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Ivan Gretsky

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Everything posted by Ivan Gretsky

  1. When i create a new page the name gets transliterated from the cyrillic title. So it works in PW in general. But when i change the name and try to save with your module on only latin titles get converted to names. Cyrillic titles (i guess all UTF chars) are not converted. If i mix latin and cyrillic letters in title only latin get their way to name - all cyrillic get stripped.
  2. Cannot create child pages with cyrillic titles. Probably names are not generated through transliteration.
  3. Thank you! Both ways should work. Adrians module seems faster to use in my case as it does not require preparing csv file. But it has some complexities in working with. You cannot add a list of pages to a page which already has children with subchildren. Or maybe i am getting it wrong. I will ask in the apropriate thread, if you don't mind, Adrian. Great to have many ways to go.
  4. This module is great. And when you see something like that you start dreaming of more and more... I used Batcher to create a list of new pages. Could it be possible to import actual list of page titles (one title one line) in some textarea and get those new page inputs populated with those? We should choose a template for all those somehow too... Maybe make the "title" field in crete tab a textarea and apply all the other settings to the list (name autogenerated)? Thank you for the timesaver anyway.
  5. i was just kidding. Don't know nothing about Estonian gods. As i got it, Reiska is someone like Tim from Home Improvement in US context. Only less funny and more of a jock (if i'm using the word right). Someone who fixes things and looks good doing that.
  6. Oh, i can relate to that ) But why and how is that connection? I am pretty much sure they don't show that on TV in Atlanta.
  7. Seems like the main processwire site now uses that engine too: http://processwire.com/apigen/. Maybe old news, but i have not seen a link to that usefull resource anywhere.
  8. Couldn't find any translation for Ryan's member title. What is "Reiska"? Google shows some weird Estonian pages... I guess, it is something like "The god of all heavens" or "Megamacho" in suomi, but i would like to fully understand the title of our "beloved leader and godfather of all wires and processes" .
  9. Thanx, Adrian. I tried it out. It works perfectly with latin titles, but fails with cyrillic. Could you please check it if you have time.
  10. Thank you Soma, It worked like a charm. Now i am trying to understand how ) I want to add these classes just because i am trying to follow some css recomendations like SMACSS, OOCSS and BOM. They suggest not making those nested css rules, at least not making them too deep. If one uses ""ul ul ul" type of rules, he has to redefine each next level. So if not putting special classes in ul tags i would have went with "ul > li > ul" rules instead. Anyway, level placeholder could be used frequently. Of course i really suggest adding it to the core as i need it, but it is because i need it of course ) By the way, i couldn't find any documentation on those template strings and placeholders, which could be used in them. Please lead me to the light if you will.
  11. Thank you! Two pieces of code is much more than i could expect. I will try them out. I am aware of the importance of consistent urls. I want to use that function mostly while developing. The pages get renamed and i want urls to change accordingly. Simply renaming default "about" page requires that.
  12. I also have a need to shange the name after the page is saved. For me it is because i need to re-transliterate titles from russian language. I am coming from using Joomla. In that CMS you could delete the old alias (name in PW) and save the page. Then the alias would regenerated from the title field. In PW admin interfase if you delete the old name field you just cannot save the page. Is there an easy solution? Maybe a module adding a "regenerate from title" capability? It is a little thing but it annoys me, because i can't just type in a name like all you latin-writing people.
  13. Good day! Could you please suggest how to implement a structure like this: <ul class="nav-level1"> <li> <ul class="nav-level2"> <li> <ul class="nav-level3"> </ul> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> I guess the option should be something like: 'inner_tpl' => '<ul class="nav-level{ }">||</ul>'
  14. Testing this bugfix on XAMPP on Windows 8. The 1st level menu gets translated, but not the 2nd. Can we do something with it?
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