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Ivan Gretsky

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Everything posted by Ivan Gretsky

  1. I swear I saw netcarver and horst in black masks before this topic. That's why I asked. The mystery is still unrevealed to me))
  2. I think there is a way to exclude by ip in analytics, but that won't help with mobile devices. As for me I just consider those visits a constant and do not bother about it. If you traffic is greatly influenced by those numbers, you should try hard doing your SEO .
  3. I got my own tiny plastic one always on, you see )) Don't have to draw it. Have not learnt the answer, but I guess it is something related to this one. When I grew up we did not have this capitalist plague spreading around the TV yet and our heroes were like this instead . Real heroes did not have to go under cover . Anyway, I am glad everyone considering himself a guru had a chance to play around.
  4. I probably missed something... What are those black Zorro masks on the avatars of some of the forum gurus? Is there some conspiracy going on?
  5. This is a great idea and has been popping up a few times. I thought about similar thing myself and even found it implemented. It is not quite the same as proposed by Marcus, but with the same intent - bring up all the usefull things from the depths of forum topics. I would really love to see this one get done, so I'll try to point out what I think is needed for success, and that is broad and continous participation from the expert group of this forum. I think that this can be best achieved if this functionality becomes part of the official PW site. People come and sometimes go but the collective wisdom should stay. It should be really easy to post new recipies to this "recipe-book". Maybe a good thing is to add links to the corresponding forum threads. But maybe the most important thing for it is to be used, so it won't die like wiki. I think newcommers should be encouraged through links in forum answers. The existence of this recipe-book could drastically ease the "noob-question answering process". The other things to consider: - good thought out structure - good search (if we integrate that thing into PW site it is possible to have one search box for both the forums and the recipies)
  6. Damn, I spoiled my 100th on something much less spectacular .
  7. Good to know that. I has been a while since we heard about it from Apeisa.
  8. They say this is the best one, but I am still in doubt...
  9. When I got to payment page and clicked "Pay with card using Stripe" and then closed the pop-up, previously existing "Back to cart" button disappeared. I know you don't want to lose clients, but I guess it is probably a bug . And i did not get... Are you using the current Apeisa's module or are you one of the lucky ones who are testing the new one?
  10. Could you please tell a bit about the backend part of the site. Is it custom-made or just uses default theme and modules only? How did you manage user roles and permissions, are there any workflow decisions implemented? Screenshots would be appreciated if possible. Just want to read more and more about this case from such an elegant storyteller.
  11. I think this site makes a nice use of bootstrap framework. Looks good! In the contact section everything seems to be made with FormBuilder and with its default styles. I just wanted to ask is it not that easy to apply Bootstrap styles to forms or are the defaults just better? Planning to use FormBuilder for the 1st time and am interested in opinion from someone who has been there.
  12. I have registered to Transifex and found Ryan's & Apeisa's ProcessWire project. As I can see, there is only some sample data there. Russian language has been requested but the request has not been accepted. @Ryan & @Apeisa: Could you please write about have you found transifex suitable to generate processwire-style translation files. Do you plan on using this service to maintain translations? If so, could you please import all the strings necessary or delegate this to someone from us, the community.
  13. Damn, should've known they don't call kids those simple bird names nowadays even in Ireland)) Welcome to the forums mr. Knight! Your multiple wishes are hard to address in one little topic in the Pub section. Searching for and participating in appropriate topics would be more effective and usefull to all of us. For example, there is already a topic about two column admin theme. Going there and posting something would bring it up and possibly move the discussion further.
  14. Just scale your browser down to about 800px and you'll see. The dropdown menu also gets somehow broken on this size.
  15. The site is not so fast from where I and Google PageSpeed servers are. I think it is worth spending time to make it load a bit quicker. The sidebar overlaps main content in around 800px wide. Not sure if there are many devices with that screen width, but still... Looks really good. Exellent job, ChiefPundit!
  16. That is right. This is announcements branch, not wishes. Wishes and roadmap are just around the corner. Maybe we could break this topic apart for versions for easier navigation? "ProcessWire Dev Branch 2.5" and very soon "ProcessWire Dev Branch 2.6" and so on?
  17. Thanks, Pete! That is a good explanation of what I meant under "workflow" (and the video shows really good, how it could be implemented). Surelly drafts only won't do the whole workflow job, but they could start it. Granular per field/tab permissions are another step. And just wanted to add that this feature is not only needed for larger sites, but is really usefull for all of them if you have more than one person working in the team. We have SEO person doing metatags, we have content manager posting content and project manager checking on them and aproving stuff. All 3 of them sometimes do not even know each other. Workflows can help a lot building communication. I can see drafts only helping in that direction. @-aj- We are not talking here bout a full-functional workflow module yet, but rather about necessary buildind blocks for it, which probably should be in the core.
  18. I think SiNNuT is right and it is all about workflow in the end. This is something really needed by an enterpise CMS.
  19. That is a best motivation for self-improvement ) I made links to most basic tutorials in the other topic you made.
  20. #2 is correct. You do have to create modules (additional functionality) yourself. But you do not do it from ground up. ProcessWire provides you with capability to create custom content types, which consist of fields. Those fields are accessible via API. Those two features combined make possible the creation of functionalities usually provided by third-party modules elsewhere with a couple lines of code in the template file on the fly. You could build modules with admin interface, but it is not necessary in most cases. If you never coded a line in PHP it may seem hard (though it is not), but if you have not, MODx is probably not a right choice for you anyway. Just give it a try, go through a tutorial or two and then make a decision. If you do not want to code at all, go for something like Wordpress or Joomla or any of the other million CMS' out there.
  21. In the roadmap I can see all the cool features are sponsored by someone. I just guess we could crowd-sponsor our own desires )) If it was possible to estimate, how much will it take to complete those "draft and live versions of any page" functionality, we could try to collect the money and get the common good. Just recently I took part in such an endevour related to Joomla. I can't say I got too much money to spend, but I'll surely find 5 to 10 bucks at least . It would be cool to see stated "this feature is sponsored by community". To not break Ryan's open source spirit down we could decide to sponsor definite amount of new functions per semester or so. We could also make some kind of voting on that, so we really take part in deciding, in which direction should this software develop. What do you think?
  22. Wow! PM on PW? That sounds really interesting. Could you tell a bit more about it? Maybe in another topic...
  23. I could suggest using this or this module to send mail via SMTP instead. They are very easy to use and extend WireMail class which is future-proof as it will be used in PW 2.5 core. They work only in dev version though. The links are the same as in Martijn's post, don't bother to compare ))
  24. I got all inspired yesterday and got to the source, which is quite well documented and is probably an easy reading for those capable of that (not me yet). Could not find any options which could be configured to exclude certain field from being rendered as others. I guess you have to hook to InputfieldWrapper ___render() method and do some conditional formatting there. But it is only this far I could get .
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