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I've just rolled out version 0.0.3 - checkout the changelog . You should be able to update without any changes in your code.3 points
In AdminThemeUikit (might be dev branch only at the moment) you can choose from a few colour options for inputfields: But it would be more flexible to use your browser dev tools to inspect the markup in Page Edit, find what class is unique to the inputfield you want to change, then use AdminOnSteroids or AdminCustomFiles to add a custom CSS file to change the background colour.3 points
Processwire Sort using PHP "SORT_REGULAR", not "SORT_NATURAL" If you have a string with a upper-case first character, and another one with lowercase first char, then theres a sorting Problem... ? Are your Items all upper-case or mixed? Example: - aSDF - bSDF - Bsdf is sorted like this: - Bsdf - aSDF - bSDF2 points
Use a comma (and perhaps a white space) between your sort properties. $pages->get('/produzenten/')->prod_repeater->sort('prod_objekt, prod_hausnummer') as $produzent2 points
There's a mixup of variables in the log output in removeExpiredDirs, namely $path and $pathname in lines 278 and 291 that got switched around. The empty value is output because there's no subdirectory to delete in the temp dir so $pathname never gets a value. Otherwise, the path of the last subdirectory in the loop would be (wrongly) logged. I have opened an issue.2 points
If anyone is interested to know more about REST API, here's a nice tutorial: http://www.restapitutorial.com/1 point
In that case, you should probably check with your hoster whether .htaccess can be used and mod_rewrite is available at all.1 point
Thanks for all of your help. I managed to get the desired end result using Ryan's example:1 point
To give you another option: I almost always use Reno and add an admin stylesheet to it via a hook in init.php $this->addHookAfter('ProcessController::execute', function (HookEvent $event) { $this->config->styles->append("/site/templates/css/adminstyles.css"); }); and CSS to style stuff like Repeater: .Inputfields .Inputfield_auswahl404.InputfieldRepeater>.InputfieldContent .InputfieldRepeaterItem>.InputfieldHeader, .Inputfields .Inputfield_auswahl404.InputfieldRepeater>.InputfieldContent .InputfieldRepeaterItem>.InputfieldHeader span {background:#59261E;} .Inputfields .Inputfield_auswahl404.InputfieldRepeater>.InputfieldContent .InputfieldRepeaterItem>.InputfieldHeader:hover, .Inputfields .Inputfield_auswahl404.InputfieldRepeater>.InputfieldContent .InputfieldRepeaterItem>.InputfieldHeader:hover span {background:#F5B92C;} where .Inputfield_auswahl404 your fieldname is. Like Robin S said, inspect with your DEV tools..1 point
1 point
The module does not support this, but you could edit the module file, adding the following line here: $embedCode = str_replace('youtube.com', 'youtube-nocookie.com', $embedCode); If you later update the module the change would be overwritten and you would have to redo it.1 point
Check this post: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/16932-adding-classes-to-repeater-items-for-custom-styling-in-admin/1 point
@digitex Are you sure that you don't have space character before H and W letters?1 point
Anyone out there who can give a hint??? Thanks!1 point
The reason for adding findMany() was to not load all pages into memory like find() does. It does so by harnessing PHP iterators to load batches of pages within a foreach loop and discard already computed batches to free up memory again.1 point
I already have 109 and it's working. So, jumping straight ahead to 3.x? Will try and report back, probably on Sunday. Thx dragan & horst. I upgraded PW from 2.5.4 to 3.0.104 and then php from 5.5.12 to 7.2.2 in one go. Everything went fine. I needed DynamicRoles module that is compatible with PW3.1 point
I noticed the file /site/assets/logs/wire-temp-dir.txt. What is it used for? I upgraded some modules and PW versions so I'm not sure when it was created. I noticed just a few lines in there 2018-05-16 04:57:14 admin https://mysite/processwire/module/download/ Unable to remove: This logline is written in the /wire/core/WireTempDir.php in the removeExpiredDirs() method, called from remove() method. I'm just curious why it says Unable to remove: without specifying what? WireTempDir class is used in several places in the core and don't know how to debug this?1 point
okay ? PS: to update the modules directory, just re-submit the module and the module will be updated automatically in a second.1 point
Maybe you need to set up something in .htaccess (my local dev server doesn't use ports, otherwise I'd try out something)1 point
I have a list of a few others that seem quite interesting (some of which also serve as an alternative to Slack, including one from Atlassian), but I've just found that the following one is going to be the basis for the French State's new secure messaging system: https://about.riot.im/ (based on https://matrix.org/). (Not to be confused with RIOT - The friendly Operating System for the Internet of Things.)1 point
Hi, more infos: https://processwire.com/api/fieldtypes/images/1 point
Over the years, I accumulated so many custom API scripts, that I have decided at some point to simply include a special template in my PW boilerplate that holds all these utility / "batch-operation" API scripts in one place. In the template settings, I allow URL segments, and make sure access is for superusers only. This "API-scripts" template has (for better maintainability / readability) a simple switch/case that loads a certain .php file via include: So, if e.g. I need a quick listing / overview of all fields that a certain template has, I go to: mysite.com/api-scripts/fields - then I go back and lock the template again = comment the first few lines for security reasons (one can never be too paranoid...). For me, these are big time-savers, because even if you have to modify the included scripts for the current project, at least I don't have to search for these scripts over and over again and guess "where have I been using something similar the last time?" tl;dr: It's like having the whole PW-recipes site (and more) always at your fingertips ?1 point
https://inovtex.com/noticias/inovtex-vence-nomeacao-site-da-semana-pela-processwire/ nice one1 point
Thanks all for the hints! Yup, it was just the wrong default value: Fixed now: https://github.com/blynx/TextformatterVideoEmbedOptions1 point
To quickly fix the issue just replace the below code from TextformatterVideoEmbedOptions.config.json "yt_showinfo": { "type": null, "value": 0, "label":"YouTube: Show Info", "description":"Supported values are 0 and 1.", "notes": "Default: 0" } to this: "yt_showinfo": { "type": null, "value": 1, "label":"YouTube: Show Info", "description":"Supported values are 0 and 1.", "notes": "Default: 1" }1 point
thanks for mentioning @LostKobrakai good to know right markupcache was the thing I was thinking about @adrianmak glad you solved it yourself, actually I forgot that I got my ready.php kind of split, first code blocks are intended to run on back and front end, like save hooks and stuff, then i got this code if ((strpos($page->url, wire('config')->urls->admin) !== false) || ($page->id && $page->is('parent|has_parent=2'))) return; i think i found this or something similar somewhere in the forums, am not entirely sure if the second part is really needed as the first part checking if url contains admin path (usually processwire) you could extend it by placing / before and after and I don't know if there are any possibilities of admin pages not containing admin url.. anyway, everything after this line will only run on front end..1 point