for example, using $page->find when $pages->count is the more efficient call.
  2. The answer is; It depends. ProcessWire permissions are Field/Template specific. Out of the box, you can define which roles/permissions apply to any field or template (see Access tab). When you create a field and assign it to a template, its 'data' is subject to the access control you defined, or it's parent, if none is defined. Ryan wrote another module to expand on this functionality here. Also, you can test the author id of a page whether it matches the current user in order to limit access. The thing I have learned in my short time working with ProcessWire is that there are many ways to accomplish what you want. But that is the second edge of that sword in trying to decide the best approach for your needs. So the bottom line is, if you want some data to be restricted, then you restrict access. That isn't meant to be a flippant answer, rather to show that you can make things as simple or complex as needed. ProcessWire doesn't limit you. BTW, welcome to the forums!
  3. Hello all, I am evaluating phpstorm and would welcome any comments from those of you that use it. Here is screen shot of a namespace test. Ex 1 shows undefined variables, user, session, and pages. No autocomplete is available. Ex 2 shows undefined functions, isLoggedin and redirect. No autocomplete for methods is available. Ex 3 shows a correct validation and autocomplete is available. I am not sure how to configure phpstorm so that I write as shown in ex 1 and have it validate as in ex 3. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  4. I use this format: If form submitted { if CSRF is valid { // process form data } else { session redirect 401 } } // render form The reason I use this order is, First, I make sure the form was submitted. If it was not, then render the form. Second, I validate CSRF. If it passes, then process form data. // No sense processing form data if invalid. Lastly, if CSRF fails, I redirect to 401.
  5. I'll assume those are two separate code snippets... In the second snippet, you are assigning the page array to $events, but you are referencing $single from your first snippet. Also, these lines '<span class="day">{echo strftime("%d", strtotime($single->Start_date))}</span>' should not have {echo. I believe you use {} to enclose echo'd variables, and not functions. <-- Don't quote me on that. There is also a mix of shorthand (<?=) and regular (<?php echo). I would use one style everywhere to make it easier to read.
  6. Having such information presented publicly is a great idea to help promote ProcessWire. Thanks to @benbyf for taking the initiative. The newspaper writing style certainly helps with content such as this. My only concern with this article is the wording. This is meant only as constructive criticism. #1 The way it is written, it implies that for some unknown reason ProcessWire (not the user) had created an arbitrary number of images within a page, and now you may want to remove them. To a new user, or prospective user, it implies they will have maintenance issues when working with ProcessWire. We know this is not the case. This tip's opening sentence might be more accurately written like so, 1. Bulk Delete Images in Admin As you create your site content, you may have added any number of images to a particular page that are no longer wanted. Should you want to get rid of them... #2 This one really sticks out. The means by which a user gets 'locked out' is due to either pilot error, or an interruption in a critical process, and rarely due to some internal malfunction. It might be better to have written it like so, 2. Regain Entry to Backend For those times where you may have forgotten your administrative password, or if a poor network connection caused a critical process (like a site migration) to fail, you can reset the administrative password using this simple trick... #3 Specifying a heading "Upgrade ProcessWire" and immediately opening with "Upgrading is a chore..." doesn't give a good first impression. While that statement is technically accurate, it might be better to lead with how simple the ProcessWire upgrade procedure is in relation to the complexity found with other platforms (without naming names). /$0.02 Like I said, these are simply my comments meant as constructive criticism for future articles. Giving a good first impression is critical to our growth. I know there is no style guide associated with ProcessWire-related articles, so it might be a good idea for anyone wanting to write such articles in the future to ask a staff member to proof read it before publication for things like grammar, inflection, conveyance, etc. And again, thanks to benbyf for making this contribution!
  7. Hi @franciccio-ITALIANO, If your database was deleted for some reason, then ProcessWire will have no internal data (created during install) in which to reference. That means your admin login does not exist, nor the admin url, nor any other information. I'm afraid that you will need to re-install ProcessWire to use the new database. Since the previous database was deleted, so was the previous content, and any fields/templates/pages that existed before. The only information not specifically related to the previous database are the files in the /site/templates/ folders. You should copy those to a safe location before you re-install. I hope you are in contact with @3fingers on skype. He can help you, as he speaks Italian. I would talk with him first before you proceed with the new installation in case I have missed anything.
  8. Yes. I was thinking about the new users. We seem to be getting a few new members in the forum, which is great! I wonder how many have looked at the site without yet joining.
  9. haha. They seem to be kickin' my behind lately.
  10. Yes, that is what I thought. But it's now Tuesday.
  11. What is the time frame for the downloads page to reflect the current version? It still indicates 3.0.61 as master and dev.
  12. @heldercervantes It works as you describe when js is enabled. My bad. I don't run scripts on any site unless necessary and forgot to enable it.
  13. I changed the background color to contrast the logo and menu overlaying the page content.
  14. If I remember correctly, there were a couple of mods that weren't enabled by default in the initial apache/php install that needed to be set. I don't remember which ones specifically, so here is a listing of mine you can use to compare... access_compat.load alias.conf alias.load auth_basic.load authn_core.load authn_file.load authz_core.load authz_host.load authz_user.load autoindex.conf autoindex.load cgi.load deflate.conf deflate.load dir.conf dir.load env.load filter.load headers.load mime.conf mime.load mpm_prefork.conf mpm_prefork.load negotiation.conf negotiation.load php7.0.conf php7.0.load rewrite.load setenvif.conf setenvif.load status.conf status.load
  15. @derdogan, Welcome to the forum! I have installed ProcessWire on my Ubuntu system many times without any errors. The only thing I can see that looks odd is naming the database 'wire', since that is internal to ProcessWire. Try starting again, but with a different database name.
  16. Hi @itsberni, I apologize. I just looked at the module and there is no Bcc option. As it is, you might try appending the admin email to the To address.
  17. @itsberni, Unless I misunderstand, you should set Bcc to the admin email prior to sending. The email copy will be sent in the same language. If you want the admin to receive the email in a different language, then you will have to repeat the process a second time addressing the email only to admin, and in their language.
  18. Hi @bramwolf, That's an interesting project you have because some of the items you list are what I am currently working on. I am rebuilding my site from the ground up to accommodate some of these items, so it's appears to be duplicating your project. I don't want to hijack your thread, but I will pass along what I am going through. - The dynamic content for news articles, company profiles, and the like, is easily handled by ProcessWire. You won't have any issues there. - The way I am approaching your membership requirements is that each user must register, which grants them read-only rights to view my applications (your free membership item). Then a user may select one or more applications to subscribe, which elevates their rights to administer the selected applications (additional user licenses, subscription payments, reporting, etc.). I changed the login to use an email address rather than a user name because I don't want Peggy Sue in Ohio colliding with Peggy Sue in Florida. - There are any number of solutions available that handle advertising for web sites, such as openx, google ads, doubleclick, revive, etc. However, ad blockers can limit these. I wrote a wp plugin many years ago to handle advertising that I am now porting to ProcessWire. I'm in the deep end too considering I am learning how to incorporate some of my older code into the ProcessWire way of doing things. - Your job listing also falls under the dynamic content. - The marketing automation can be done through cookies. Tracking user interest on your client's site is simple enough by storing elements. The issue comes later when you analyze that data. Adding unique ids to targeted emails will also let you track user responses. Hope this helps, and good luck to you.
  19. Ditched windows 2000 in '04 for *nix and never looked back. Desktop is ubuntu, servers are freebsd and debian. As far as the software goes, I have only been limited to windows by certain companies that won't develop on anything but windows. Those are specific to my previous employment though, so I don't care. @SamC, Have you looked at ardour? I haven't used it in a while but does run on linux and did what I needed at the time. I also use musescore for printed versions.
  20. Hi @Salemoche, Welcome to the forum! Having a css file not load is usually due to the file not being found. I know you said you changed to a new css file and it worked until whenever. Which leads me to a bunch of questions. How do you have your frontend structured (delayed output)? Are you using auto prepend/append? Does the problem occur when you navigate to a different page? Does the problem go away when you navigate back to the page where it was working? Is there any error shown in the dev tools console? Sorry for all the questions, but there needs to be more information in order to track down the culprit.
  21. Dev tools will show you other issues that may affect what you are seeing. For example, this image shows a css file not loading, which may indicate a typo in the path. While this image shows bootstrap loaded 'after' the google font, which will overwrite the google font definition.
  22. Yes it should. You can delete the cache and ProcessWire will regenerate it.
  23. Okay, that eliminates one possible issue. Next, Have you looked at the network console (dev tools) to see if the google font is loading or gives an error? Since the font isn't appearing, it sounds like it's not loaded, so the browser reverts to its default font.
  24. Hi @SSC, Welcome aboard! I don't use it so I have to ask, Is blog-main.inc the file that contains the HTML <head> section? Try a force reload (chrome browser) or whichever browser you are using.
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