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@horst Thanks for this module, I've been hammering it pretty hard for the past month and have just created a pull-request over on github for your consideration. I've been having a few reliability problems with the textfile driver's itemCount() method. I also wanted a fast way to purge a queue without having to call getItem() repeatedly. The itemCount() method sometimes returns an incorrect count (anywhere from 0 to the true number of items in the queue). This happens even when there are multiple thousands of jobs queued up and it makes it unreliable as part of a conditional statement. The explanation is given in the commit that fixes the issue as part of the pull request. Thanks for looking!5 points
The thing is ProcessWire is evaluating all the fields, which are part of the form object and nothing more. You could try to hook before processInput() or alike and add those inputfields for real, so they can be saved even if those weren't used previously to generate the frontend representation.3 points
Many thanks @netcarver. I must admit that I have written the Textfile-driver only for this module to have a basic driver. Other as the SQLite-driver, it has not have much testing. I'm glad to hear that you have done this and you contribute to the module. I have you added as colaborator to it, so that you can change / add other improvements / enhancements as you like.3 points
Download the CKeditor plugin there : http://ckeditor.com/addon/bidi Extract the BiDi folder into your /site/modules/InputfieldCKEditor/plugins/ Enable Plugin in Fieldsettings of the TextareaField under the Input Tab -> Plugins (checkbox) In CKEditor Settings -> CKEditor Toolbar, add this line : BidiLtr, BidiRtl, Language Now you have three new buttons refs: http://ckeditor.com/addon/bidi https://processwire.com/talk/topic/13468-colors-in-ckeditor/?p=1215632 points
Hi Tom, Welcome to the forums . Maybe these two posts are helpful? https://processwire.com/talk/topic/7262-ckeditor-rtl/ https://processwire.com/talk/topic/13468-colors-in-ckeditor/?p=121618 (see the BidiRtl)2 points
Innobloom Fast multilanguage site that features lazy loading assets, custom forms and a little bit of parallax. It features about all the goodness I gathered in the past year or two about ProcessWire and web development in general. We were trying to achieve a high google page speed score. That's why we added ProCache, though at first I was a bit sceptic whether it could improve anything as I had my own ways to speed things up: Using srcset and bgset for images with lazy loading (lazyload.js). To achieve this, I created my own functions to render the markup, and it has been released as MarkupSrcSet module later. Lazy loading JavaScripts. This is a technique I used frequently recently: adding a tiny inline "loader script" to the page which loads all the other required js files in order. In certain cases some CSS files are also loaded by JavaScript, mostly for plugins that don't have immediate visual impact. This eliminates render blocking scripts/stylesheet issue. Vanilla JavaScript. I try to use jQuery only if it's absolutely required, for example when having to use a plugin that has no plain JavaScript alternative. Most things can be easily achieved with no framework and the number of dependency-free plugins are also increasing. Often it requires only a few lines to get the required feature. For example the parallax effect on the top is only a few lines. Latte template engine. This is mainly for making development and templating easier, but also caches pages. This was one of the projects where I tested my newborn TemplateLatteReplace module which was released recently. Forms: NetteFormsHelper. This is a form module that uses Nette Forms. In this project I added useful features to it like character counter, date picker, notice when leaving the page with unsubmitted form data, autocomplete inputs, honeypot field and textarea autosizing. All these features uses plain JavaScript and assets are lazy loaded (and only when they are used on the page). All these add up to a lightweight but very powerful form module. No more frustration when having to add a form - apart from those days when I figure out to implement a new feature Keeping CSS as small as possible and adding it to the head. I used Susy here and the site's CSS is about 24 kbytes. To achieve such a small size I didn't use any framework. Imho using no CSS framework is better on the long run, at least in projects like this. I know that CSS is not cacheable this way but as long as there's no non-hacky way of loading CSS async and without FOUC it's fine for me. The usual .htaccess speed improvements, including ProCache additions ProCache Without ProCache we could achieve about 92-96 page speed scores. While it was pretty good (partly because of Latte) it was still not he score we wanted to see. Then ProCache was activated and boom! - 98/98. In fact this could be considered as 100/100 because there's only Google Tag Manager and Analytics scripts that reduced the score, and being remote assets we have no control over it. Modules The site is running on PW3. Notable modules used: ProCache MarkupSEO ProField Matrix Repeater (new favorite) Tracy Debugger Multivalue Textformatter Batch Child Editor (mostly for deleting test form submissions) Let's Encrypt HTTPS is achieved using Let's Encrypt. In fact this wasn't available on the host provider but after our inquiry they developed a cPanel module for it. We really appreciated their flexibility and open-mindedness. Templates There's only three template files on the site, and two of them are identical as they share the same fieldgroup. The basic-page template decides which page is the current, and adds additional variables/forms that are passed to the view file. I'm pretty happy with this site. It's fast, snappy and easy to maintain. As for the latter, Matrix Repeater does a nice job on allowing adding content blocks to the page on which the developer have full control - no more CKEditor WYS-is-for-sure-not-WYG madness! And the conclusion is: don't waste time to over-optimize a site. Reaching a reasonable speed is good enough, further optimizations will only make maintenance more and more harder (not to mention the frustration it causes). Anyway, it's useful having a project like this to get familiar with the current speed improvement techniques. https://innobloom.com/1 point
I just wanted to share this library here: http://barbajs.org/ It's a pjax implementations specifically for handling page transitions without full page-reload as simple as possible. It's super lightweight and can literally be installed by pulling the library in, adding two classes to your pages and a single line to initialize the whole thing. I've just added this to my personal site (https://kobrakai.de/) and beyond some js refactorings – mostly so that animations are not only triggered on page loads – it was a very smooth experience to add. Also I've probably only scratched the surface on this simple site. The docs look like this could handle even more complex setups if needed.1 point
I ran across this problem after I updated to PW 3.0.21 last night. The Automatic Page Name Format stopped working on my PageTable, In PW 3.0.21 it would now ask for the Name of the page I reverted back to PW 3.0.20 and the Automatic Page Name Format works, as it should' If I revert back to PW 3.0.21, it stops working again. Github Issue opened on this problem https://github.com/ryancramerdesign/ProcessWire/issues/18781 point
Hey there, I am using PW for more than two years now and it satisfied me in all scales. Can just say: Build Bigger, Faster, Stronger, Easier. Now we are up to make a site for refugees also in arabic and farsi. Frontend is no problem, but how to make the Textarea/CK Editor Right to Left for Arabic? … and/or custom Css to the Languages - is there a proper way? Thx, Tom1 point
PW doesn't allow for multidimensional post arrays. https://processwire.com/talk/topic/691-wireinput-only-allows-one-dimensional-arrays-why/1 point
$user objects are not always (never??) in output formatting ON mode like all other pages are – even on the frontend. And as long as output formatting is off these field settings are ignored and you'll always get a list of images. So in the case of working with the user object it's wise to force a specific formatting: $user->getFormatted('image_field'); // Returns regarding to the fields setting $user->getUnformatted('image_field'); // Returns always a list (does not break when field settings would change)1 point
Aboslutely loving the module! And would recommend the following changes in FrontendUserRegisterEmailValidation.module line 127 change to: if ($form->fhValue('EmailPreValidation') != wire('session')->get('registerToken') && !wire('session')->get('registerStep')) { //dont throw the initial error... line 160 insert: $form->remove($form->get('EmailPreValidation')); //hide the token field before the email is sent = less distraction1 point
I've recently started having strange problems with ProcessWire on my host. Things not saving, not updating. Various other problems. The problems seemed to be due to caching, as if I saved the page, did a hard refresh, then visited the page I edited, did a hard refresh. It would work. Otherwise data would get corrupted. After questioning my hosting about Caching. They informed me that they have recently installed UNIXy Varnish to help with page load times. Great idea in concept, however it was quite confusing for me. Luckily there is a way to disable this in cPanel, however I would like to bring it to peoples attention as it's appearance does come across as a ProcessWire bug.1 point
From a photographers or images redacteurs perspective I would say that the best presentation option would be a weightened one, based upon amount of pixels! see in the comparision image the first and second set of images: https://processwire.com/talk/topic/8367-pia-pageimage-assistant/#entry81648 This way, neither landscape- nor portrait- oriented images, nor square dimensioned ones become visually more present than the others.1 point
I just came across another issue with SessionHandlerDB - I am getting the following error with the latest Tracy dev core when trying to reopen a session. 1406 Data too long for column 'data' at row 1' in SessionHandlerDB/SessionHandlerDB.module:109 I will be looking into this further shortly, but just wondering if this might have something to do with the image upload as well. Maybe the data field simply needs to be changed to mediumtext or longtext, or maybe it's more complicated. I am definitely having some issues though too with the session being closed that only happens when SessionHandlerDB is installed.1 point
Another solution // number of news per news page $limit = 20; // get all news $allNews = $pages->find("template=news"); // get the specific news item $selector = // selectorstring to get specific news item $specificNews = $allNews->get($selector); // get the page number where to find the specific news item $key = $allNews->getItemKey($specificNews); $pageNum = ceil($key/ $limit);1 point
I am sorry but I can't reproduce your issue. A fresh install of PW-2.4, with some image fields in the home template, and an upgrade to PW-2.7.2 everything work as expected.1 point
I just quickly create a new FieldtypeDimension module. https://github.com/somatonic/FieldtypeDimension Will later add a thread and to the repository. Forum Module Thread http://processwire.com/talk/topic/4081-fieldtypedimension/1 point
i.am first you can puut this in your head.inc tamplate or some includeded file before.u are doing $page->url $pages->addHookAfter('Page::path', null, 'hookPagePath'); function hookPagePath(HookEvent $e) { $page = $e->object; if($page->template == 'article') $e->return = "/blog/$page->name/"; }1 point