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Everything posted by rick

  1. I would say keep the interface the same as other comboboxes for consistency. Adding sub-menu options to an existing breadcrumb is in effect a combobox. So why not change the breadcrumbs to a sequence of comboboxes separating each as you would normally. The visual ques remain the same for the user. Just a thought.
  2. chrome, firefox, and vivaldi all show this.
  3. One thing I noticed while browsing this wonderful site. The header logo is cropped and the menu options move off screen when scrolling. See attached... This is the landing page. I think there could be more contrast between the colors. This is how it appears when you begin to scroll the page.
  4. I don't think <DIV> elements are valid children of <HEAD>. Element names may be the same, but IDs should be unique.
  5. Where are you saving the customer_number field value? If it is not set then you will get a default return value 0 from your selector depending on the field setting you have in place.
  6. Thank you @ryan. I appreciate the clarification.
  7. I removed the login code on the site and the 500 error is no longer present. However, the only log entries are similar to that included below. I changed the mapping of facebook picture field to pw image field in module settings. The error and exceptions logs continue showing this error... Attempting to save the user's facebook picture to an image field fails with the above error. Creating and adding a text field to the user template, and mapping the facebook picture to that field does not display an error (log in is successful), but no data is stored in the text field. There is no picture_url field as shown in the blog post., only picture is available in settings. Attempts to dump the $facebook variable to a log file or echo'd results in a 500 error. The server is running other PW (3.0.62) sites (no facebook login module) without issues. I'll get it sorted eventually. I was just curious if anyone else had experienced this problem so I can tell where i am pulling another newbie stunt.
  8. Is anyone else getting this error? This error occurs in two scenarios. 1. Currently logged into facebook. Selecting to login using facebook from web site. Immediately displays this error. 2. Not logged into facebook. Selecting to login using facebook displays the facebook login form. This error is displayed after logging into facebook.
  9. I'll test some stuff when I get home. Hopefully someone will jump in with the solution in the meantime.
  10. In browser so couldn't test. Odd that the icon would be removed too. Try it with a &nbsp; in place of the text.
  11. Since bootstrap uses the input group addon to position the icon within the container, your code is also setting the label to email, which also appears. Removing the label entry should remove the text and leave the icon. so 'item_label' => "<label class=input-group-addon>{out}</label>" should be 'item_label' => "<label class=input-group-addon></label>"
  12. It isn't part of a PageTable or AdminDataTable. The showInHeader() is part of the header of the current page. It will display like the Add New Template button on the Template page. // in process execute function: $table = $this->modules->get('MarkupAdminDataTable'); $table->setEncodeEntities(false); $table->setSortable(true); $table->setCaption('Table Caption'); $table->headerRow(['col1', 'col2', '...']); $button = $this->modules->get("InputfieldButton"); $button->showInHeader(); //$button->setSecondary(); $button->href = "{$this->page->url}something"; $button->icon = 'some_icon'; $button->value = "Add New Something"; // $table->row( array() ); // populate table rows loop return $table->render() . $button->render(); // Button is shown after table list (and in page header)
  13. Maybe I am misunderstanding. Does this not do what you need? $button = $this->modules->get("InputfieldButton"); $button->showInHeader(); //$button->setSecondary(); $button->href = "{$this->page->url}whatever"; // ??? execute whatever $button->icon = 'some_icon'; $button->value = "New Thing"; // output button render return $button->render();
  14. I'm not sure if you have seen the profile export module but it has been a great addition for me when setting up initial sites.
  15. Try this from ryan regarding tracking changes and notifications.
  16. Ah, ok. I knew strftime was locale aware, but not that it took into account the 12/24 hour format. Good to know.
  17. You can use the format "%l:%M %p" to display the time, without seconds. For example: $p = wire("pages")->get(some_id); echo strftime( "%l:%M %p",$p->getUnformatted($p->created)); returns a time like, 6:00 AM. I apologize if I am misunderstanding what you are wanting to achieve.
  18. rick

    Bulma css framework

    I agree. I come from a very old school of IBM bookmaster coding so I still prefer the simple approach.
  19. Not sure but I seem to recall reading that either debug mode or advanced mode triggered the field name display when hovering.
  20. @heldercervantes, Completely off topic. I hope that you and your family were not damaged by the recent fires. I have a friend whose family members are still hospitalized; she is recovering from smoke inhalation and the he has severe burns he received while rescuing a dog from a burning building.
  21. require "index.php"; $admin = $users->get('admin'); // or whatever your username is $admin->setAndSave('pass', 'yo123456'); $session->redirect($config->urls->admin); @jen, something else is happening that we don't know about. Do you get any error messages? 404 page? Do y'all know the admin url?
  22. Howdy @jen, and welcome to the forums. First, you can use this RESET to gain access to the admin page. Then we can proceed from there.
  23. Valid or not, it is not commonly used and is difficult to read. Nonetheless, it appears you are creating a new password object passing confirm as a parameter. Do you have the namespace set?
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