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Ivan Gretsky

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Everything posted by Ivan Gretsky

  1. Probably not. If you can, make a screenshot of a page where you cannot edit content. How do you know you can't edit? The textarea is inactive? You got some sort of message while saving a page?
  2. Joss, you post is like a teaser for a good case study ) Maybe you could actually deliver the latter? Of course if you've got time and motivation to do so.
  3. I am really sure that we should be able to make those E-commerce solutions in PW without the need to add some 3rd party software (exept for the payment processing). PW is the best for creating custom fields, so we know we can make the catalogue part of a store the best. Apeisa made the cart and checkout modules. We should figure out what modules have to be added and do so. I made a couple of online stores with Joomla, but cannot say I know the architechture of those type of sites well enough to coordinate a project like that. But am willing to take part at least testing. As I can see now the result of a work like that would be a site profile (pretty much like Drupal Commerce in Drupal world). If we could find a way to easilly add online store functionality to an existing site (like features in Drupal), that would be even better. I know I am probably dreaming, but isn't PW a dream come true? What do you think? Is it possible to make ProcessWire the best E-commerсe solution for ProcessWire?
  4. There is a way to add those meta fields to all templates at once, bit I couldn't add the whole group. I guess that would be a usefull thing to be able to do as metatags are usually used for all accessible pages on a site. Do you have any ideas how it can be possible? If you have time and desire to extend that very useful tutorial I would be very interested in learning ways to implement actually "Dynamic Meta Tags" (those shown here are custom, but not really dynamic). Maybe with Hanna Code or something like that. Of cource we can easily add that "dynamics" in the template, but that is not a good thing if you got someone doing SEO who is not so much into development. By "dynamic" I mean generated by template from other fields and the logic is configurable via GUI.
  5. I guess as our friends from Argentina start contributing to PW as much as those from the land of the Deutsch, they will have more chance to achieve exellence in sports as well . The game was pretty much balanced, but Germany surely deserves the victory much more looking from the "birds eyes" perspective.
  6. Actually there is a solution for working with slice_array. The thing is that $pages->get("/news/")... returns a PageArray thing, which is not a php array, but probably an object (not sure). But there is a way to get this data as a php array like this: $array=$pages->get("/news/")->getArray(); This one you can slice. And there is a native way to slice PageArray (diogo wrote about it): $pages->get("/news/")->slice($n, $limit). Read about it here.
  7. Oh thank you. As I was reading the PRG docs, i mentioned that you should redirect with 303 code. I see that $session->redirect("/some/thankyoupage/") throws a 301 code and $session->redirect($url, false) a 302. So it is not even possible to do it the recommended way. Anyway $session->redirect($url, false) seems to be the right choice according to that wikipedia page. Thank you very much for help!
  8. Actually I came from that page not knowing what to do with it ))) Would you be so kind to show how to implement that in the context of this simple form?
  9. This is a general question, but relates closely to what is covered above. I built a form the way shown above. When i submit a form i get the proper message. And then if i refresh a page a message gets sent again. I know it is because same post variables are sent and processesed while refreshing a page. Please suggest a workaround for dealing with this.
  10. Not sure this should go here. Please move the post if it shouldn't. Found a little bug in search, I think. If you type in anything in UTF (tried russian and some copypasted hebrew text) you always get all users in the ajax dropdown. If you type in anything ASCII you don't.
  11. Finally got to test it. It seems to work fine. It even adds a number to the end of the name, if a page with the same name already exists. Something that my regular PW 2.4 does not do. That makes me wonder if this module uses some standard PW method or a custom one. I quess there will be a number of similar cases with non-latin characters, so want to make this clear (but not smart enough for now to compare the code myself ).
  12. As far as i know, responsive design is now a mostly frontend thing. Processwire fields logic works only on a server side. And server does not know almost nothing about the device. So there is probably no consistent way to have specific fields for different types of devices. But you can define conditions in the front end via js or media queries to reveal different hidden parts of the page, which could be formed using "device-specific" fields. But i wouldn't do that . In case of "interchange" plugin you still have several html files which could be genrated using different PW fields, but PW still does not know nothing about the device. It is js and media queries who handle the logic. You could organise "device specific" fields via tabs in admin for better usability and thats about it. If you only need specific images served to specific screen widths or something, you could look at srcset, but browser support is still poor.
  13. I was and still am a joomla user. After trying to fix joomla with something like Seblod and reading about Drupal complexities and performance issues on shared hosting, started to look into MODx. Actually i liked it a lot (except the thing that you have to store all your templates in DB or something like that). The intro videos to MODx and documentation were quite attractive. But i never got into it too deep... I found a link to PW on AlternativeTo website, as it was something like the 4th opensource item in the list for the CMS tag. I watched Ryan's intro video and thought like "Could this really be the one?" I am still not "fully converted" to PW, but it is "the one" i wanna be "converted to". So my answer is http://alternativeto.net/tag/cms/. By the way, go there and rate PW so more of my kind could find their way.
  14. Nope. Still doesn't work. Latin titles are ok. Cyrillic titles don't work. Pages just do not get created at all. If i put a list with some latin and some cyrillic titles, only pages with latin titles get created. And a little inconsistensy, as I think. If you do not choose any of the edit modes in module preferencies, you get the module output in page setup with a blank dropdown. Maybe get some defaults or turn off the output if nothing is selected in edit modes options. But that is for when it's time to polish.
  15. Now everything is becoming clear: https://translate.google.com/#auto/en/reiska
  16. Tried it out, Soma. Import Pages from CSV files (I guess this is what you have been talking about) does the job well. To batch delete the pages I used this great ProcessBatcher module.
  17. When i create a new page the name gets transliterated from the cyrillic title. So it works in PW in general. But when i change the name and try to save with your module on only latin titles get converted to names. Cyrillic titles (i guess all UTF chars) are not converted. If i mix latin and cyrillic letters in title only latin get their way to name - all cyrillic get stripped.
  18. Cannot create child pages with cyrillic titles. Probably names are not generated through transliteration.
  19. Thank you! Both ways should work. Adrians module seems faster to use in my case as it does not require preparing csv file. But it has some complexities in working with. You cannot add a list of pages to a page which already has children with subchildren. Or maybe i am getting it wrong. I will ask in the apropriate thread, if you don't mind, Adrian. Great to have many ways to go.
  20. This module is great. And when you see something like that you start dreaming of more and more... I used Batcher to create a list of new pages. Could it be possible to import actual list of page titles (one title one line) in some textarea and get those new page inputs populated with those? We should choose a template for all those somehow too... Maybe make the "title" field in crete tab a textarea and apply all the other settings to the list (name autogenerated)? Thank you for the timesaver anyway.
  21. i was just kidding. Don't know nothing about Estonian gods. As i got it, Reiska is someone like Tim from Home Improvement in US context. Only less funny and more of a jock (if i'm using the word right). Someone who fixes things and looks good doing that.
  22. Oh, i can relate to that ) But why and how is that connection? I am pretty much sure they don't show that on TV in Atlanta.
  23. Seems like the main processwire site now uses that engine too: http://processwire.com/apigen/. Maybe old news, but i have not seen a link to that usefull resource anywhere.
  24. Couldn't find any translation for Ryan's member title. What is "Reiska"? Google shows some weird Estonian pages... I guess, it is something like "The god of all heavens" or "Megamacho" in suomi, but i would like to fully understand the title of our "beloved leader and godfather of all wires and processes" .
  25. Thanx, Adrian. I tried it out. It works perfectly with latin titles, but fails with cyrillic. Could you please check it if you have time.
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