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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/23/2018 in Posts

  1. Hi, based on the work of @microcipcip and @gebeer (see their posts here and here), I put together a Processwire + React boilerplate (profile). Github repo: https://github.com/lapico/process-react Cheers, K
    6 points
  2. Nothing fancy, just solid basic sites for two different companies. Both happen to work mainly in construction sector. Both sites are only in finnish, but feel free to browse around. After a decade of Joomla I'm quite taken with Processwire, although having no background in any sort of programming the dive into PHP felt akin to jumping from 10 and landing on your stomach. ;-) Site 1: http://www.lahdenrakennusurakointi.fi/ site 2: http://www.peltityo.com/ If the sites look somewhat similar, it's on purpose. Some structural pieces are being recycled to make work more efficient. Aside from Processwire we started using UIKIT and it's been a pleasant experience. Although I'd love to have automated way of using UIKIT lightbox for images added with CK editor.
    5 points
  3. I love TracyDebugger, but today I had a hard time debugging some stuff and tried XDebug to get support for breakpoints. It was a quite straightforward setup: create a file on your server and output phpinfo() Copy the content of this page to the wizard: https://xdebug.org/wizard.php DON'T follow the instructions there, it's simpler with laragon (choose your files and paths of course): Download php_xdebug-2.6.0-7.1-vc14-x86_64.dll Move the downloaded file to C:\laragon\bin\php\php-7.1.14-Win32-VC14-x64\ext Enable xdebug via laragon check if everything worked by visiting the phpinfo() page again - it should show a section about xdebug now enable validaton in vscode by adjusting the user settings: "php.validate.enable": true, "php.validate.executablePath": "C:/laragon/bin/php/php-7.1.14-Win32-VC14-x64/php.exe", "php.validate.run": "onType", install "PHP Debug" extension by Felix Becker and read the instructions enable remote debugging by xdebug by adding this to your php.ini [XDebug] xdebug.remote_enable = 1 xdebug.remote_autostart = 1 create a testfile, eg home.php and set the debug config to "PHP" add breakpoints and start debugging by pressing the green play icon reload your page in the browser and the debugger will stop on lines 2 and 3 where we set the breakpoints. open vscode (if you don't have two screens) and follow code execution step by step. There are also some videos on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=poty5nKk2m4 If XDebug slows down your server you can simple enable/disable it via laragon. This will require only two clicks and reload apache automatically
    4 points
  4. I've deleted the RockSqlFinder repo on gitlab and created a RockFinder repo. This will be the final name once I'm done with testing + writing docs. I've also added a simple tester process module to quickly inspect and test find operations: Note that this processmodule requires RockGrid which is not available for public yet, so this screenshot is just a sneak peak what will come.
    4 points
  5. Hi @adrian, I'm experiencing an issue with Tracy in AdminThemeUikit (I don't remember it happening in AdminThemeDefault) where the debug bar forgets its position between page loads. I normally keep the debug bar at bottom right, but it forgets this and jumps up to the top left (sometimes other random locations too). It seems to be related to opening a modal window, with Tracy enabled for modals. See in the screencast below how after opening and closing the modal then reloading the page Tracy is now at the top left of the screen. Hopefully not too tricky to fix. If in fact it is tricky, I wouldn't mind an option that keeps the debug bar locked in the bottom right because personally I never move it from there. Edit: it does happen in AdminThemeDefault also. Funny, because I always have Tracy enabled for modals and I don't remember this occurring before. Maybe a side-effect of a recent update to the module?
    3 points
  6. Sure, is now pending approval approved for the directory.
    3 points
  7. If anyone has strong feelings about bar / panel position, what's remembered between page loads etc, now would be a good time to chime in: https://github.com/nette/tracy/issues/289 https://github.com/nette/tracy/issues/295 https://github.com/nette/tracy/issues/294
    2 points
  8. You can use page.fieldname on the right hand side in your selector, so you need something like this: parent=/hotels/, template=hotel, hotel_country=page.destination_country, sort=title There's a discussion with a similar setup here:
    2 points
  9. same here. though I haven't noticed this issue yet.
    2 points
  10. I am right now working on a quite similar project. In my case I import from an XML that I get through an API and populate product pages, check for there status etc. I can encourage you to go on the way you started. It is all pretty straight forward and nice to handle with the PW API. Your import code looks basically fine. So you shouldn't have major problems there. I set up a process module that creates a page in the backend where admins can manually trigger imports. If you would like to go that route, there is a skeleton Hello Process module that you can use and @bernhard wrote a great article on building admin pages with process modules. I find this approach much cleaner than doing all the logic in a template file. Regarding your concerns Use lazy cron module for automation. Each time you get a new JSON, loop through it and compare it to the single-movie pages you have and act on them (modify/delete) or create new ones. You can use custom fields on the single-movie template to store that Have a look at https://github.com/webcreate/infinite-ajax-scroll You can use kongondos Blog module or at least get a lot of inspiration from it ;-)
    2 points
  11. What makes you think that this is an ongoing work? I have used the techniques outlined in that post in many occasions and it works fine, be it in the admin or even on the frontend with forms built by API. EDIT: As long as your using the default admin theme you should be fine
    2 points
  12. If the hook is removed then it will fix the issue I was seeing, because with the autocomplete attribute being on the password fields those fields aren't autofilled by Chrome. So if the extra condition you added to the JS prevents your generated password from being cleared and you can therefore remove the hook then it will be all good from my end. I guess if/when Firefox autofills the password field it doesn't affect the value attribute? I can't test it here because I can't get Firefox to autofill the password field anyway (or I just don't know what steps are required to reproduce the issue on that browser).
    2 points
  13. I guess the issue is because of how you are assigning $r. When you assign like this $r gets the value of $p->repeater but is otherwise not connected to it. The PHP manual says: So when you add an item to $r you are not adding it to $p->repeater. Does the problem resolve if you assign $r by reference? $r = &$p->repeater;
    2 points
  14. I'm using this on all new sites now.. I think it's quite stable, and maybe could be added to modules directory? thanks!
    2 points
  15. Taking a further look, I agree that wakeupValue is needed in case someone does use on the frontend, but I can't see a need for loadPageField() - so if it was limited to just wakeupValue then it would reduce processing of the code to just once.
    2 points
  16. Thanks for looking into this @Robin S - what actually caused @Torsten Baldes to make that recent change is this recent commit by Ryan: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/commit/ba21b28b4ec6cf4651a618561f8faa149497f7e4#diff-b49b5256779b14f5ffbe105307aa2be2 Everything in this module was working fine until that change in the PW core! Unfortunately I don't see Ryan removing that code because the change was to help fix a recently reported bug. Perhaps I can convince him to add an additional check though. What I have come up with that seems to work is to replace: https://github.com/processwire/processwire/blob/184059b5d66a6ed8c739594d6b51d8d11f17d62d/wire/modules/Inputfield/InputfieldPassword/InputfieldPassword.js#L175 if($(this).val().length < 1) return; with: if($(this).val().length < 1 || $(this).attr('value').length > 0) return; I am sure it's obvious, but what I am doing is checking the actual value attribute of the field at page load (rather than what is currently entered in the field). Now, if it's already populated (like Email New User does), it won't remove the password. This change means I can actually remove this hooked method entirely: https://github.com/adrianbj/EmailNewUser/blob/a93ea9d73ef523f1abd19135516edd80ac4ebf37/EmailNewUser.module#L63-L65 Would you mind checking at your end to see if everything works as expected. If it does, I'll see if I can get Ryan to make that change. @Torsten Baldes - could you please try this approach too please - I really need to revert your recent change ASAP as it's breaking things. Thanks!
    2 points
  17. Deprecation note (06/2022): This module has been deprecated in favour of a new RockForms module that does not only use NetteForms but also comes with a GUI. You can still use this module if you want, but I will not provide any fixes or updates or support! https://gitlab.com/baumrock/RockForms It uses the great NetteForms from Nette Framework (docs: https://doc.nette.org/en/2.4/forms ) Features: Client AND Server-side validation in one go (you only need to code your rules ONCE) CSRF protection (by processwire) Honepot spam protection (custom) Helper to create PW pages from submitted forms ($form->createPage($parent, $template, $title)) Add ?success=yourform tag to url ONLY after successful submission (for analytics) Recover fields after unsuccessful submission (server side validation error) Define custom actions + message on successful submission UiKit form renderer (more can be accepted by pull requests) Sample Form Setup: <?php namespace ProcessWire; $form = $modules->get('RockForms')->form; $form->addRadioList('salut', 'Anrede', ['m' => ' Herr', 'w' => ' Frau']); $form->addText('forename', 'Vorname'); $form->addText('surname', 'Nachname'); $form->addText('email', 'E-Mail-Adresse') ->setRequired('Bitte geben Sie Ihre Mailadresse an') ->addRule(Form::EMAIL) ; $form->addSubmit('submit', 'Anfrage senden'); $form->onSuccess = function($form) { $form->createPage(1017, 'mailitem', date('d.m.Y H:i:s') . ', {forename} {surname} {email}'); // send email // do whatever you want // return success message return 'thank you for your subscription'; }; echo $form->render(); For all available fields you can look here: https://doc.nette.org/en/2.4/form-fields Validation: https://doc.nette.org/en/2.4/form-validation Rendering: https://doc.nette.org/en/2.4/form-rendering More complex form example of the screencast: Module is alpha and not well tested yet. It should be save to use, but there might be breaking changes in the future. Also I'm quite sure that not all possible situations are covered. There are some switch() statements that check for the fieldtype and I only implemented the ones I needed so far. All others are easy to add - please make pull requests if you find any unsupported fields. Thank you. LIMITATIONS: Multiform support limited Changelog: 6.8.18 add multiform support 8.4.18 v2 little bugfix + load assets automatically 19.3.18 alpha release
    1 point
  18. I recently started to build Vue SPAs with ProcessWire as the backend, connected with a REST API. Thanks to code and the help of @LostKobrakai (How to use FastRoute with ProcessWire) and @clsource (REST-Helper) I got it up and running pretty quickly and now have put all of it in a site profile for others to use. It includes the REST API with routing for different endpoints, JWT Auth and a simple Vue SPA which shows the process of logging in a user (nevertheless, you don't have to use the Vue part, the API will work on it's own). Check it out here: https://github.com/thomasaull/RestApiProfile I'm pretty sure, it's not the perfect or most sophisticsted solution, but it gets the job done for me… Feedback or Improvements are very welcome Update: This site profile is a module now: https://github.com/thomasaull/RestApi
    1 point
  19. Hi, I'm sort of an intermediate beginner but already quite familiar with PW for a year or so. Now I'm trying to modify the new blog site profile which I find great and quite intuitive (thanks alot Ryan and crew!). I am seeking help for this problem: I want is to display a thumbnail image for every item of the description list navigation which is part of the basic page template, seen at the bottom of the about-page in the live demo here. The regarding function in _uikit.php is ukDescriptionListPages on Line 588 which is called with ukDescriptionListPages(page()->children) by the basic page template. here, in Line 612 in ukDescriptionListPages I inserted this (in red): $dt = "<a href='$item->url'><img src='$item->thumbnail->url'></a>"."<a href='$item->url'>$dt</a>"; (where "thumbnail" is the name of my new thumbnail field in the basic page template. I limited my thumbnail field to one single image). But this only gives me back the name of my thumbnail image file, followed by the string "->url" - but not the path to the image. How do I get the full path / url? Whats wrong with my code? I admit I do not fully understand all of the details in ukDescriptionListPages-function and the also involved ukMergeOptions. I suspect I would somehow have to iterate through the images of my thumbnail field since it potentially could contain more than one image (or at least use thumbnail->first->url which doesn't work in the above setting either), but how and where? Or do I have to add some argument when calling ukDescriptionListPages? It would be great to have a built-in "show thumbnail - yes or no"-option in ukDescriptionListPages in the future. Thanks in advance for any help! Markus
    1 point
  20. This CSS seems to be working well for me so far... #tracy-debug-bar { position:fixed !important; left:auto !important; top:auto !important; right:0 !important; bottom:0 !important; }
    1 point
  21. xdebug has always been slow (all over Google). Some things you can do Disable xdebug Profiler Disable xdebug Profiler enable trigger Disable xdebug auto trace Disable xdebug auto start (if you can) Helpful hints http://www.devinzuczek.com/anything-at-all/i-have-xdebug-and-php-is-slow/
    1 point
  22. @SamC, Moderator Note FYI, you posted 3 other copies of this thread. I am guessing you were on mobile, or your computer was a bit wonky. I've deleted the other three.
    1 point
  23. You could use array_filter to create two arrays: one with and one without release dates. Sort the first one and append the second one.
    1 point
  24. You can also add class names on the ProcessPageEditImageSelect module options, but unfortunately UiKit lightbox plugin (https://getuikit.com/docs/lightbox) needs a wrapper div , so the code should be something like: <div uk-lightbox> <a href="image.jpg" data-caption="Caption"></a> </div> @Hurme, maybe you can try creating a new module based on@Martijn Geerts's Image Interceptor for this.
    1 point
  25. Just added support for closures: This makes it very easy to use the PW api for each row but also makes it a lot more imperformant: As you can see in the SQL it is done by adding an empty column to the sql statement and then looping all rows and executing the closure. Edit: Just pushed an update that removes one unnecessary $pages->findIDs() call. Compare sort disabled with closures: 15.3ms findIDs id>0, limit=1000 15.3ms getSQL 6847.7ms executeClosures 6868.4ms getObjects Includes executeClosures 6869.7ms Overall Inputfield Render Sort enabled with closures: 15.2ms findIDs id>0, limit=1000 15.3ms getSQL 6924.6ms executeClosures 6949.9ms getObjects Includes executeClosures 6951.1ms Overall Inputfield Render Sort enabled without closures (11.400 rows): 71.9ms findIDs id>0, limit=0 71.9ms getSQL 0ms executeClosures 374.4ms getObjects Includes executeClosures 378ms Overall Inputfield Render Sort disabled without closures (11.400 rows): 74.4ms findIDs id>0, limit=0 74.5ms getSQL 0ms executeClosures 126.9ms getObjects Includes executeClosures 130.5ms Overall Inputfield Render
    1 point
  26. This thread is literally years old. See here for the options regarding disabling the session: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/multi-instance-pw3/#more-session-control
    1 point
  27. This is unfortunately a slightly different situation. Both however due to the change in the positioning of the bar's co-ordinates from bottom-right to top-left. I'll look for a fix shortly.
    1 point
  28. From the repo. Browse the repository commits and click on the commit shown in the screenshot below: That will take you to the page where you can clone/download that version.
    1 point
  29. @adrian, I have tested and cannot replicate this. I tested with both single and multi page reference fields using different inputs (Asm, Checkboxes, etc). I also tested using render via code and via wire('files')->render('some-file'). This is what I get if I put bd($page->id) at the top of renderMarkup(). 1367 is the ID of the page being edited. The pages saved in the page reference fields are not called. Edit I think there is something else going on in your install. There is nothing peculiar about the field. Apart from renderMarkup(), all the other methods are ProcessWire Field methods. Theoretically, it means if a bug exists, then all Fields should be exhibiting the same behaviour.
    1 point
  30. That screencast is with the latest version (4.10.19).
    1 point
  31. Update: I found multiple empty files in the wire folder. After i reuploaded the wire folder two days ago through the console, i didn´t check if every file was uploaded correctly. I opened the first file mentioned in the error and it was empty, so i uploaded it manually and repeated that process for 7 more files. Now everything seems to work fine. I have absolutely no idea why or how this can happen, nor the correlation to the Core Update. Seems really strange. Anyway, thank you guys for your replies!
    1 point
  32. From what I can see, the value attribute is not populated by autocomplete in any browser. Keep in mind that val() and attr('value') are very different things. Hopefully Ryan will see this: https://github.com/processwire/processwire-issues/issues/537#issuecomment-383411262 and be happy to implement.
    1 point
  33. Are you positive the &nbsp; is not actually there in the source? Not sure what tool that screenshot is from but some tools will decode HTML entities in which case &nbsp; would just display as a space between words. Also, I can see an inline color style in your screenshot - is that coming from Javascript perhaps? If so, disable all your Javascript to make sure it is not responsible for converting the &nbsp; entity.
    1 point
  34. Well, the first time you have to handle such situations is always a bit rough. Lots of trial and error, and trying to stay in sync, but also trying to get the best possible speed performance etc. From what little I could see, the JSON you get is well-structured. There are unique IDs that you could use in your import/update process. There are time-stamps for performances. So, overall you should be fine (not every SaaS who claims it has its own API is actually usable). With projects like this, it's even more important to have a solid test/dev platform. If you have a live site, and add or change features, you don't wanna do it directly first on the production site. I'm sure we'll have suggestions and tips if you run into any problems. That's the most important thing.
    1 point
  35. Hi @Bacelo, Achievable from version 0.1.5 using the getMenuItems() method (see examples here) or from version 0.1.8 using the 'disable menu items' feature. Please note that support for ProcessWire 2.x ceased with version 0.2.2. In your case, you can upgrade Menu Builder up to version 0.2.1. and you'll be fine. If you can though, I'd advise to upgrade to ProcessWire 3.x.
    1 point
  36. Thanks @SamC, I understand. I kind-of did it in a test environment, let me explain the full case scenario: A local (and really small) movie theater in my area was looking for a web designer to help them out with their website and primarily their ticket management integration. They absolutely need to sell their tickets on-line. I quickly jumped in to start the negotiations around budget, best solution, how to manage the whole thing, ecc. During our chats I found that there was a widely used ticket management service in Italy called Wintic/Webtic, it is used in around 70% of cinemas in Italy and I knew that very probably I would have to integrate that sooner or later. So I started calling the software house regarding their ways to integrate the whole "thing" in an existing portal. They told me that they made available a webservice with the cinema schedule and send me a link to the JSON I was frightened! Being this the first time I've found myself in a situation (that I was actively avoiding) where I just needed to step out of my relatively comfy zone of CMSs and tackle the issue as best as I could and in a budget friendly way. (The integration with Wordpress is just a headache to think about compared with Processwire) Then I started to read (many times) all the threads regarding JSON import and this one really helped me out understanding the whole process. From that thread and a couple of others I modified the script and now it looks like this: https://gist.github.com/protorob/e6050c78b4bee2dbce59c38234afa0de In the end I came out with a functional mockup that you can find here: http://webtic.artomultiplo.net/ and accepted the job. Full of courage. Now I have a whole lot of new questions regarding the best way to wrap it out, so expect to see me around a little more this time. I'm planing to document the whole process in a very long blog post Now my main "concerns" are regarding: - Automate the create/modify/delete of the schedule comparing differences between the current JSON and a New one - Adding extra information to the events and not losing them when the schedule re-synchronize - Working with AJAX Load more for some parts of the website - Handling the blog I know I'll need a little bit of help specially with the importing script. I'll let you know how it goes
    1 point
  37. How did you update ProcessWire. Using some module? Manually? For now, are you able to downgrade ProcessWire to the last stable version you had? What version of ProcessWire was that, 3.0.62? Does it work then? You can then upgrade incrementally, e.g. 3.0.62 to 3.0.7x to try replicate the issue. If you are able to do the test on a local server first, the better. I'm probably clutching at straws here...
    1 point
  38. I made it work with PHP 5.x just by changing one line. SubscribeToMailchimp.module - Line 23 - before: public function subscribe(string $email, array $data = [], string $list = "") { SubscribeToMailchimp.module - Line 23 - after: public function subscribe( $email, $data = [], $list = "") { This works without any problems so far.
    1 point
  39. Not really sure where to go from here. The latest error itself seems to indicate that $config->preloadCacheNames is null, so either that setting is missing, or the entire config is not working right. Some things you might try: Make sure that /wire/config.php exists and is readable for your Apache user Check if $config->preloadCacheNames is set in /wire/config.php (value should be an array) Make sure that you aren't overriding aforementioned config setting in /site/config.php I must admit that I don't have a slightest clue about what has gone wrong here, so these are just random ideas. In theory it could have something to do with ProcessWire being installed in a subdirectory (haven't done that in ages myself). According to your server, the PHP version shouldn't be an issue here, and since you're running on Apache, it's unlikely to be a web server issue – at least unless your host has done something strange for their setup.
    1 point
  40. The wire render pattern (by clsource) is just another example of how you can use the amazing potential of Processwire. Instead of the $viewBag you can use any other $dataBag as you see fit that not need to be updated inside _main.php Processwire now also has the region() function and fields can use a template for even more file and code organization.
    1 point
  41. server { listen 443 ssl http2; listen [::]:443 ssl http2; server_name example.com; root /home/forge/example.com/public; index index.html index.htm index.php; charset utf-8; # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Access Restrictions: Protect ProcessWire system files # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Block access to ProcessWire system files location ~ \.(inc|info|module|sh|sql)$ { deny all; } # Block access to any file or directory that begins with a period location ~ /\. { deny all; } # Block access to protected assets directories location ~ ^/(site|site-[^/]+)/assets/(cache|logs|backups|sessions|config|install|tmp)($|/.*$) { deny all; } # Block acceess to the /site/install/ directory location ~ ^/(site|site-[^/]+)/install($|/.*$) { deny all; } # Block dirs in /site/assets/ dirs that start with a hyphen location ~ ^/(site|site-[^/]+)/assets.*/-.+/.* { deny all; } # Block access to /wire/config.php, /site/config.php, /site/config-dev.php, and /wire/index.config.php location ~ ^/(wire|site|site-[^/]+)/(config|index\.config|config-dev)\.php$ { deny all; } # Block access to any PHP-based files in /templates-admin/ location ~ ^/(wire|site|site-[^/]+)/templates-admin($|/|/.*\.(php|html?|tpl|inc))$ { deny all; } # Block access to any PHP or markup files in /site/templates/ location ~ ^/(site|site-[^/]+)/templates($|/|/.*\.(php|html?|tpl|inc))$ { deny all; } # Block access to any PHP files in /site/assets/ location ~ ^/(site|site-[^/]+)/assets($|/|/.*\.php)$ { deny all; } # Block access to any PHP files in core or core module directories location ~ ^/wire/(core|modules)/.*\.(php|inc|tpl|module)$ { deny all; } # Block access to any PHP files in /site/modules/ location ~ ^/(site|site-[^/]+)/modules/.*\.(php|inc|tpl|module)$ { deny all; } # Block access to any software identifying txt files location ~ ^/(COPYRIGHT|INSTALL|README|htaccess)\.(txt|md)$ { deny all; } # Block all http access to the default/uninstalled site-default directory location ~ ^/site-default/ { deny all; } #Amplify dashboard location /nginx_status { stub_status on; allow; deny all; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If the request is for a static file, then set expires header and disable logging. # Give control to ProcessWire if the requested file or directory is non-existing. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- location ~* \.(js|css|png|jpg|jpeg|gif|ico|svg|eot|woff|ttf)$ { expires 15d; log_not_found off; access_log off; try_files $uri $uri/ /index.php?it=$uri&$query_string; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ProCache Rules # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- set $cache_uri $request_uri; if ($request_method = POST) { set $cache_uri 'nocache'; } if ($http_cookie ~* "wires_challenge") { set $cache_uri 'nocache'; } if ($http_cookie ~* "persist") { set $cache_uri 'nocache'; } # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # This location processes all other requests. If the request is for a file or directory that # physically exists on the server, then load the file. Else give control to ProcessWire. # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- location / { expires -1; try_files /site/assets/ProCache-b3d534d...d/$cache_uri/index.html $uri $uri/ /index.php?it=$uri&$args; } location = /favicon.ico { access_log off; log_not_found off; } location = /robots.txt { access_log off; log_not_found off; } access_log off; error_log /var/log/nginx/example.com-error.log error; error_page 404 /index.php; location ~ \.php$ { fastcgi_split_path_info ^(.+\.php)(/.+)$; fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php/php7.2-fpm.sock; fastcgi_index index.php; include fastcgi_params; } location ~ /\.ht { deny all; } }
    1 point
  42. @flydev that's exactly what it is built for. I think you'll love it combined with RockGrid I worked on it quite heavily yesterday because at the moment it is not possible to query referenced page fields easily. See this example: "account" is the bank account where the transaction relates to. "account:title" should show "MyBankAccount 1" and "MyBankAccount 2" but it shows the "title" of the transaction (uniqid). I'm tackling this today, so if you have some time to wait, that might make sense. Or you might come up with a good solution for that? I thought of adding dot-notation, like "account.title.status" showing the account id, the account title and its pw-status. When I tried that, I realized that it might be better (or the only way) to JOIN all the field's tables so that they are available to query for the related information afterwards. This is not possible with the current subquery setup. The other option I will check today is to make easy JOINS possible. This might be easier. Something like this: $pages->findObjects( ['template=transaction', ['id', 'title', 'account', 'images:description'], [ 'name' => 'trans', 'joins' => ['template=account', ['id', 'title', 'status'], ['name' => 'acc', 'on' => 'acc.id = trans.account']], 'concat' => ['account', 'images'], ]] ); What do you think?
    1 point
  43. Hello Roych, First of all, I recommend a few things: Installing @adrian's TracyDebugger module. Makes development a lot easier, you can instantly spot issues like undefined variables and null objects, it also has support for one click online html validating and about a hundred more features to ease the "pain" I mean to help get more fun out of coding. Also, turning on $config->debug = true; in config.php is very helpful during development. Next, after a successful system or module upgrade you might want to delete files/directories beginning with a dot, in your case: /.wire-3.0.36 /.htaccess-3.0.36 /.index-3.0.36.php /site/modules/.MarkupSimpleNavigation I installed @tpr's AdminOnSteroids as it has very useful features to support development: in the Page Tree it can show the ID and templates of a page, it has a one click jump link to open template/field editor pages right from a page editor page (just hover over the lables and links appear in tooltips) so it made it easy to find my way around your template/field setup. Actually, it always makes it easy to find my way around MY OWN setups too! I also uninstalled the FrontendEditing module. Frontend editing is an advanced technique, it has its limitations and quirks, and most importantly since it injects code into your frontend it is best not to use it when learning PW. It just makes issues a little bit harder to track down. Back to your code. Things I could spot: PHP Notice: Undefined variable: title in .../site/templates/_prepend.php:6 which is: <?php echo $title; ?> and should be <?php echo $page->title; ?> First I cleaned up your code to get rid of issues of invalid html. TracyDebugger has a tool to one-click validate your html which helps a lot to pinpoint issues. Your HTML was broken, I found an unnecessary "</div>" and a "<" which were simply syntax errors. With broken HTML it might be impossible to generate a working JS portfolio. You get a collection of "portfolio-detail" templates, but in the page tree the following pages are created based on this template: children of Portfolio Kategorije children of Kategorije Which is not right when your selector is this: $portfolio_details = $pages->find('template=portfolio-detail, sort=-created'); because it collects unrelated pages. You need to add "parent=portfolio, " to get the specific pages: $portfolio_details = $pages->find('template=portfolio-detail, parent=portfolio, sort=-created'); Since your original template setup was problematic, I made changes: Changed template of page Kategorije from "portfolio-detail" to "categories" Changed template of pages Vizitke, Logo and Publications from "portfolio-detail" to "category" (I renamed Kategorije to category.) Note that it is best to stick to English when writing code and setting up names in the admin. You never know when you need to pass your code to someone not speaking your native language Similarly, when testing multilingual fields, if you put Slovenian in the English fields then you make it harder to follow your own setup, so I used English names for each "en input". The more things you do not put in the right pace the harder you find to make sense of your own site, even when "just testing things out". I did not touch the Family settings of categories/category templates but you should set them up like this: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/15842-200200200-field-texturltextarea-into-1-template/?do=findComment&comment=141413 I renamed the field category to categories, as it is a Page Reference field with ASM selects, so using plural is more appropriate. I removed the setting of "Select the template of the pages that are selectable. May be used instead of, or in addition to, the parent above.", because setting the parent to the Categories page is enough. Back to code changes: this loop is not needed: <?php //foreach ($cat_items as $item) : ?> $single->images->description->first was changed to $single->images->first->description normally I use <?= ?> when echoing single values but in that case it is not possible to temporary comment them out, so that is why I switched to <?php echo ?> It helps testing. Using title as a css class or id will not work as is can contain spaces and other special characters, you need to use the name property (Settings tab > Name in the admin): <a href="index.htm#" data-filter=".<?php echo $item->name ?>"> and in the portfolio loop, you need to output the related category name(s): <?php foreach ($portfolio_details as $single) : ?> <div class="portfolio-item <?php echo $single->categories->first->name ?> "> After making all these changes it works for me, I'm going to send my version to you in a PM soon. Note that you still have unrelated owl Carousel erros in your JS. Here is the content part of the code for anybody else who might find it useful as an example: All in all, I recommend using Tracy and AdminOnSteroids (AOS), always look for PHP errors and invalid HTML and fix them before you move forward. And always work by changing things one at a time and then test if the change really does what you want. Tracy is your best bet to do testing the fastest way possibe with ProcessWire
    1 point
  44. I think I don't get your point - it is already exactly what you are suggesting. And yes I plan to maintain it, since I need forms often and it was always a pain to get them running properly. Though I will 100% stick to uikit, so if anybody needs support for any other frameworks just open a PR and add code here: https://gitlab.com/baumrock/RockForms/blob/master/RockForms.module.php#L144 Not really, but forms always bothered me for a long time (you know it), I was not really happy with my nette implementations, I knew you had one implementation lying around somewhere but then I decided to implement it on my own It was fun Your screencast looks nice, but I'm not sure if we should go this direction... I don't want to build a replacement for FormBuilder. The intention is to make it really really easy and fast (and secure) to get up and running with simple forms (like contact forms and newsletter subscriptions). This always seems to be a little request for my clients but it actually meant a lot of work for me. I've purchased and tried FormBuilder but somehow didn't like it. Maybe because I find it easier and more fun to program my own version than learning to use otherone's software What you are doing in your screenshot can already be done easily with my module: Just setup the template and fields you need and then put the code in the onSuccess() callback, for example: $form->onSuccess = function($form) { // send mail ... $mail->body = $pages->get(123)->mailBody; // multilanguage email response text field ... // redirect to any page $this->wire->session->redirect('yourpageurl'); } I don't want to define a GUI for this module since I don't think it is necessary. It would mean a lot of work and not a lot of benefits. Or even worse, it would cost flexibility. If you need a GUI for your clients it's easy to build one on your own. And it would be totally customised and not packed with features nobody needs (thats the beauty of PW imho). Having said all that, I'm happy to hear feature suggestions that you think would make sense for such a module. For example a method to render the form into a HTML table to send via mail is on my mind but not implemented yet.
    1 point
  45. Nice one @Robin S, I've never seen that one used anywhere before. It seems to fetch all fields before handing you an ArrayObject. public function getIterator() { $a = $this->settings; if($this->template && $this->template->fieldgroup) { foreach($this->template->fieldgroup as $field) { $a[$field->name] = $this->get($field->name); } } return new \ArrayObject($a); } One thing that I'd like to have with explode() method is to get deeper fields with dot notation, such as $thumbData = $page->explode(['url', 'title', 'images.first.url', 'tags.count']); like underscore.php (or understore.js) does. I guess I should start building a module.
    1 point
  46. Thanks alot Robin for your fast and simple answer. Works perfect now. The only thing remaining is a debug-message: Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in .../site/templates/_uikit.php on line 612 which I do not understand - can anybody explain this? It doesn't bother me since I can switch off debug mode to make it disapear but maybe it would be better to fix it.
    1 point
  47. You just need to add curly braces around the thumbnail url variable: $dt = "<a href='$item->url'><img src='{$item->thumbnail->url}'></a>"."<a href='$item->url'>$dt</a>"; Using curly braces around variables tells PHP exactly where the start and the end of the variable name is, so it doesn't get confused with other neighbouring text that isn't part of the variable name. You can use curly braces around any variable and it wont hurt, but usually isn't necessary until you use more than one -> in your variable or have some other complex variable expression. That's why you get the problem with $item->thumbnail->url but not $item->url.
    1 point
  48. $timerkey = Debug::timer(); //do lots of things echo "Lots of things took " . Debug::timer($timerkey) . " seconds to do."; Note Ryan’s benchmarking tips here: https://processwire.com/blog/posts/processwire-3.0.6-brings-pages-upgrades-and-link-abstraction/#how-to-benchmark-pages
    1 point
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