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Ivan Gretsky

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Everything posted by Ivan Gretsky

  1. 3) I am testing on Firefox with ctrl+shift+m adaptive design check. It never stops loadind. It does load in chrome with mobile view. Have not tested on real mobile devices, so might be something with the browser. 4) On mobile the white background is do narrow it is hard to read the text. Maybe it is not so important.
  2. Nice one. Will check out scrollr - somehow it escaped my attention. 1) It seem like too much scrolling - my finger gets tired) Maybe it should change a bit faster. Especially the bearded businessman part. More dynamic. 2) The arrow in a circle on first screen looks like it has to be clickable, but it's not. 3) Do not know why, bit sometimes the site load as it should, but sometimes that icon jyst keeps on spinning. 4) It seems like you should check it on lowert screens. Not everything is perfect.
  3. For now I can think of making a folder titled as site name or something, name modules with site prefix and put them in there. Maybe it is usefull to make some common modules like executeOnProcessSave.module and put all the logic for manipulating data on saving pages.
  4. Thank you for sharing! I did not read to the end and dug into the source code to spot those js plugins. Came back to reading - and here they are - listed and explained. Always nice to find out some working solutions (although most of them are paid). Always interested in your posts as they uncover some usefull frontend techniques. Please share your experiense when you're done with integrating gulp workflow. The only flaw of the site is that it loads forever from 2mbit/s in Russian backwoods where I am at, but I am not target audience anyway .
  5. As multilangual support is not on by default, you have to turn it on by yourself: http://processwire.com/api/multi-language-support/multi-language-urls/. Probably the 1st time you installed PW with multilangual profile, where corresponding module is preinstalled.
  6. Looks awesome, blad! Video is worth a thousand words. I hope you'll have time to make a detailed video of backend.
  7. I was looking for a way to organize service modules for a site and found this topic. As my question is a bit broader, I decided to start this new one in General Support. How do you organize module files in your module folder? Sometimes I get quite a few similar one-purpose modules which I will never re-use. It feels wrong having separate folder for each one (and even having them listed on the module page) as they just change title on save or something like that. Do you group similar functions in one module? Do you batch install them somehow with a master module?
  8. I am no expert in htaccess commands so won't help you out with this. But I can't see why those redirect modules do not fit. They return 301 http status codes as far as I remember - you can check yourself with something like this. I still vote for going "the module way" here.
  9. Not really. It is much faster on production, I get 340 ms for the same page on a shared linux hosting. As for me, I always get better results going live. Probably because the server is optimised for that exact task. Most of the time is spent building a page (which is faster on server), not transpoting it here and there. I just checked it in the dev tools - you can get those details)
  10. I don't think those 2 seconds are that much. I am getting something similar on xampp on windows. But I am not sure what numbers should be there.
  11. I think it is much easier to manage this kind of redirects with modules rather than manually in htaccess. Check those out: http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-jumplinks/ http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-redirects/ Sorry for not answering your question directly, but I am really sure it is a better way (as you do not have to care about manually upgrading htaccess while upgrading Processwire).
  12. This issue still exists on (at least my) linux servers. If a file to upload does not contain any latin characters, you get the "Unable to move uploaded file to: ..." error. If a file name has at least any latin character, the upload works. On windows everything works fine. Can we do something about it?
  13. I did try deleting it anyway and it started to work again! So if nothing helps try this brutal solution))
  14. I have got only LazyCron.cache but not LazyCronLock.cache. In there I see some timesatmps, latest of which is of yesterday, though I certainly tried to make it work today. Is there a way to restart that lazy cron job? Should I just delete that LazyCron.cache file? Could it be that this module can only properly function on a live server but not on localhost?
  15. I am not sure, but it seems like I am having a similar problem. I think I did get a autoload module to hook Lazy Cron, but then it stopped working. I did mess around the system time a bit while testing - changed dates. Maybe this caused it to stop functioning? Could you please suggest how I can properly test it out? I am still not quite sure if Lazy Cron is not working or I screwed up my module.
  16. I think Hanna Code module is what solves your need. But in the example you provided you should rather adit the template file for the page and put there something like this. I think you should start with some basic tutorial and you'll figure out everything pretty soon.
  17. Sorry if this is answered elsewhere, but I found only this old topic, so bringind it up) Is there a way to populate value of a field based on the value of the other field or fields instantly without page save? I see two ways: ajax and js. Well, I am pretty sure there is, as I've seen Adrians's modules working. What I am looking for is some instructions, examples or (hopefully) a module with only options to chose) My need is to calculate the end of a subscription based on a start date and the duration of a chosen option.
  18. I found this topic. Looks related and Ryan answers... I thought there was a module to manage assets the way you described, but could not find it. Maybe I was just dreaming)
  19. @justb3a: I am still a little confised about the connection between the inputfields in thr template and in the config. I do not know why but I thought that I can simply add fields in the config (separated by commas) and the will get rendered in the template. But it does not work this way in my case. Could you please explain that a bit.
  20. Thank you Mike! That did the trick. But that is surely not the most convinient way to install a module)
  21. Ever since I learned about drush I knew PW could benefit greatly from similar tool. Great job, Marcus! Those "with dashes in-between" comands look a little weird for a cli interface. I saw you can easilly add aliases for commands, so maybe cr showd be included as a third one (as it is quicker to type)? Drush commands comprise of an object being manipulated followed by a "manipulation type". Not saying it is the right way to go, but it is better to choose some naming pattern explicitly. Wireshell is a bit long too... Why not add an alias like ''wish" (for WIre SHell). It sounds magical, and isn't PW a wish come true?! Thank you for developing this! P.S. It kind of bugs me a little that this cli tool is written with symphony, not with PW itself. I am not even close to being able to argue here, but can it even be done?
  22. Good day! This module is so promising, but I just cannot manage to install it. I upload it like other modules with classname, install with no error massages. Then inlude the $modules->get('SimpleContactForm')->render(); code in my contacts template and get the "Error: Exception: No Template was found." error as an administrator. The template was not created. I did set site/templates to 777 (tried it on local Windows and on remote Linux server). What am I doing wrong? Are there supposed to be errors when the template cannot be created?
  23. Thank you! I want to encourage you to keep on going with those super usefull modules you always come up with. I do not vote for your modules every time I download them just to keep my ip from being banned.
  24. Did not help. I actually use this device quite often and had no problems earlier. About a week ago there were some serious problems with ssl certificate - I could not even reach the site from desktop too. So I guess this is aftermath.
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