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Ivan Gretsky

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Everything posted by Ivan Gretsky

  1. PHP is default on most shared hosting servers nowadays. It is much easier and cheeper to get a site running than with NodeJS, for example. So it seems like a better choice for SMB and therefore developers that just start their career as freelancers.
  2. I would agree with #4. It would be really usefull to have all the valuable forum answeres structured somehow and easy to search. Tutorials are great but they tend to cover basic questions and are not structured in any order. Wiki could be the place, but it does not seem to evolve. Cheatsheet is api reference, a more low-level stuff. We should produce a nice learning curve for the newcomers, so after the 30 minutes with PW they still would learn only a bit, but not turn away. Rather the should find a shining perspective in front of them . I thought about managing some sort of a forum guide (actually started it for myself following valuable topics) which could be a forum topic of it's own, a wiki page or a page in the DOCs section. Those, who are only on the stage of combining plugins will never switch to PW. But those, who understand the need for a customizible solution could have used some kind of a manual or guide.
  3. I got download buttons in the API section not showing right in Firefox. Chrome and IE got them right. Please check if it is not my browser cache or something.
  4. I have not found any topic to report issues on the processwire site and forum and/or make suggestions about them, so I made this one. If such a topic or branch already exists, it should be there. On PW site there is now Docs menu item instead of the API (as it used to be). But on the forum it is still API. They even lead to different pages. I guess this should be fixed.
  5. Yep, this one looks great and more detailes would be appreciated. Maybe a little case study?
  6. How about this? Starter - $page Newbie - $page->name Jr Member - $pages-get("postCount > 10") Full Member - $config->urls->root sr Member - $config->urls->core Hero Members - $page->created <= 1292025599
  7. Actially I figured most of it out before starting this topic. So it is my +2 for now to become Senior . The thing I could not get is Destinguished (@diogo: I got profields, but it's not enough). But most of all I am intrigued by the newly formed pw-moderators group (which got more modest blue font since the middle of this conversation). It seems that community gets more organized. There are some improvements on the PW site (the news on the frontpage, the tutorials) also. So It will be really interesting to find out about it. A couple of times I reported spam on the forum. Maybe now you should just PM mr. Joss the Graduate?
  8. All the cool kids got the new badges. Personally I feel kinda motivated to progress through the ladder of those member titles and groups. At least, sometimes I look at those little info blocks under the avatar pictures and compare the contribution made by the post author to the good of all PW community to my own negligible achievements. This gamification is there in place for a reason )) So please could someone open the rules of the game! What should you do to become "Distinguished" and so on. What groups are there? And is there anything beyound the 33 degree?
  9. I was thinking about starting an e-commerse skeleton profile myself, but I am really happy someone with more experience is already doing the job so expected and timely! If there is a way to take part in this great endeavour (like testing or just pushing that "like this" button) please let us know.
  10. Couln't we get those dimensions from the image-file itself? After loading? I guess getting those from the attributes is not even reliable. And what is that nosize variable doing there? It is populated from "data-nosize" attribute which we should somehow be able to set... I am not so good at this yet to figure this out, but it seems like this can and should be done here, not via the module. But diogo is surely "the man" that moves PW to be more responsive-ready. Did not see Soma's reply. Нe is "the other man" .
  11. Maybe they just hacked your site but not domain? Ping the url and see, where this page lives. Maybe it is on your server.
  12. Nailed it! It is not in the TinyMCE but in the pwimage plugin to it (in the PW core - editor_plugin.js). You can comment out 2 strings and it will work like you want it. There is even a check on some flag "nosize" which should do the work without a hack. I just can't find a place to define it in the admin. (something else is going on here). I guess, we could ask to add an option to leave widths but no heights to the images inserted in TInyMCE fields.
  13. In TinyMCE 4 you can just add image_dimensions: false and it will solve the issue. Just tried it out on 3.5.11 and it does not seem to work, so the module is a solution until version 4+ of MCE will be integrated into PW. Did not try on CKEditor - maybe it has it already.
  14. Was thinking about the possible implementations of this outside your KB site profile... Could it be used in online-stores for something like "wishlist" or "to see later"?
  15. @kongondo But not everyone will be here long enough to find that out. I never went to joomla forums doing sites with it. When I first came to PW site, I was not even sure it is alive. But I think it is our common interest to make PW more widely known. And placing that profile in the directory can help that just a little bit
  16. @marcus: I think profiles can really push PW forward. For the developers starting their way with the CMS (like me) it is a good way to learn by reading someone else's code. For the non-coders it is certainly easier to start with a profile. I found out about this one only due to Teppo's flamingruby blog, while having visited site profiles page several times. If it is not as polished as it could be, you can mark it as "early beta" (but as everything good in modules directory seems to be in beta it probably won't stop anyone) . I think some communities shall grow around those profiles. Reading that PW vs WP article I started thinking that Processwire is the tool for building Wordpress-like systems (and Ryan's blog profile is the proof to that). But not only Wordpress-like. We should have both examples of the capability of PW and easy to use systems (read "profiles") build on it. Your profile is both. If I got it right you used Pure css framework, which is not demonstrated in other profiles. So only that is worth looking at.
  17. Could not find this profile in the modules directory. Please do post there, because it is worth sharing for sure!
  18. Maybe a bit late but check out this wonderfull piece of code by Nico.
  19. Only while reading comments to that article I suddenly saw that PW is a mirrored WP. This is probably by Ryan's design and quite telling - we go somewhat the opposite direction. WP is less knowledge required but less flexibility and PW is more of those.
  20. Not quite sure if I am getting it right, but hooks seem to cover most of the use cases for that in PW. While working with Joomla though this vQMod seemed a way to go as there was no easy way to override models and controllers. But maybe I am just not there with PW yet as I have not needed to override core files.
  21. @landitus Ryan's module is not so cheap. Maybe it is not such a bad idea to actually make a module like that (maybe not as complicated as Ryan's). I can see using it in many places but can't see myself paying $50 for that (i guess same numbers look different from different parts of the globe). It is always good to have a free alternative. I was thinking about a site profile using "liking and starring" functionality. And there is no way to include a paid module in site profile.
  22. Joss' advices can be easier to implement if you do not care about users with no javascript. If you do, you should try doing it with media queries alone as proposed in my posts above. Though polyfills for those media queries are still js .
  23. There are some new ways to do it. They may not be so good for old browsers though.
  24. You should serve different images on smaller screens. It is even much more important performancewise. This should be accomplished via html/css. Look here to compare options. Processwire can help you prepare different sizes for an image. Look for "resizing images" here.
  25. I believe it will. At least it says so here. And just to be sure, check here too.
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