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Everything posted by rick

  1. Howdy all, I'm tryin' to wrap my head around the best way to organize a site and hope y'all can offer some clarification. I have a large number of contractors, approximately 4000. I have a large number of contractor companies, approximately 10-20. Each contractor company has a variable number of current job sites working. Each contractor company has a variable number of specialities, such as electrical, plumbing, etc. Not all apply to each company. I need some means to assign a contractor to one or more contractor companies, and to one or more job sites, and to one or more specialities. An organizational option I have thought about is as follows: Contractors -- Contractor Companies -- -- Job Sites -- -- -- Specialities So I need to dynamically create each of these pages, ie, add a new job site and assign specialities to a company, then assign one or more contractors. I am thinking of process modules to handle this procedure, then create the module interface to display results on the front end. I hope that I have explained this well as I've managed to maneuver my brain into a fog.
  2. Hi @adrian, I haven't had a bad run with Tracy at all. On the contrary, I nominate Tracy for module of the year. And you have done an excellent job of maintaining this indispensable tool. I've made the changes to the rss module. I don't see anything crop up yet. Thanks for those. Upgraded to Tracy.26 on both local installs and all is functioning well. I appreciate your time and help!
  3. Hi @adrian, I just installed the MarkupLoadRSS module and all kinds of stuff started happening with Tracy. First, I noticed that I can't place the mouse in the snippet name field. As soon as you click in the text box the cursor is immediately placed back in the console window. This is fresh PW.94 localhost install and Tracy.25 is the only other module installed. Second, I now get the following: Exception: Objects returned by MarkupLoadRSS::getIterator() must be traversable or implement interface Iterator in /var/www/tgp/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/TracyDebugger/panels/RequestInfoPanel.php:181 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/tgp/site/assets/cache/FileCompiler/site/modules/TracyDebugger/tracy-master/src/Tracy/Bar.php(159): RequestInfoPanel->getPanel() ... Lastly, I cannot scroll the results pane horizontally. There is no scroll bar. I have uninstalled the rss module, shutdown pw, and restarted... the behavior is consistent. So I am not sure whether this was present before I installed the rss module. I am not sure if this is related, but on another localhost development site (never had rss module installed), I upgraded Tracy from .23 to .25 and got this error: Failed to init module: TracyDebugger - Tracy\Debugger::dispatch() called after some output has been sent. Output started at /.../wire/core/FileCompiler.php:980 And the behavior is identical as seen with the other localhost site. Edit: Additional Info... I am not able to select any text from within the results pane. It behaves as if some selection is already in progress. When attempting to make a selection, either by mouse or keyboard, the selection starts at the very beginning of the results pane content and selects wherever the mouse or keyboard control was initiated. I have seen something like this before quite a while back. If I remember correctly it was a JS issue. I do not remember how it was resolved.
  4. Howdy @ksymmons, This is an interesting topic, and one not easily answered as there are many individual preferences. But my generalized workflow has been: Initial client contact. Needs Analysis - I have only stood face to face with a client and their support team (marketing, documentation, training, IT, SMEs, etc.) and never used email to discuss functionality, unless it is a simple question. Functional Requirements Specification - Which also includes the timeline (milestones), payment options, and my NDA. They return a signed copy along with a check, or they throw the thing away. Upon the check clearing, I begin the project. I submit for review (in person if required) at each milestone, and collect another check upon sign-off. Rinse and repeat. The product is delivered upon clearance of final payment. Now, as with most any project, there will always be feature creep that was not disclosed during the NA phase. I present an addendum to the original spec that outlines the requirements, timeline, and costs of this new mini-project. Like I said, it's mostly personal preferences. However, there are certain expectations when dealing with large clients. Face to face meetings, for example. I don't know of any company that will hand over a large check without first meeting you. The Needs Analysis phase can last from a couple of hours to a number of days, and even involve travel to other locations. The client pays for my expenses, and I spend as much time with them as necessary for us both to be satisfied. Nothing is worse than having to go back to the client and ask a question that should have been covered initially. Hope all this helps. Regarding your long questionnaire question, I never expect a client (however small) to spend time completing an online form unless that online form is part of the project.
  5. Hi @Monty, and welcome to the forum! With the blank profile, you are left to build everything you may need for your site. However, you can use the code from other profiles, such as from the site-default/templates/_main.php file to generate your menu navigation, like so: //place this code in your template where you want the menu displayed. <ul class='topnav' role='navigation'><?php // top navigation consists of homepage and its visible children foreach($homepage->and($homepage->children) as $item) { if($item->id == $page->rootParent->id) { echo "<li class='current' aria-current='true'><span class='visually-hidden'>Current page: </span>"; } else { echo "<li>"; } echo "<a href='$item->url'>$item->title</a></li>"; } ?></ul> Another option could be to use the _func.php file located in the site-default/templates folder of the processwire zip file you downloaded. This file contains a similar function to generate a navigation menu which you can call from a template. It all depends on which method (eg, Delayed Output) you are using to create your site and the structure of your pages, so this is only a general information. Is this the planets tutorial? Feel free to post your structure and someone will be able to give you more specific suggestions.
  6. It appears that it is built on PW and bootstrap. [edit] Sorry. The site itself is PW. Not sure about their app software. Although I am working on a similar type application (workflow specific) entirely within PW, I don't see any reason they would use something different.
  7. If the url (with manual query params) works when pasted into the address bar, but the exact same url (with query params) does not work when invoked through code, then I would next compare the headers. Also, have you tried url encoding/building the query string? I noticed the following in your example code: "/events?&token=" ^
  8. It was a guess, since the error points to a whole number but works when you manually enter the data. So the echo'd $result is identical to your manual entry? This is in the test environment only, correct?
  9. Maybe use double-quotes around $pageSize ?
  10. I think there should be an annual award for best module.
  11. That is exactly what @BitPoet said about the aggregate functions. I'm wondering if you can view the various PW queries via Tracy as further examples while studying. It would help to see actual data being used. Applying your instructions to actual content would help with understanding how PW works internally. For example, Seeing how PW creates queries from selectors.
  12. The author may be using a previous mysql version that did not have this option enabled by default. I was just curious because I couldn't see a instructional site/book giving you wrong information. And it doesn't matter at all whether you know what group by does. The point is that you are wanting to learn everything you can. We all can learn something new regardless of experience.
  13. From what I understand, you are attempting to group the resulting data by a column that is not unique; There are two entries of 222, which confuses mysql because it doesn't know which one to use for the group. Why are you wanting to group results of this particular query? I understand that you are learning sql, but this example isn't the best option to learn GROUP BY. [edit] @BitPoet replied. The only concern I have is disabling a warning rather than fixing an issue. I would rather use any_value(column_name) to tell mysql to pick one.
  14. Tracy is pretty powerful, and with that power comes a learning curve. I'm learning as I go and still have a long way to go. But you can't beat the convenience and ease of use (when you learn a feature) in debugging and testing code. [/offtopic]
  15. I like the site. The only thing is the contrast between the text and background, eg, the menu and related pages, is not high enough for my old eyes. Otherwise, do they deliver to Texas?
  16. Hi @Gideon So, What you ask can be done. Is it possible? Yes. What is needed? This is the kicker. Obviously it depends on your application requirements, and what you want to incorporate as 'progressive'. Take a cell phone provider application as an example. I use a top level page for the process module. Under which is a page for each cell phone provider that contains specific cell phone provider information, such as url, plan rates, etc. Under those pages are the pages for each application subscribed user that contains specific information about that user regarding that specific provider, such as password, services used, etc. Also under the process module is a history page for each user which tracks their application usage history. Cellphone Process Module - ATT -- User A Provider page - Verizon -- User A Provider page -- User B Provider page - Sprint -- User B Provider page - History -- User A History page -- User B History page This allows me to have a template for each provider, and a template for each user of that provider. Making changes to each template is relatively simple to reflect those changes in your code. I don't use cookies to track usage simply because it won't be available if the user changes devices. You could however use cookies as a temporary storage and write the data to the history page on each user selection. You can get very complicated very quickly tracking user history so I would start off simple at first. What article/image/ad was displayed at what time. Did the user click any creative? If so, at what time? Did the user page through the complete article or stop mid-way? etc. There are many utilities available to provide a smooth UI experience, but I don't use many of them simply because it is not worth the data load to me. That is entirely up to you as to how fancy looking you want to make the UI. I tend to use javascript only to ensure the user doesn't submit a form more than once, provide initial validation, etc. This is a simplistic answer, but I hope it gives you food for thought.
  17. @ryan Call your insurance agent to file a claim. Wind driven rain is covered under base policies. Make sure you photograph everything for the adjuster. Even if the initial claim doesn't cover your deductible, you can file a subsequent claim (same policy/claim number) to cover any future damage (highly likely) without incurring another deductible.
  18. This feature sounds like it would be a prime candidate to add to the admin on steroids module.
  19. rick

    Help me!

    Just an old saying, like keep it simple.
  20. rick

    Help me!

    Hi @Antonio Iorio, Regarding where to place your ads, is dependant on the ad itself. For example, a creative with wide dimensions doesn't fit in a sidebar. When I wrote the ad manager plugin fo wp many years ago, I referenced the IAB Standards for ad sizes. In your screenshot you will notice a Leaderboard 728x90 type ad. This ad is designed to display in one of three locations (I used the term zone in my plugin). This banner should be placed in the header and or footer of your page, or even between two separate sections of body content. The <script> section of your screenshot is apparently how altervista wants you to include the ads. You would simply edit your PW templates and include that script at the location you want the ad to appear. You repeat that process for all the ads you want to present. One note of caution. While ads can be a good means to generate a small income, you should use them sparingly. No user wants to weed through a bunch of ads in order to continue reading your content. So I would keep with the old axiom, less is more. I hope this helps. Let us know if you have any further questions.
  21. rick

    Help me!

    Hi Antonio, and welcome to the forum. With regard to incorporating altervista advertising, I did not see any reference (I don't speak Italian) regarding any form of advertising options for their hosted members. I did notice they have a support forum link at the bottom of the page. I would ask your advertising question there. Once you have the necessary information you can ask here how best to include that information. Regarding your css and php file changes, you usually need to clear any cached data in your browser before you see any changes.
  22. Thanks @flydev, I know this will be very helpful to others as well!
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