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Everything posted by clsource

  1. Hello and welcome to the forums. You arrived at the right place we are a friendly community happy to help newcomers. About your question: Yes, but as the agency said. It should be configured to do so. Wordpress does not have this functionality either. every wordpress theme comes with their own settings and options. So the agency programmed your site but it didn't program Processwire to include such settings. Maybe wasn't in the original specs. As you mention that you know html and css it seems that you have all the required knowledge to integrate this feature in your site. Just go to the templates folder and take a look for the files. You will encounter many files with html in them. One of them will have the <head></head> tags and you could change the fonts easily
  2. I use VS Code often, but PHP support is far from good compared to other editors like Sublime Text. VS Code is great for Javascript though.
  3. Thanks for your reply As a matter of fact. I was tasked in creating a form heavy application. I started using NativeScript but the designers abused the combo box (html select option) in the desings. Because picker views (combo box) were huge in the native implementation compared to the web versions, the UX should be redesigned from scratch (there were so many inputs in the form that a single screen should be separated in 5 or more just to be more simple to use). So because time and money constraints the solution was: throw away Nativescript and just use a web view with onsen framework. Onsen, Nativescript, Jasonette or React Native are wonderful tools for making Apps with Javascript. It's important to know the limitations and capabilities of each tool and select the right one for the job at hand.
  4. NativeScript is great too. But keep in mind that if you need an app that is form heavy (like many apps for enterprises) just using html forms maybe the best choice. The problem with NativeScript and other "Native" frameworks is the UX needs to be tailored for native style apps. If you only have developers and designers experienced in the web UX you will have troubles adapting the web UX to the native UX.
  5. Hello, I just want to point out this framework for making html apps https://onsen.io/ it's compatible with jquery, angular, vue, react or any other js framework. So far I made an app using this and bootstrap with https://propeller.in/ for the desing and some libs like jquery and lodash for the app logic I prefer this to other alternatives like ionic since it does not bound you to angular or react. Cheers
  6. Awesome job!. Seems this could become very handy when making projects for clients.
  7. Maybe this could be used too http://modules.processwire.com/modules/process-jumplinks/
  8. As a side note you could also use the PW functions wireRenderFile() or wireIncludeFile() or if you prefer objects $files->render() and $files->include() https://processwire.com/api/ref/files/render/ https://processwire.com/api/ref/files/include/
  9. I just liked the theme Thanks for your comment. Keep in mind that this is a simple setup and I think still needs polishment. It was release like a year ago and many new Processwire goodies could become handy for a blog
  10. I use Gitlab since 2014. Gitlab -> great for private repos and organizations Github -> great for open source and tools integration. Github is more known in the open source and many tools (like kanban tools or similar project management type tools) are tailored to Github. The good news is that Gitlab can easily mirror github repos in both directions https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/workflow/repository_mirroring.html
  11. Thank you teppo!. Now the app is fully working with the latest news
  12. This is a joy to read congratulations
  13. Great work!. Hope you make many sales and spread the word about professional processwire uses!. As a side note I find odd that the page selling processwire site profiles and templates is made with wordpress. http://isit.pw/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpwtemplates.de%2F%3Flang%3Den
  14. Thank you
  15. Maybe enabling test mode in the installer could bring more data https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/master/install.php
  16. Maybe is the browser thats blocking something. Have you tried using different browsers?
  17. Hello, maybe Xampp have some problems in PHP or Apache config. try using something different like http://www.wampserver.com/en/
  18. One idea that may work is having a base branch with all the customizable and not customizable templates. here you make any changes that should be propagated to the other branches. Then when you need to customize a file you simply change to the desired branch, merge the changes from the base branch and then modify any specific configuration for the file needed in the branch. See gitlab flow for more details https://docs.gitlab.com/ce/workflow/gitlab_flow.html ?
  19. Haha I mainly use them for the PW App RSS seems old, but it´s gold for a news app ? I hope @teppo could see this issue. I´m currently using a cached version of the rss. Thanks Teppo for your help! ?
  20. Ok Now iOS version is ready! https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/pw-app/id1252337641?l=es&ls=1&mt=8
  21. It seems that Weekly.pw is having troubles with rss too! :C https://weekly.pw/rss/ (is rendering with html, not xml)
  22. Maybe this can help too https://www.tawk.to/
  23. It just a generic concept approach, so instead of using the unique terminology that every cms or system uses (that is totally valid for their use case and target audience). you can explain things to clients like this and create standard meanings. If does not make sense to you it's fine. It's just another way of understanding concepts. For beginners I would recommend to understand ProcessWire core concepts the way they are by doing small projects and asking here in the forums. And then try to represent the same concepts in a more generic way like this or other form @Jonathan Lahijani provided a super awesome link http://atomicdesign.bradfrost.com/table-of-contents/ and go here for a more visual representation of the concepts http://patternlab.io/
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