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Ivan Gretsky

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Everything posted by Ivan Gretsky

  1. Just guessing: the module renames only those characters it is aware of. So "未命名-1.jpg" gets renames to something like "____-1.jpg" and if there is no other files whick got renamed to same kind of nonsense name there would be no filename conflict. So you can upload "未命名-2.jpg" to the same field, but not "名未命-1.jpg". Probably there is a way to include some transliteration table/array for simlified chinese to the module, but Adrian has to step in here (as I may be wrong about all this).
  2. This is made by design to avoid problems with handling files on wide range of server OCs. At least, this is how I inderstand it. You can solve the problem by renaming files on upload with this Adrian's module. Have not tried it myself, so please report back if you choose to go this way )) Actually I would like to read more about this myself, if someone could share some links.
  3. I think you should do it like this: echo "<td>" . $page->promoting_club->title . "</td>"; or echo "<td>{$page->promoting_club->title}</td>";
  4. Found this topic and wanted to ask a few questions to revive it: The module has not been updated since version 2.2. Is it still usable? If it is shoul the compatibility be updated? What about LinkMonitor? Has it ever been released? Is there a recomended solution for moving sites from subdirectory to root (excluding search and replace in db dump)? Thank you!
  5. If you also need some nice eased scrolling from section to section it could be done with jQuery like this. Probably it is possible to open the long article page and then scroll down smoothly to the desired post.
  6. I found the answer to my question in another topic. Linking it here for seekers to come )
  7. Your link does not work for me, Peter. Could you check it out.
  8. There was a few topics about this kind of options. Not sure there ever was a conversation about flat files, but this is one about SQLite: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/858-sqlite-has-ftt-could-it-be-a-viable-alternative-database-backend-for-pw/ The answer to your question is no, it is not possible now (at least as I know it).
  9. This is a module that shall bring thou great honor, Mr. Knoll!!! How does it work? Does it create fields for those tags? I guess, you still have to insert the markup into the template files yourself? Or is it "more userfrendly" already and does everything for you?
  10. Did you do it with the new module or the old way? I guess the places that we are may seem weird to others. PW is updated from thousands of weird places all over this crazy little spinning piece of rock.
  11. http://tjmahaffey.com/blog/cron-legacy-scheduling-a-mysql-query/ is, probably, a different template, than a blog. Are URL segments on for that template too?
  12. Yes, now you have to handle the URL segments data in the template file to change what gets output. You can learn how to here.
  13. Need some more data to help you. How do you know URL segments are not working? What is you code for managing URL segments in the template file? Is there any ?
  14. Could you please explain how to embed form without the iframe (no. 3 in the list above)?
  15. Performing replacement in database dump is a working solution. But still, Is there a way to configure RTE to insert relative links instead so the replacement won't be even necessary? And make them relative to site root? I used to do it this way in Joomla, but it does not work in PW. If I manually correct the link to not start with "/" it becomes relative, but relative to the current URL, not the root. Can the desired be accomplished?
  16. This is really great. Functions like it should. If you have time for it, I could suggest a few enhancements for UI: "Cosmetic" - it is not clear how to use it, as the module does not create any menu items; maybe a menu item would be preferable - it is not clear you have to check both boxes to even get a list of images; maybe 1 checkbox (checked by default) will be enough? - i can imagine the list getting really long, so it would not be usable to see it in the message area at the top (maybe make a list below the submit button) - it could be more clear to call the "submit" button something like "clear image cashe" or "clear image variations" "Core" - in joomla and some of its plugins you could see the list of pages and/or images which would be removed while clearing the cashe and check/unckeck them - could be beneficial for this module and make use of something alike page lister - it would be great to have an opportunity to clear image variations from the page admin on per-page or (wild dreams) even per-image basis I am not expecting you to start on this right now, you already "made my day", horst. Thank you! People waited since 2011 for the solution like this, and I got it in just one night. Isn't it a miracle? P.S. I think this module should make its way to the directory.
  17. Cool! I just wanted the alike functionality for image field. In the grid view I have not found a way to trash an image. This grid should do it. Does it work with file field only or can it work with images (preferably displaying thumbnails as icons)?
  18. I am here for the same reason. I scaled my images to be 600px high, but did not know upscaling is always on. So I want to re-resize my images from the originals. Is there a wau to do it? Is there a module or some other way to clear the "image cashe"?
  19. There are really cool additions to processwire nowadays, which allow database backup and upgrades from admin. They can make upgrading even an easier process. I have to say that I had some issues with restoring the upgrades on a not so up to date MySQL server (so i decided to go with phpMyAdmin exporting for now). Have not tried the "core update" module, but the video looks really promising.
  20. That looks cool, but I have no idea, what it means. If you could expand a bit about what SNI means for us, sitebuilders, and why is it used in China and Iran, it would be educational. I am really sorry for not knowing a thing about it .
  21. I did not get into all this, but maybe: $myfile = $page->documents->get("name={$myfile}"); But why not limit "Maximum files allowed" and output it like this: <?php if($page->documents) { echo $page->documents->url; } ?> If you plan to have multiple files uploads, you should leave "Maximum files allowed" option as it is and do foreach.
  22. Ivan Gretsky


    Check out these: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/407-processing-contact-forms/?hl=%252Bcreate+%252Bsimple+%252Bcontact+%252Bform#entry3208 https://processwire.com/talk/topic/2089-create-simple-forms-using-api/ http://modules.processwire.com/modules/form-builder/ And try to search the forum before you ask .
  23. +1 for making it configurable. I personally feel better if not "1" but "-1", "-001" or even "-{$page->id}" gets added. Same for the 1 step page adding functionality. I think it worth putting into roadmap.
  24. Ivan Gretsky


    Good day Frank! I think that there are not enough non-English resources about Processwire on the web. This forum is the best place to start and ask questions. And it is in English, as you see. But I think it is worth your time to learn more English and more Processwire, because it seems like modern web technologies just cannot be mastered without those two )) If you need a mentor or some other help in your native language and you are ready to pay for them, you could ask for it in this forum branch. But you always will get the best help in the whole wide Internet for free right here. Just ask substantial questions in the appropriate topics. Welcome! P.S. Try this online translation service.
  25. I am not an expert either, but you can try this solution from clever people at stackoverflow. In short, "try as the server name instead of localhost".
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